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I couldn't help but to post this here: funny-pictures-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/…
looks like js
that actually happened to me once
I can't think of a way to search for more than seconds for a missing ; using C# and vs
Extra semicolon can be trickier
i see
sometimes the error is right in front of you but you just miss it and you go on to find it somewhere else
How does C# feel now?
getting comfortable :)
slow and steady
after i complete this app i might consider doing more tutorials and dedicate time to more samples and trial and error stuff
make sure to lurk here, think it is a good way to learn
I've got soo much help thanks to you guys
@JohanLarsson Any idea why it says that AppSettings doesn't exist in the current context?
private IsolatedStorageSettings AppSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
    bool UseAccentSetting = Convert.ToBoolean(AppSettings("UseAccent"));
    NoteTemplateList LoadNotes = new NoteTemplateList();
    public MainMenu()

suggestion: name fields _appsettings, it is the convention used by most I think
Can be a nameclash
managed to fix that because i hadn't declared AppSettings...
But now i get a "is a field but is used as a method"
(round brackets) round "UseAccent"
[use square brackets]
@TomW Thanks! that worked :)
do you understand why?
Encapsulating the "UseAccent" inside AppSettings?
not really
mind explaining please?
round brackets indicate a method call
square brackets are an indexer expression. I guess ApplicationSettings has an indexer property that takes a string
(maybe it's an IDictionary, I haven't checked)
well here ya go: puu.sh/62Xv4.png
So is this the Indexer: AppSettings["UseAccent"] = UseAccentSetting.IsChecked;
AppSettings["UseAccent"] ?
describes what C# theoretically supports
yesterday, by Tom W
wtf, why am I so tired?
you are becoming c++
(which means you are correct)
I am stuck
Once i import a scalar sql function into my edm, how do i expose it via my repository? I'm guessing I have to call it from my context directly so L2E doesn't complain, but exposing the context in the repository doesn't sound like a good solution either, any ideas?
no idea, SQL is just one of the things I suck at
i have the sql part done, its just how to expose it through entity framework + my repository which i'm not sure about
@Steve You don't have to expose the context. You can create a proxy method which will call the context and pass results
i thought about that, but i can't use any C# methods in linq to entities can i? it always complains and says it doesn't know how to convert it to sql at run time or something
Are you creating LINQ to Entities query outside the repository already?
yeah, i have my repository exposing some tables from the context, and in my business layer i have the linq to entities going
so you're already exposing the context ;)
oh is that a bad thing?
like i guess i'm exposing certain tables off of the context, but not the whole thing, not sure if it matters
There is no good answer for that question.
but if you did not expose context at all, you wouldn't have to expose the function either
is that just a style thing, or should i not be exposing it? This is just me learning and playing around so its not anything that I can't change or will break
I prefer not to expose context at all.
So all repository methods return IEnumerable<T> or T, not IQueryable<T>
so BL cannot modify EF queries at all
wow i never thought about that
It makes the layers separation more real. When BL creates EF queries what's the point of having a repository, and how BL differs from DAL?
yeah no that makes complete sense
of course, you don't have to agree with that :)
no, but it would make what i'm doing a whole ton easier, and i have a feeling safer
Yes, that's right. In perfect situation BL should not even know (or care) where the data comes from, so you could easily change one without changing another.
It also makes testing easier (you can easily mock DAL when BL does not use L2E)
because i'm playing around with a distance formula, and it was long as hell and didn't feel like it belonged in the business layer, so i moved some of it to a scalar function in sql and was going to try to simplify it that way, but moving it all to the repository would make a lot of sense now
@JLott I see you
2 hours later…
Hello! was just wondering if anyone knows how I can access a control from one page to another. I know this is a c# Room but whoever develops for Windows Phone is there a way?. This is what I currently use:
var frame = (PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual;
var MainMenux = (Settings)frame.Content;
But i keep getting nullreferenceexceptions. :(
Q: Stop autoscrolling in datagrid when cell is clicked

LOL SingerI want to stop to autoscroll horizontal scrollbar of datagrid. I kept the code as: void scp_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; } But it does not worked. Also tried by adding: KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(t...

1 hour later…
Hello :(
Q: Stop autoscrolling in datagrid when cell is clicked

LOL SingerI want to stop to autoscroll horizontal scrollbar of datagrid. I kept the code as: void scp_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; } But it does not worked. Also tried by adding: KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(t...

good morning
@no9 morning :)
@LOLSinger perhaps this should work:
var ctrl = TreeHelper.FindVisualChild<ScrollContentPresenter>(this.datagrid);
ctrl.RequestBringIntoView += (s, e) => e.Handled = true;
"catch the RequestBringIntoView event BEFORE it gets to the ScrollViewer in order to mark it has handled"
@Karthik hellow :)
@no9 wait, iwill try
@no9 treehelper does not exists in current context
try visualtreehelper
plz wait...trying
Error 19 'System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper' does not contain a definition for 'FindVisualChild' D:\BaseHead\BaseHead\WindowMain.xaml.cs 1783 41 BaseHead
yes i see...
you have datagrid?
when you did:
void scp_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
did you define this as rowstyle for each row?
like so:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}">
<EventSetter Event="Control.RequestBringIntoView" Handler="scp_RequestBringIntoView" />
@Karthik I have no opinion on your question as I am no db expert... :)
:) thats fine..Thanks
@LOLSinger I am no wpf expert also :P
but please do try the above solution, if you have not done it this way, god knows it just might work
gm RaZor
heya @no9
how are you
ok i guess :)
and yourself?
pfffff, worst monday of december :p
whats the reason for that definition? :)
it's monday :p
no had a rough weekend
been sick on saturday
its common, my kid had chickenpox and I did not have them as a kid ...
so now im waiting
OW! hope you don't get um buddy!
ye me 2
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document
not this again
omg..... That's not good
there are 54 projects in solution and I need to debug one...
Class Library....
54 projects? O.o
thats only 1 solution of 5 :)
what kind of application is that?
web app
okay, and what does it do?
hi all
i'm facing a problem with the Webgrid in asp.Net razor
I'm trying to hide the first column which has the id of the row
but the problem is that i'm not able to see the paging functionality anymore
i need to know how paging works? does is need the id to work?
@Hanady if I understand you used CSS display: none; to hide the column?
why not just comment out gridColumns.Add line?
i presume its a MVC app...
@no9 I also used this
.webgrid-table th:first-child, .webgrid-table td:first-child {
display: none;
this is CSS ... and it looks like it also makes pagination to hide
I can't comment out the column because i need the id value of the row i just don't want it to be shown
meaning that its in a cell you are currently setting to no display
mmm i didn't understand very well what you mean
well ....
perhaps you could specify everything in the GetHTML
@grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns(grid.Column(null,null, format: @<input type="hidden" name="IDHidden" value="@item.IDHidden"/>),

grid.Column("Title", "Title")));
and so on...
I am not sure with this...
@no9 okay i will give it a try
you can also use js ...
like so
@no9 it seems that if i hide the first column the paging functionality will be hidden with the first column so i made the id column the second one and i made it hidden and it works
thanks for the help :)
yes that was abvious when you implemented the CSS solution
the paginator cells were also effected
since the CSS was referencing the columns via child:first you had no reference to hold on..
np, glad you sorted it out
How to assign a concatenated string to a Literal's Text attribute, I am trying like this but its not working <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Text='some text' + '<%# Eval("Value") %>' + 'some other text '></asp:Literal>
Good evening everybody
hi @shakthi
LiteralControl literal = new LiteralControl("<!-- " +
"some string"+ " -->");
hi @LINQ2Vodka
anyone want to take a stab at my WinForms question.. chance to get easy reps
Q: Display FQL results in DataGridView using C# (WinForms)

PriceCheapertonI have my FQL query and i have my access token. But how do i display FQL results in GRID VIEW using C# and ASP.NET? FQL: SELECT uid, username, first_name, last_name, friend_count, pic_big FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) This is what i have tried: using ...

@LINQ2Vodka any thought on this stackoverflow.com/questions/20823013/…
@StuartLC can you help me on this..stackoverflow.com/questions/20823013/…
@PriceCheaperton I am not sure about the FB part, but if your query returns result all you have to do, is to bind data to DaraGridView control. Example can be found here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/…
The problem is it returns data in JSON. I have tried to deserialize it and parse it to an array but im stuck.
I should update what ive tried
you need to deserialize JSON so some bindable list
updated my answer.. but struggling with how to actually deserialize, i think im doing everything right using Newtonsoft.Json;
you could use JavaScriptSerializer
var myList = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<IList<YourClass>>(json);
some examples: google.com.ar/…
and then bind DataGridView to this bindable list...
@Karthik @Karthik - I would create a Stored Procedure which takes a table valued parameter of all the items that you want to check. You can then use a join (a couple of options here) to return a result set of items and whether each one exists or not. You can use TVP's from ADO like this
@StuartLC @StuartLC Got it .I was thinking of doing it in the XML way. Does TVP have any restriction in number or values that can be passed? i googled and could not find any..Thanks a lot for your advice.
@Karthik It will certainly handle the 100 to 1000 row range mentioned in your post. To be honest, I haven't used it in the million range.
@Karthik - yes, use TVP's instead of Xml in newer versions of SQL Server - it is really quite cumbersome to pack xml in your .Net code and then unpack it again in your SPROC. You're welcome BTW :)
@StuartLC i think i ll go with TVP.Wont be sending more than 1000 rows. Thanks a ton :)
@Karthik With the result set, you can either just inner join the TVP to your items / product table and check in .Net if the row doesn't exist, or you can do an left outer join with the TVP as the left table, and e.g. ISNULL() missing items to 'false'.
@no9 I am using .net 4.5
@StuartLC i would have to return the matching items mapped to their masters if they are in Subitem table or their master if they are in Master table.Need to find an way out :)
Hello all
i am getting "" and then when i assign this into variable then i am getting exception
any solution for this?
need way more information than that
Q: How to set property of variable

Muneem HabibFollowing is my piece of code to get and set values of variable. class a { public double X { get; set { if (value != null) { this.X = value; } } ...

answers coming in now. It looks like the error is to do with auto-properties; you can use auto property syntax or explicit, but can't mix them between get and set. Also, double is never null, so your null check doesn't make sense
also, unless I'm mistaken, you can't have a public property in a class that is not public
then sir how to assign null to double
you can't
not possible
internal static HashSet<T> ToSet<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
    return new HashSet<T>(enumerable);
nothing like this in the framework right?
then sir if i am getting null value then i dont want to assign this valeu thats why i have make null check
The null check will never do anything, because the value being passed in can never be null
instance.APropertyAsDouble = null; won't compile, IIRC
@TomW is there any solution for this problem that whenever value is null then its not set i was getting exception in autoproperties
value is never null
you don't need that check
it's not possible to enter the setter with a null value, the language doesn't allow it
I'm not sure how much clearer I can be
this is my exception
error converting value "" to erp.point
Do you have the code to reproduce it?
and this exception is coming because its not setting value
and value=""
erp.point isn't mentioned anywhere in the code you posted. Post your actual code.
i think auto properties doesnt set value if value=""
@MuneemHabib in the double property setter? I don't believe you
@TomW that class name is erp point
@MuneemHabib Auto properties always set. They're just like a field in that sense
well, "" is a string, not a double
@KendallFrey its what i beleive because in my case value="" and i am getting exception that this vaue cant be set
Of course not, you can't store "" in a double variable
"" is a string
you can't assign a string to a double. Are you saying you get an exception, or that there is a compiler error? They're not the same thing
hey w8 a sec listen whenever i read value from XML file its double but when the value is empty then its value=""
now what i want is when value="" then it should not be assigned
stored in what, an object?
You obviously can't import "" typed as a double
post your actual code.
jus tell me 1 thing how to ignore this condition?
You're obviously having trouble explaining the problem clearly, so you're better off just letting us see what you're trying to do
Is there a way to bind to .Count() in wpf or do I have to expose a property?
A: How to set property of variable

Tedas far as set goes i would change it to the following, it's more declarative to me: set { double x = value; if (value != null) x = value; else x = this.X; this.X = x; } your get needs to be declared properly or omitted entirely and i forgot to ask you, how can...

What is this guy smoking?
@MuneemHabib when you read XML handle elements that are empty yourself. In this case set default to 0...
@JohanLarsson Has to be a property
@MuneemHabib We won't help you write bad code, but we might help you improve your code if you show us.
@KendallFrey what about IValueConverter
ok i am editing my question and pasting my full code
Q: How to set property of variable

Muneem Habibthis is my function which gets all projects placed in database. public bool getUserProjects(ref List<erpAssets>userProjects) { string arguments = "{\"sessionId\":\"" + m_LoggedInUser.sessionId + "\"," + "\"assetType\":\"" + PROJECT_ASSET_TYP...

pasted my full code flow
please check it
Your code still isn't complete, or you're not describing the problem well enough. We also don't need to see all the irrelevant code.
You're lucky I can't downvote twice.
@KendallFrey haha.....
@KendallFrey thanks for your kindness
@KendallFrey i like you
@KendallFrey i havent pasted any irrelevant code i have pasted full code flow now just w8 1 more min i am again editing my questionto show you 1 scenario where i am facing problem then i think you will better understand
A lot of that code is irrelevant
what is JsonConvert? And you said XML, but I would expect something called JsonConvert to read json, not xml
You should post a short, self-contained, correct example. sscce.org
"" is not null
@TomW i havent pasted my xml reader code you just assume i am getting data from DB which JSON serialise
Q: How to set property of variable

Muneem Habibthis is my function which gets all projects placed in database. public bool getUserProjects(ref List<erpAssets>userProjects) { string arguments = "{\"sessionId\":\"" + m_LoggedInUser.sessionId + "\"," + "\"assetType\":\"" + PROJECT_ASSET_TYP...

@KendallFrey edited please check
its with 2 scenarios
just check assetregion
I read
See my comment
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
"" is not null
And why don't you expect an exception?
What do you expect?
I'm not very familiar with json; but it looks as though assetRegion is assumed to be an array, but I'm guessing "" isn't a valid array expression
It looks pretty exceptional to me
maybe [] is
@TomW No, it's not
ah.. excuse me.. how do i update my DateTime every second? i've set it ''lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();" , but i dont knwo how to update it every second the winform is running..
@KendallFrey what's not? There were two negations in that sentence :P
@MohdNasrulIwanFajaruddin Timer
> "" isn't a valid array expression
thought so
Timer? may i have a detail explaination?
@MohdNasrulIwanFajaruddin yeah, google it
damn @KendallFrey :)
looks like time for a break :P
so when region="" then why i am getting exception?i think autopropertieds should not set this value
@MuneemHabib taking a guess; amend your second scenario to supply assetRegion : []
I think the problem is because you're trying to deserialize to an array when "" isn't a valid array expression
it's nothing to do with any of those properties
@MuneemHabib Because "" isn't an array. Of course it's throwing an exception
The json in the second scenario isn't a valid representation of that class. It's correct to throw an exception in that case, and it's coming from the guts of the converter, not from trying to set a property
Is it a dumb idea to make a server with a GUI?
define 'server'
ok now tell me 1 more thing is there any solution if i am getting wrong format then only that value should not be set and it should get all other projects
A program that runs on a server machine
@MuneemHabib You probably need to handle that yourself
@KendallFrey well, as long as you don't HAVE to use the GUI. Can't assume that there's an admin available to look at a monitor
I mean, IIS manager is a GUI on a server application. It's not great, but I use it a lot
Are you saying it should be controllable from the console as well?
in some manner like that, yes. I know you hate powershell, but that's another alternative admins are more likely to be happy with than being made to use a gui
My task today is converting a console server to WPF
for outlying values of fun
It's mostly copypasta
pays the bills
I heard mumblings of me getting a raise soon.
Still no Christmas bonus though.
Working for a small business has its downsides
How much do you make if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind you asking, but I do mind telling.
It's embarrassingly low
Enough for a single guy to survive on, I guess
i still dont get how to use the timer on datetime.now
what have you tried?
^ what he said
@MohdNasrulIwanFajaruddin in wpf you can use DispatcherTimer
lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); , i just need it to update every second.. i've found ("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"); option , but i have no idea what the tt at the end stands for
im using winforms btw
have you read the documentation on Timer?
(any variant, there are several called Timer in different namespaces that do similar things)

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