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i have been trying to use Tor in my application but all in vain :(
1 hour later…
@RajuMelveetil success
2 hours later…
@DavidG I wanted to know if someone could helo me with custom events and delegates, a more detailed explanation of my issue can be found here stackoverflow.com/questions/24773931/…
@TravisJ you 'round? :)
guys how do i print random numbers between 1 and 2 ? everytime
i mean i know about the random function
but it keeps returning the same most of the time
        protected static int rand()
            var rn = new Random();
            return rn.Next(1, 2);
thats my current code
that's because Random uses the same seed every time unless you provide it with one
why are you writing a method to do this?
why not just put the Random in the caller (where you use that method) and call rn.Next whenever you need another one?
@RyanTernier or @TravisJ or @RoelvanUden around for a q?
as in like var rn = new Random().Net(1,2) ?
@MAD4RA no, you'll have the same problem
Random r = new Random();
double d0 = r.Next(1, 2);
double d1 = r.Next(1, 2);
oh uhmm
the reason you're getting the same number is because it starts from the same "random" location when you don't provide it with a seed
ok will try
ive rewritten it differently though :P
    protected static int rand()
      var rn = new Random();
      int res;
      var x = rn.Next(1,1000);
      if (x % 2 == 0)
          res = 1;
      else res = 2;
        return }
@Pheonixblade9 when it still returns 1 most of the time when i try what you gave me :|
no no no no no
why are you doing that?
what are you trying to do?
i have tables named answer1 & answer2
your trollface on your profile picture is leading me to believe I should ignore you
you say you're professionally familiar with C#
i have to print values from those tables randomly
you should remove that from your profile right now
if you're not just trolling me
no i no troll
!!google c sharp generate random number
        Random r = new Random();
        int x = r.Next(1,2);
this is what i used
sorry, how do you have a bachelor's in computer science?
not to be mean
but seriously - this is one of the most profoundly simple problems in C#
wtf dude
i mean seriously if you dont want to help please don't
people arent born with coding skills
I am just wondering
everyone learns
but - you claim to know professional level C#
I cannot see how a beginning C# coder wouldn't know how to solve this
the only conclusion I can draw from that is that you're a liar and your profile is BS - that makes me not want to help you
maybe i didn't care about this for so long
I'm fine with people asking beginner questions, no problem. But claiming you're a C# professional then asking me how to generate a random number? That pisses me off
@rlemon wake up..?
@Pheonixblade9 - still here?
yes, also fuck yes
I got it working
I had to set up IIS locally
I still need to get auth working properly I think
so you are making an owin machine?
honestly not sure
I just know IIS is working and I'm able to hit every one of the APIs I've gotten, with auth denials for the correct methods
I had the weird case of it working perfectly in production but not locally :)
works on other machines sticker
I do want to get a basic Angular app working, though
did you make the project in vs?
it was using the shitty local IIS
2013 ultimate
I had to enable IIS on my machine and create a virtual directory
so is that the online integrated one?
hehe, I have an MSDN ultimate subscription... I get allllll the goodies
iis 9?
yep. one click deployment to Azure
and you are trying to host from that machine or just deving on it ?
IIS Version 6.2 is what it said
deving, but I want a stable server from which to dev. I am now running SQL Server and IIS on my machine. Hope I don't feel like playing any games any time soon :)
SQL server only using 115MB... I guess that's not bad
in vs, what base project did you create?
I am using the website deployment, not the VM deployment
WebAPI with unit tests.
sql server will only get hit when it has an open connection or multiple
ASP.NET website > WebAPI with unit tests checked
I'll just turn it off if I play a demanding game.
just feels good to get it up and running
and just in time... booty call is coming in like 10 minutes lol
I guess I can get the basic angular stuff working tomorrow?
I'd like to get the skeleton though
I think I can do that in 10-15, yeah?
The auth is a pain if you are using Identity
I'd love to get a basic AngularJS project up and running using visual studio with deployment if possible
do you know how to do that?
I have a template but it doesn't work very well and includes a bunch of stuff I don't want.
Just for presentation?
yeah, I just want the one-click deployment of Visual Studio to Azure really.
not sure if it makes sense to put that project in the same solution as the WebAPI stuff
We could make a dotnet fiddle to test the angular
The backend will be mvc, but the angular is all you want anyway right?
The razor will work the same either way
back end is WebAPI, front end web is Angular, front end mobile is native/Xamarin
I don't want razor or anything like that - vanilla HTML/JS with Angular (and Twitter bootstrap probably)
does that make sense?
I am basically only using visual studio for deployment and as an IDE
I don't want MVC, Razor or anything else. I am going to be developing solely using Angular for the front end
okay that works too
.net fiddle is nice because you can properly test ajax with it by having a server side response
so, does it make sense to just create another project in the same solution as my WebAPI project? or should I create a new solution?
I guess I could deploy the site to production
I'm stopping the prod site for now so people don't blast it or anything
You don't have to expose it
oh yeah. I know how to do the Angular stuff
actually, remove that from the equation
What does the equation look like?
I currently have a site, BirdfolioAPI up and running. It's using WebAPI with an MVC help page.

I want a site, Birdfolio up and running with just a "hello world" for right now. I can add the Angular and such later. I just want it to be deployable to IIS or Azure with a single button click
copy the JS files over, etc. etc.
does that paint the whole picture?
Yeah, so, you don't have single click deploy at the moment?
All you really have to do to set that up is create a Publish profile
well... I don't have a site at all
all I have is a WebAPI site
I want to keep the WebAPI project separate from the web app project
so can I literally create a blank web project and make a publish profile?
Yes, but I think they are stored in a xml file hidden in the project so they don't really cross apply very well.
yep, in the solution
rather, at the solution level
so does it make sense to create another solution? or just a project
or am I taking crazy pills?
I'm sorta using this as a guide: github.com/MarlabsInc/webapi-angularjs-spa
Honestly, once you do the publish part you will realize how easy it was.
But it still takes a little bit of time. You could practice by deploying a blank project
I have the WebAPI part deployed already
like, there's a site up and running on Azure
yeah I have that installed as a template
I don't want any of the MVC stuff though
The mvc stuff is really easy to remove
It is just calls to methods that return strings really.
@Scripts.Render("") == <script src="">
I have to go though
Ill be back on tomorrow morning
ok thanks man :)
@Pheonixblade9 Just add the static files to your api and put them on copy true. Then, add a http handler to serve the static content from IIS. When you publish, both go ;)
Hi guys
Q: algorithm for Encr/Decr String Value

ElaheIs there any algorithm for Encrypt and Decrypt String values not exactly in .net ? I mean that I want the algorithm work with most languages, so I don't want to use .net libraries... like RijndaelManaged or something like this. can u suggest me useful algorithm?

Q: how to change dll directory in C# project

ElaheI used a dll in my C# project that its Directory is exactly in same location of exe file. so when I install my project, the dll file will be locate in exe Directory. is there any way that I change dll Directory? for example the dll file locate in this: C:\Windows. I dont want that user know abo...

> asked 7 minutes ago
@TravisJ goto is nice, but watch out for raptors.
@Elahe just merge the libs
@RoelvanUden what?!
Q: Embed .net dll in c# .exe

MarkI am writing a project which makes use of the MS Chart for .net 3.5 utility. However, either all users will also need to install this, or I need to package the dll with the program. I can get Visual Studio to copy the dll to the folder with the program, but is it possible to make it embed the d...

Hai @rightfold
morning all
@juanvan thanks, that did what I wanted - the real question for me now is why do I have to do this?
hi all, has anyone tried vs web performance and load test ?
Anyone offer some help with DataGridView
@Yoda sure, what about it?
Basically I have a object like

public class Orders
public int OrderId {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}

The list of Orders is assigned to the datagrid like

dgdOrders.DataSource = OrdersList;

But, the problem is the column title for OrderId needs to be Order #. How can I decorate the property in the class to the column header text is different to the property name
@RoelvanUden Hola.
@Tommo1977 try [Display], it might just work (Im really not sure for.. wpf?)
winform app
the data is coming from a wcf service
oh no winforms doesnt understand anything
just dont use auto generated columns then
How do I map the fields from my POCO to the columns then
Write a function that takes a POCO and returns a list of columns!
@RoelvanUden in my web app, depending on the context of the user who is logged in, the data changes its same as different profiles. How should I start making small web tests ? Should I do all the tests as a single user?
Depends on what you want to test :-)
@rightfold ideally I want to specify the column header in my Wcf service as a attribute in the object
yeah that is true. I'm just concerned of is that the right approach?
I tried [DataMember(Name = "Order #")] but that has no affect
Ugh putting view stuff in the business object.
@Yoda You can test a lot of things. If you're just interesting in seeing how your server holds up under high load, just shoot off a bunch of different requests for a semi-high sql heavy page.
If that requires a user, send a user.
@RoelvanUden ok I'm going to try it today. This is going to be my first real test using this project. so excited. :)
@rightfold ?
@Yoda Be sure you test load balance on a PRODUCTION environment. Your debug server, with your debug database and debug tracing, and your debugger, don't make it faster!
@RoelvanUden yeah sure. its good to prepare some tests first.
2 hours later…
Hi guys, what do you use for CI (other than TFS)
nice web-based UI, lots of plugins...but quite mysterious when it goes wrong
mm We use Jenkins already in an other project, so it would probably be good. However I'm not sure that I want to use that Jenkins to run my project, but as I understand it, it's not possible to run multiple Jenkins on the same machine.
possibly not, but why would you?
don't really know.. I don't want to be dependent on that project I guess
Does that other project's team "own" the jenkins box? If so I could see why that might be a political issue, but it doesn't really tie itself to any particular project you run on it
oh sorry, I got busy... yes, it's the other project that own's that box. I don't think that it would be that much of a problem... Maybe I should just go on that.. They are on vacation now anyways :)
@TomW think its from MVC engine grabbing everything sticking it into named properties - HTML - name="searchterm" Action - Edit(string searchterm) it will auto map those.
Here is the post on it Link
Thanks. I wonder if I supply another route without an id parameter, it would render the correct one if it finds it earlier in the order of precedence?
Q: How to use TPL with Entity Framework?

bhuvinI am looking forward to use TPL with Entity Framework 6.1. I have already coded a Demo Application with this; Explanation What i am trying to Achieve: CODE : public void StoreTeamDetailsFromServer() { try { IAccountRepository accountReposito...

Guys , Could you please have a look at it ?
what does the action look like?
Could you change it to not take the parameter or a get/post Annotation
Details(int id) - so I do actually want an id, but I'm supplying that in the query string by rendering a form with a get action
I don't want the helper to assume that the rendered link should include the id of the current page
Has anybody had trouble calling the
Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); method before? I'm trying to persist values to an xml config file, and it's not saving.
Hi guys, I'm using forms auth ticket to store some user data and the encrypted data is saved in cookie on successful login in my asp.net mvc application. It is then used in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute method to read the values and set the values in session. I use this session wherever I need that userdata. Is this a right approach to access data that is common to many places?
posted on July 17, 2014 by ericlippert

Continuing with my series of answers to questions that were asked during my webcast on Tuesday: The copy-paste checker example you showed was interesting. I’ve heard that NASA disallows copy-pasting in code because it is so error prone; is this … Continue reading →

Does anyone like answering dumb questions? I am making a WPF app, I have a long running thread that has a MessageBox at one point. It works, but is this bad practice for any reason. I guess I just think of the warnings about messing with UI on different threads. I know that you aren't 'allowed' to update a UI control on a thread other than the one it was created on, but is it bad to make UI controls on multiple threads?
@TomW would have to see more code, I could not recreate
@using (@Html.BeginForm("Index", "Manufacture", FormMethod.Get))
It never brings in the ID from the details action
@juanvan in my case the page is /Controller/Details/1234
i.e. rendering the form in the Details view
Home/Details/1 yep
and with that helper I did not get the id in the form
Rendered <form action="/Manufacture" method="get">
MVC is getting pretty annoying with its mysterious, decide to do something different without being asked and don't say why kind of behaviour
the black box frameworks - input X get back A or B could be C if you did not add a null to the route or Length=4
Is it possible to conditionally exclude inputs in an html form from being posted?
/included in the query string, depending on method
you can [Bind("include"/"exclude"] on the action but that is only to the model
hmm, not really what I had in mind, I guess that would stop the view from rendering it as well. What I'm after is to be able to post a form comprising a number of table rows with only the rows that have been changed and ignore the rest. I suppose the only reason for that is performance to keep the request size down
only if it was in the HTTP request
if you wanted no request for FooName to be matched - Exclude
I should fix that
You mean on my resume?
How do I convert a DateTime containing a local time to a DateTimeOffset?
DateTime localTime = new DateTime(2007, 07, 12, 06, 32, 00);
DateTimeOffset dateAndOffset = new DateTimeOffset(localTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(localTime));
There's a constructor for DateTimeOffset that takes a DateTime. That no good?
Yes, it's fine
@NETscape The TimeZoneInfo was what I needed, thanks
the world should just run on 1 clock
timezones and DST are a shitty idea
never really realized how annoying it was until you are actually dealing with time sensitive material as a developer.... i bet 10% only know half of what timezones involve
I bet 90% know only 10% of timezones and related shit
Have you seen Jon Skeet's famous time adjustment answer?
@ton.yeung you were/are a consultant right?
@ton.yeung I thought I had fixed that...
yes, and see all his noda time posts and what not... makes me think i only know 10% of timezones haha.
@ton.yeung working for a consulting company or self employed?
and imagine if you went international, then you have to account for different countries have different DST dates, and some of those dates can change, and sometimes it'll start 1 week one month and the next year it'll be a different week. and then of course there are countries that doesn't follow DST.
Countries and states
Like Arizona
which is why you see multiple UTC offsets for the same "region"
it's just dumb.
Anyone knows how to get a virus md5 list?
just asking I want to see & compare sites :D
I am asking for a md5 hashes list of known virusses
Virus MD5 Signature(s) List(s)
Why does it have to be MD5?
just asking I want to see & compare sites :D
just drop it.
perfect time to facepalm Mike
MD5 sucks, no one should use it
I was just asking :P. Consider using more hashing algorithms, it might widen your results :)
Now a more Visual Studio Related Question: Why does visual studio always enables svchost
svchost has nothing to do with VS
svchost runs windows service DLLs.
or Visual Studio Hosting Proces -.-
What's your question?
@MikeM. No, that's vshost
ye that one why does it always run that process
I always disable it and see nothing changes...
Because it uses it for debugging
!!google what is vshost process
do you just kill everything you dont know in process manager..
uhm sometimes ye
kill explorer.exe
fun times
on win 8 no fun times
windows 8's interface runs on explorer.exe
so if you kill explorer.exe it's byebye interface until restart
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
man, I have a mental block where I can never remember whether parenthesized expressions in regexes are put in Match.Captures or Match.Groups
you can also Run explorer.exe from command line and restart it
@DreadPiratePeter both, I think
@NETscape I believe that when you kill explorer.exe you can't even go on ctrl + alt + delete
it is a symptom of a more general problem with my brain. I don't do well remembering between 2 choices. 3 or more I am spot on
@MikeM. windows auto starts the process if you kill it
maybe in win 8.1
@MikeM. I should hope so, Ctrl+Alt+Delete is a full-stop signal for the OS
but when I tested it in win 8.0 {the first versions} windows was like:
"Nope I don't give a fuck go fuck yourself and now restart"
@KendallFrey it's the menu area to logout lock return blablabla
@KendallFrey Now that you mention signals, I once saw an image comparing how Windows and Linux handled kill requests.

What's the actual difference? Doesn't Windows have a TERMINATE THE MOFO signal?
Oh, if you want something interesting, press Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Key
The image was kinda like: windows asked the process to shut itself down. Linux murdered the process.
Literally, murdered.
@RodrigoSilva Windows doesn't have signals afaik. It terminates process by throwing an exception, maybe?
The picture should be the other way around, because in Linux it's easy to handle signals.
@KendallFrey hehe you're evil
malaysian (sp) airline downed over ukraine. WW3
@KendallFrey Let me see if I can find it
OK, Windows does have some form of signals. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xdkz3x12.aspx
I'm not sure if they work similar to Linux or not
Hm, it wasn't Linux, it was FreeBSD specifically, iirc
@KendallFrey Can Windows force a process to shutdown? Without even asking it to first
The operating system can do whatever the fuck it wants.
According to FreeBSD's manpage, SIGKILL does exactly that
Does it? I have no idea.
And I'm pretty sure SIGKILL is handleable
Oh, no, it's SIGINT that Ctrl+C sends
If you send a SIGKILL signal, the OS will process to clean up every resource the process used
yea, SO is the Portuguese thingy :P Sistema Operativo
OS, yeah, sorry.
I am getting really tired of these douchebag leech sites that scrape stack overflow and represent it with boatloads of ads.
"re-present it" would have read better in that last statement
> The SIGPWR signal is sent to a process when the system experiences a power failure.
Windows? :O
@RodrigoSilva No, certain obscure versions of Unix
@NETscape BBC is speculating about what it was shot down with. Says there was a launcher quite capable of doing that seen inside the Ukrainian border recently - so could be rebels, not necessarily russians
So, Windows should have a SIGKILL signal.
right. that's why i didn't say it was either or.
Just clean it up, kill it!
There probably is a way to do that
The most reliable way to shut down a process is to triple fault
Not like that's actually possible in a mainstream OS
Anyone help me with a question on BindingSource (winform)
ick WinForms
!!urban ick
@RodrigoSilva [ick](http://ick.urbanup.com/131660) something gross, a feminine way of saying "ew".

usage by men: only recommended if you are a homosexual.
that a no
> My Plumbing Plans have kind of gone down the drain as I was getting ready to plunger into them.

> I thought it would be fitting for me to flow into [the office] for the afternoon.
oh well
Tommo what's your q?
1 hour later…
/back to sleep
haha what

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