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The above is a very long way of writing largestPopulation.Select(x => x.hist).ToArray() to workaround debugger non-support for lambda expressions
The debugger ought to detect lambdas which as single member-selection expressions and just instantiate the field getter or property getter, no need for closure and no need for code generation
lambda usage in watch window should be possible when they switch to use Roslyn as default c# compiler within VS
actually that's quite a good idea. IT might be really useful to have visualizer like that for everything implementing IEnumerable<T>
we write one tomorrow then?
I'm going out tonight, but should be back soon enough to make one later tonight
For which case? The grab enumerable into a datagrid's bindingsource?
If you make one of those I would love to see it.
to display table-like version of IEnumerable<T>
for non-primitive T
That would come in really handy.
afternoon fellas
oooo finally we can get lambda use in the debugger?
That will make me a happy panda
yes, I'm pretty sure I've read something about that
It's not exactly lambda use. But I noticed that some LINQ expressions can be done without all the Edit-and-Continue mess that complete lambda support requires (and JaredPar said is very costly to implement)
If you wanted to see largestPopulation.Select(x => x.hist).ToArray()
You can instead write
Enumerable.Select(largestPopulation, new Func<object,object>(largestPopulation[0].GetType().GetField("hist", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue)).ToArray()
Marcin are you on the C# team?
I've noticed that you cant use them in the immediate window
no, I'm not
but I think I read about that in one Roslyn-related articles
@ginkner yes, I think they added that for c# in latest VS
That's nice
I like to use the immediate window to check if stuff is working
that's been a problem for me
@MarcinJuraszek do you know much about tasks?
You mean TPL?
I know some stuff, but I'm definitely not an expert
could you look at something and tell me if you see anything i'm doing stupidly
I need to get this working REALLY fast
I've been banging my head agsint it for 3 days
and made basically no progress
and what's the issue?
essentially I'm getting a massive slowdown
and I've tracked it to this class
What seems to happen is theres a time delay of about a second between Recieve setting a task as complete and the task actually getting a result
I can see a couple ways why it wouldn't work
1 is I've implemented the class badly and need to start over
Dictionary<small nonnegative int, T> is better spelled List<T?> right?
I'd say yes?
unless you have gaps
Cool, I was thinking the overhead of skipping null items should be a low lower than the Dictionary hash-calculation machinery
Isn't there a way to get a custom enumerator for a list?
Yes I'm writing a wrapper class which will, among other things, skip missing slots during enumeration
and yes, I'd think it'd be more efficient than a dictionary on both speed and memory use
and memory locality, which is another win on speed
@ginkner I don't see anything obvious in the code, but it seems quite odd in general. You should try thinking about the general problem and idea. At least a couple minutes, to be sure that's the only/best way to accomplish your goal.
The general idea is that it stops one thread untill a specific object is recieved on another thread
it then provides the triggering object to the waiting thread
if you've got a better way to do that, I'd really appriciate hearing it
problem is, I'm leaving now :)
be back around 10pm pst
see you!
see you then then!
then, then then than?
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher
is a valid english sentance
I've always thought English is a Dumb language.
Somrthings just don't make sense at all
with all the rules
That's because there are no rules, only guidelines.
yea No rules i forgot
If English did have rules it will be a whole lot different
And one of the primary guidelines is: If another language has a word for what you want to say, STEAL IT!
Hahaha agreed xD
English is a mix of how many languages...
Probably a dozen loaned us words we use everyday, and an order of magnitude more gifted esoteric words
did not work for IEnumerable<> when I tried
[assembly: DebuggerVisualizer(typeof(Visualizer),Target = typeof(List<>),Description = "List<T> Visualizer")]
that showed it
then VS froze for a while and I got could not load this custom viewer
Any idea what route config I need to match 'http://localhost:52915/api/{something}', where something is the action name and args?
whoops. I really could have cleared that up with a comma, couldn't I
... is there no way to grow a List<T> out to a specified index?
Insert(index, value) throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Guess not:
Q: Adding members to C# List using indexes

user1041086If I a declare a C# List. Make its capacity to 1000. Now, if I want to add an element directly at index 1. I am not able to do it. Throwing error. Are there any alternatives available? List<sometype> myList = new List<sometype>() myList.capacity = 1000; myList[1] = element; //except...

Well, list isn't gaining me anything, shifting to raw array with Array.Resize()
2 hours later…
For that kind of custom management I would go with arrays, as well.
As someone who comes from C++ via VB I can tell you about how arrays are stored in memory ... they're the fastest method for keeping data on hand. You would write a custom IList or ICollection implementaton to wrap an array.
I believe what you're actually looking for, if you NEED that functionality, is a sparse array.
Q: Threading Barrier Issue

ginknerI have a situation where I need one thread to wait until another thread provides it with data. I've created this class: https://gist.github.com/BenjaminHolland/8464010 To do this, as well as provide a Task-based interface that doesn't freeze my UI while it's waiting. It seems to have an issue...

anybody actually here?
You probably want to use a callback-style implementation, and do a Interlocked.CompareExchange () to set a flag that your UI checks every so often..
I don't personally program with "waiting" threads, but that's I guess not how my brain works.
I'm not sure what you mean.
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. - Jesus, the Christ.
@NathanM It's a bit difficult not to think in "waiting" threads for this particular program. The program cannot proceed without the data.
well ...

let's say

delegate void myCallBack(int data);

Thread th = new Thread( () => {
int i = doWork();
I could theoretically do it that way
and so the UI is free to process UI-type-stuff.
Isn't that what the TPL and async do anyway?
sure you could do Task(of T) myAsync = someAsyncFunction();

but you'll still need to await myAsync somewhere along the way.
It seems as though I'd have to deal with raw threads in that case, which, while not the end of the world, isn't ideal
then await it in another thread.
there is no way to wait for data on the UI thread and not freeze the UI
you mean a thread that's not the UI thread?
that's why they call it a thread. Because it's not two threads. :-)
The issue is going to be in the overhead creating a thread takes
and tracking each thread
what is there to track?
WaitOne might get called more than once?
I just make a custom list of threads... I created a little "threadpool" like thread factory for a program I wrote. Works beautifully.
That'd be a crapton of threads
how would WaitOne get called more than once?
How many threads are processing data?
Right now, just the one
fork to a new thread ... then spawn all your other threads, and then WaitAll from the forked thread.
THEN report back to the UI thread from the forked thread.
That seems even MORE complicated than just triggering a task facad
it's not that hard?
I don't know honestly what you have in mind. But I do know that you cannot NOT block the UI thread if you're waiting on the UI thread.
Maybe I'm just not understanding what your saying
I'm not waiting ON the UI thread
just IN the UI thread
at least I'd like to be
which is why I did all the async stuff
if the UI thread is Awaiting, then it's blocked
but it doesn't FREEZE
it goes and does other stuff
maybe I'm just not understanding your question
The ultimate call site is in the UI thread
ala await Foo.WaitFor(T trigger,int timeout)
My understanding of await means the UI thread should get to that point, start waiting, and return to the caller to run other input events untill the await ends, causing it to jump back to the call site and continue from there, correct?
or yes?
...one of those is most certainly the correct answer
Await, when run inside of another Async function, takes the whole async chain into its fold and returns control to the caller immediately.
if the caller is a synchronous caller.
are event handlers async?
they CAN be.
I usually mark them as such
so I can use await inside them
but Await/async processes are not out-of-thread. they use time on the current thread.
Hm. That might be the reason It's taking so damn long
yeah, so.
if you don't await an async function, you're still going to need to deal with a callback
but I AM awaiting it
in the UI thread
okay... I was confused ...
it's cool
the ISSUE is that that await takes a second to continue
it's splitting the time.
it is using time on the calling thread.
it's called pre-emptive multitasking.
so, to actually wait for a result from something.... inside an async method, you'd call a callback function, or raise another async event GetInfoDone()
I've been using threads for a good long while, now, so Async programming is still something I need to grasp the art of. I've got the fundamentals okay, it's the finesse I need to master.
I'm not sure I'm seeing what you mean, exactly
I can call a callback function, but how does that get the data back to the UI thread?
raise an async event from inside your async function
but that defeats the entire purpous of having an async task that returns the data
async tasks, as far as I have been able to decipher, can only be awaited on other async tasks
SOMEWHERE, something needs to start that chain
usually that's an async event
the EVENT handler does that
or thats what THIS is doing
it's the start of the async chain
this is the BASE
it waits for another thread to call Recieve
waiting for a thread is a bit different than Awaiting
and when that happens it ends the awaits for any waiting calles to waitone
so the issue is performance, then?
I cant have this thing take a SECOND
the data is coming in every 80 ms
then maybe threads for you.
That would be unfortunate
well, you're still going to bog that way down.
if you are returning to the UI every 80ms, the UI takes longer than that to say hi
UI is notorious as a source of bottlenecks
Makes sense
try copying a bunch of little files ... open the details pane, watch it slow down to 2 mb/s ... close it, and it ramps up to a whopping 60 MB/s.
so I should have a thread that I post requests to or something?
yeah, a not-UI thread that handles all that stuff ...
but then I have to update all the UI manually
including all the bindings
but to get info BACK to the UI, you'll still occasionally need to do an interlocked exchange or an Invoke.
so you're trying to Async a call on data bound to controls on a form?
but the data ends up being updated by the call
have you tried an IObservable(Of T) implementation?
Not yet
are you programming with WPF or WinForms? because WPF has more support for this.
hrm. Well, I can definitely tell you that the UI is the bottleneck.

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