right, my understanding is that no custom code should be needed to handle this, but my Click_GoBack function was a hail mary, which isn't working either
do you guys log to windows eventlog or database for asp.net web application? Which option is useful over the other or should it be done to both of them?
But- if I bind Click: Click_GoBack to the <Button>, the breakpoint gets hit!
getting closer... so moving the <Button Click="Click_GoBack"> from where it is when it works to the uppermost grid breaks it - I get no feedback on mouseover or click
so livefyre's SSL security seems to have expired, and it powers comments on Pluralsight, so trying to login with G+ or Twitter gives me an error from auth.livefyre.com. Should I proceed anyways 0_o
I've grown quite fond of saving .sql files and then File.ReadAllTexting them instead of inlining strings because it lets me execute the query in an isolated environment if I need to - is there any way I can do something similar with EF?
var result = (from p in partnumbers
where p.partnumber == pn.partnumber
select new { partnumber = p.partnumber, description = p.description, qty = p.qty }).FirstOrDefault();
Is this the same as var result = (PartNumberr) (from p in partnumbers
where p.partnumber == pn.partnumber
select p).FirstOrDefault();
with .NET 4.5.2 (roslyn/ryu) you can build and target a nix machine so your code just runs on it
Xamarin just released version 3 today, i already downloaded it on my surface
@ton.yeung I met a developer at xamarin, i have his card. I'll shoot him a message asking for a comparison :) (of course it'll be biased) but now i'm curious haha
I just had to alter an existing regex and ended up with this new monster :-( (Vol\.\s*(?<Volume>[0-9\.]+))?\s*(Ch\.)?([a-z]+)?\s*(?<Number>([0-9\.]+[a-z]?|Extra|Omake))(\s?-\s?[0-9\.]+)?(\s?v\.?[0-9]+)?(\s*\(?Part\s+(?<Part>[0-9]+)\)?)?(\s?(-|\+))?\s*(Read Onl?ine|:?\s?(?<Title>.*)?(Read Online)?)$
Our solaris boxes have the following passowrd requirements: -min 12 characters -upper, lower, number, special, and spaces must be used -no 2 characters can repeat (example: 11 is not allowed) -no 3 characters in a row can be similar to the previous password. ----so old and new passwords cannot have the word "the" in them as that's 3 characters in a row
@KendallFrey THat, and the fact that everyone runs KeepAss in order to save these things. So rather than having tight security, their security is now in the hands of another company who creates software for holding passwords
I had this crazy idea where instead of passwords you just have a document on your computer that you download from the application and it acts as your password via upload when you sign in. It didn't work very well though.
It seemed like a cool idea. If you need one it would just email you the file in case you are on a different device. It had a huge password that could be used as plain text once uploaded to "save credentials" once logged in if desired
United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) is the special operations component of the United States Air Force and the US Air Force component command to the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. AFSOC provides AF Special Operations Forces (SOF) for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands.
AFSOC was initially established on 10 February 1983 as Twenty-Third Air Force (23 AF), a subordinate numbered air force of the Military Airlift Command (MAC), with its headquarters at H...
Reactions to the United States diplomatic cables leak included stark criticism, anticipation, commendation, strong support for, as well as outright threats against people involved in the leak, satire, and quiescence.
Official reactions
*Finance minister of Afghanistan Omar Zakhilwal warned that leaks would damage his country's relations with United States Government and there would no longer be "business as usual". He denied his remarks in the U.S. embassy cable dated 26 February 2010 as "absolutely, categorically wrong and false".
*According to member of the National Assembly ...
You could always roll your own (or translate the one from F# core):
let windowed windowSize (source: seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
if windowSize <= 0 then invalidArg "windowSize" (SR.GetString(SR.inputMustBeNonNegative))
seq { let arr = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics...