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the compiled DLL or EXE won't have anything related to vector
@LewsTherin No, just like a macro isn't its contents
as soon as you create a vector<int>, the resulting DLL will include instructions for vector<int> explicitly, but no vector
@ReedCopsey Oh right, but vector<int> is the type
because the compiler is doing the work, there's a bit more flexibility
but - you have far less opportunity for reuse of vector<T> later
with C#, when you do class List<T> {
there is actually a List<T> type built into the IL by the compiler
How is that reusable?
which means another project can use List<MyClass> without the original List<T> source
and you can even build a List<Foo> at runtime (via reflection) if you want to
Oh.. now I see
in C++, in order to use vector<T>, you always need the original source code (the header file) because it bakes in the specific type into the resulting DLL/EXE
Makes more sense now.
Is that the same problem with Java's type erasure?
so - just to fill it out
in Java, what happens
is you get a ArrayList<?>
which lets you build an ArrayList<int>
(similar to a List<int> in C#)
that's handled "magically" by the compiler
at runtime, it's just an ArrayList
in C#, you can do someList.GetType()
and it'll return List<T>
in Java, if you do that, you'll just get "List"
which means that there is type safety at compile time, but not at runtime - if somebody passes you a "List<T>" in java, you have no way, at runtime, to figure out what "T" contains, and there's no type safety there
@ReedCopsey That's even worse than C++s
(other than grabbing the first element and checking its type, etc)
yeah - in many ways, it is - there's a lot of people who hate generics in java - and a lot of complaints about how it works
it has all of the restrictions of C# generics, but none of the advantages ;)
@ton.yeung Let me help your imagination: google.ca/search?q=very+fat+people
But how is C# able to validate generics at compile time?
Wise choice
@LewsTherin So in C#, the generic type is actually compiled into the IL, with all of its restrictions
@LewsTherin Validate what? Generic type constraints?
and when you make a concrete type (ie: List<int>), that's a new type
so List<Foo> requires 3 types in C# - List<T>, Foo, and List<Foo>
which means a List<Foo> is always type safe
that only works because the CLR type system understands generics as they're own concept
the JVM doesn't have an equivalent - generics are a "compiler trick" in java ;)
So is List<Foo> created at compile time then?
Actually, is that how VS intellisense works? Does a background compilation?
List<Foo> is created at runtime, by jitter
during compilation there is only List<T>
So why is it that List<Foo> x = new List<Bar> fails at compile time?
@LewsTherin Templates are nice.
@LewsTherin Because they are different data types.
because compiler can figure out that T from List<T> differs between List<Foo> and List<Bar>`
@rightfold I know, but if the type is determined at runtime how does intellisense figure it out?
The type is not determined at runtime.
The machine code is generated at runtime.
@ton.yeung Wetness
potatoes and beer and jameson
But the CIL only contains a definition of generic List.
@LewsTherin Type can be created at runtime - the type is it's own type (List<Bar> and List<Foo> are they're own types)
the types can be created at runtime, but also can exist in IL and be compile time
@ReedCopsey So generic types always compile to IL at compile time? You say "can".. when is the exception?
@ton.yeung Not sure.. but it has been piss raining a while now.
Yesterday was the worst.
The definition of a generic type is in CIL, but not say the quasi-definition of List<int> and List<string>, even though those types can be referred to elsewhere in CIL.
Consider the following:
Heh yeah
class G<T> { } // CIL contains definition of G
public G<int> x; // CIL contains reference to G<int>, but no definition of it; the definition is instead inferred from generic G at runtime.
@LewsTherin Think of it this way - in .NET, take List<T>. There's one (and only one) place where List<T>.Add is specified in the IL. When you make a List<int> or a List<Foo>, it'll always use the IL for List<T>.Add
@rightfold Like forward declaration? :O
if you look at templates, vector<int>.push_back gets its own compiled definition, and vector<Foo>.push_back gets a separate implementation in the DLL/EXE
More like C++ templates but instantiated at runtime instead of at compile-time.
@ReedCopsey So it doesn't create a specialization per type?
@ReedCopsey and there is no vector.push_back in the binary!
@LewsTherin exactly
@LewsTherin The JIT compiler may do so if it wants to for performance reasons.
@rightfold Yes, true - push_back was a bad example ;)
@ReedCopsey It’s a good one.
How could it not create a specialization?
Won't that be a search and replace every time?
Because all pointers are of the same size.
// if this is an update, verify security first
if (entity.Id > 0)
    var updateAllowed = this.Context.AsQueryable<Avenger>().Any(x => x.Id == entity.Id && x.AgentId == agentId);
    if (updateAllowed)
        return this.Context.Save(entity);
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("agentId", "Unauthorized access detected.");
@rightfold Eww what?
string s; // stored in memory as a pointer
object o; // stored in memory as a pointer
@LewsTherin The JIT may make a specialization at runtime if it's required (ie: List<int> and List<float> get separate specializations, but all reference types can share one)
Anyway I can put that security check into the EF side?
You only really need specialisations for generic types that have non-reference members.
but that's handled at the CLR level, not in your DLL/EXE byte code
in C++, the specializations are part of the EXE/DLL
Templates are a wonderful example of how you can write high-level abstractions with equal (or better) performance as manual code duplication. :)
Mmn, I guess references can share specializations because of a base type?
Because all references are of the same size, and they can be acted upon using the same instructions.
But you cannot use integer addition instruction for floating-point numbers, so you need to generate two different specialisations for int and float.
It's weird that I haven't seen this mentioned in even Jeff Richter's book.
But say, a virtual call to ToString() works on any reference type anyway so you can just generate one instruction that works on all reference types.
It’s because of the extra indirection involved in reference types.
All problems can be solved by adding one more level of indirection!
This is also how dynamically-typed languages usually work.
@rightfold Doesn't that only happen for methods that can be overridden?
Yeah, virtual calls.
For non-virtual calls you just do a direct call instruction without any vtable lookups.
So reference generic types use virtual calls then
@rightfold OK what book are you reading?
no goddamn specs on anything...
@LewsTherin None.
@LewsTherin depends on the constraints.
If you have no constraints you can only call methods that work on object.
not always. You can make generic constraint with a class C and use non-virtual method from that class C
I'll rephrase, instead of the wall of code....
@rightfold You mean the method signature
@rightfold Dang, really? :(
If your doing a database update to a row, and each row belongs to a user (it has a userid), how do you prevent another user from changing that row without first a select to make sure they own it
I should learn to read IL. Could help.
But @ReedCopsey @rightfold Thanks a bunch. A bit clearer now
// imagine C# were compiled to C:
class A { public virtual void foo() {} public void bar(); };
var a = new A();
a.foo(); // compiled to: a->vptr->foo(a);
a.bar(); // compiled to: bar(a);
@LewsTherin Start with machine code XD
@KendallFrey Aww really?
0xEB 0xFE
I wrote machine code once.
It was a function that took a number and multiplied it by two.
It was a pain to implement but it worked.
My first bootloader was machine code
@rightfold Except that callvirt instructions get used almost everywhere anyways ;)
@ReedCopsey why? :v
@rightfold Can you give what a generic reference type might compile to?
they weren't in .NET 1, but the C# compiler does it now for some odd edge cases
@LewsTherin gimme a second.
Note that this code is generated by JIT compiler.
And as machine code, not as C.
But I like to use C as a readable, portable machine code. :)
I kind of want to make a compiler to machine code
I wrote part of an assembler generator once. In Perl.
It generated an assembler in C++ from a file that contained specifications of instructions in the same format as in Intel’s manual.
I've used a parser generator compiler once.
If void* member was pointing to a String object in memory.
How would accessing a Replace method work? Is the address supplied by IL?
@LewsTherin Wait.
@ReedCopsey Do you know any good sources (books, blogs, articles, etc.) about how JIT compiler works internally?
What I want to know is how .NET assemblies are recognized as such.
If I know that, I can make my own VM
I wonder if my account is closed. I haven't used it in a while.
Uh, that will take me a few mins to parse
This one is better.
@CharlieBrown write the ctrl+l +ctrl+m thing as an answer?
@MarcinJuraszek I think CLR-via-C# has some stuff.
@rightfold Right....
Seriously had to use so many ____
The “some function pointer”s are the implementations of the specialised Foo methods for Gs of ints, floats and reference types.
Basically, the machine code generated by the JIT.
I see. But this works for a virtual function
How would a non virtual work?
Without the indirection...
((G___vtable*)w->vptr)->Foo(w); // virtual
Foo(w); // non-virtual
You don’t have to look up the implementations of non-virtual functions at runtime because you already know them at compile-time.
@rightfold But that won't be reusable generic reference code
Note that w here is what in C# would be this.
@LewsTherin Why not?
Oh nvm. I forgot about the this pointer.
“Compile-time” here is JIT-time, not Visual Studio-time. :P
Um wait.. despite the this pointer the method name (address) should be different.
@Lews what are you going to use all this grok for?
@LewsTherin What do you mean?
So Foo(w); should be different for String or Bar
@JohanLarsson Just to satisfy myself.
It’s G<T>.Foo().
Not string.Foo() or Stream.Foo().
@LewsTherin You mean when you have G<T> and you need to use T.Foo() non-virtual method?
@MarcinJuraszek Yes, exactly
There is no T.Foo() in my example.
Only G<T>.Foo().
var w = new G<int>();
var x = new G<float>();
var y = new G<string>();
var z = new G<Stream>();

it's possible only when you have generic constraint G<T> where T : Base, and in that case T.Foo() will always call Base.Foo()
T.Foo() would be impossible, because object has no Foo() method and there is no constraint on the generic that satisfies the requirement of having a Foo() method.
> Because all references are of the same size, and they can be acted upon using the same instructions.
In C++ this would be different, because templates use duck-typing instead of constraints.
So you meant the instruction of the generic method
G<whatever> is a reference type.
What instructions are you talking about then? I think that's where I'm lost.
So you can always resolve its implementation of Foo() using the same machine instruction, namely ((G___vtable*)x->vptr)->Foo.
Are you talking about G<T>.Foo() or T.Foo
There is no T.Foo() because there is no constraint on the generic that allows that.
Yes I know, that's why I was lost
If it was G<T>.Foo() though: G<int> and G<Bar> should be able to reuse G<T>.Foo()
No, because int is a value type and Bar is a reference type.
G<string> and G<Stream> both use the same implementation of Foo() because they are both reference types.
What if T wasn't used in G<T>.Foo()?
Same principle.
Why? :S Type safety or consistency?
The JIT can always optimise everything out, of course, as long as the observable behaviour is identical (also called the as-if rule).
The as-if rule allows any and all code transformations that do not change the observable behaviour of the program.
Note that CPU temperature isn’t considered observable behaviour. :)
Ha ha
My lap begs to differ :P
CPUs themselves also do this with reordering instructions and caching data.
Isn't reordering nearly obsolete?
Reordering is still used if it allows for better cache usage. Going to RAM is expensive.
Idling is also expensive.
// consider:
var x = 0;
x += 2; // hey let’s move this to before the I/O operation because x is still in cache but not anymore after expensive operation!
Imagine how I feel when going to work then
Oversimplified example.
It is fun when doing threading with shared mutable state.
Man, coming from someone who doesn't go out.. you need to go out more :P
Going out is boring.
Syntax error.
Holy shit! GHOST!
out is a keyword that cannot appear there.
out O
@drch Literally came out of nowhere :L
Out parameters are terrible. :(
I think I heard that before
I think I said that before
in canada, theyre called oot parameters
parametre sortie
I never figured out why non-Canadians say we say oot
you say oat
oat and aboat
Nope, that's still wrong
The Outmeal.
We do say out like some people say oat though
Also, I’m writing a video game.
sort of
in german theyre called Außerhalbenrahmenbedingungen
@rightfold In Gear, or whatever that is?
No, in Clojure.
((The Lisp that runs on the JVM))))
I wrote part of a game in REBEL
Not finished yet
(defn do-action [action state]
  (let [new-state (action state)
        diff (state-diff state new-state)]
    (when (state-diff-empty? diff) (println "You cannot do that."))
    (when (:navigated diff) (println (look new-state)))
    (when-not (empty? (:acquired diff))
      (println "You found:"
               (->> (:acquired diff)
                    (map item-name)
                    (clojure.string/join ", "))))
One cycle of the main loop.
why is rebel so caps?
REBEL is prettier
@JohanLarsson It's an acronym
I calculate the difference between the previous and current game states to present to the user what has happened.
Immutability is a lovely thing.
Regex ? Based ? Language
@rightfold That reminds me of Jess
Regular Expression Based Esoteric Language
Which is a Lisp-like language as well
My unit tests contain a lot of parentheses.
  (testing "navigated"
    (let [state-a (->State :forest-scene #{})
          state-b (->State :river-scene #{})
          diff (state-diff state-a state-b)]
      (is (= diff {:navigated true, :acquired #{}, :released #{}}))
      (is (not (state-diff-empty? diff)))))
The best part about REBEL is that there's no flow control
I think the record is ))))))).
Any ideas for a WP8 app?
A good little project
game of life
Ok.. but something actually useful maybe?
@LewsTherin a @KendallFrey insult-generator
Lol! xD
basically make it 124958729 different takes on the "lol yor a virgin" joke
That might take a while
Hey, but that'd be insulting me as well
@MarcinJuraszek Not really :( There's a lot of books that hint at it, but not that talk about it directly. CLR via C# discusses some, but not much
@ReedCopsey Maybe you could write one
you could write one for wp8?
Yeah a WP8 book will be nice/
@LewsTherin Make me a manga reader on WP8!
@RoelvanUden I didn't think you were online at this time!
@RoelvanUden I could try. With Naruto first maybe :P
@LewsTherin When there is a possibility to link something to anime/manga, I magically appear.
@RoelvanUden Ha ha. Reminds me of a guy in the C++ room. Whenever anyone mentions "sex".. he magically appears.
@LewsTherin Hah! Anyway, if you really want to do something like that, I have some nice libraries that can be used for feeding data. Then all you need to do is UI, UX and data binding :P
Ok sure. I will look at some basic tutorials then ping you when I'm ready. This will take effort as I haven't written one line of code in VS at home in months.
@LewsTherin The repository containing the libraries is found at github.com/Deathspike/mangarack. The core and provider libraries are PCL and will run on WP7+. You can do manga searches via a provider, then navigate over series, chapters and eventually pages with images. Good luck :P Ping me if you need details about that :D
Bookmarked! Thanks :P
Is the provider coupled with UI?
Haha MangaFox
@LewsTherin No, decoupled. There is no UI in my app at all. Just data.
@LewsTherin Yep! I download way too much manga from MF
The ViewModel file threw me. I guess it's just a data class.
@RoelvanUden Didn't they close it at one time? Or maybe that was OneManga
Looks you've pretty much done the backend :L
@LewsTherin ViewModel was there for an UI addition that was planned, but was never implemented (Lazy). So you can do that! Haha! :D
Yeah, all data-related stuff is there - searching, scraping, everything to feed an entire app. Just no app.
Can't believe you stopped there. I will try to get around completing it.
I gtg. Bye!
@LewsTherin get him to grant you an MIT license
@drch what could happen without one?
@JohanLarsson he wouldn't be able to sell it
mozilla public license is non commercial iirc
wonder how much it costs to furnish a 3 bedroom flat
bathroom and kitchen are the expensive parts
trees. microwave. done.
bathroom should be all there. although i might want to replace the german poo inspection toilets
i saw this flat today that was huuuge and the guy was subletting 3 rooms. id rather do that and pick my flatmates than the other way around
I paid €15k for my kitchen but did the work myself, mostly IKEA
what do you mean by kitchen besides fridge
You can a Mozilla Public License library in a commercial application so long you don't modify the library. If you do, the library is to be redistributed (with modifications) so others can benefit from the modifications.
Unlike GPL it doesn't prevent commercial applications :)
Just a "If you have improvements, share them"-mentality
@drch skåp, vitvaror, kakel, bänkskivor (too lazy to translate)
what if you extend a class from the library in your proprietary code?
@ton.yeung The code is to be shared.
@JohanLarsson yeah in germany you often get an empty room for a kitchen
@drch No problem, you didn't modify the library (but all classes are sealed~)
sometimes not tho
a bedroom is really cheap, just paint and floor, not much work.
hi lol
@RoelvanUden sealed? wtf why
1) create branch with unsealled classes
2) extend said classes
3) profit
In this case extending the classes makes no sense at all y'know.
unless you want the bedroom all stainless with a hose
a lot of things dont make sense now
i don't think ive written a sealed class in my life
I haven't written a sealed class - but I have made a sealed class public static lol.
@Tommy Guess what a static class translates to in IL?
abstract sealed
that's cool

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