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hi guys !
Hows everyone doing ?? Especially Monday ... :'(
hi @bhuvin
All good here.
How you doing?
2 hours later…
why my vsdoc documentation in XML file for my JavaScript file doesn't appear in completion list.
my xml file (test.xml):
Q: How to Extract Single Node using CheckBox in Telerik TreeView?

Jasper ManickarajI have one question about Telerik TreeView. In the Telerik documentation, they deal with RadTreeView only. Actually I had a Telerik TreeView that contains parent, child and siblings. I load this Treeview successfully using Load On Demand that is by clicking the parent node it loads the child nod...

pls help me on this friends
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <member name="M:CommonUtilities">
      <summary>This is an example.</summary>
my JS file (test.js):
hai @MRS1367
/// <loc filename="test.xml" format="vsdoc" />

"use strict";

function CommonUtilities() {
    /// <summary locid='M:CommonUtilities'>Temp</summary>
have any idea about telerik
hey @JasperManickaraj
@JasperManickaraj -> no. sry
hmm okay dude
Hi all ... i have a question related to dropbox programming
is it possible to update the content of a text file in dropbox prgrammatically
You can download it, edit and then upload it (overwrite existing)?
Have you checked the API?
no i dint check. but i couldnt find how to update content programmitically
posted on June 30, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

The state of healthcare reporting is just abysmal. It's all linkbait. It's fun to write things like "Random Joe invents cure for diabetes in his garage, saves dying 5 year old." It's surely less fun to read them with you're the one with the disease. It's time for medical journalists to try a little harder to educate themselves and stop writing headlines that are optimized for pagevie

@sheetalnainwal If it's running locally, just overwrite it and dropbox will sync again
hi @RoelvanUden
@scheien Hey :)
What's up?
Did you see the match yesterday?
Not much, working :-) and nope, I went for a motorcycle ride instead.
Empty streets makes for great fun :P
What bike do you have?
A 1995 suzuki intruder vs600
Strikingly similar to this one bikez.com/pictures/suzuki/1995/…
They're pretty cool
a fine cruiser
Jup, but it's a bit of a lightweight one, so it doesn't compare in terms of power to the r6 and such.
You ride, too?
I don't have license for bikes :(
So I don't own a bike
but driven a few ;-)
I got kids, and I don't have time to take the license at this point
it is on the todo list
we just bought a new house, so I guess it won't happen any time soon
Ahhh, probably not in that case. Still, it's great fun so you really should if at all possible :p
the license is the hard part, the bike is cheap, insurance is cheap
I do own a couple of cars though :p
hello all,i want to know is there any way that i can make a *some sort of device*
that can be readable only by s/w if person want to read or write it without that s/w it should not be readable.
can i lock a pendrive which can be unlocked only by a s/w ?
I am getting following error when deploying MVC application on my Web Hosting Server.
NInject error. The IControllerFactory (did not return a controller for the name)

How do i resolve this?
@Shell: There is probably more to that error than what you are showing us.
Have you tried googling the error?
@scheien i have found a post here
now i am reading it
It may not have a bind setup
thanks for your reply.. scheien
the problem has been solved by updating NInject dependencies from version 3.0 to 3.2. I really don't know what was the problem.
leave it, its not important...
@Shell: Great :-)
What should i use to avoid xss vulnerabilities in ASP.NET MVC 4?
<%: values %> or <%= values %>
@scheien do you have any idea?
hi... where i can get DbxFileSystem assembly ? for dropbox
@sheetalnainwal you mean sdk of dropbox sync for android?
yes but not for android, i want to use in .net
so i'll have to download sdk for that?
ok.. let me check
i have downloaded Dropbox.api
yes i have
downloaded from here
i found another article for it. codingstill.com/2013/11/…
thanks @Shell :) but i have done file upload and download task. now i want to read and update file content programmatically
so for this what should i do
@Shell: Just make sure that any input by user is stripped for any unwanted chars
e.g. that the < > are replaced by html entities
you just want to prevent any execution of a javascript
that comes from userinput
yes @scheien, I have read this article http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/preventing-cross-site-scripting-attacks-in-asp.net-mvc-4.htm
and i found that we can avoid xss attack by using <%= values %> closing and opening brackets.
but, the suggestion is different in this post. that is we should use `:` instead of `=`.
So i am just confused between that two options.
sorry @sheetalnainwal i dont have idea. Im also new in this.
@Shell: Why aren't you using razor engine?
yeah im using it.
Its just for knowledge
The difference is how it writes the response.
<%= is shorthand for Response.Write()
and <%: is shorthand for Response.Write(server.htmlencode())
So that means we can use both options
but we need to encode that content when we are using <%=
m i right?
ok... thanks sir, i got it.
Is anyone able to solve my headache? ;-) stackoverflow.com/questions/24483789/…
To ensure that org X doesnt query org Y's data, you should include the orgId
otherwise any logged in user could query any student
just by changing the studentId
Are you using the built-in membership/role providers?
Yes, thats my issue. I am just having a mental fight if I should include the organisationId on the service method or getting the current user identity from my service
I cant have HttpContext on the service, as I do not wish to have a dependency on it.
I would probably have gotten the user in the controller, by the ticket, and then have done a lookup
Is this code that is executed within the controller action?
Yes I am firing _studentService.GetStudent(id) from my controller.
then get the user in the controller
and use the orgid as a parameter in the service signature
then there will be no dependency on httpcontext within your service clas
and as you say that org x should not be able to browse org Y's students, requiring both studentid and orgId is the way to go.
I just feel my methods on the service is getting bloated, when I need to supply the organisation id all the time. Is it dangerous to use Thread.CurrentPrincipal?
Form within my service
Why is it getting bloated?
Maybe just inject the IPrincipal on the service
It just seem like an "unnecessary" parameter on the service
I have a lot of methods
That could be an option, atleast if you already have a DI running
I do
Could you split your studentservice up in smaller parts? if you have lots of methods that is
What if you want to use that service from another application, if you have another UI
Yes, that'll be a problem.
with the orgId parameter, you would only require the same input throughout the solution.
Can't really see the loss of having that overload
Yeah, guess I will have to do this. I thought there was an elegant solution to this :-)
I can not be the only one who has been fighting this :-P
Have you received any feedback on your question?
Yes, a little - I keep it open for a bit more time
@scheien Can i ask one more question?
I will try to experiment with kernel.Bind<IPrincipal>().ToMethod(context => Thread.CurrentPricipal).InRequestScope();
Im just new in ASP.NET MVC.
We know that we cannot use ASP.NET Configuration tool for user authentication in ASP.NET MVC 4.
I need to know that then how can i manage the rules for users?
meep: let me know how it goes ;-)
actually recently i have created an application in ASP.NET MVC 4. and i have also created two users Admin and User1
but, those users are not displaying in ASP.NET Configuration Tool
That could be bacause of the provider
that it uses different tables or what not
i have google it. and i found that the MVC 4 is using different database
MVC 4 is uses SimpleMembership provider
I've always implemented my own accountcontroller which handles this
It can be added to the app_data database
click show all files for your project
and expand app_data
see if there is a *.mdf file there
yeah i found it. So, I need to handle rules manually?
I've implemented my own account controller, since it is almost always a requirement.
check this article hanselman.com/blog/…
Q: Strange Behaviour of Response.Write()

Kerem ZamanI am working on a ASP.NET MVC Project. In my controller I check if ModelState is valid and according to result I assign value to IsSucceed . if (ModelState.IsValid) { ModelTutucu.modelim.IsSucceed = true; } return View("YaziEkle",ModelTutucu.modelim); In my v...

Q: get the selected row of datagrid i.e on click in mvvm

user3386790i want to get the selected row of datagrid i.e on click in mvvm.i have below code i want to use it in MVVM,but not able to do so.Please let me know how to convert below 3 line s in mvvm using relay comand and Icommand DataRowView dataRow = (DataRowView)dgProjectComponents.SelectedItem; ...

any one have knowledge of MVVM?
@KeremZaman: Try using @success instead of Response.Write(success);
When you're using response.write you are writing to the stream before the razor stuff has been rendered and is ready to be written.
very useful article @scheien.
But, I should also try to implement my own account controller just like you.
Thank you sir for for giving me better suggestion. and sorry if i have annoyed you.
Thanks a lot @scheien , it works.
@Shell: no, you haven't annoyed me. :-)
@KeremZaman: Great :)
@KeremZaman congratulation finally you got the solution.
@KeremZaman: You shouldn't need to call response.write() in a razor view, unless you need to do something really special :)
@scheien What do you mean by special?
@KeremZaman: I can't think of any reason for using response.write() in a razor view. That's why I said special :-)
@scheien haha :)
2 hours later…
Hi all
Could someone check my answer here: stackoverflow.com/a/24492030/1398425
Is what I have done considered bad practice as everyone jumped to abstracting?
hi guys ...
I am looking forward to use Entity framework with Sqllite ...
So anybody could suggest if there could be any possible problems
Hi all!
JS chat didnt give me an answer, hoping you will...
a little outdated but still a good stepping stone
Hey LINQ :)
Really need BBcode editor that also can translate bb to html on client side with no instance at UI (in TextArea or wherever else). Is there such an editor?
Ermm, don't know... I normally use the DevExpress components if I need an HTML editor
they are a little pricey though
Let me explain detailed. I want user to type BB, then save BB to database, then translate it to html when displaying to user. I could use some 3rd party .NET lib to translate bb to html on server, but i already tried and now see JS bb editors and .NET libs are not fully compatible, some of them dont "understand" tags the other side does. THats whyi'd like the same lib encode and decode BB.
ahhhh I see. I think sort of writing something yourself you'd be stuck with a 3rd party
@LINQ2Vodka tried this one: nuget.org/packages/BBCode
how people usually do with bb? am i wanting something wrong?
I don't normally offer BB just HTML editiors
This looks pretty sweet bbcode.codeplex.com
you can define custom tags
most of JS BB editors can tramslate bb to html in the editor like TEXTAREA, but i need to transate say all the topic messages tread that is just displayed, not being edited
Yeah so you use the package above, intercept at an API / Service level and translate
Use markdown? ;)
@Squiggle +1
Happy Monday folks =)
@LINQ2Vodka Markdown is the bb-like coding that StackOverflow uses. It's very well supported and has some excellent, clean JS libraries for front end conversion, and a couple of good .Net libraries as well for back-end conversion. I've used it very effectively in a previous project.
Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax designed so that it optionally can be converted to HTML using a tool by the same name. Markdown is popularly used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums or in text editors for the quick creation of rich text documents. History The Markdown language was created in 2004 by John Gruber with substantial contributions from Aaron Swartz, with the goal of allowing people “to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, and optionally convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)”. Taking cues from e...
Anyone here ever use the Blue Imp jQuery File Upload Plugin?
never heard of it.
Oh, you know of any good file upload plugins for ASP.NET? That utilize jQuery?
sorry, been away :) Ok, now will carefully read what you said, thank you
hey everyone!
I need help...
Q: An exception of type 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException'

JLottI am getting the error: An exception of type 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException' occurred in Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information: Activation error occurred while trying to get instance of type Obje...

@ton.yeung I am!
@ton.yeung It is in the solution and in the same project as the ServerOrderMainListViewModel
And the ServiceLocation dll is being copied to the bin folder.
Anyone know of a quick script or tool for dumping a list of build definition names from TFS?
What's wrong with just reading the list?
I want something copy-pasteable and easily repeatable
Alright, then I'm no use
I guess the default web interface lets me select the names in the treeview if I'm careful with my cursor
@ton.yeung Web-Forms.
@ton.yeung How those monitors?
@ton.yeung Okay, just let me know. Were still on for the first though right?
Okay, @ton.yeung if it isn't too much trouble.
I'm strapped now that I started a new job.
@ton.yeung If you can't, then the 10th will suffice. It would just help me out.
Has anyone used ClearScript.V8?
I can't get the c++ projects to build :(
I'll ask him when I see him.
I think I figured it out though.
hey guys
how's it going?
so... I think I might have messed up my SQL server query...
@ton.yeung thankfully no BSOD... I've just never seen that before
cool :))
@ton.yeung no need.
I think I have a terabyte in my machine, I just don't use it
everything fits on my SSD
I don't want the data files on a data drive
SSD is faster access
I work with huge DBs, it's good to have fast access :)
@ton.yeung lol I felt bad enough asking for a 480GB SSD
don't really need it.
Mmn Koss sent me warranty replacement head phones twice :S Should I bother to contact them?
@LewsTherin contact them. they'll tell you to keep them.
Alright, kwl. Honesty best policy perhaps they will send some more :)
Ugh, return mailing label :P
Ha ha told to keep it
You were right! xD
it had to happen sooner or later
ha lol
Somehow I didn't get charged customs.
May be because the value was 9$
I hope Nicola Peltz can act. She is stunning but gives off an "annoying" vibe.

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