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it taught you how to spell and type?
@juanvan thanks
that work for you?
It did
Must be because I has a static method I think
not sure
but that worked
Beers all around
So I am about to stress-test visual studio's EF database first code generation...
158 tables and 10000+ columns
running any seeds with it?
give it a good kick in the trousers
its a copy of a production CRM database, so its about 6gb of data already
im doing the reverse-engineering thing
so after it runs you will insert
no im trying to generate models for pulling and translating data into another CRM.
I don't like writing a bunch of SQL, so I figured I'd let EF do all the dirty work for me
ORM are good at that jazz
ugh, coded ui tests
@Bob - good idea
@Bob - so you are copying 6 gigs of data. is the code first db going to contain all that data or are you just using code first for the structure?
@ton.yeung - Yeah they don't support https so that makes sense.
@ton.yeung - Capped at B because SO supports RC4. "The difficulty is that, for public web sites that need to support a wide user base, there is practically nothing 100% secure they can use to replace RC4. "
@TravisJ Can I get your opinion on something?
lol the name truncation is hilarious on this post
    window.onload = function () {

        // Populate Drop Down: 'Month / Year':
        var year = $('#ddlYear');
        var month = $('#ddlMonth');
        var current = new Date().getFullYear();

        for (var y = 12; y >= 0; y--) {
            for (var m = 12; m != y; m--) {
                var appendYear = current + y;
                var appendMonth = m;
                var option = document.createElement('option');

                option.text = option.value = appendYear;
                year.add(option, 0);
Why can't I call this method through SignalR? pastebin.com/6bCL2EWu
Is that a good approach?
I keep getting the error message:
[09:57:03 GMT-1000 (Hawaiian Standard Time)] SignalR: 'TalkSmack' method could not be resolved. Potential candidates are:
at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.NullMethodDescriptor.<get_Invoker>b__0(IHub emptyHub, Object[] emptyParameters)
at Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubDispatcher.Incoming(IHubIncomingInvokerContext context)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
It shows me the signature of the method that I am trying to call, and I think I have it right, but something is amiss.
@Greg - .add? Did you mean .append?
@TravisJ Um, I'm using jQuery so it should be append. Vanilla JavaScript is add I believe.
vanilla is appendChild
But aside from that, why are you striping month and year?
To build a Drop-Down to avoid having to manually fill it.
Yes, but each year will be missing one month
Well, I don't think it is showing both drop downs on my fiddle either.
Also, sorry for the wall of text earlier. That was supposed to be another -pastebin, but instead I pasted and sent without ensuring the clipboard had the right content in it.
@CodeWarrior - It wasn't too much, I just don't think anyone knew the answer
Could be a good candidate for the main site
I am writing up a question right now. Sometimes I wonder if I am just bad at researching. I have a lot of questions on SO...
@TravisJ Hm, weird-
@CodeWarrior - You ask hard questions
For example, one of your questions says this "The filter appears to be responsible for a "10 $digest() iterations reached" error in Internet Explorer (only)." at which point I would probably move on because of the time required to solve that.
Yeah, but if someone has encountered it before, there is the possibility that they might have the answer on-hand.
That is always my hope. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
Correct :) Aside from the fact that "Our project is using a custom filter".
Anyway, there is no harm in asking them, I am merely pointing out that they require some investigation and that most people shy away from doing too much research into edge cases.
If you bountied your questions, you would probably get answers.
I have resorted to that before to pretty good effect.
@dasblinkenlight - Why do you do this to us
the horror!
At least comment or something
maybe the chat is in a restoring tab on browser startup?
Nah, he came in here for a hat.
You get a hat for entering a chat room?
I have been cleaning up after this stuff all day.
I got one for using the Android app, but no chat related ones
No you get a hat for starring 8 comments in chat.
That I did not know
That sounds like one that can cause problems alright
It is a pain, I removed them.
I am going to automate it if it keeps up.
User + No Messages + Star == Automatic Removal
That makes sense
This user is at least pretty awesome, so I wish he would have said something
@TravisJ I heard you get a nice hat for giving other people stars :)
Yes, that is true :)
I have had to remove like 60 of them manually so far lol
Did you get credit even though I cleared them?
They kind of clutter the board
So it begins...
visual studio pegging all of my cores generating models from the DB
@Bob - Are you seeding or just setting up structure
just getting the structure into classes for easy access
@TravisJ I don't know yet - there's a lag.
ill be pulling data out of this DB and using an API to import into MS Dynamics
Okay, well feel free to re star if you don't. I will wait until you get the hat to clear them.
devenv.exe up to 700mb...
im getting scared :3
308 classes generated successfully!
that's a shitload
yeah it sure is
maybe if these shitheads working on saleslogix new how to normalize a database it wouldnt be this bad.
Is there a ton of lookup tables or what?
Its just a lot of materialized views as tables and filesystem-on-top-of-database types of asshattery.
company announcement was not bad news. can tell you more around 1pm PST
@dasblinkenlight - We could use some expertise of yours around, if you feel like stopping by in the future :)
@ton.yeung I'll share at 1pm
@ton.yeung LOL Ton as in the unit of measure. Where in Houston do you work? I worked in Houston before moving to Hawaii.
hi all
@Pheonixblade9 1 hour and 48 minutes ago? impressive
@ton.yeung Out by Cypress? I worked downtown at a legal consulting company, Kiersted Systems.
Being a developer in Houston is weird.
That was my first full time dev job, and I loved it
@Bob Being a developer in dairy farming land is weird
Being a developer in Hawaii is awesome (but a little scary)
I learned to speak some oil business talk to get along with people at bars.
also intimate knowledge of the texans is good to have.
I know far more about cows than I should
Houston had a bit more security, I could be more assured of finding employment again quickly there.
oh man finding a developer job in Houston is so freaking easy if you have any XP
anyone know MDX?
This wasn't really a law company. We did legal e-discovery, which was pretty interesting.
Amazon/Google/MS need to put a cloud datacenter down here ASAP
@Bob Yeah. Landing a telecommute job from out here was a pain. I posted on Programmers.SE about a particularly bad dev test.
There are so many huge companies wanting to switch, but they want a local presence
@ton.yeung Yeah. And cracking open PSTs that employees thought were ultra secure, and sifting through huge amounts of condemning data...
Oh man PST is not secure at all
@Bob Not even close. Oh but it is secured with a certificate! That the company owns...
its internal encryption boils down to a CRC-32 of the password string
The things people would send through their company email....
@CodeWarrior - Some of my friends are developers in Hawaii. It seems there are only two options: health sector, financial sector.
Plausible deniability for an organization is impossible with self-hosted outlook solutions
Yeah. It is pretty bad. We used OutlookRedemption to get in and scrape metadata without having to automate outlook or something
@TravisJ Yeah, I am telecommuting. Company I am with now is in Walnut Creek, CA
@CodeWarrior I always wondered about doing that from Houston
@Bob It took me a while to wear my boss down to let me do it, but it was totally worth it.
@CodeWarrior - They work in Honolulu though, Kona is obviously much smaller. At least the Vog is gone since the lava flow started.
I am doing it right now but I can go to the office in 30 min if I had to
No hour long commute each way.
@TravisJ Vog is still about. Pretty bad some days.
Commuting in Houston is a fucking nightmare during rush hour
Oh, I was under the impression it had buggered off. Are the coffee companies still hurting from it?
id used to lose 2-3 hours of productive time per day
There is zero reason why people should not telecommute down here, at least on a part-time basis, if possible
@Bob I took the bus (company paid for it, wewt)
it would fix traffic for everyone else and reduce pollution and whatnot
@TravisJ Occasionally we get a clear day. I havent heard any of the coffee people complaining about it.
@CodeWarrior - I really like this beach in the Kona area
@TravisJ we are going there tomorrow with my daughters class for the last day of school before break.
That picture above is from a few nights ago. Was pretty hazy with the vog then.
Oh cool, you probably go there often it isn't much of a secret :)
@CodeWarrior - Yeah that looks pretty hazy
@TravisJ I have never actually been to that one.
This one is my fav: goo.gl/maps/c5tQW
Oh really, it is really nice. The best part is that the surf isn't too strong and there are no rocks there. There is one large rock though out a little bit in the middle of the beach, I think the water is probably like 8 feet deep there, and if you bring some goggles there is fun stuff to check out on it.
Right across from the Captain Cook monunment. Good snokeling there
Also, posted my question
Q: Using .invoke() to call method on hub; method could not be resolved

CodeWarriorI have a single hub with one method. I have my proxy instance connecting. On the Angular Controller: smackChatHubProxy.invoke('TalkSmack', message); On the Hub: public class SmackChatHub : Hub { public void TalkSmack(string message) { Clients.All.GetSmack(message); } } ...

@CodeWarrior - I haven't been there
In ASP.NET MVC, how do I create a route which only applies to a certain controller? I tried constraints but it doesn't seem to do the trick
which mvc
Fuck resharper. When I uninstalled it it disabled my intellisense.
I had hoped

name: "Default",
url: "{action}",
defaults: new { controller="Home", action = "Index" },
constraints: new {controller="Home"}

The above would only apply if the controller was the home, so

name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}",
defaults: new { controller="Home", action = "Index" },
constraints: new {controller="Product"}

the above would only work for product
@MyDaftQuestions - Routes are examined in order. Which means if you want one to take precedence, it needs to be declared before the default route
yes, I have this already :(
Something like this: codeproject.com/Articles/641783/… ? See under Adding a More Restrictive Route
First is my product, the last is my default
@MyDaftQuestions -
  new { controller="Product", action = "Index" }
OK EF question time
How do I tell it to not try and pluralize class names when pulling from DB?
Hmm You are doing DB First?
@Bob Also, what version of EF?
6.1.1 and im using the reverse engineer code first from DB
I assume I have to modify one of the .tt files, but I am not sure how
This is an older answer, but it may still be relevant: stackoverflow.com/questions/11090639/…
@Bob And I think that instead you would have to remove the pluralization engine from the T4 template
This is the database with the large number of tables?
Personally I have not used the Reverse Engineer functionality. only DBFirst (back at the very beginning) and Code First from absolute scratch.
hey server-knowledgable people, are there any utf settings for a windows server? or language specific settings that could be screwing with code that works on another server?
Javascript that gets delivered to client or server-side code?
server side
our german letters
are encoded wrong on live, but not all of them....
maybe a utf8 vs utf16 issue could cause this? I dont know what i'm talking about, just throwing shit out there
Hmm. I wouldn't think so. Have you inspected the responses to see what encoding is specified?
All about Unicode and whatnot
well, we have a bunch of files, in different languages, we can run them on dev and stage and the output is correct, but it totally boned live
via a process
So this worked
for example: StÃĩphane
the AAC is wrong, in this example
@Bob Cool! Looks like a high performance tool too
omg this is so amazing
im going to save weeks of dicking about with SQL
ahoy c#!
@Steve I am trying to run a test, but my local IIS is screwing up at the moment.
@rlemon - ahoy! :) Why ban teh gifs?
doesn't ban them. just moves them after 45 seconds
so they don't loop and annoy the shit out of people
Ah, interesting. We don't get many of those in here though, so doing it manually isn't so bad.
@rlemon - I like your mini socket manager though :)
yea it's also a nice template for parsing incoming chat frames
@Bob - did you solve the pluralization?
Yeah its working with this 3rd party POCO generator
Add this to your DbContext class
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
That would work for code-first, but I am doing reverse engineering
@Steve Take a look in your browsers dev tools at a page that is coming back on your site. In the Response headers, look for the Content-Type value. Is it UTF-8?
it's not a page
nothing to do with the web at all
This is a Windows Client type application?
@TravisJ Can you do:

function content(name, data, something) {
// Do stuff

When you call that function and don't include a parameter will it modify those default values?
@Steve or a service?
@Greg - If you use content() then name, data, and something will all be undefined
content("me"), means data and something are undefined
@ton.yeung yes
@CodeWarrior yup, a service
well, it might be winforms, idk
@ton.yeung what was your question?
or console, but regardless its running 100% server side, no web involved
@Steve I don't know about any server settings that would do that. Is the data that you are seeing differences in all coming from the same source? (e.g. the working instance is getting from the same database as the non-working instance)?
chat frames from what type of server though?
this is basically how Cap intercepts the chat messages
It was because the frobnosticator failed to initialize I think
@rlemon - Among other things. The socket gets a lot of information beyond messages doesn't it ;)
all chat events
no longer contains flagger information sadly
that was how I was able to sniff flag information
star information is still public afaik
@TravisJ So it would simply be undefined, but what if it is a global variable.
@Greg - It is no longer a global variable. In that context it is now a local variable because it is defined in the function arguments.
Makes sense.
@relmon - Such as sending two messages at once without worrying about getting interrupted and having the first one be out of context
@rlemon - I use a simple bot for some things. It auto edits images to their link after 75 seconds, and facilitates certain message sending tasks
lol it queued backwards
yea if I could edit messages for others that would be rad
binning them is the next best option
Cap auto unboxes her own
Yeah it would be sweet if room owners could modify one boxed links.
or unbox them
or if they just provided the first frame, click to play
does the new animated gif support navigation like that?
@Bob BTW, why did you uninstall Resharper? It has been working stellar for me
@TravisJ 'new animated gifs' are just imgur doing fucky stuff
it isn't a standard format
hopefully it leads to that, but right now imgur just serves you a video instead
So no controls then
they could do it with canvas
how does one capture a combobox value and store it as a parameter and display it on a report? any ideas
but for consistency you have to load the gif twice
there is a gif parser library that will allow you to pull frames from xhr stream
@HackGod555 In what context? ASP.NET, WPF, WinForms?
@ton.yeung WebM is a video file format
That show is not funny at all though
@ton.yeung yes
my point is that webm and gifv are not 'images' any longer, they are video
I would love the same speed / capabilities from a native image format
@ton.yeung - no
oh my bad winforms
@rlemon but why is it wrong?
you can still edit them like gifs.
@CodeWarrior imgur.com/D2g59w1 shows exactly what i need
@SebastianL because Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.
@rlemon i can see your point now Sir. :'D
@HackGod555 You need to get the comboboxes SelectedValue property. With that you can do whatever you want with it.
@HackGod555 I assume you are using the combobox to filter records into the data control at the bottom?
@CodeWarrior yes that would be correct, how would i stored the combobox1.selectedvalue = @parameter
@CodeWarrior and also the report6 is its own entity and has its own dataset, and the reportviewer on the main form only displays the report6. so how to i create like a modal view between report6 and the main form??
@rlemon - That reminds me of the time I had to measure the banana a rubber band took as it made the ocean alphabet.
so that i can use the main forms combobox.seletedvalue = report6.textbox???
@HackGod555 show us a little code, so we can comprehend what youre doing
@TravisJ but did you run around the octopus? a little bird told me the sun is new, so I drove to the end of the tree.
@rlemon - Absolutely, I wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to fly in a blacksmith. Then again, the river is always so moon in the outside.
@HackGod555 Yeah, I am having a hard time figuring out what you want to accomplish. I actually have to go to lunch. Will be back in a while if you are still on and need assistance.
@SebastianL see that is the problem using all GUI, i used the report wizard to populate the report and the for the combobox i used the datasource property and displaymemeber to populate that.
@TravisJ alas, time is sleeping with your sisters slipper. I fear the reaper will solve the rubix cube without first drinking the storm feathers.
@SebastianL private void PieceCode_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CorsicanaNetWeightDataSet9.CandyPieceSize' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CorsicanaNetWeightDataSet4.PieceDimensionMasterDataUpdate' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
@CodeWarrior thanks ill stick around
@rlemon - I can blink we are inside of pluto mythology. Laughing around your apple pod makes it so hard to seize the dalai lama.
@TravisJ if you immediately know the candle light is fire, then the meal was cooked long ago.
@rlemon - The camel flies at field goal.
think about it ;)
@KendallFrey hush, 1pm PST
@SebastianL here is another picture bud imgur.com/fYJIUdJ this is the picture of the report and see the selected text next to Piece# i want to pass in the parameter of the value selected from the combobox on to here. does that help?
I wish there was a giant red switch in VS for first chance exceptions
oh I can share it now
wsj.com/articles/… @ton.yeung @TravisJ @RyanTernier
The rudolph exception
@HackGod555 are you use some special framework?
Pro tip: search google news for wsj articles and you wont get hit with the subscription request
yeah, there are a bunch of others
basically my company was acquired by a slightly larger company that is owned by Liberty Media, a fucking massive company.
@Pheonixblade9 - Does this mean you aren't moving?
@Pheonixblade9 - The owner of your company just cashed out big time lol This is a good time to sell a company.
@TravisJ I don't know what I'm doing. It complicates me asking for more money at my current job if I wanna do that
@SebastianL no framework being used here, just a report and the query used to fill the combobox SELECT [Piece Description] FROM dbo.Item_Piece
WHERE [Piece Description] = @piecedescription i want to use this @piecedescription in my report
@Pheonixblade9 - Is 50 a significant step up?
@TravisJ It'd be a 25k annual raise on average
@HackGod555 then i really dont understand your problem, you can access for example textbox content? but not the seledted item of a dropdown?
So yes. I would tell you current job that you got an offer at another place that you are considering taking. That you wanted to see if they would like an opportunity to make you an offer to stay since you have enjoyed working there, but that you also need to progress your career.
@TravisJ it's not even just money
I am lacking in a lot of career development things here. There are no performance reviews. No monthly 1 on 1's. I have to go up to my boss and ask for a quick private meeting to discuss where I need to be headed for promotions
Surely a lot of that will change with the buyout. But if you feel like moving on, then move on :)
@SebastianL to be honest with you im totally lost on where to start. Like i got the idea in my head im having a hard time reaching it to you guys lol
@SebastianL this was an access application previously, i am migrating it to c# and sql 2008 backend.
what is the purpose of the application? a stockmanagement software?
@SebastianL this is from the access application imgur.com/ntkrXUc i want to achieve this.
@SebastianL if that still doesnt help than i need to share my screen with you lol
hello , anyone here to help me with c# socketing ? I would like to send a methods (shouldn't be a full method) to my client and client can use them? what should i go for ?
@HackGod555 have you tried to parse the comboboxcontent via parameter?
Yea i am giving that a try, actually decided to add the piece description as a field in the table of which i am using as a data source and in the query setting the combobox.selected value = to @parameter and then creating a parameter in the report to use this.
i think this might work if not...... :(
@TravisJ Dumb question, in jQuery how can I find the next input within a div?
Or would that not be correct to find the next child within that element?
That would find all inputs inside of the #element
$('#element').find('input:first').focus(); would be the first one found
should I accept and sign the offer before I notify my current boss?
@TravisJ Hm, okay. I was close
@TravisJ One last question, to avoid excessive code rewrite for similar functionality I wrote: jsfiddle.net/m4jcj10j
@Pheonixblade9 - Grey area. Does signing violate the terms of your current employment?
@TravisJ ?
A function that takes an input, and I want it to control that element. How do you ensure it actually works?
not that I know of, no
@Pheonixblade9 - In that case I would probably accept and sign. Just make sure signing doesn't cause a conflict of interests from a legal standpoint.
what if my current boss "makes me an offer I can't refuse"
@Pheonixblade9 - You said that the management there hampered your ability to continue working there. Has that changed?
@TravisJ I did add a current click event. Hm.
@TravisJ my team lead is not a manager and doesn't attempt to act more like one, it's very frustrating
@TravisJ I got it
@Greg - Okay, because I wasn't sure exactly what you were looking for with that fiddle.
I think the consulting gig will offer me a lot more learning to grow my career
@TravisJ This in essence
@TravisJ I'm writing some generic calls I always use, in a library. So I can call those functions once, let it handle the grunt work and perform the task.
@Pheonixblade9 - Moving jobs is good for your career if the direction is in the positive direction.
@TravisJ Trying to be a bit more Object Oriented with my JavaScript.
@Greg - You can also replace $element.show(); with $element.fadeIn();
@TravisJ True.
Or to get even crazier with it jsfiddle.net/m4jcj10j/4
But I digress
whats $.fn.?
A: What does jQuery.fn mean?

Travis Jfn literally refers to the jquery prototype. This line of code is in the source code: jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { //list of functions available to the jQuery api } But the real tool behind fn is its availability to hook your own functionality into jQuery. Remember that jquery will be th...

@NETscape - It is the hook for writing jquery extensions
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