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I just thought of something. Both programs are designed to work with pipes, so you technically wouldn't need an intermediate file.
Pipes? Huh?
It's commandline thing
yourprogram | myprogram > out.wav
ooh, that thing
Lets see.. in the C application, I would have to use putchar rather than writing to a file, right?
well, you wouldn't need to write to a file either way, you can just redirect stdout
But yeah, putchar will get picked up by my program if you pipe it
@KendallFrey Sorry for the noobish quesiton, but for some reason, it's not outputting the pcm data to the file correctly
Not correctly as in what? What is correct?
Could it be you wanted byte-sized samples?
Quite probably, since the original code was putchar
3 hours later…
Q: F# cross-thread UI exception in WinForms App

Gelo VolroI have a problem with developing a simple application in F#, which just reads the length of the requested HTML page. Seems to be that such an error would be similar for VB.NET/C# language too, when you develop the UI application. But I'm rather new to F# and don't really imagine hot to fix su...

1 hour later…
ugh, This is rather odd.
Q: For loop ends prematurely

Dylan KatzI've created a program that processes images in c#. For some reason, I've made pretty much the most simple double for loop possible, and it refuses to work. This loop ends at x=78 and y=78, reliably every time. I've been looking at this forever, and I can not figure it out! Code: try { for ...

Is there a mvc sepcific chatroom link by any chance? Navigating to chat wasn't easy to begin with.
If I have a robot arm communicating over serial, and an array of of load cells telling the robot arm to move, how can I get them on different threads? When the tracking starts I do not get updates from the sensor and everything locks up!
that's probably what you're looking for @atomSmash
1 hour later…
@DylanKatz Thank you
@KendallFrey Got it to work. Thanks a bunch!
That made my 2-in-the-morning eyes throw up
Goodnight, y'all
@bob-the-destroyer what do you need to know about MVC?
Anyway that gave me an idea to create a Design Patterns chat since there is none
Good morning, everyone
Morning guys!
2 hours later…
Sure is quiet in here
@AlphaDelta then you haven't seen the Java room
@user2966573 I can just imagine how quiet it is in there
The PHP room is pretty active
The key difference is that the C# room is active with working people, from Monday to Friday.
I'm working right now, I just compile a lot.
public sealed class Lexer : IEnumerable<Lexeme> {
    public IEnumerator<Lexeme> GetEnumerator() { … }
I have this, but I get this error:
src/Lex.cs(95,25): error CS0738: `Styx.Parse.Lexer' does not implement interface member `System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()' and the best implementing candidate `Styx.Parse.Lexer.GetEnumerator()' return type `System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<Styx.Parse.Lexeme>' does not match interface member return type `System.Collections.IEnumerator'
However, MSDN says that IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() returns IEnumerator<T>. Is this a bug in Mono?
I need to keep client-side (javascript) values across user requests within the same browser window. Where shoul I keep values?
hi.. ah.. can i ask? so how do i listen to? i thought there's some kind of voice chat ..
only text
oh.. okay.. i thought there's voice... would be easier.. thx for answering.. :)
@rightfold you need to Implement IEnumerable also:
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();
That’s horrible.
that is life
I have controller Foo and action Bar.
name: "foo",
url: "foo",
defaults: new { controller = "Foo", action = "Bar" }

url localhost://foo works well;

If i change routes like this:
name: "foo",
url: "api/foo",
defaults: new { controller = "Foo", action = "Bar" }

url localhost://api/foo doesn't work.

WHY??? it's making me mad
make sure your most specific rules are first, and your general routing rules (or more lax) are last
I got the only route
will make a new app for sure...
doesn twork
damn... i've found the reason
what is it?
I should have removed WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration) default line from global.asax, it overrides my paths
yes. So stupid me.
2 hours later…
anyone worked with WebApi?
This is me, for sure topatoco.com/…
:D @TomW I guess this is every one who is here
well, probably
I am noted in my office for actually doing that gesture, though
even me too :p
Hi Guys
How can i this event 'FrameWithinGrid_LoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)' in another button click?
Any of y'all good at math here?
Oh, hey, it's a codebrain
hey i just came here :P
Black rhino extinct in 2013, they were in this planet for 23 million years. RIP All Black Rhinos.
@cc i uploaded it in fb messages..its stuck. retrying..
ah, okay
@CCInc check there..
1 hour later…
Hi Guys
Can any body tell me what's wrong with this?.
Uri pageUri = new Uri("file://"+System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()+"/Html Files/Party Print/Startpup.html", UriKind.Absolute);
            this.FrameWithinGrid.Source = pageUri;
what's the error?
This procedural music I made is awesome
Hey, Tom, do you play bf3 often? As in, ever?
basically no
Aw. Darn. Okay.
not averse to the idea, just got nobody to play with
Well.. I'm like always on
and when I say always, I mean like ALWAYS
If you ever want to join me, I'm coolguycc on origin
tx, might give it another go
I'm rarely feeling sufficiently fresh in the brain to play games these days
lol I know what you mean
hi sweet all
Could someone advise me on a threading question regarding data from two different serial ports
I love Knockout.js...
I can write JS code that I can understand lol
1 hour later…
Q: Knockout.js performance

LINQ2VodkaI am new in knockout.js and already liked it very much. Say I'm implementing web blog and want add/edit/delete blog post comments with using of knockout.js. In purpose of this I define Comment viewmodel with subject, text and tags (in my real application i need much more fields, like 10 to 20). A...

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