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i say i need access to oracle to make some improvements...they say...well we will need to hide SSN and some other tables...but for what
I have access to them already!!!
but now since thats done (end rant)
Goodmorning everyone :))
@Skullomania I hear you. How is your DotNetNuke.
@JeffBridgman Doesn't it have a way in the web.config to allow the Exceptions to bubble up correctly?
going...not too shabby..slow as hell sometimes
@JeffBridgman Like IncludeFaultException or something?
@Skullomania For the sole purpose of having more job opportunities. Appearing busy is an important point in the illusion of doing relevant work.
@Breems Perhaps, but it is no fun if I can't create a website. I know how to manipulate files already.
@RoelvanUden lol
@JeffBridgman If that doesn't work, try this over the class that implements your interface:

@Greg Yea, they do horrible things here. They told me that they take every exception on the server, call .ToString on it and throw it as the message of a new System.Exception. FaultException sounds WCFish to me...
@JeffBridgman Yeah, the service should have either the behavior specified, or the web.config should be modified from IncludeFaultException = false; set to true.
@Greg Would that work with .NET remoting?
@JeffBridgman Yes.
@JeffBridgman I'm pretty sure it works similar to WCF for the config, if not you'll need that line I posted above for the ServiceBehavior. Which you can wrap in your remoting class.
@JeffBridgman Yes
Hello All
!!summon @ton.yeung
@abhi Registered; need 1 more to execute
@abhi ghawd, rtfm
the fm is offline, or was offline last time I checked.
Hola @ton.yeung
I am building a ReST based application.
I have created the repository
and now have hooked it to the database.
why the funky caps?
!!ignore @KendallFrey
@abhi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
ghawd, rtfm
1. How do I make sure that my application only makes one single call to populate the repository?
I don't want it to make multiple calls, as the repository is well over 17K records.
OH and this is not true Rest. This is web-api - http service.
@ton.yeung This is my Repository class version 1.0
I am now in the process of changing the public QuestionRepository() method
So that it connects to the database.
Sorry, I think I have answered my own question.
Since this is the Constructor it will fire just once.
and we won't have multiple data fetches being made.
is that correct
I want the data to be fetched just once as far as possible.
Good. We are now onto something. What do I need to do for that?
No. I cannot guarantee that, since the REST service may be accessed by a cell phone for all I know.
Can I ask for your opinions if THIS QUESTION is on or off-topic??
IMO its off topic and it had no bounty on it it would possibly get closed, what do you think?
all caps, it must be offtopic
are you on about THIS QUESTION?
does it really bother you that much? wow you're very sensitive, I apologise if you feel hurt in any way
why are you asking us our opinion though?
@mehow yes verr sensitive, is a mundai
I am asking whether you think the question is off-topic
what does our input matter, nothing we will say affect anything
yes, why do you ask? what does our input matter?
are you studying for a SO Off-topic determination quiz?
I am asking for others opinion as I am not sure about raising a discussion on meta
I have flagged this question according to this meta post but my flag has been declined
just want to make sure I have a good judgement of what is on/off topic before I get back at the mods for declining my flag
What about it is OT
I thought questions asking for code must provide some code to start off with.. like the old minimal understanding closure reason
Not necessarily
It's too broad in first place
How so
there are many possible answers using MS libraries or 3rd party
there is no best way of doing it
Is this possible, please explain how? doesn't sound like a good question
Looks like a help vampire to me.
where is the research shown
Not all questions have to have "best" answers
No effort whatsoever.
Bounty Questions already get more leeway because they are worth more
How do I need to add a reference for System.Lazy?
You mean Lazy<T>?
No reference needed
So two blogs with the very *similar* content.
Is this plagiarism or just inspiration?
One is Jon Skeet and the other is a guy named James Hare.
while Hare has provided 4 examples, Skeet has provided 6.
@JeffBridgman Did that work?
If you could buy a new car, what would it be?
Ford Fusion Energi.
I have an earlier model of the Fusion, I really enjoy it.
I have been looking at the fusion actually
I have a 2006 Ford Fusion V6 SEL and I love it.
i used a program to view window events "real-time" awhile ago but forgot the same of it, anyone happen to know of some i can google to try and find it again?
Fusion Energi is $$$
@jon Yes. All hybrids are.
but then the state of Pennsylvania gives you a tax credit
and a lot of states do.
in canada here
In Canada, they will buy your car for you
if you choose to buy a hybrid.
hehe, not quite :)
I've heard that everything is free in Canada, courtesy of your government, but you have to wait for it.
If you wait on government, you will die before you get anything
my friend works for Manitoba Municipal body of some kind and she got 2 years of paid leave after delivering a baby.
I cannot imagine that happening anywhere else, except Australia maybe.
or New Zealand.
Strange... it is 1 year
2 Years is what she told me on the phone.
So next baby another 2 years.
for someone who makes 6 babies, I figured 12 years of your life are spent on vacation.
In America if you have a baby they lay you off
"Vacation" hahah.. with 6 kids running around
also the husband gets about 2 months.
man, at the price of the upgraded engine on the fusion.. i'd rather get a subaru wrx
Go for teh upgrades
Ford is offering 7% financing on them too...
Gee thanks Ford.
over here they were offering 0% APR
but I went with the Hyundai Sonata
Yeah.. clearly the Fusion is not a good deal at the moment
@7% that is just incredibly high
Sonata was also offering 0%.
and more features
like a rear backup camera
Santa Fe looks good
Yes. Per consumer reports it is the car to buy if you want a second-hand suv.
most value for money.
bang for buck
Also in Canada the bus service is so amazing that you dont' need to buy a car at all.
Just hop on a bus and get to it.
What about if I want to do groceries?
Or pick up a date?
@Jon I had a Sonata, it was a nice car. I'm looking at the gas, that is why I like the Energi.
I'm also looking at gas... I currently run a 5.7L Ram truck
which I want to get rid of, lol
That's a beast.
@ton.yeung porch? or porsche?
impossible to get a good resale value for it.
yeah, get a porch and look at the stars.
@Jon That is why I like the Fusion, the feature set and gas is quite nice.
A coffin is about 15K US Dollars.
@Jon I had a Hyundai Elantra and Sonata, both were good cars also.
I have owned a Tucson. it was a good car.
Good thing I'm getting cremated
@Shoe are you a Hindu or a Buddhist ?
seriously... have a Monk style funeral
they chop you up in the moutains, and let the animals eat you
No I just think cemeteries and headstones are egotistical and a waste of space
Weird, when I grab the Html Stream it contains a <br> but when I start querying the document, it some how loses it.
Its against the law to bury someone in your backyard.
I would but I don't own a forest lol
start planting.
Will do
I planted a few trees in a forest once, but they never grew to be beyond saplings. :(
It was a wholly disappointing experience.
No sun or something?
Sounds pretty cool, I'll keep that in mind
That or donate myself to science
@shoe I blame the forest officials. first they allow volunteers to come in to plant trees. then they promise to maintain the trees, but they don't.
Donating to science is a big hassle. My grandma did that and nobody came to pick her up. So we ended up cremating her. This was back in Mumbai, India
The process is probably much smoother in the United States.
@ton.yeung Kind of cold, you should show some respect for the dead.
What did I just walk into?
In other news, I never knew that C# wasn't object oriented.
It's a longish story
Must I always be viewed as a moderator? I have the same question answering ability that everyone else has on the main site, y'know.
Well, what brings you to the chat today?
I saw "C# is Not Object Oriented" in the chat directories, and came in to get enlightened.
oh :)
read the transcript for Saturday evening
Cough @KendallFrey Cough
You smoke much?
@KendallFrey Nope.
!!no :D
@abhi That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: wes
of course
!!forget wes
@KendallFrey Command wes forgotten.
!!forget no
@abhi Command all does not exist.
@abhi Command yes does not exist.
@abhi Command no forgotten.
@abhi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Cool. I can make Caprica6 forget commands.
!!learn no <>http://i.imgur.com/wOnJi.gif
Never knew that.
@KendallFrey Command no learned
!!learn property tax
@abhi Command property learned
@abhi tax
Transcript read. EnlightenmentNotFoundException thrown.
Anyone familiar with the HtmlEntity.DeEntitize?
@abhi Please enter some output
yesterday, by rightfold
room topic changed to C#: C# is not object-oriented. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
read backwards from there
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!learn stop <>http://i919.photobucket.com/albums/ad37/thebloodofkonstantin/reaction%20gifs/t‌​umblr_mdprk3bfi71qkfows.gif
@Greg Command stahp does not exist. Did you mean: stat, stats
@Greg Command stop learned
Just what I thought. It's merely a ploy to attract hapless individuals into your chat room for the lulz.
Any folks here aware of a windows azure irc channel?
@RobertHarvey Well, I have a good question for you.
!!learn stop <>https://i.sstatic.net/A81f0.gif
@KendallFrey Command stop learned
Hopefully my answer is as good as your question.
I mean irc channel to discuss windows azure
guess there isn't one
@rlemon plz
@RobertHarvey I've got a table deeply nested within a page, I've grabbed the table and its contents. But for some odd reason it loses a <br> tag in the table-data when I call it. Any suggestions?
!!learn cleanlife <>http://imgur.com/gallery/knTKo9s
@abhi Please enter some output
@abhi Command cleanlife learned
@abhi Input not matching /Good Morning Sweetiee/. Help: User-taught command: morning
!!morning Good Morning Sweetiee
@KendallFrey Input not matching /Good Morning Sweetiee/. Help: User-taught command: morning
@Greg Debug your code.
There. See how easy that was?
@RobertHarvey I'm using the HtmlAgilityPack. I do call the HtmlEntity.DeEntitize which I'm positive is the culprit.
@KendallFrey vGM :)
!!learn math <>http://imgur.com/gallery/5nAhAnd
@abhi Command math learned
i just don't
!!tell abhi sandbox
@abhi You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
bye for now!
@Greg Have you reviewed the Stack Overflow questions found here?
hey guys
@Greg Command abhi learned
An individual who abuses my commands, handle with extreme caution. As he will open the gates of hell and spit .gifs at the Chat with extreme prejudice.
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@KendallFrey Input not matching /always/. Help: User-taught command: leave I dont
@RobertHarvey Yeah, going through them now.
i give up
@KendallFrey ?
anyone know how to make a blob container public post creation - via the management portal?
the management portal?
Is that anything like a Nether portal?
Is this room always like this?
windows azure management portal
@RobertHarvey usually
@RobertHarvey Ironically, the call I make is: Regex.Replace(HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(column.InnerText).Trim(), @"\s+", " "); which shouldn't remove the tag.
@Greg I think it's InnerText
@RobertHarvey Depends, sometimes we are on topic and on point.
Because HTML is not text
@KendallFrey But shouldn't it grab all the content in the table data?
@Greg I mean, people asking unanswerable questions in here.
@Greg Well, yes, but <br> isn't content
Ah, a clue.
@RobertHarvey Oh, that's kind of the entire SO site, at least chat
@KendallFrey That could be, but I thought that the <br> should be included as a new line essentially?
Plus, when it replaces it should create a space, doesn't even do that.
InnerText simply strips HTML tags. It doesn't deal with semanics
@KendallFrey I'll look into that though.
That's not how HTML (XML in general) typically works
@KendallFrey Okay, thank you good sir.
@KendallFrey The parser is supposed to handle the command though.
If you can put a space before the <br> that would solve your problem
@KendallFrey you can add your own
or you can use my new userscript
@rlemon how?
without modifying the code?
@KendallFrey look at the plugin, make the pull request
too lazy
need good excuse
isn't good enough?
I've already mapped most of my used unicode
not everyone enjoys looking at testes as much as you
they'd still hit you. I hang low.
tars rekt?
otherwise, confussed
Arduino programming feels too much like a mashup between c++ and Java
!!urban rekt
@Shoe rekt A term for the word "Wrecked." Can be used in text messages when one is in a hurry. Can also be used in online gaming when a player would cause another player to send hate mail regarding the skill of the one causing the anger.
Damn this is annoying. Sprocs for every table's crud
@KendallFrey You were correct, and now I remember why I did InnerText instead of InnerHtml.
textContent ಠ_ಠ
screw IE
or are we not talking JS ??
@rlemon nope
@Greg I need your help. You there?
Or anyone from the US help me get their Nokia Windows Phone support center? The number or email. I keep getting redirected to the Irish one which is annoying.
@LewsTherin What up?
@Greg My Lumia is fucked up. I'm trying to get the US support details to see if I can invoke the warranty clause here in Ireland.
Can you check if they have a live chat?
@ton.yeung Not in this case no :(
I believe it is around quarter to 2 in the States? They are closed here.
@LewsTherin Mine redirects me to my carrier.
What website?
Ah thanks for the link.
@ton.yeung I don't see one.. do you?
Rofl.. not here.
Stripped out.
The ie-en link has the phone and live chat though
What's their number?
@ton.yeung It works, it just strips out the live chat and phone details
@ton.yeung Oh I didn't see that. Will try that now. Ty
@Greg Yeah that's the stripped one
Booya I'm in
Now for someone to send me a message.
Thanks guys
Sheesh I'm currently number 1 in the queue.. and still waiting for someone to contact me
Someone now!

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