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You probably would not have enjoyed working there.
it was for LinkedIn
pretty sure I would have :)
I probably wouldn't have accepted unless it was insane anyways. Don't really wanna move to CA
they're the #1 ranked engineering shop on Glassdoor
#3 total
after Bain & Company at #1 and Twitter at #2
Looking like a good company to work at is a totally different thing than being a good company for you to work at
Sounds like they want scientists, not engineers.
@Billdr nah, I'm sure they want engineers. Nobody knows how the hell to hire engineers though
well, I think I should make an effort to study some straight up computer science. Maybe after I'm done building a billion things.
and getting those C# certs I've been putting off for 2 years.
it's frustrating because I know I'm a good engineer - I can solve problems, quite well in fact. Just because I'm not able to pull an optimized algorithm that was solved in the 80s out of my ass shouldn't disqualify me
no kidding. I only took 4 CS classes in school. It puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage.
I'm still trying to figure out what class that set theory mit lecture was for. I didn't have a straight database design class. It didn't seem like calculus. Maybe it was?
lmao best method name ever: ShimWebClient.AllInstances.UploadFileStringStringString
What is a common way to have my app check if a new version is available and if so, download the newest version and reinstall?
@TyMorrow what type of app is it?
I'd ping an address that has a version number for a response. Is that number bigger than my number? Woo.
I wanna say installwise does that for you using magic.
I have a question... In a database, I have a Category. Then I have another table that has the Title which is apart of the Category. It can have one Category but hundreds of Titles. How should I do my SQL? Am I going to have to write code to handle it for me?
If Category = Category then concatenate Title to Category?
@Greg have you tried drawing it out?
Yeah, I did this-
But it repeats the values.
list your tables for me with schema
is Category a table or a column?
same question for Title
- Id
- Name

- Id
- Title
- CategoryId

It is more complex, but out of the data on the tables that is all I care about.
why don't you have a [Title] table with a foreign key to [Subcategory].[Id] ?
The foreign key is CategoryId.
CategoryId has to match Category.Id
why can't you have another table with a foreign key?
you're going to have multiple Titles per SubCategory, right?
or do you have Subcategory because you want multiple titles?
@Pheonixblade9 - In the situation we were talking about earlier, would the sproc execute faster than raw sql?
@TravisJ yes, usually
it's not huge, but having a cached execution plan can help with large queries
Q: Efficency of stored procedures vs raw queries

stimmsI have read much on both sides of this debate: is there a signficant performance gain to be had by using only stored procedures over raw queries? I am specifically interested in SQL Server but would be interested in any and all databases.

@Pheonixblade9 I didn't write the database, I can't change it. However, it exist because we have multiple titles. Example:

Category - Dental
SubCategory - Tooth Brush
SubCategory - Floss
SubCategory - Mouth Wash

Is an example...
why do you have a subcategory table? just use a self-referenced table...
also why can't you change the db..?
seems like shitty DB design
@Pheonixblade9 Because I'm not the DBA.
@Pheonixblade9 It has way more data then just that, I summarized.
why are you asking how to write the SQL if you don't have the ability to manipulate the database?
well... what is the output you are trying to get?
Well, I basically want:

Dental - Tooth Brush - Floss - Mouth Wash

But all the queries I do, because of rows basically do:

Dental - ToothBrush
Dental - Floss
Dental - Mouth Wash
because you have shitty DB design. you should talk to your DBA
if you have more than a single level of subcategories, you should redesign the DB
are you just trying to concatenate all of the subcategories?
Yeah, I'm new I have zero pull. I don't want to make waves.
So I'll have to create a method that takes the data, then concatenates them all as it runs through the query.
I hear that a lot
your options are to go talk to the DBAs and try to convince them, or to write shitty nonperformant difficult to maintain code
@Pheonixblade9 If I was working here for a bit and wasn't on probation for being new, I'd mention it.
@Greg if they get angry at you for bringing up design concerns you don't want to work there.
why do you think it matters that you're on probation? this is a technical issue, not like you're going to get reprimanded for trying to solve it
I can't imagine a workplace environment (that isn't completely toxic) where you'd get in trouble for suggesting a DB change
It's just a massive change as I'd have to rewrite their backend to cater to this front end.
Unfortunately I'm guessing they're in denial about how badly their DB is designed and would rather hire new developers (@Greg) for drudge work supporting it rather than fix the underlying problem. :D
Welcome to dev life.
I bet you they have schemas like "Title1, Title2, Title3, Title4, Title5" as columns
@Pheonixblade9 oh god, i have seen those...
@Austinh100 we have some...
"Property paths can only be used to access primitive or complex properties."
The second most acurate navigational device. The Penis.
dafuq =/
does SC_CLOSE not work?
.Reference(entity => entity.Places.Select( p => p.Thing ) ).Load(); // fails
.Get(entity).Include(entity => entity.Places.Select( p => p.Thing ); // works fine
@TravisJ - have you looked that the suggested california split up?
Secretly, the EF hates me.
@SpencerRuport fuck that.
Those people are freaking delusional.
If they manage to pass that piece of shit it will mess the state up bad.
we have the same thing in WA. They want to split the state east/west because everyone outside of Seattle is conservative.
I mean, the moment they made Silicon Valley it's own state it's like okay, this map was not made with everyone's interests in mind.
Yeh, it is a billionaires idea of becoming governor of silicon valley
"All us rich people gonna live here."
What they don't realize is that their milk is going to cost them $10/gallon if they do that.
and their water
What water? ll
SF gets most of it's water from the Sierras
through the other states.
Yes it does.
Water crossing state's borders is a massive political deal.
So water, milk, OJ, apple juice, wine... basically if they wanna drink anything.
Almost all of CA's water comes from the San Joaquin valley.
Or, if you look at the new map, that part is labelled "Ghetto California"
Two words... Stewart Resnick.
(He owns a ton of CA's water)
Dude would be a mogul, and he isn't exactly fond of Silicon Valley
Anywho, there is no way that will get enough votes to pass
I bet it gets something like 21%
Hm, only thing I can think of is a simple method that will query then return a string and build a List until the Category doesn't match anymore.
@Greg is the subcatagory in the same table?
then couldn't you just query the subcatagory table where the main catagory = Dental
Do SC_CLOSE and WM_CLOSE not work?
select distinct sc.SubCatID,
        STUFF((select distinct (', ' + CourseTitle)
            from dbo.PlattUCourses
            where SubCatID = sc.SubCatID
            ORDER BY ', ' + CourseTitle
            For XML PATH ('')),1,1,'') as CrossRefList
from dbo.PlattUSubCats sc
That solved the issue.
eurgh... that sounds not very performant. really wish you could get them to just change the db
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah.
Do SC_CLOSE and WM_CLOSE not work?
have you tried just asking?
@jyrka I have no idea what you're talking about
but saying the same thing over and over probably won't do much
@jyrka They work fine - what's the problem?
i want to show messagebox on close button click. i have: if(m.Msg==WM_SYSCOMMAND){ if(m.WParam.ToInt32() ==  SC_CLOSE) { } }
though SC_CLOSE is a WM_SYSCOMMAND parameter, not a message
can't get it to work
you may have to override WM_CLOSE as well
are you sure you have it in the right WndProc override?
Is that bad ?
what do you mean?
sry read wrong.. been up too long
yeah i have it in WndProc
I got grumpy last night... it was kinda funny...
guy with "C# professional" came in and was asking me about Random.Next()... ugh
@ReedCopsey - Is it possible to eager load navigational properties on entities which have been already loaded from the database?
I tried this:
var attachWC = db.context.Entry(wc);
foreach (var xp in exp)
But got an exception during runtime of "Property paths can only be used to access primitive or complex properties."
It worked when i put it before: " base.WndProc(ref m); ".
Honestly.. this confuses me a bit.
@TravisJ I don't do EF ;) not sure how you'd do it there
@jyrka if you pass to base, it's probably getting handled - typically, your handler goes first

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