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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Under the avoid section it says to only use struct when the size is under 16 bytes and it's immutable. So why does MS use struct in XNA for matrices when the size is 64 bytes and they're not immutable?
@STRAIGHTOUTTACOMPTON Because a matrix is a value type, not a reference type.
so in that case it's ok to violate the other rules?
They're guidelines, not rules
You can choose to make large structs, but you might pay for it in performance
@STRAIGHTOUTTACOMPTON Because array is reference type in the struct there is only a reference, which needs 4 bytes
@MarcinJuraszek Or 8
Is it ok to have a collection<ABC> in class ABC?
@NavneetDuggal Yes.
Hi Kendall, is it considered good practice? In what conditions we should do this?
@NavneetDuggal Whenever you feel like it.
It's good practice to make you classes similar to whatever is being represented.
If a Human has a List<Human> of children, that's fine.
That type of thing gives me nightmares (the recursion)
But if a Human has a List<Human> of, say, nicknames, that's probably bad
@CCInc That's not recursion, it's just recursive
@NavneetDuggal Read this question I just found:
Q: Is it ok to have a collection<ABC> in class ABC? Is it good practice?

Navneet DuggalI have a class suppose ABC, inside that class I have a collection of type ABC, Is it good practice, in what conditions we should try this approach? Public Class ABC { Public Collection<ABC> abcCollection{get;set;} }

Hi Kendall, I only asked this question :)
thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
Excuse does private methods in C# should be named from Big or Small letter?
I am asking about strict Microsoft directive, no opinion based answers
thanks in advance
I think UpperCamel
You can check in the MS guidelines on MSDN
all methods should be UpperCamel
2 hours later…
What is better ? Environment.Exit(0); XOR
no Apllication.Shutdown() etc.
nust those two
I like C#.
@pcnThird any particular reason for that? :D
Yes. It's beautiful :')
A: Why shouldn't I use Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill() to exit my WinForm application?

Hosam AlyKilling the process would mean that finally blocks will not be executed, and probably not even critical finalizer objects, which may actually be critical, and cause resource leakage at system level. It can also cause unexpected bugs in the future when someone else maintains the code, as they (or ...

4 hours later…
posted on January 19, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

I've half-jokingly said that there's never a good reason to use a QR Code. However, I'm working on an MVP (minimally viable product) for aa small startup with Greg Shackles and we actually have a good reason to use one. We have a mobile device, a Web Site, and a Windows Application, and a QR Code is a pretty quick way to move data between the mobile device and the other applications without th

I can't find where to configure the severity of 'put into using construct' in R#
I get no squiggly and want it to stand out more
that's the least interesting Hanselman article for a while
do you read all of them?
i guess about half
I read very few
been reading this book today
looks like it might be useful, will take a look
I used the Sumatra reader, don't love it
can only get it to scroll one page at the time
Hm. I wonder how many people see that subscriptions are IDisposable and immediately wrap it in using
the examples and order he explains things is|are good imo
is or are?
you're referring to a collection :P
post it in functional!
that room consists of rightfold and you, from what I can see
and the last post was two days ago
actually no, it just consists of you
I'll definitely expand my audience that way :P
I meant to write a mosewheel zoom that does not use translate transforms yesterday
wrote a couple of different wrong ways
then I found out that the home license for the CAD software had expired so switched over to procrastination/reading
I've done nothing technical this weekend, it was glorious
nothing is the best thing
at least until it gets boring
> A programmer will eventually tell you to use Mac OSX or Linux. If the programmer likes fonts and typography, he'll tell you to get a Mac OSX computer. If he likes control and has a huge beard, they'll tell you to install Linux. Again, use whatever computer you have right now that works. All you need is and editor, a Terminal, and Python.
do you know Python?
are you learning?
I'm reading that book until it becomes uninteresting
I did once install python, then as usual got annoyed that what actually happened wasn't what the instructions claimed
I also installed python once, don't think I wrote more than five lines
I don't like the tone of that book and his writing is quite imprecise
python or rx book?
I think I'm gonna drop it
do you prefer paper or e-books?
I start to prefer e-books
there should be a programming language with a mustache culture
or is that JS
what is a mustache culture?
beard == linux
mustache == ??
js = hipster, hipster = mustache, mustache = js?
I don't think I ever met a js programmer irl
theyre the guys in starbucks with the mac, mustache, and skinny jeans
although those might also be ruby programmers
yay stereotyping
what does a C# programmer look like?
like upper body strength?
usually brown
clothes or face nose?
skin colour
premature baldness, cheap shirt, drink problem
i dont think my baldness is premature
don't know when baldness is premature
so ive already seen an angry german ranting about nazis and hitler
I'd be unhappy if I was noticeably losing hair before 40
he was collecting signatures against the mosque
chances of getting gassed here have increased
@drch oh. I was really hoping you meant 'how they screwed up everything for us'
well if 'they' means 'the Turks' then it basically was that
yeah, racial problems in most of europe never really went away
I'm mildly anti-immigration because we're full, I don't care where they come from or what colour they are
but there will always be racists around, just as long as there aren't too many
eww that's freaky. Google now natively supports searches for stuff like bank accounts
has a compare feature that ranks them automatically
nice, tried Foxit pdf reader, it remembers where I am in a book
don't like adobe?
no, I can hear my cpu fan when using the adobe reader
I am really interested in that question I am going to deal with similar problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/21213743/…
tried the autoscroll now, 8% cpu
I can kind of understand, I guess. Rendering PDF is lots of vector operations
presumably it doesn't cache a raster image much in case whatever you do next changes it
or maybe adobe just suck
and I also have no idea is it right solution described there
@Yoda that's a pretty specialised field and I doubt anyone here has any expertise. Happy to be wrong though
It seems to have sense but I am not sure if it can be (the idea) killed with one accurate sentence.
@JohanLarsson this is the section I'm particularly interested in introtorx.com/Content/v1.0.10621.0/…
I skimmed then skipped it :)
I like the concurrent file reading code
took a lot of reading to understand it
probably simpler ways to do it
2 hours later…
Anyone knows how to verify if there was a post in any frame of a page with WPFs WebBrowser ?
I think WebBrowser wraps IE, from what I remember
and if it's the same as winforms
Yeah WebBrowser wraps IE ( in my case IE 8 )
didn't try to do anything like that when I used it
The freaking website doesn't refresh or anything, it just change a frame inside it
From what I remember it doesn't give you a lot of control
can you handle events emitted from elements or something like that?
I noticed that :(
@TomW Nope, the best I can do is retrieve returns from the javascript I inject into the website
I'm using MSHTML btw
        public static string execReturnScript(this IHTMLWindow2 source, string callback, string function)
            const string js = "var a = document.createElement('input');\r\n" +
                              "a.type = 'hidden';\r\n" +
                                  "a.id = 'pwcHidden';\r\n" +
                              "a.value = {0}\r\n " +

            source.execScript(string.Format(js, callback, function));
But I did not think of that @TomW I'm googling it now to see if it is possible
Do you have a choice over which control you use?
Awesomium looks a lot better
:D Look what I found
Q: Using WPF to handle events from JavaScript hosted in WebBrowser control

tzerbI have a WebBrowser control hosted on a WPF page. I'm wondering if there is any way for a JavaScript function to call an event in the WPF program. I have a button on the web page in the WebBrowser control: <button style="height:100;width:100" id="initButton" onclick="alert('hello');" /> In...

Is that F# ?
is what F#?
The link you posted
The code they show it as an example, is that F# ?
it's cross-platform
C++ I think
I think I hit jackpot
Q: handle web browser control event in code behind

Buzzcan we handle the event inside the web browser control? in my case i am passing a radio button list to web browser control and want to handle the radio button change event in code behind, i try to google it but didnt find any concrete example. WebBrowser.NavigateToString("<html> <body> <input t...

Thanks @TomW you gave me the idea on what to search for
Yep it works perfectly
aaand I don't get any rep :P
I can try to give you rep ;p
There ._.
:) I'm the one who should thank you
Q: "The SMTP host was not specified." - mailSettings not being recognised?

user2945993I'm slightly baffled here - I'm receiving the following error: The SMTP host was not specified. Even though my code appears to be correct (from what I can see). I have also tried SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com"); Even though I shouldn't have to as it should use ...

@user2945993 That's quite odd, you appear to have everything properly specified in your app.config
@CCInc Can you help me with sending emails?
Good evening.
@StefanDenchev :D
'sup Andre.
A lot of work :)
And you ?
Bored ^-^...
But are you resting at least ?
Wish i wasn't frankly... Itching to do something, but out ideas...
Haha I can ask you stuff if you want
Sure, can't guarantee i'ma be able to answer though :P...
I'm doing another robot here and doing some weird stuff again
That's so interesting. I've never seen this before. The only reason I found this is because I had to move a conversation from comments to chat. How does one go about finding these rooms from just the stackoverflow main page?
And I'm having trouble with some javascript ;p
Damn automation, Andre... Might be easier if you just do it manual :P...
@StefanDenchev I don't get paid to do it manually :(
@NathanM To be honest, three years ago I read some guys in reddit talking about SO chat.
And I already used SO and anonymous
It's still Sunday there, right, don't you get weekends...
@StefanDenchev Well, I started working yesterday at 10am and stopped today at 3am
Hope they're at least paying you...
So one finds these rooms completely by accident?
@NathanM I did haha
@StefanDenchev They are paying me very well to do this
And they might put VS2013 next month :D
I feel like I've walked through the false wall behind the fireplace ...
Good. So, js troubles, huh...
Yeah, just trying to input some function into the onload of a frame
For some instance, all my options are not working
Frames :(...
document.getElementsByTagName('frameset')[0].childNodes[1].setAttribute('onload', 'Test');
Yeah, I didn't do the website
I'm trying to do it in the page with firebug
@NathanM Check here in the week day, you'll see a lot of people talking about really cool stuff
@StefanDenchev That is nothing. I need the event to return to my WPF application the return.
I can imagine.
Most of them not even C# :P
I can make the javascript communicate with my application
But I can't do this simple stuff
I noticed, what you just wrote out was JavaScript
@NathanM Yeah, on week days I go to WPF room, because people there are nice and good looking people.
blush Andre ^-^
Hey hey @EvilGoat
I just started cracking the WPF, myself.
I need help debugging something with Winforms, here goes:
I LOVE the way WPF binds to objects ...
WPF is awesome. Forget that you ever programmed in WinForms.
@EvilGoat What you need ?
Don't crack my framework, please ^-^.
I have an application that works perfectly fine on my computer, however when I port it to my laptop or any other pc, the forms are smaller and lose some controls are deformed (images cropped etc)
Get this: I wrote a virtual collection object that is a wrapper for a set of linked structures whose entire base is stored as one large blob of unmanaged memory and linked it to WPF.
Yeah, binding is cool.
any ideas what can cause it?
Haha, after working on this project, I'm getting scared to read the word frame
Andre, i can't just work with that js, right... Page?
@EvilGoat Docked elements ? Might be because of screen resolution.
resolution is higher on the other pc
it was so fun, I fell right in love.
@StefanDenchev Go to wpf room, I'll put it there
which does not make any sense does it?
Got it, Andre ^-^.
If the elements are not with position fixed
And they are docked to places, it will fit to the resolution
You can put the WindowStyle fixed and not let it resize
I think some of the forms have it checked, I will check again though
most controls are made dynamically anyways
Don't use static resolution/sizes...
I mean within the forms
and I have to use static resolution, it is part of what the project required (it is a school task)
my biggest problem with WPF is that you can do so much that I can't decide what to do. ... like, the look and feel of my application ... I can go in so many directions that I can't just choose one.
@NathanM When I want to learn some cool things, I directly try to do something impressive with DoubleAnimation
Oh yeah, I did that, got a menu to appear out of nowhere and disappear when hovered over ...
still baby steps. I haven't spent more than a week on it so far, but I'm a pretty quick learner. Mostly it's vocab to memorize.
Are you familiar with the MVVM pattern, Nathan?
heh :P meant to write something
Learn this and the visual stuff and you should be fine...
well my forms have FixedSingle in formBorderStyle
I am familiar with the Model View Controller pattern ...
Haha no problem :D
is that what yu meant?
@EvilGoat I'm not sure how it is in WinForms but can you resize your form ?
@NathanM It's not the same...
does someone need helps with WinForms?
nop, disabled because of the project requirements :P
yes me
truth is I have changed some of the DPI variables on my pc, is that it?
Hm, I've never been that far with WinForms..
yes. Actually, @Stefan, I'm familiar with this ... I was reading about it in the MSDN the other day, and according to Wikipedia it's actually based on MVC.
hmm lemme check if this is it, it may actually make sense as I have had tons of trouble with this in the past
I think MVC and WPF are based on the MVVM pattern
But I am 100% already behind separating business logic from UI, I do that with the websites... and I do that with all of my recent .NET work.
OK, Nathan, good luck with that...
MVC came first.
Nice to know
Ok, it is the DPI, suppose I need to change the application to force the medium 125% DPI (which might be a pain)
does anyone have any experience with this so I can maybe get through this a bit faster?
I was reading this MSDN on MVVM the other day but I had forgotten the title. Definitely very reinforcing.
yo dude
whats up man
uhmm I could use some help with SizeF if anyone can help me please :)
oh this and that
what with SizeF?
neat neat
I found somewhere that for design with 96 DPI I should set
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); // for design in 96 DPI
I need a SizeF for 120 DPI and I am clueless here
in germany now
anyone who can explain how the math works with this?
let me see ...
I definitely know where to look ...
Ok, can you message it to me cause I have to go afk for a while? ;) @NathanM
According to what I have seen, AutoScaleDimensions should be set to the DPI of the screen for which the form was originally designed.
those are font-point sizes, which are also doable.
I'm back
@NathanM ok I see, so if I set AutoScaleDimensions to DPI it shall fix it or shall I do something else as well?
It's worth a shot. I've never scaled to anything other than 96 dpi, before ... But what does the CurrentAutoScaleDimensions property contain when you run it, right now?
According to everything I've read, that should be the answer. Also, be sure to set AutoScaleMode to DPI
ok gimme a sec
well it says width = 120, height = 120
is that what the DPI is for your screen, right now?
it seems so
have you tried

Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
g.DpiX gives you what?
gimme a sec to check
says 120
same for DpiY
okay ... so there you have it, that's your current screen resolution
what kind of graphics system are you running that you have a 120 dpi?
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