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hello can I ask something?:
2 hours later…
hi all
3 hours later…
how to bind linq data from textbox.text =
DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext();
var Var = from p in db.Products
select p;

GridView1.DataSource = Var;
1 hour later…
hi all
When set RightToLeft.Yes to label minus sign comes as postfix of value. Eg : -10 shows as 10-

are there any solution to this?
yes, not setting right to left mode
thats what right to left mode is
but can't do that. because i don't know which label show number / string. if it show a string it should show rightToLeft mode. because application run arabic mode
why do you want part of it to be right to left but not other parts?
if you want tright to left, then both numbers and text will be in that mode
Good morning people
How would you version classes or interfaces in API. Lets say I have a few releases and in each of them I introduce new version of some class - testclass
How do I name them - testclass1, testclass2, testclass3
or testclass_productversion1, testclass_productversion2
123 makes sense
it's what some of the MS object libraries use
and also gives a more logical order (unless you use numeric version numbers
Or just expand the interface (I think)
no I can't do that
it will break older assemblies that rely on it
ok, i've not quite got the hang of library versioning in .net yet
I also think that 123 is better, I don't necessarily will add something with each new release and I assume people will use the latest number if they will see such names as testclass testclass2. Product versions may confuse people if the current release is not the same as in the class name
2 hours later…
It's amazing how long i can ponder about silly stuff.
Hello All
I was wondering If i could pass a "list" of extra to a function that would include different types(ie. - dates, bools, ints...) I was thinking a dicitonary would work but it wont, what type can i use if there is one?
a dictionary is ok, maybe dictionary<string, object>
if they need to be keyed
if not, just list<object>
or paramarry (I think)
i am trying to convert "12345678.12345678" to double, but Double.Parse changes it 12345678.123457. Same is the case when i use Decimal instead of double
a double can;t hold that precision of data
tried using the m suffix when assignign to a decimal?
or sorry, .parse. not usre
same for decimal
Hello All,
i have a problem with finding a Byte Log
it is being rounded
and in this case i cannot get the value back
can you please help me with this?
what is a byte log?
and what's rounding it to what?
i am trying to perform an encryption which requires to berform Log and POW on a byte array
it is supposed to be done on each byte
the problem of the power is solved using the BigInteger
but the Problem of the Log is the following:
when i try to take the byte logaritm
the double value result is 1.393......
but in the byte array it is stored as
yes, you need to store as something other than a byte
so in this way i will not be able to calculate the number back in the decryption phase
eithe a double or single
ok, you make sence
how are you expecting to store the value?
my problem is that i am performing other operations on the byte after the non-linear phase
basically, i am using a 16-byte array
i am performing at first, addion, and XoR
on Byte bases
ol, they all result in byte data still
then i need to perfrom POWER and LOGARITHM
in phase 2
you simple can;t do that and keep it a byte
this is what i am asking about
the algorithm data sheet says i must
then either you're misunderstanding or missing something
the Algorithm spesification states as follows, and here i qoute:
Just learned something new :)
Q: What is Type.GUID and how does it relate to Type.Equals()?

robjbI came across some interesting behavior while trying to compare an instance of System.RuntimeType with a generic type T: Type runtimeT = methodInfo.ReturnType; // get RuntimeType using reflection Type genericT = typeof(TOut); // This condition fails because runtimeT doesn't // seem to include ...

hi all
the 16- bytes result of this addition is then processed by a nonlinear layer in the manner that
the value x of the byte j is converted to 45 Power x mod 257 for the bytes 1,4,5,7,8,11,12,15 and 16
while the value x of byte j is converted to log45 (x) for the other bytes
while when the value of the log is 0 then it will be represented as 128
so if you can help me understanding the requirement in better way i will be greatfull
hi yas
1 hour later…
I asked a question and it was closed. The closers have not stated why it was closed and I would like it reopened. I made my case in the question, so I am asking anyone watching this forum, please help me reopen it.
Q: Cryptography: What Algorithm is this?

ScottI am trying to figure out which type of cryptography was used. I was tasked with decompiling a piece of software at work. I know it is illegal at times, but we own the rights to this piece of software. This is also for testing purposes only. I have an Exported String like so: 8-1Lp'lxgK3}3...

Q: Changing controls width inside a tableLayout panel

jaminatorI am creating multi line text boxes and puttting it in a table layout panel: tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Clear(); tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Clear(); tableLayoutPanel1.AutoScroll = true; tableLayoutPanel1.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddRows; textbox1.Width = tableLayoutPanel1.Widt...

Hello, I really need help on this stackoverflow.com/questions/8332556/…
can I get that here or should I just wait on the site?
looks like it may be a wait since the room is a little quite.. I'll come back :D .. cheers -J
1 hour later…
Anyone around?

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