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Hey, do you know if product uses some component that is MIT licensed, does final product have to be MIT licensed too?
Q: Meaning of MIT license

dharm0usSuppose I use this ActionScript API released under MIT license to build a software: http://www.cove.org/ape/docs/api/ Can I sell that software? Do I need to give the source code of my software away? Is anyone receiving my software permitted to resell the software?

4 hours later…
hi guys
If I want to use xml rpc calls for a website
would I use a httplistener or are they just used by winforms applications?
am talking about these 2 examples
why are you doing this?
I want to create an application that communicates with a biometric device within a local network
but the app should reside on a server and be accesible from other computers in the network
that sounds interesting
sounds tough
my boss just threw me in the deep waters and am just 2 months into .net coding
and a few days into asp
an exciting time
i am aware of no dependencies between windows forms and the the httplistener class, you can use it to listen for http requests
so the application that you are creating is meant to send requests to a machine on the network, and you are trying to decide how to recieve the requests that your application sends?
So I have a sample sdk in winforms that uses httplistener and xmlrpc calls so I should convert it to an asp application
The application should be able to send data to the device and receive data from the device
what is the device? does it have any documentation that you can share?
It should send data to the biometric device and poll from the biometric device
where does the website fit into this?
well I want the application to reside on single server machine
accessed via browser like a php html with db app
rather than installed on each desktop machine
it doesn't seem that you need to use httplistener at all. it seems that you are interested in making requests from your application rather then recieving them. also, if you have a website, you dont need httplistener, because the webserver will do the same things that httplistener does and more
It also has to receive coz the biometric device polls the application to get any changes made to the db of the app
Also for example say a user is registered on the biometric device it has to update this info to the app which has the master db
in that case the webserver that hosts your website will deal with the reception of http requests, you dont need to worry about httplistener
this project you're doing doesn't sound trivial
the app should be able to connect to more than one biometric device
and have a single master sql db
It isn't
I wake up everyday hoping to make some headway but am moving slow being a newbie the concepts of xmlrpc calls httplisteners is just alot for me
and also the server am thinking will have to be a local IIS server
so am not sure how I will do it
I was trying to do this in asp.net mvc
that seems appropriate
Now not so sure its a good idea
It seems all too tricky
This is a sample using asp mvc michael-mckenna.com/Blog/…
but am not sure which files will be in model
as for the routing too same thing
Wish we had another programmer here tackling this on my own sucks
In your opinion would using mvc make it harder to implement such a solution for a beginner?
i tend to think that a beginner should not be doing this alone. whether using mvc or not makes it harder... well, if you dont know it, then yes
what sort of experience have you had of making web applications?
you might be better off using something that you're more familiar with
I've only done php web applications prior to thid
@GotalovePHP You want a web site to interface with a biometrics device and show results in real-time on browser interfaces?
@RoelvanUden yes
not exactly real time as devices have a polling interval but yes close to tah
*that.At this point I am writing up an email to my boss informing him that at my level I can't.Hoping he does not do crazy but at this point I have to consider my sanity.
Hi guys
I am in dilemma PySide(Python) or PYQT(Python) or QT (C++) or C# (Windows and Mono)
Need some desperate advice.
@GotalovePHP maybe you can do it, but it will just take longer than if you had help
also, you would make less mistakes if you had help
@Harikesh Biased much? We'd say Mono of course. o_o
@GotalovePHP You will need to learn a ton of techniques to do this, incl. websockets via SignalR, services to keep data active, brokers to inform your signalr, etc.
You can't achieve it in php tho, so .net is a good choice.
true @RoelvanUden I don't think I can refactor all that in php
@RoelvanUden : Can u point some good resources preferably video tutorials for (Mono and C#)
I have previously done college project in ASP.NET and C# and had some hands on with C# win app but never thought of cross platform applications.
@Harikesh Cross platform is nothing special. Instead of hard coding "C:\Windows", use you special folders. Instead of concatting path1 + "\\" + path2, you PathCombine(path1, path2). It's simple stuff like that. If you use a web GUI, there is nothing more to consider.
If you want a native desktop interface, you make a Gtk# project for Linux, and a WPF project for Windows. Share the rest of the code in a Core project that works on both. Easy as pie ;)
@xxx maybe I can but you can rarely get someone to help you with implementing something thats already on a tutorial on chat and thats what I need
@RoelvanUden : Thanks a lot. Can u please link some resources on web for same.
@Harikesh Do yourself a favor and get MonoDevelop 4.x, it has designers and stuff.
@RoelvanUden Will definitely look into it.
If you want it easy, use HTML/CSS for a GUI.
Why? Because cross platform, that's why.
Roel van Bukkake Uden
You know you can just do public decimal GUStoreID { get; set; }, right? No need to implement all the accessors manually. This isn't Java. — rightfold 22 secs ago
dat code
who were you telling this?
Q: Compare Two Collection and obtain only Modified items

SajeetharanI have two ObservableCollection in my application, one which contain the items of type StoreSettings named "oldSettings" anothe collection named "_stores". public ObservableCollection<StoreSettings> oldSettings; private ObservableCollection<StoreSettings> _stores; Here is my StoreSettings cl...

Q: dynamic created events in mvvm are not working

Harjeet SinghI am facing a problem i am creating dynamic controls from view model in mvvm and for that i am firing events also that are also dynamic i.e i have created a litbox which consists of listbox items and within that i have crated controls .one strange thing is happening that all the click events are...

any one have any idea?
Is anyone online?
@HassanAlthaf Yes.
Q: My first console application

Hassan Althafusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Problems { class Program { static int FindFactor(Int64 UserInput) { int LargestFactor = 0; Int64 Number = UserInput; ...

room topic changed to C#: It's like wiping your arse with silk.â„¢ [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
It's like wiping your silk with arse
hehehe @Austinh100
Oh my god... the code... it's so fast...
My code is the fastest.
It's just ;.
My code is slow, but still hella faster than it was.
15 seconds is a long time for a test.
@KendallFrey But amortised O(NO HTTP REQUEST) if you implement caching!
You really checked for that?
For what?
No, you didn't.
But it returns 304s.
You can save a few milliseconds by caching the semicolon
Or by just not including the goddamn file.
The code in it has no side-effects so it's useless.
So does Thread.Sleep()
Therefore, Thread.Sleep is useless.
Sleep is weird.
Giving me an error
An object reference is required for the non static field
I want to push the number variable into numbersArray
SSCCE or nobody can help.
Exactly what I'm saying.
If you don't provide an SSCCE, we can only guess and it won't be very helpful.
What is SSCCE
Ugh. I'm not even going to bother linking lmgtfy.
    static void setNumber(String Number)
That's my beautiful code.
numbersArray is not defined
In that, numbersArray get's highlighted
numbersArray is declared outside the function
Because numbersArray is an instance variable, not static
its a global array.
that's a static function though
So, should I replace static with private
I don't know, you're supposed to know that
Do you understand the difference between static and instance members?
Q: What's a "static method" in C#?

MosheWhat does it mean when you add the static keyword to a method? public static void doSomething(){ //Well, do something! } Can you add the static keyword to class? What would it mean then?

i do
static method doesnt need instances to be called
oh it fixed it.
Now I cannot use the .add() method
How could I add elements to the array?
You really don't seem to understand
Like, there is an array.
something = [10 slot array]
instance members need an instance to be accessed.
yes, kendall, thats what I said.
Does this code belong as part of an object, or as part of the class?
like private, public and shit are instance members
It's in a class.
I didn't know shit was a keyword
@HassanAlthaf Then make it static.
yes, austinh
Kendall making it static fks it up
If numbersArray is not associated with one specific instance of your class, it should be static
@HassanAlthaf you really need to look up what static actually does
Its in the same class.
pats @KendallFrey on the back
forget that.
How would I solve this problem:
static int[] numbersArray = new int[10];
    static void setNumber(String Number)

That's not a problem, that's a field declaration
I didnt even speak up my problem?
In the setNumber function,
storageVariable is passed when called.
Which is a string, and then it is converted to int
Inside the setNumber function
You should really use int.TryParse for that
I know how to convert.
Convert.Anything sucks
I'll google it in a min.
How will I add
or inflate the array with data
without specifying a slot?
Should I have a counter variable or something to tell the slot?
are you appending or filing a slot
Maybe you want a List, so you can add items at any time
arrays are presized, and they can't have slots added
Appending austinh
Woop I found a solution
A counter variable does the job
In that case, you should really look at List
    static void setNumber(String Number)
        numbersArray[counter] = Convert.ToInt16(Number);
Nah, my calculator is not going to have unlimited slots
just 10 slots
I think you can set a maxlength on the list
Even if you can't, it's still better
You can presize it, just like an array, and you don't need to manage the counter variable
Thanks for the solution, I'll look through that as well.
@HassanAlthaf dotnetperls.com/list
Hello guys. I have a question regarding timer. I have some method inside timer. In case its execution lasts longer then timer interval, timer start a new queue. How I can prevent timer start new queue before method completes its job? I'm using System.Timers.Timer
Visual Studio does not run my tests one class at a time. It's sticking other tests between tests in the same class. How do I fix this?
Get R#, the testrunner is really nice
1. I don't want it 2. I don't want to explain the expense to management
It can't really be called an expense. When you're taking a dump at work, they pay you more during that time then it would cost a simple license.
I don't take dumps at work
What a shame.
I don't make core dumps at work
I use languages that prevent them from happening!
I use languages that let you do them programmatically.
hehe geektalk...
if only I was that good sigh
Scala has three different uses for the world "singleton." :(
One of them refers to your mom.
mom.type would be my mom's singleton type.
anyone here who has implemented xmlrpc in asp.net mvc?
like above blog
Hey does any one know.... Do I have to download anything extra to VS 2013 to write code in F# ?
I'm sure @ReedCopsey would love to tell you.
@ScottSelby I believe microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41654 is what you're looking for
there is no date on there , and doesn't say what versions of VS its for
it'll be for 2013
nice , thanks
i remember downloading a "FSharp_Bundle," which I think at the time was 3.1, and I can create VS2013 F# projects
@NETscape this is for Express versions. @ScottSelby if you mean VS 2013 "full", it has F# out of the box
I really need to look into what the actual benifits are first .. but ive had some really brilliant people tell me how great it is for MVC
@guillaume31 - so professional edition will already have it?
there is an F# room, chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/51909/f, if you need a reason to develop in F# ask, or read transcript
well.. there is barely anybody in the c# room - i'll give it a shot though
idk guillaume... it has Fsi.exe, but I don't think the build tools. I had to download it when trying to build a github project.

If anyone has any input, I'd be very grateful
@ScottSelby absolutely
Damn. I managed to introduce a bug into staging that, after 5 minutes, begins sucking 100% CPU and consumes all memory.
@NETscape on VS 2013 Pro or higher ? That's weird. See fsharp.org/use/windows
The VS test runner is weird
@KendallFrey start now
No way
After-work dumps are the best. (@rlemon can vouch)
Why take dumps after work, when you can get paid to do them at work.
I don't dump in any public restroom
I don't sit on a throne I don't own.
simple rule of life
Not in my neighborhood.
1 hour later…
Looking for C# Extensions and Fluent freaks to answer my question ...
Q: Creating extensions for Pipeline from Parallel Extensions Extras

DarekI truly enjoy working with Parallel Extensions Extras, but must admit, still find myself challenged when it comes to creating extensions for Fluent programming methods. I have a particular need, given this simple BusinessEntity following the Null Object Pattern public abstract class BusinessEnt...

@guillaume31 ahh, must've just been the project i was building used power tools
Common freaks .. I know you are out there
Anyone ever have Visual Studio just not load a web-site, it errors and states: "Unable to start debugging on the web-server. The web-server did not respond in a timely manner." Which it is on a localhost, so it makes zero sense.
Nope @Greg
Kind of a weird issue though right @Darek?
Are you a fluent freak by any chance @Greg
It is weird
I usually resolve one like that by full rebuild
but it is a pain in the behind
Just went through one
@Darek A full rebuild didn't work.
after Upgrade from Win 8 to Win 8.1 went "successfully"
@Darek Define fluent freak?
@Darek I know the approach quite well, but I'm not a fan in several cases.
How come ?
@Darek I'm trying to get this error resolved, when I have time I'll take a look.
@Greg Gracias and Vielen Dank
@Darek Oh, I mixed it up with another approach. Fluent isn't that bad, it can be ideal.
@Darek No I didn't, it is an approach where you daisy chain methods?
That is the technique that creates more readable code, but it does it by implementing chaining correct?
Fluent for builders is pretty clean - is it a good idea to create fluent for orchestration? What's wrong with a normal C# logic flow?
@Squiggle Who you talking to?
musing out loud...
but partly toward @Darek :)
Sorry, I came in half way through. Paralellism is a pretty good reason to adopt that style :)
ignore me.
@Squiggle I don't like the method chain, pragmatically that neater code comes at a cost. What @Darek is trying to do is a good reason to implement such an approach.
Sorry, attention went on a walkabout @Greg
and @Squiggle

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