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Howdy peoples.
This might be really dumb
@JohanLarsson looks fine. stop beating yourself up
I'm doing Mongo without db
Adding xml files (documents) to a zip archive and use the zip as ~db~
Don't want db and installer
Are you familiar with the Office 2007 file formats?
can't say
They are just (surprise!) XML files in a zip file.
sounds familiar when you say it
Q: How to use CanExecuteChangedEventManager

Johan LarssonI can't figure out how to use the CanExecuteChangedEventManager in MyCommand : ICommand. I tried the following but value is the wrong type: public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged { add { CanExecuteChangedEventManager.AddHandler(this, value); } remove { Ca...

I just added some crap code to keep the what-have-you-trieds happy
How can I see what happened to a pullrequest on codeplex?
one that you made?
I suppose you can look for it in the project history
School has been canceled!
And work :D lazyyy day
@JLott Quick! Buy a Humble Bundle!
But this one is awesome
It has Garry's Mod
@ton.yeung Yep. Everything is icy
I don't think the University has ever closed...
@Steve helloooo
@ton.yeung I think it was about that Raspberry Pi workshop
Today it was a snowstorm here, they expect 40 cm of snow and 25 m/s storm. My friend is a surfer and he went surfing.
!!convert 40cm to inches
You measure wind speed in m/s?
@Steve f u
@CapricaSix lol
@KendallFrey ?
f inches
@KendallFrey - Well I started making change to this branch because nobody realized I should be working on my own branch.
So they branched me but they had to decide what to do with all my changes in the main branch.
So they rolled them back.
i agree, we should all move to metric, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't know how much snow 40cm is ;)
@SpencerRuport You lost your work?
Now I'm trying to merge the main branch back in and it's like "OH LOOK THERE WAS A ROLLBACK ON ALL THIS STUFF."
Nah it's still there I just gotta hack my way through it.
oh, BTW its my birthday!
Mine too.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Steve and Josh Varty!
@JoshVarty happy birthday to you too!
Haha and to you, how old are you?
@JoshVarty - Sorry I already said it to one person for the day. Maybe next year. ;)
@ton.yeung No haha. That was like 2 days ago
oh i'm 28, and yourself?
I'll have to beat Steve next year haha. I'm 23 now.
@Steve @JoshVarty HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
@JoshVarty lol
@KendallFrey what do you use?
@JLott thanks!
Haha thanks.
I just went outside and skated around :D
is that you?
yes, i'm a thousand year old skeleton, brought back to life for the divine purpose of writing C#
@KendallFrey haha
Finished grading, now on to this paper...
@JLott are you like a TA?
Yep... for 6 classes actually
I have an issue with saying no
yeah, that sounds terrible
Will you marry me?
@KendallFrey some day, but not now, sry
I feel like that kind of stuff is different lol. It is mainly things at school and work
Will you marry me at school?
@KendallFrey I knew that was coming
@ton.yeung Will you write this paper for me?
Where the crap did that come from @KendallFrey lol
Most people are fooled by that.
what's up coders?
I think they actually got some of those published.
my friends wife left him yesterday & took the kid, so i stayed with him for like 18 hours so he didn't have to be alone, he was worried he was going to hurt himself, well, i left at 2am, and this morning he's not answering texts........
Go to his house.
i really hope i dont find a body
holycrap !
@ton.yeung no
fuck, okay, c you later, wish me luck
good luck
That would be a terrible bday pres
may you don't find a body
good luck
@Steve Everything will be ok!
Let's talk about something nice, shall we?
am in
Like Humble Bundles :D
@ton.yeung i don't know any of them
manish is probably a common name
i guess yes
it seems you have come across a lot
lol may be
it seems almost all hardcore devs are here
What's the difference between hardcore and softcore?
hardcore use word #fuck in site like this while softcore as you see don't
I see...
i have noticed when ever am in here
@JLott hop in
seems @JLott is busy... @KendallFrey what got silent ?
where were you lost ?
I was looking at the ice and watching my dog do tricks
Is it Filename or FileName?
I think MS would do the latter, but I don't really like it
I also prefer the first
looking at the ice
what kinda a trick your dog was doing @JLott
`[TestCase(12345, 123, "sdg", 90, 8, 1m)]`
`1m` gives a compiler error "Attribute argument must be a constant expression. 1 works fine
@manish We had a ice storm here and he was rolling over lol
@JohanLarsson try 1M
public void TestNameTest(decimal d)

aha! got a hold of him
@Steve Awesome!
@Steve is he alright ?
my phone cut out but im pretty sure he said he's going to work, which is a plus
im just hoping he doesn't get pissed and go postal with a bulldozer on a mall parking lot or something
not sure
hey there!
Ok, TFS question. anyone know of a trick that would let you rollback a changeset and then shelve the same changes?
@AaronHavens so, you checked in a bunch of changes that you have to roll back, but you want to keep the changes shelved?
Hey, does anyone here know if windows 7 has some undocumented API to change the volume of other applications (like you can do manually using the mixer)? It is somehow possible but I haven't found any information on how to do that yet...
@ton.yeung: I'm looking to do it programmatically. Manually it's easy ;)
Yeah, would be one last option. But I want to do it without calling that tool (especially since I need to find out the current volume of an application, too)
@Steve ok so after reading this I want to confirm I understand the rollback. Rollback just undoes my checkin and pulls it back into my workspace as pending changes.
hmm that seems to be setting either the volume for the application running that code or the system volume
pretty sure every time i try to help somebody i just sound retarded
like licking the window, riding the short bus retarded
@Steve - That's so helpful!
lmfao, gee guys, thanks for the boost of confidence!
@ton.yeung oh, i meant in here, the C# room
i think i will ;)
Age of Empires or netflix
santorum is a piece of shit
gave up
that sucks
But does it run C#?
35 defects fixed this last release, all came back as "re-test passed' woo woo
hi guys, I`m making simple alarm application and I have one problem-I can`t check if time(from text file where it is stored) is equal to current time. I use dispatchertimer to check what time is now.
@Steve Thanks Steve. Worked great. For some reason no one had ever had to do a rollback in TFS... So no one could tell for sure how it worked.
@RyanTernier yay!
@ton.yeung Almost makes me want to try it for a day
I dislike job ads that say "Looking for expert in javascript" or "Must be expert in c#". So, you want to hire Skeet?
wat lol
there needs to be better scaling on adjectives for skills. it seems like they either use 'proficient' or 'expert'. certainly everyone is missing a huuuge range in between
sure, but what is the level of expert? "Should be able to write a new framework similar to Node.js", "Should be able to write jQuery version 5", "Should be able to make a file named carrots.js and display an alert box"
Expert to me is top 1%
certainly they dont need someone that good
From HR's perspective; why settle for someone other than an expert if you can get an expert to take the job?
From reading a lot of those posts it's definitely not technical people writing them
@Chuu Because sometimes you don't want a lot of experts.
@Chuu For my team of dev's I have 2 senior, 2 junior, 1 intermediate. and I love it. I won't want more seniors. When you have too many you get contention issues. Most teams need someone to lead, someone to check quality and be that "politician", and then you need trench diggers. People to put headphones on and work
I don't think most startups are using HR to write these job ads, so even developers are warping the reqs
@RyanTernier well said
I love getting resumes from people with funny things on them. These are true examples:
-Likes to do the impossible
-Thinks outside of the box on angles no one else has thought of
-Never thinks inside the box, doesn't like rules or constraints
-will create the most creative code you've ever seen
-Documents every line of code
-Will refactor code so functions will never be longer than 10 lines of code including comments
Maybe they just copy from existing job ads?
i have a drawer full of "cool" resumes :P
that last one is awesome
Good grief my system is throwing an absolute hissy fit.
This last bout of resumes from co-ops, one put on he has a 90 WPM (typing) average
Chrome won't even load up a page.
VS won't close.
Arg. :(
The C# api to a database I'm working with
I don't think I've ever seen this coding style before
"Expert in Javascript", "Must have at least 2 years experience"... so contradictory
@Chuu looks partially obfuscated or generated
What sorts of bad things can happen if I abort an IIS worker process?
@CharlieBrown Well... to be honest... I know people who have 2 years experience in something and can totally out class those than have 10 years
@RyanTernier raises hand oh, me me!
@SpencerRuport Abort like in kill from task manager?
I'm pretty sure it isn't obfuscated; once you wrap your head around it it does make sense
It simply will not die.
Kill in task manager shuts it down
and then it'll restart
It's just not something I've ever had to mentally parse before
it won't be a safe restart though
@RyanTernier yeah thats true, its the diff between doing a little javascript as part of your job once a week for a year, or doing it every day
@Chuu it looks much better pasted into visual studio
I interviewed a guy that worked on the C# team at MS. He could tell me how the Stack and Heap were used, what happens internally when you do List.ToArray(), but he couldn't tell me the difference between private and protected. He couldn't explain what generics were, or what happens in detail when you type in Google.com and press enter in a browser
Hi, simple question, (language agnostic)
+= is a shorcut for a=a+b, is &= a shorcut for a = a &&b or a = a & b?
@NaN be careful with A && B and A & B. && will short circuit, where & will not
@NaN && wouild be &&=
@ton.yeung No, it's not
@RyanTernier & is actually bitwise or, not logical or at all
@KendallFrey It is bitwise, but it will compute as an "and", but will not short circuit
@NaN That's not language angnostic - in most languages, &= is a = a & b, though
oh, yeah, and
Hovering over a property value is making IIS go nuts.
And I have to kill VS and IIS.
@KendallFrey hmm, ok, it probably works in C# but in javascript or java it's not
so if you did:
bool a, b, c
if( a && b && c) will not check c if A and B equate to false. Versus A & B & C will check all
@SpencerRuport Restart the computer?
@RyanTernier yeah, I've a chain of if (r[i]>=r[i-1] && r[i]>=r[i-2] && ...)
It really makes me wonder, when hiring someone, why not ask for the specific skills you are going to need from them, instead of generic "Expert in ASP.NET"
but fine I'll do with a = a&&b; thanks dudes!
@CharlieBrown Then you get into a consulting world where you might need to work on .NET 1.1 projects in a .net 4.5 world. You then realize there's no such thing as generics...
yeah, i think thats why the generics are bad
no the classes are :p
.NET 2.0 feels like Java...
ArrayList FTW
ArrayList win = new ArrayList()
win.Add("yea, this rocks");
win.Add(new Button());
win.Add(new Interweb().Download(DownloadOptions.All));
@RyanTernier ArrayList in Java is not anything like the C# version
@KendallFrey Java ArrayList ~== .NET List<T>
But Java generics are shite
List is a better name than arraylist imo
Java also has a List
ArrayList derives from that IIRC
@ton.yeung NSFW stuff on there though
ok makes some sense then
java has a List of things to do to improve its List utilization
I mean it's too raw and not handy
you always end up writing 1000 lines of utils

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