Once i import a scalar sql function into my edm, how do i expose it via my repository? I'm guessing I have to call it from my context directly so L2E doesn't complain, but exposing the context in the repository doesn't sound like a good solution either, any ideas?
i thought about that, but i can't use any C# methods in linq to entities can i? it always complains and says it doesn't know how to convert it to sql at run time or something
is that just a style thing, or should i not be exposing it? This is just me learning and playing around so its not anything that I can't change or will break
Yes, that's right. In perfect situation BL should not even know (or care) where the data comes from, so you could easily change one without changing another.
It also makes testing easier (you can easily mock DAL when BL does not use L2E)
because i'm playing around with a distance formula, and it was long as hell and didn't feel like it belonged in the business layer, so i moved some of it to a scalar function in sql and was going to try to simplify it that way, but moving it all to the repository would make a lot of sense now
Hello! was just wondering if anyone knows how I can access a control from one page to another. I know this is a c# Room but whoever develops for Windows Phone is there a way?. This is what I currently use: var frame = (PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual; var MainMenux = (Settings)frame.Content;
I want to stop to autoscroll horizontal scrollbar of datagrid.
I kept the code as:
void scp_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
But it does not worked.
Also tried by adding:
I want to stop to autoscroll horizontal scrollbar of datagrid.
I kept the code as:
void scp_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
But it does not worked.
Also tried by adding:
Error 19 'System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper' does not contain a definition for 'FindVisualChild' D:\BaseHead\BaseHead\WindowMain.xaml.cs 1783 41 BaseHead
@no9 it seems that if i hide the first column the paging functionality will be hidden with the first column so i made the id column the second one and i made it hidden and it works
How to assign a concatenated string to a Literal's Text attribute, I am trying like this but its not working <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Text='some text' + '<%# Eval("Value") %>' + 'some other text '></asp:Literal>
I have my FQL query and i have my access token. But how do i display FQL results in GRID VIEW using C# and ASP.NET?
SELECT uid, username, first_name, last_name, friend_count, pic_big
FROM user
WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
This is what i have tried:
using ...
@PriceCheaperton I am not sure about the FB part, but if your query returns result all you have to do, is to bind data to DaraGridView control. Example can be found here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/…
@Karthik @Karthik - I would create a Stored Procedure which takes a table valued parameter of all the items that you want to check. You can then use a join (a couple of options here) to return a result set of items and whether each one exists or not. You can use TVP's from ADO like this
@StuartLC @StuartLC Got it .I was thinking of doing it in the XML way. Does TVP have any restriction in number or values that can be passed? i googled and could not find any..Thanks a lot for your advice.
@Karthik It will certainly handle the 100 to 1000 row range mentioned in your post. To be honest, I haven't used it in the million range.
@Karthik - yes, use TVP's instead of Xml in newer versions of SQL Server - it is really quite cumbersome to pack xml in your .Net code and then unpack it again in your SPROC. You're welcome BTW :)
@Karthik With the result set, you can either just inner join the TVP to your items / product table and check in .Net if the row doesn't exist, or you can do an left outer join with the TVP as the left table, and e.g. ISNULL() missing items to 'false'.
@StuartLC i would have to return the matching items mapped to their masters if they are in Subitem table or their master if they are in Master table.Need to find an way out :)
answers coming in now. It looks like the error is to do with auto-properties; you can use auto property syntax or explicit, but can't mix them between get and set. Also, double is never null, so your null check doesn't make sense
also, unless I'm mistaken, you can't have a public property in a class that is not public
as far as set goes i would change it to the following, it's more declarative to me:
double x = value;
if (value != null) x = value;
else x = this.X;
this.X = x;
your get needs to be declared properly or omitted entirely
and i forgot to ask you, how can...
this is my function which gets all projects placed in database.
public bool getUserProjects(ref List<erpAssets>userProjects)
string arguments = "{\"sessionId\":\"" + m_LoggedInUser.sessionId + "\"," +
"\"assetType\":\"" + PROJECT_ASSET_TYP...
@KendallFrey i havent pasted any irrelevant code i have pasted full code flow now just w8 1 more min i am again editing my questionto show you 1 scenario where i am facing problem then i think you will better understand
this is my function which gets all projects placed in database.
public bool getUserProjects(ref List<erpAssets>userProjects)
string arguments = "{\"sessionId\":\"" + m_LoggedInUser.sessionId + "\"," +
"\"assetType\":\"" + PROJECT_ASSET_TYP...
ah.. excuse me.. how do i update my DateTime every second? i've set it ''lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();" , but i dont knwo how to update it every second the winform is running..
The json in the second scenario isn't a valid representation of that class. It's correct to throw an exception in that case, and it's coming from the guts of the converter, not from trying to set a property
ok now tell me 1 more thing is there any solution if i am getting wrong format then only that value should not be set and it should get all other projects
in some manner like that, yes. I know you hate powershell, but that's another alternative admins are more likely to be happy with than being made to use a gui
lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); , i just need it to update every second.. i've found ("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"); option , but i have no idea what the tt at the end stands for