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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

I neeed professional help with htmlagilitypack memory leak :(
A: Is that necessary to dispose objects inside static functions?

Arin GhazarianNo, you don't need to set variables to null in both static and instance methods. The variables inside a method (even inside static method) are on the stack space of the method, so generally they will go out of scope at the end of method execution and will be targeted for garbage collection. And G...

4 hours later…
posted on August 18, 2014 by Marcin Juraszek

How many times in your code do you need to parse strings to primitive values? I would guess pretty often. How often do you use TryParse method, to avoid unnecessary exception handling? The same guess – probably pretty often. How many times did you wish that TryParse didn’t use out method parameter? Yes, the same […]

5 hours later…
Q: Using Fiddlercore for autoresponder

user3712833currently im creating an application which should respond with a .swf file to an url, but so for i made it this code, and nothings working , is like the code isnt executing. So i assume that i id used the API's right. Please if there's anyone who can help me with the code, let me know. The reque...

1 hour later…
hey can anyone help me out with a little problem?
If I have the code:
DbInfoPackage migratedData = null;
            DbInfoPackage nonMigratedData = null;
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => { migratedData = runfirstqueries(connectSQLServer, log); });
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => { nonMigratedData = runsecondqueries(connectOracle, log); });
how do I tell when the threads have completed?
@Andy Use Tasks instead
im using .Net 4.0
@Andy .NET4 has Task
if I use something like:
Task<DbInfoPackage> migratedDataTask = Task.Run<DbInfoPackage>(() => runfirstqueries(connectSQLServer, log));
Task<DbInfoPackage> nonMigratedDataTask = Task.Run<DbInfoPackage>(() => runfirstqueries(connectOracle, log));

Task.WaitAll(migratedDataTask, nonMigratedDataTask);

var migratedData = migratedDataTask.Result;
var nonMigratedData = nonMigratedDataTask.Result;
I get an error'System.Threading.Tasks.Task' does not contain a definition for 'Run'
Task.Run is in 4.5; you can use Task.Factory.StartNew
But the rest is exactly as you want it
cheers man worked perfect
Good afternoon everyone
Does anyone have a idea how to fix this :
(PLAY_GET:11519): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_property: object class 'GtkCellRendererToggle' has no property named 'bool'
It comes from this code :
		//TODO >>>>>
		//Load debs.list from FTP **TODO**
		model.AppendValues (false, "package", "des", "version");

		DEBS_LIST.HeadersVisible = true;
		DEBS_LIST.Model = model;

		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Install", new CellRendererToggle (), "bool", 0);
		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Package", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Description", new CellRendererText (), "text", 2);
		DEBS_LIST.AppendColumn ("Version", new CellRendererText (), "text", 3);
		DEBS_LIST.ShowAll ();
But I have no idea what I should put there :P I tried :
Oh btw... this is in MonoDevelop GTK Sharp
2 hours later…
hey guys another quick question
if I have a bit of code such as:
what exactly do I do with the first and last lines?
Im just trying to get it to change picturebox2.Visibility=true the false at the end
@Andy What are you asking?
what do I do with the 'this.Invoke(this.ShowProgressGifDelegate);' line
to make it change the visibility of picturebox2
What do you mean?
looks like the age old, how do i update gui from background thread, question
any ideas?
we have no context of your code?...
No idea what your problem is, no.
I posted it all.
hi, any teamcity users here?
@Andy You posted code, but not what the issue is
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ThreadStart myThreadStart = new ThreadStart(MyThreadRoutine);
Thread myThread = new Thread(myThreadStart);
private void MyThreadRoutine()
I dont know what to do with the 'this.Invoke(this.ShowProgressGifDelegate); ' and 'this.Invoke(this.HideProgressGifDelegate);' line
What do you mean?
You did do it
to change the visibility of an object I have called picturebox2
I dont have a definition for ShowProgressGIFDelegate
call picturebox2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible/Collapsed in the delegate?
@Andy Oh, in that case, write it to do what you want.
like this.Invoke(this.pictureBox2.Visible=true); ?
You can just put it in the method
Leave the invoke as it is
If you want, you can use a lambda too
@TravisJ Hey, I sent you an email.
private void setvisibility(bool vis)
pictureBox2.Visible = vis;
does not work?
you have to pass the method itself
setvisibility(true) is the result of a method call
Don't use (), just the name of the method
I dont understand
Do it just like the code you posted at first
Then create those two methods
of type delegate?#
Just create them as normal methods
public void showProgressGifDelegate { pictureBox2.Visible = true; }
Yeah, but with the missing ()
ok but I still get The best overloaded method match for 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(System.Delegate, params object[])' has some invalid arguments
Uh, how are you calling it?
Call it just like the example code
private void MyThreadRoutine()


public void showProgressGifDelegate() { pictureBox2.Visible = true; }
public void HideProgressGifDelegate() { pictureBox2.Visible = false; }
thats what I have
And what are all the errors it gives?
just System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(System.Delegate, params object[]) twice
That's not an error message
sorry that wasn't the full error
'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(System.Delegate, params object[])' has some invalid arguments
Does it says what the invalid arguments are?
Anyone have a moment?
wadup @Greg
I have my moments now and then
@Darek So I solved the issue with the XML Reading parsing the model; it successfully does what it needs to. But when I call:

model.lstCanvasResultSubmission.Select(s => s.Label);
It doesn't expose the model, it just shows me this:
it does
@Darek Shouldn't it show me the value?
not until you "materialize" it by calling ToList() or ToArray()
you just composed a query
which you might modify
@Darek ?
yes @Greg
a Select() or any other LINQ query, only defines your intent
it does not execute it
once you iterate over the collection, the values will be pulled
Shouldn't all of those values be in the list?
not until you access them
think about it this way
            XmlRootAttribute root = new XmlRootAttribute();
            root.ElementName = "CanvasResult";
            root.IsNullable = true;

            XmlSerializer serialize = new XmlSerializer(typeof(APIFile), root);
            using(FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                using(XmlReader reader= XmlReader.Create(stream))
                    APIFile model = serialize.Deserialize(reader) as APIFile;
I can have
So how should I expose those values to properly use them?
if that's what you want, put a ToList() after Select()
But that just gives me: System.Collections.Generic.List'1[System.String]
right, so I assume you want a commam delimited values to be displayed?
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("," model.lstCanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponse.Select(s => s.Value) ) );
Yeah, easier to split. May want something a bit more unique. I also want to prep the data to be written to a database.
than don;t use ToList, nor string.join
keep it in memory as a definition
var mainQuery = model.Select(something);
var firstSub = mainQuery.Where(something);
var secondSub = mainQuery.Where(somethingElse);
this way you can re-use it many times as needed
even modify it
@Darek But model.Select(""); isn't a valid item.
it woudl not be
@Darek ?
when I say "something" I still expect you to write the correct expression
@Darek Okay, so put the proper list it is trying to define
@KendallFrey it says the best overload match is system.Delegate
model.Select(s1=> new{AnonymousProperty1=s1.Name, AnonymousProperty2 = s2.EffctiveDate})
LINQ allows you to be flexible
but you must learn it
@Darek What is the new AnonymousProperty?
as you select, you can convert types, create derived values, or even perform an action for each element returned from an IEnumerable<T>
whatever you want
you never used anonymous types?
@Andy Yeah, that's the one it should be using. I'm not sure what the issue is though. It should work
@Darek I've used them, but I've never done it in a Linq query like that. So your actually setting the property dynamically in memory?
@Darek Okay, that makes sense. But what is the point of deserializing the data to those classes then?
there is no point @Greg if you don't have one
just like this code
        var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Cast<long>();
        var summary =
            collection.Select((value, index) => new {Group = index%2, Value = value})
                .GroupBy(g => g.Group)
                .Select(s => new {ZeroOrOne = s.Key, Sum = s.Sum(s1 => s1.Value)});
I was just giving you an example what you can do with LINQ
and anonymous types
the sample code will dynamically summarize even and odd numbers between 0 and 99
@Darek I haven't used Linq as much as I should.
now is the time to change it
you will like it
@Darek You see alot of my approach, what would be the ideal way to do this clean?
Hard to tell without truly knowing what the BRs are
Business Requirements
Well, I'm taking the XML and I'm writing all the values to the database. Then I'm taking some values to write to the disk.
in that scenario. I'd keep the query as a query and iterate over it, while executing parameterized SQL queries with the help of Dapper
if I was writing CSV to disk, I'd use Linq2CSV
but that's just me
@Darek I wrote a method for ParseToDatabase(APIFile model) to call a stored procedure.
@Darek It is a console application, don't want to overkill it.
most of the time there is no need for SP
@Darek Dapper is a cool ORM, but I've never used it so I want to keep it simple.
@Darek My boss would like me to use a SP.
I use it more as a database client on steroids
since it is not a true ORM
as the mapping are dynamic most of the time
Sorry about your boss
Some think that the only way to securely post data is through SP
that's baloney
so you will see an SP which only does an INSERT which is uterly waste of time and resources IMHO
but we digress
Here is a Dapper sample
        var enumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 100);
        var scsb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
            DataSource = "localhost",
            IntegratedSecurity = true,
            InitialCatalog = "master"
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(scsb.ConnectionString))
            foreach (var element in enumerable)
                conn.Execute("INSERT INTO Table1 (Col1) VALUES (@col1)", new {col1 = element});
Yeah, so if I were to architect this correctly with a Stored Procedure what would you say? Because as you saw, the other dilemma is content repeats in the file in different areas but the same anchor:

if the content repeats, than you use SelectMany() with Distinct() to get unique values (assuming that's the intent)
@Darek Bare with me, my Linq usage has been minimal.
or you hire @KendallFrey or @Darek and get over with it :)
@Darek So ideally to pass the values and execute I would do:

model.lstCanvasResultSubmissionsSectionScreensScreenResponse.SelectMany(l => l.Label, v => v.Value, t => t.Type);
not at all
SelectMany, allows you to select multiple children from similar parents
for example
from all Directories, SelectMany(s=>s.GetFiles())
will result in a single collection of all files
I see, so?
so, I assumed, that Label/Value/Type could be repeating
again, without a BR, I am shooting in the dark with blanks and a blindfold
if the Label/Value/Type combo is not repeating
than the solution would be
on parents
are they part of a parent?
I recall seeing a submission
in other words
Here, I'll show you.
let's say you want all the labels
and are processing with just XML
Go there, I've got an example.
you could use, documentRoot.Descendants("Label")
doesn't help @Greg
content removed by now
Private Greg! 50 pushups now!
@Darek I just pasted the XML in there, I don't want to bombard the C# room.
@Darek Yeah, the model and xml are in that room now.
in JavaScript, 51 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
in EcmaScript, 1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
in PHP, 45 secs ago, by Jimbo
So this SEO guy walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
switch over there @Greg
@JoshuaShearer I stopped reading when I noticed every field was named somethingSomethingField ;)
If you aren't careful, your eyes might start bleeding.
Wow... that's just terrible... sorry if it's yours.
The joy of autogenerating classes from XML documents.
Anyone familiar with WCF activity tracing?
I'm not sure how activity ids are supposed to be created
The Service Trace Viewer is showing them all as a zero guid
Anyone ever sync their outlook 2013 calendar with outlook.com (different accounts)?
posted on August 18, 2014 by Visual Studio Blog

Today we released Visual Studio “14” CTP 3 and an early build of the .NET Framework vNext. Get it from the Microsoft Download Center or from MSDN subscriber downloads or save some setup time and use a ready-to-use VM in Azure. You’ll find a complete list of new features and fixes in the Visual Studio “14” release notes. Some highlights in this release include: AS

posted on August 18, 2014 by The .NET Team

Today, we are announcing updated versions of .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext, .NET Native and RyuJIT. You can try out these new releases by installing Visual Studio “14” CTP3. Please tell us what you think. The .NET Framework vNext We are releasing an early build of the .NET Framework vNext with Visual Studio CTP 3. This early release includes a relatively small number of changes beyond

my boss just sent that out as a reply to a dev build break. lol
well that's a whole boatload of nope
Can you do animated gif's in email??
Good question, I think you can.
Doesn't mean you should.
Animated gifs should always come with a "this gif will self destruct in 10 seconds" clause
@Pheonixblade9 Could you kill that GIF? ... it is semi-disturbing
quiet today
US holiday?
Today is the calm before the storm
@RyanTernier it's been quiet every day lately
In the coming few weeks we will see an onslaught of questions from the first week of school classes
wut l1ne?

Your homework is to simply print hello world to the console. Turn in a print out of the code and the output.
Do schools still do that? Have you print out your code?
Like, on paper?
A lot of schools still do, yup. And they will make you pay for it too. Usually the lab makes money on the copies printed.
I had like one or two classes that required code printouts
we were allotted $20 a semester for printing
And my cs program had a printer # of pages quota
but there is ways around it :)
per student
When I got to upper division they stopped making us print all of our code, but we still had to do it sometimes
Hate being a student lol
We had to print the code, and burn it to disc as well
Fecking stoopid
@NETscape - I just noticed you have been in this room for a long time and have more messages than most people..
@JoshuaShearer how can I query XML file in LINQPad?
such as, save your document to a file, navigate to print server using command line, send print job to printer. free prints for all!
yeah, what, like two years or so. thanks for noticing -_- ;)
@NETscape lol
@JoshuaShearer or did you use something else when working with @Greg ?
We eventually got it to deserialize correctly.
:) congrats
I get the XML syntax
did you add it as a connection?
@Darek - Were you able to load the xml file into your linqpad?
I have a WordML I need to query
Am I reading that wrong? 28 years to save for a downpayment? WTf
Do all the rich live in SF?
Is there a specific way to encode a base64 string for HTTP Post?
BTW, anyone with intimate knowledge of converting 2003 WordML custom XML , to OpenXML ?
@Darek that seems really obscure, what are you trying to do?
@LewsTherin - Have you seen SF though? It is like $1800 for a small room in the bad part of town
I have 20k WordML templates
they have used custom XML elements,
@Darek That's quite unfortunate.
I'm so excited now @TravisJ, I'm going to clean up this room by moving all the WinForms messages to the recycle bin ;)
@TravisJ Wow..
and were nto aware of court ruling from Jan 2010
@NETscape Eh why? Start with webforms at least
so I have to create a "conversion utility"
@LewsTherin have you seen those blogs about 'worst rooms for rent'?
\not pretty, because the custom XML elements were not standardized in any way
stuff like people renting the crawlspace because that's all they can afford
mostly NY, I think
before you start crying, hear me laughing all the way to my bank :)
@TomW - I bet the worst place would be in washington dc, some parts of dc are freaking terrifying
@Darek What court ruling are you referring to
@TomW I haven't. I've read a bit on an irish website. For a 1 bedroom (bedsit) that was going for 1300 euro I think.
@TomW Man that's terrible.
How is that legal?
@LewsTherin TF? There's nobody IN Ireland.
@JoshuaShearer Based on a U.S. court ruling in June 2009, Microsoft® was ordered to remove patent-infringing XML technology from copies of Word distributed in the United States after January 11, 2010.
case against i4i
catchy name
I have heard that Dublin's expensive, but surely that's only the trendy areas, and it's not exactly hard to get around
so, can I load an XML doc as a data source in LinqPad?
I have 4, commercial
@TomW Uh, what?
@TomW Dublin is expensive. Not as bad as London maybe, but still expensive.
The rooms are fecking small but still overpriced.
Outside Dublin and it gets so much better.
But the commute...
@Darek I don't think there's a way to add it as a data source directly.
I see, found samples
XDocument.Load ?
silly me
MS code name for WordML conversion: Forward Unilaterally Unbiased Unity UML Utility (fuuuuu)
I like it!
genuineLOL and a star for you, sir
Is there by chance anyone here who is familiar with msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/windows/desktop/ms682073.aspx?
@LewsTherin worstroom.com
Lol, wow. Jeez. And I thought the ones I found here are terrible.
@TomW The worst thing is people still take them!
gotta love LINQPad
XDocument.Load(@"T:\AAIB.xml").Descendants().Where(w1=>w1 is XElement).Cast<XElement>().Where(w1=>string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(w1.Name.Namespace.NamespaceName) && w1.Name.LocalName!="Form")
all custom XML found
@TomW I can't imagine living in those. In fact.. I'd rather share.
Money well spent
@Darek You bought Linqpad?
gotta support the genius mind
How much?
@LewsTherin my understanding is that there tends to be a building around those horrific spaces. Presumably occupied by people. Not sure how that's not sharing
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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