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Is there a simple answer to "What should I return from WindowProc?"
He was never as genuinely emotionless as the character was meant to be
Have you seen how animated Brent Spiner is IRL?
I have never seen him IRL
I mean, cons and so on
also, he played both Richard Daystrom and various Soongs in Trek IIRC
Whatever the case, Spock > Data, Kirk > Picard, and McCoy > Crusher
false. First one, false memory
I did not rate Kirk, personally.
Those are ranked in order of affirmativeness
Spock > all
but Picard was outstanding
The characters in TOS had personalities
I think the problem with TNG was that everyone was as wooden as the captain
he's meant to be like that, he has deep-seated attachment issues
they loosen up a bit in the films
@TomW don't spoil it for me, I'm still on season 1
They were last on terrestrial TV in entirety when I was in my early teens.
You were...possibly born?
It doesn't seem like very long ago to me, even though I wasn't even born when it started, and I certainly wouldn't remember or understand it even when TNG finished
yeah, season 1 was pretty experimental, it takes a while to get straightened out w.r.t. acting, set design, even production quality
yeah, I'm hoping it gets better
persevere, really
it does
segues nicely into DS9 and the movies in places
I also watched the entire Star Wars series right before I started
Star Wars III best. movie. ever.
it's...the best of the new ones
hey, hey you guys. you guys.

I suppose we deserved that
    private IntPtr window_WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
        const int WM_SIZEMOVE = 0x0232;
        switch (msg)
            case WM_SIZEMOVE:
                // stuff
        return IntPtr.Zero;
<3 you guys
We prefer the term "queer-o-sexual"
I'm doing WPF and Win32 at the same time. I feel... like a fresh, squeaky clean turd.
new Star Wars has just finished filming IIRC
mostly quite near here
Oh, right, Disney is continuing the series
@KendallFrey mostly hairless and inside someone's ass?
Pinewood, a disused airfield I forget the name of, Dorset and a windswept island off the coast of Ireland
@Pheonixblade9 Yes, that's how mixing WPF and Win32 feels
some hobby pilot took some wobbly, grainy photos from his plane and only afterward thought "...what is that?"
He'd photographed an X-Wing waiting on the tarmac
oh yeah. Greenham Common was where the CND set up and stayed for about 30 years
It really bothers me that space fighters have wings.
they're more correctly termed 'strike foils'
they're to keep the weaponry projected away from the hull
why, fuck knows
@TomW cooling
@Pheonixblade9 NERD
I'm a geek, thanks
I thought that's what R2-D2 is for, riding on the most exposed part of the spacecraft to fix everything damaged by enemy weaponry
@Pheonixblade9 Do you know what the etymology of geek is?
I think I may need to write code that does nothing but transfer control from one thread to another and back again.
Synchronization is a bitch
SRP is good
I have no idea how that applies lol
I hope Han is fucked up in the new movie
chewie dies, his wife leaves him to pursue a fraudulent marriage with some fiefdom nobody has ever heard of for diplomatic reasons, and two of his children die, one of them killed by his other child, who is the good one
there are a ton of books that are canon
Somebody dared to write Star Wars books?
if they set the next triology even remotely close to the age they should all actually be, that stuff will have happened already
there are dozens and dozens
oh, I think he kills his brother
who is pretty much the Corellian Hitler
@KendallFrey That's effectively SynchronizationContext ;)
ooh ooh. If they wind the timeline back a little, I know who should play Thrackan Sal-Solo (space Hitler): Jeff Bridges
he's a very good baddie
@ReedCopsey there better not be something that does that, it's a ridiculous use case
cousin, not brother
@KendallFrey Transfer control between threads?
not just that
transfer back as well
The idea is waiting for the event queue to empty
Sorry, that didn't make much sense
that's effectively SynchronizationContext.Send
it's kinda tricky
send waits for the operation to return, right?
that doesn't sound good
see if I can explain it
thread A queues up a bunch of event X on thread B, then A gets event Y, which means when all existing X events are processed, A should run code Z.
so it's supposed to wait for the other data to process?
Send would work, then...
not seeing how it applies
at least not how it does something I can't already do
but, the other option, would always to be to use SynchronizationContext and Task instances - you could use Task.ContinueWhenAll to execute when the tasks are done, etc
no Tasks involved
Maybe there should be but meh
I don't need to synchronize both threads most of the time
well, that's a nice abstraction for when you do need to
just wrap your work up in a TaskCompletionSource so you can expose the resutls as Task<T> - and it makes it easy to block on work at any point
We don't need no stinkin abstractions
it doesn't really fall under the description of a task, it's just a one-way event loop
When thread interactions occur only 'rarely', that's a good candidate for Task, no?
The overhead is outweighed by the convenience
it happens frequently
@KendallFrey We do need nice abstractions, though.
@KendallFrey any "work item" is effectively a Task
@KendallFrey how frequently is 'most of the time'?
@ReedCopsey it's not even a work item, in my eyes
in numbers
a task is just a promise - so any time you're scheduling work, the abstraction functions reasonably well
ns, ms or s
@KendallFrey then why are you queuing it ?
@ReedCopsey for execution on the event loop thread
@KendallFrey if it "executes" it's a work item ;)
@TomW input could occur several times a second, it's mainly user input
@ReedCopsey if you insist
Task just gives you an abstraction by which you can represent the item and its lifetime (when it finishes executing)
read my code and bash specific aspects of it
@ReedCopsey it has no lifetime
what is it? something executes - it has a lifetime in that that execution finishes
well, yeah
but that's not useful in any way (to me)
My general (vague) notion is that there is a vast overestimation on the part of developers of how expensive object creation is. Even for a chain of instantiations like building a Task and doing whatever the CLR does to put it on a thread and yada yada...it's not a large amount of work
@TomW And, in his case, he doesn't even need to put it on a thread ;)
console applications that instantiate a million Foos are still pretty damn fast
It's a sensible thing to be cautious about
though allocations are the #1 cause of perf. issues in .NET
but only so cautious
How do you get the size of the client area of a WPf window?
does boxing count as allocation?
@TomW would spect so
I guess it does, because my understanding of boxing is that it goes onto the heap
vtable, syncblock, pointer to stack object
is my guess
oh, maybe there's some metadata
1 hour later…
posted on November 06, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

Yes, really. It's got to be the best name for an open source library out there. It's a great double entendre and a great name for this useful little library. Perhaps English isn't your first language, so I'll just say that a courtesy flush gives the next person a fresh bowl. ;) However, in the computer world "flushing a buffer" means forcing a buffer to be moved along, usually to a file or the

2 hours later…
ugh Java owned me again
byte x = 0x80;
x >>> 4
byte is signed and x undergoes sign extension before >>> happens, so it's 0xffffff80 >>> 4
2 hours later…
good morning all!
3 hours later…
Javascript is dead :D
@Sippy Dead?
@RoelvanUden Moved to a new chat system for now.
@Sippy Dafuq?
@RoelvanUden A reg was banned yesterday and a lot of the others quite strongly disagree with the decision
Including me
And the new chat has minigames
1 hour later…
Any Fluent NHibernaters?
Q: Map struct as a field in Fluent NHibernate

dav_iI have a struct which wraps decimal so I can use EditorTemplates: public struct Price { private readonly decimal value; public Price(decimal value) { this.value = value; } public static implicit operator Price(decimal value) { return new Price(value); ...

@Sippy: banned here? for what reason?
@scheien Banned in JavaScript
It's a long story.
@Sippy *Stack Overflow
@KendallFrey Banned in JavaScript from Stack Exchange * :P
that's not a thing
Fine banned from SE
shadap kindel
no sipy
Have you played that boardgame on dystroy's chat yet?
It's hard :(
I'm staying in JS for the time being
Fair enough
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
CaretBrush should obviously be orange
Workmates were bullying me for calling it a caret and pronouncing the T yesterday :(
how else would you pronounce it
just... no
Is how they pronounced it
As if it was french
I was like stfu nerdz
google said so
Um, lemme clear this up: Syntax for declaring objects is: class-name object-name = new class-name()
Clearly pronounced KERRERTS
@Meraj99 to be specific, declaring a variable is Type identifier;
instantiating an object is new Type(parameters)
assignment is of course =
@KendallFrey Well, take Navigator navigator1 = new Navigator(); for example
What's the first 'Navigator' for?
The type of the variable
...navigator is a type?
No, Navigator is
You can just make up your own types now? >.>
um... yeah?
Have you not heard of classes?
I'm just starting out on learning this stuff xD
Basically, all I know is, namespaces contain classes, that contain methods, that contain statements, that do stuff.
and classes are types
types can also be structs, interfaces, or enums
all of which you can use to declare a variable
So... why exactly can I not just stuff all my code into a single class?
You can
then you usually end up with procedural code
but if you can separate your code, you might as well take advantage of that
single responsibility and all
Well, the second 'Navigator' above is a class name right?
It could be a class or a struct
probably a class
structs aren't very common
Well, can I just learn it like, whatever comes first also comes last? :P
Well, sortof.
no, not always
you can have things like IEnumerable<int> = new List<int>();
No stars for kerrerts, very disappointing.
and you don't have to initialize the variable at all right away
object thing;
Mmm, I think I get it.
and there are literals, like int x = 0; instead of int x = new int()
Kendall I just realised there's something simple I don't understand that you would be able to help with
Difference between nullable variable and a variable with {get;set;}?
Why would it matter which you use?
Might be some fundamental misunderstanding here
those are two totally separate ideas
Okay let's try another tangent
{get;set;} is an auto property
Why is it that public string stringName {get;set} can be null?
Maybe bad example
because string is a reference type
public int someInteger {get;set;} can be null, but public int someInteger; can't be?
no, neither can
Okay, that was the misunderstanding
I thought {get;set;} was overriding and allowing things to be null where they shouldn't really be.
it's nothing but a property
also, stop leaving out the setter semicolon
I don't mean to xD
@KendallFrey Apologies for your OCD :D
it's not my OCd
it's basic syntax
I don't leave it out in code, not sure why I was doing it here.
icyw, that's how I spell OCd now
Cos of your OCd right?
or lack thereof
This is beautiful - CodeConnect joshvarty.wordpress.com/2014/11/05/…
that's cool
Will probably take some time getting used to.
@scheien Yes better than cascading F12 hits, haha
though you have the peek functionality in vs2013
does anyone have any experience in auto-generated documentation?
a bit
I have my build spitting out the summary documentation as XML, and WebAPI rendering the help pages
but it just renders one help page, with everything in no particular order
which is a bit shitty
Have you looked into Sandcastle or SHFB?
Neither. Was just using the MS approach
Which MS approach?
it generates a browsable API doc, with JSON examples etc. It's quite good.
oh, WebAPI docs
Those might be slightly different
I assume I don't need to touch the WebAPI side of things, if I can have some control over the ordering of the initial .xml file
hey, 'muricans
Does the word 'scrum' have any meaning to you besides the name of a development methodology?
I thought it was a slightly odd name to choose but then realised if you don't follow rugby it may have no other associations for you
It might be used to describe a brawl
It's a Rugby term, where the teams huddle tightly together, pushing against each other to gain control of the ball.
sorry :) you're asking from the perspective of an English.
yeah, I was wondering whether that was where they got it from
Aye, it is.
posted on November 06, 2014 by ericlippert

Last time we made a little recursive algorithm to walk around a directed acyclic graph, or DAG. I made that algorithm a member of the graph class, but did you notice something about it? It did not access any private … Continue reading →

I've been doing scrum since 2006. It's mostly fantastic, and occasionally dreadful.
we have a few people who claim they're certified scrum masters. I don't know what it entails but I don't think we're doing it
we have what are called sprints
Boy I have just downloaded ReSharper for the first time. First time ever I got to say: I love how it is critizing me.
CSMs should be very active in implementing Scrum. They need to be, to retain the certification.
oh, daily standups, those too
@TomW retrospectives? sprint planning sessions?
Just a question, does most of you use ReSharper?
@Marek of course.
I've never seen a sprint planning session happen, but I know that they do due to how much everyone talks about it
most of me does use ReSharper
@TomW it should involve the entire team, for sure.
I don't think we have any rooms the entire team would fit in
then you're doing Scrum wrong :P
@TomW We hired a scrummaster to restart our supposedly agile process. After he left, we lost most of it again
@Squiggle of that I have no doubt
maximum team size should be about 12 people. Anything greater than that is unwieldy.
Hm, the testers tend to get invited along to everything. That bloats the numbers
Why does ReSharper always suggest to use var:
I worked at a place with 120 devs, split across 11 teams. We had morning scrums, then the scrum masters from each team would join a large scrum-of-scrums.
Worked quite well. Any technical impediments or dependencies stopping a team member from doing something were raised with the other team responsible within hours.
each scrum team was more or less responsible for how they implemented the rest of Scrum
but the sprints were aligned
Scrum of scrums sounds like a nightmare. We sort of have those, I've filled in for a lead at a couple. I can't see how you can get the right level of detail
@Squiggle And we thought our dev team was big lol
We have two teams in one scrum
Management level issues are irrelevant and have no meaning to me as a developer. Technical issues either the scrum master won't know, or the conversation gets so technical that it derails the meeting
One in North America, the other offshore
Getting other teams to understand what you're talking about is a very slow and painful process, for us
The Scrum master is meant to be technical, and part of the team. Scrums should never have managerial content.
Never ever ever.
I thought the scrummaster isn't supposed to be a developer
ours wasn't
I worked in a satellite office in the UK. My scrum team was split between Yorkshire and Florida.
not a manager either, just a scrummaster
Yeah, priorities are led by the overbearing and unwieldy functional test effort much, much more than they should be. It'd be the first thing I'd get rid of if I were in charge
@KendallFrey if they're not a developer, how are they meant to understand what you're actually doing? We used to take it in turns to be the scrum master :)
We take turns now
But why do they need to know what you're doing?
The scrum master's main job is to identify impediments that are preventing the developers doing their work. e.g. technical issues, like a broken keyboard, network access etc, or functional issues such as poor requirements
Also, this project has been going on for so long that all sorts of issues crop up that nobody knows the answer to
Nor does anyone know who might know the answer, and anyone who might know who knows is trapped in meetings and we can't get hold of them
and to track progress, to identify work that is taking far longer than expected
@Squiggle I thought the developers are supposed to identify them
How is the scrummaster supposed to know that Bill broke his keyboard if Bill doesn't tell him?
@KendallFrey sure, the developers identify them and announce it at the stand-up, but the scrum master then coordinates a solution.
normally involving doorstepping the database admins until they fix the broken login, or something
We actually built a field into our system that identifies who is responsible for removing the impediment on a task
@Squiggle suppose you have a situation where replacing Bill's broken keyboard takes days because the person who's scrum master doesn't know whose job it is to procure one?
that's a contrived example, but in an environment where everything is byzantine, I cannot see scrum masters being effective
@TomW then it's the scrum master's responsibility to go to the local computer shop and buy a new keyboard and install it himself.
Scrum masters gotta be practical.
Gotta be brutal.
In general a nobody knows how to make things happen environment
that's nothing to do with scrum
It isn't, but scrum has to exist within that environment
It's an environment which will probably suffocate it
and the scrummasters job is to fix that environment
One of the best things Scrum can do to a business is to force it to shape up. It WILL highlight inefficiency, and it WILL kick up a fuss when things don't work.
that's what upper management hate about agile
it shows them up
Yeah. It's like this business wants to fail, sometimes.
Um, if you create a variable in a class that contains objects, can you individually reference that variable for each object and get different values, or is it a shared value, or..? meh
@Meraj99 more clearly, please? Possibly with an example of what you mean
What do you mean a class that contains objects?
Your terminology is kind of jumbled
a class can contain members, and an object can contain objects
static variables are shared across all instances of a class, and instance variables are stored per-instance
How do I type code in chat...
There are also threadstatic variables, but let;s not worry about those for now
pastebin or gist
@Meraj99 Ctrl+V
@Meraj99 No
It's just like the real world
so... each object has its own set of values for the variables?
If I name you "Milton" that doesn't make my name Milton
@Meraj99 yes, of course
oh, alright, ty :D
However, there's a difference between variables and objects
multiple variables can refer to one object
Like many Children objects having a 'Mother' property, which all point to one Mother object.
Object Orientation can be quite easy to visualize, given the right examples.
If element "DocumentType" is null I will get a NRE. Which makes sense, I cant grab the value of a null property. What is a clean way in my code to account for this? Should I use a ternary? shipment.DocumentType = BillOfLading.Element("DocumentType").Value;
Ternaries are the best, briefest way to handle this sort of thing most of the time.
It depends if a null DocumentType is a valid state, or if it means something is broken.
Or if you happen to be using C# 6, use ?.
^ yeah. Looking forward to ?.
What worries me is that I've been with OOP for so long now that if I have to explain it to a complete beginner or someone who only knows a different paradigm, I might not be able to do it
remember not knowing oop? madness!
hah. "The length of the URL for this request exceeds the configured maxUrlLength value.". Auto-generated code is awesome.
@TomW I know, right?
Why does ReSharper suggest to use CultureInfo when doing .ToString()?
@VictorioBerra yes
@Marek cos it's a bitch
@KendallFrey Shall I use that or not, huh?
I wouldn't use Resharper
but... Resharper <3
Resharper </3
no? Not a fan?
That fucking moment when you hit Shift+F11 instead of F11

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