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Since' its very similar
NETScape Ill show you an example in java, is that okay?
Since' its very similar
And I am poor in c#
@ton.yeung Haha. Mine was enjoyable. Super Bowl was super fun.
@JLott Super Bowl sucked.
@ton.yeung Had a few people over. Cooked for them. Drank a bit.
@KendallFrey The game did lol
it was a disaster from the first play
@KendallFrey Hahaha it was pretty funny really
@ton.yeung What... lol
Speaking of cheap date.. someone was trying to pimp me out earlier lol.
@Steve Was there
@ton.yeung Some guy came in and said he was single and then another guy said he should talk to me
@NETscape Something like this, chest handler, many chest types: pastebin.com/jqrSHzXS pastebin.com/LgN11ZJZ
@ton.yeung No.. on here lol. I was not present for the conversation
I didn't care. I am a Falcons Fan
@user3123545 looks fine, except that its Java
I think should've made enum in it's own file and made it a interface instead
well I could imagine there being a IChest if you plan on having more than 1 type of chest
Is it possible in TFS to search for code that was removed from a file?
possibly an abstract class
Say I have a property named Foo that was removed at some unknown point in the past. Can I find it in the TFS history?
I mainly like college basketball
@JLott ?
@NETscape There are 3 types of chests
@Steve I was talking about that guy trying to get that other guy to hit on me
@ton.yeung College Basketball is basically the biggest thing in KY
By the way @NETscape I have the same thing, for food too. Each spawn process like chest, food have a handler class and for the handler class I have a interface called ISpawn<T> so it knows which enum to use, chestType or foodType so the spawn method would be spawn(int x, int y, T type);
Westboro?? @ton.yeung
We hate them as much as everyone else lol
@JLott yeah that was really creepy wasn't it
A tad bit haha
can someone tell me whats wrong with this
                         <input type="button" value="@(Model.ProductPrice.AvailableForPreOrder ? T("ShoppingCart.PreOrder") : T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart"))" class="button-2 product-box-add-to-cart-button"
                           data-url="@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductToCart-Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id , shoppingCartTypeId = shoppingCartTypeId , quantity = 1 })" />

var PoModel = new ProductOverviewModel();
                if (product.CustomerEntersPrice)
                    PoModel.Isreloadable = true;
                    model.ProductPrice.CustomerEntersPrice = true;
yet the value of Isreloadable still stays set as false
@JLott @SpencerRuport I know you use TFS :P do you know how to search for code in the history of a file?
@KendallFrey I don't lol
@ton.yeung I heard about that. Going to watch it tonight, I guess.
@ton.yeung He was at Murray State last night. I went and seen him talk about SCIENCE!
You really should be.
I was like 30 feet away
@ton.yeung what debate
!!google nye vs ham
I still don't know how murray state was able to get him lol
@KendallFrey - I do not believe that is a standard feature of TFS.
@ton.yeung He was our presidential speaker. They had the thing planned for like 2 years. I believe the debate is in Louisville. He will have a lot of support there.
Surprisingly, there was not much of a stir from him coming there
Coming here... not there...
hey all
I have a bit of a weird question
@ton.yeung Yep :)
I am looking for a new language to learn. not really interested in python/ruby etc as I've already tried them. i'm more interested in playing around with a language with a unique but good syntax. any suggestions?
only requirement is that is will run on windows and not too command-line-ish
posted on February 04, 2014 by Eric Lippert

Thanks to everyone who came out to the on-the-web and in-person events last week; it was an exhausting week but I had a great time. I'll post the links to the recorded versions of the talks once I have them. … Continue reading →

if those are my only options, i'll be sticking with c#.
or a band saw, or an electric drill
You could also use R, F#, php, ruby, python, javascript, vb, etc. (don't use vb)
@user-12506 Ada95
What format should I store a guid as in a mysql database?
whatever it uses for 128-bit ints
An answer on SO suggests to use a Varchar(36)
how is the conversion to from int done?
or char in mysql as it were
@JohanLarsson to/from int from/to what?
I never used a guid in my life :)
@user-12506 JavaScript and Lua are interesting, too. But see languages as tools :P
I don't think it's available
@TravisJ is there a bytearray? also 36 seems high, 16?
@TravisJ link? storing it as a 36 character string sounds nasty
do you have an int id as well, or are you going to be doing 'where guid == xxxx-xxxx'
Anyone on with an active MSDN subscription?
@RyanTernier yes
A: How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

Brian FisherI would store it as a char(36).

@Johan Larsson - I am being forced into it
@JohanLarsson Do you see visual Studio 2013 on your list of downloads? My tech guys are saying they cna't see it.
@Ryan Ternier - I have two :P
@Johan Larsson - 16 was suggested, but so was 36. I was unsure what the difference would be, I think one is with hyphens and one without?
@drch - where guid = xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx....
@TravisJ 16 is storing it as binary data
@RyanTernier yes, about the first thing I see
a guid is just a 128-bit number (with some specific restrictions)
36 would be storing it as a string
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
byte[] byteArray = guid.ToByteArray();
Guid guid1 = new Guid(byteArray);
would that make sense?
@JohanLarsson Strange. Would you be able to take a snipet of what it looks like so I can show them please?
@drch - The guid is coming from MS simple membership as an "object" from the database.
I have to store it in a mysql db
@drch - Upon inspection I can see the guid in the database with the hyphens in it.
@RyanTernier there
char(36) would probably be easiest, binary(16) would be optimal at least from a storage perspective
not sure about indexing on binary data though
@drch how do you convert guid to from int128?
@drch - char 36 it is then
@Johan Larsson - with maths :P
but there is drch maths
@JohanLarsson Thanks man
hex->int->*index*10 for offset
new BigInteger(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()) i think
guid does have a tobytearray method available
@drch not sure as in bad idea or dunno?
you could use BitConverter.ToInt32(bytearray, 0);
dunno if mysql lets you do that
although that would truncate it wouldn't it
crap, misparsed that sentence
@Mike - Yeah it was a confirmation :P
don't regex me bro
So User is a keyword in mvc. What should I name my user table? Perhaps Person?
why not plural Users?
I use a depluralizing standard
@TravisJ Meatbag
Heh, then I could name all my repo functions with Lebowski references
are there other Lebowski references than dude?
public ActionResult WhiteRussian()
morning kids
now when someone says White Russian, I think of IT Crowd instead of Big Lebowski
White Russians are pretty gross
yeah. I don't understand them lol
drink black ones instead
all of the alcohol, none of the gross
!!wiki ants on a log
I'd rather drink a gin martini
ok fancy pants
if you guys had a choice which of these would you rather do and why?


developer because developers are cool
architecture for sure
altho neither looks all that great from the sample questions
architect, because if you know architecture you probably know how or have developed before
Is it just me, or has anybody else noticed that over the past year alone, noob questions and beginner questions have really dropped by a noticeably-huge amount?
Just you :P
There are only so many noob questions
maybe they get closed before I see them? @JLott yep, that is true lol
Beginning of fall is when the worst ones get asked
really? why's that?
School is starting
yeah, they're very AZ specific. I'm gonna see if I can do the MSFT ones instead
@ton.yeung In class.. hoping my boss lets me work from home
@Pheonixblade9 I think MSFT certificates give you more flexibility
@MarcinJuraszek yeah. the AZ ones are for AWS only I think
@ton.yeung the value I see is getting a $1000 bonus for it
good question.
it may help you finding new job
@ton.yeung SNOW
I mostly roll my eyes at certifications
but if I'm getting paid to do it...
but actually I did couple of them because my company paid for that :D
so I had nothing to loose
Nope :/
hi all
folks, do you think it's ok to consider all modern servers and proxies support PUT and DELETE methods?
Question: How can I build this object, from two lists of custom objects (junctions, conduits)? I am so totally lost about this right now. Here comes an image.
This is in regards to sewer segments that meet a criteria. Ultimately, I am going to be filling them to a certain point and measuring the amount of water they can store.
But I cannot come up with the proper way to assemble a run of connected qualified objects
@WilliamRiley what's your code look like?
Ummm, right now I have two lists: one of the Conduits, and one of the Junctions. I have not yet got code building these, just throwing them into a list together.
you should probably throw out the list of conduits.
all you need is a list of junctions. the conduits should just be references between them
Well the conduits are pipes that have properties I must consider.
Ok, so lets say I have Junction 1 and 2, how would you suggest referencing the connection
@ton.yeung You're welcome lol
take a look at those. they're both minimum spanning tree implementations. it should show you a good way to keep track of both cost/length of a conduit and the properties of it
I will be 22 in June :P
Alright, I'll have a look
@ton.yeung tell her you wanna wear out the old one first WINK
@ton.yeung And flowers
server side theme management over a WCF service is a pain.
flowers die
Missed it lol @ton.yeung
And good job
White means weddings :)
and purity
My gf's bday is 4 days after valentines so I always get screwed in february literally and figuratively
I got my girlfriend a little green frog holding a heart that says "I love you" on it.
they don't die
she likes frogs
Because it's cute.
i'm going to give my gf @KendallFrey
a white rose is supposed to represent passion
I'm looking for suggestions on HTPC hardware, mb, ram, cpu, audio and graphics, looking for high end and silent
@JLott - You spawned a meta post on the beer exchange
@TravisJ she knows
my nickname in college was marshmallow.
@ton.yeung march 14th is not white day you nincompoop
I thought this was a geeky chat room.
March 17th is the only day I am interested in :P
february 24th is the only day I'm interested in
actually, I'm dating 2 girls, so my life is about to get real complicated, then real simple
singlehood is about as simple as you can get
get up, work, play, sleep
that's a joke, right Pheonix?
@NETscape the 2nd bit is, but I am dating two girls...
makes opossum penis joke
I came for penis.
@ton.yeung pi day, obviously
According to google, it's also steak and bj day.
@ton.yeung [Steak and BJ](http://steak-and-bj.urbanup.com/6534651) A philly cheesesteak-style sandwich with bacon and jalapeno peppers.

An inexpensive sandwich invented in Los Angeles, CA and made popular by K. Curtis and the food truck chain known as Como Estas Frijole.
all of these are true. and wow
@ton.yeung it... is
!!urban steak and blowjob day
@KendallFrey [Steak and Blowjob Day](http://steak-and-blowjob-day.urbanup.com/533036) Celebrated on March 14th, Steak and Blowjob Day is a holiday for men, celebrated the month after Valentine's Day -- a holiday for women.

The idea is simple: no cards, flowers, candy or other whimsical gifts. Ladies (and gay men), you simply bestow your partner with a steak and a blowjob. Not necessarily in that order.
@CapricaSix What about simultaneously?
por que no las dos?
dos? like, pre-NT?
pronounce it like it has an E on the end you neanderthal!
I know Indian
I also know German.
mein schvantz ist ein flammenwurfer.
mein Schwanz ist ein Flammenwerfer
@Pheonixblade9 Your what is on fire?
mein Schwanz ist ein Flammenwerfer!!
... English (syntax) question
it's German for "my cock is a flamethrower"
Which one is correct? "You and your team have/has been very helpful"
@AmmarAhmed have is better.
You have, your team has, and both of you have.
have is present tense.
That is what I am thinking. It is just confusing because of the way I started it.
if you wanted to say they were helpful in the past, it would be "you and your team had been helpful"
@Pheonixblade9 bleh no
were helpful
@Pheonixblade9 That implies they no longer are helpful
@AmmarAhmed this might be better: "you and your team were very helpful"
lol thanks all. English.NET at it's best.
Can't agree on anything
@Pheonixblade9 nah have is better as I am still working with them
room topic changed to C#: English.NET [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@AmmarAhmed are would work then
hey frnds !!!
I have a question about connection string
I want to use connection string of web.config from my class
but I created a class and a method
holy sheet!
but I dont know how to call this method in web.config
Is it possible ?
@ton.yeung ??
via ConfigurationManager.ConnectionSTrings
there is a lot of penis in the starboard
thanks @drch !!!
can we discuss about this
I dont have any Idea
nyuk nyuk
everyone install flappy bird yet from google play store?
I just realized IEnumerable.ToDictionary reverses the generic types:
Dictionary<int, CategoryFeatureContainer> cfDictionary = features.ToDictionary<CategoryFeatureContainer, int>(f => f.CategoryID);
y u do dat
Rather then use a MemberExpression or Expression<Func> could I simply use a Generic?
@NETscape I used to play that game on my TI-84 calculator. Why is it so popular?
because it comes in color now?
ti-nspire is color

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