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Gabe Newell, founder of Valve
overweight, now bearded, opinionated
Yeah, well, he's not on the Steam logo, so no.
A dude, so I don't mean any of that to disparage him, but facts are facts
I once read a very long and detailed article about the snack provision at Valve and how because the kitchen was becoming such a ball-ache, they just supplied everything anyone wanted
The typical programmer is a billionaire
I feel
I was like...have you SEEN your boss?
so inadequate
point being, there is this fictional stereotype of a programmer
either overweight or emaciated; with poor social skills and obscure interests that trouble 'normal' people
Gabe Newell's?
I don't recognise that stereotype
I'm pretty sure his networth is over a billlion.
According the always reputable "Celebrity Networth" website anyways, haha.
I don't think it is
He's a millionaire from his days at Microsoft alone, though.
I expect the person on the street could identify me as, at the very least, a 'knowledge worker'. My social skills are...OK. I expect I'd swiftly be identified as someone in a nerdy line of work
I'm pretty typical. I'm overweight, not very social, and would rather talk about computational complexity than sports (I think the last two points mean the same thing).
@KendallFrey perfect, thx
I'm not overweight, in the sense that I'm curious about what my actual % bodyfat is and how close it is to the mythical 10%
stereotypes can help people get certain jobs i think as well
I'm guessing pretty far, but it's not an unrealistic aspiration
and I DO like sport
I can grab handfuls of belly fat.
I don't think that's right.
18% and under for men is pretty good
@ton.yeung I seem to recall you saying something about that. It's not because you beast the gym six times a week, is it?
@ton.yeung ;)
I console myself in the fact that, if there were a zombie seige, I'd be able to last for a while without food.
@ton.yeung Typical Chinese, huh?
ping... pong... ping... pong...
in the military i was at 15%, but more like 32% now..lol
@ton.yeung I would complain, but that's it.
In two weeks I've stopped drinking so much beer and started picking up heavy things a few times a day, and I'm already noticing the beer belly diminishing
@CharlieBrown what did you do in the military? How long ago?
@TomW worked on small missle repair, about 10yrs ago now
I'm interested because we're doing a defence-oriented project atm
we have a few ex-mil
nothing armament-related and all public knowledge, but I can't say too much
@TomW TD game?
ResultSet or Resultset?
@ton.yeung or 500m :)
This is a database table.
@SpencerRuport first one
every Marine must qualify at 500
@ton.yeung one of our guys was in the Falklands. It can't have been that tough since he likes to talk about it. Still, respect to him for being a part of the gutsiest victory for a very long time
we shoot from 200, 300, and 500 in qualifying each year
I understand the fighting wasn't mega-hard, but the logistics was spectacular. The US believed we wouldn't even be able to get a presence over there
wish I had a clap light. It's dark in here
yards, actually, so yeah, more like 457.2m
ah, good, someone came in the room
@ton.yeung Argentina invaded a chain of islands that happens to be a British territory in 1982. They're a few hundred miles away from them, we're quite a few thousand. On paper Britain had no aircraft that could reach that far and nowhere near enough ships that could carry anything useful, but we took them back and the Argentine military junta collapsed from the embarassment
yeah, 5.62 m16, basic sights, no scope
Like, water?
            <Border Background="{x:Null}"
                    BorderBrush="{StaticResource Accent}"
                <Polygon Points="0,-10 7,0, -7,0"
                         Fill="{StaticResource Accent}"
                            <TranslateTransform Y="10" X="{Binding Position, Converter={StaticResource ScalePosition}, ConverterParameter={Binding ACTUALWIDTHP
how do i bind this converterparam? i hate xaml binding
@ton.yeung :P
I shot my brother's rifle a couple times
i once shot a bb gun
I did lots
@Steve who are you kidding?
I hate XAML binding as well. I hate having to NotifyPropertyChanged so much I went and voted on that issue on that Visual Studio uservoice site.
@CharlieBrown Relativesource findancestor etc.
mf, apparently you cant bind convparam
or give the border an x:Name and bind Elementname
oh, gotta try it, though it was possible
cnn..... i used to like you but now i pity you.... edition.cnn.com/2013/12/05/health/youn-pot-moobs/…
...that moment when you open a link to smoking pot at work, firefox freezes, and someone steps into your cube...grrr
lol @ moobs
@CharlieBrown sorry man, i should have put a disclaimer
> I got the moobs like Jagger...
Marijuana -> Food -> Man boobs.
It's a vicious cycle.
@ton.yeung [moobs](http://moobs.urbanup.com/412296) A combination of the words "man" and "boobs." This is what happens when fat gathers in a male's chest area, and gives him the appearance of having breasts.
Usually seen in overweight males, but can strangely also occur in men who are not really overweight.
LMFAO that article is so ridiculous!
i can't stop laughing
My stack is not big enough for my code :(
Getting StackOverflows?
You've come to the right place.
yep, tight loop with an event, can't figure it out
Is there something unusual about your code? Like a massive struct or something?
I have a massive dumb right in the center of it :D
not looking for answers btw, just a micro rant
Yeah I was just curious as StackOverflows aren't a common error in C# land unless you're recursing.
not sure about the proportions on that one :)
there must be recursion just that I can't see it. Event bs.
an event is basically a method call, right?
do the handlers get executed?
except its not blocking
So the raising thread carries on without waiting
its just a method, but it can execute outside the normal flow
well, sort of incorrect
If the event was subscribed to on the same thread that raised it, the handler might never be called
@TomW the invocator executes again and again, it is listening to itself for some reason
Are you sure events are non-blocking?
you just fill up the stack with new stack frames for those events
no threads involved
it is in some worlds, but not vanilla events
ah, ignore then
I'm just guessing
without a clear understanding of how it works internally
@CharlieBrown Events are blocking
yes, i corrected myself
@TomW The handlers are called in order - so they'll always get called, and are called on the thread that raises the event
i didnt mean to say what i said
@ReedCopsey well that's why I'm uncertain, because saying that just made me realise that what I thought happened might contradict what I've seen happen
event handlers just call each delegate subscribed, in order - just like calling a bunch of methods
you can make ones that do something else, but if you just call it normally, it's all on the raising thread
ah, red herring. The scenario I was thinking of was the time I wrote a console application that subscribed to a FileSystemWatcher, but I needed to handle its events while waiting on a blocking call to something else
not relevant and not contradictory
sfw, but not safe for ears
             <Border Background="{x:Null}"
                        BorderBrush="{StaticResource Accent}"
                    <Polygon Points="0,-10 7,0, -7,0"
                             Fill="{StaticResource Accent}"
                             Stroke="White" />
Polygon (triangle) shows at design time, but nada at runtime, anything im missing?
supposed to look like

@CharlieBrown Did you snoop it?
yeah, its invisible
hello? i need help
invisible how?
i made a email sender
but its genarating exception
you are going to have to tell us a lot more than that
Just post a question on StackOverflow
questions in chat are ok if they're simple
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Net.Mail;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("[email protected]", "[email protected]");
SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient("smpt.live.com");
what is the error of this code?
I was hoping you could tell me that. It's your error.
@TomW exception is coming from sc.Send(mail);
WHAT exception?
what is the exception?
and yes, you should post a SO question, not ask here
post a question and post the question here, but don't ask it here
questions suitable for chat might be "what are the benefits of REST vs. SOAP?" or "any idea what a good MVC CMS is?" or "how far how @KendallFrey gone with a lady?"... you know, primarily opinion/discussion based things not easily answered in the SO main site
@TomW {"Failure sending mail."}
I suspect "smpt.live.com" is wrong
I just want to say that C# IS SO ANNOYING!
should probably be "smtp.live.com"
{"Unable to connect to the remote server"}
@Phil Why is that?
@TusharTushKhush post a question on StackOverflow
Javascript was so simple.
@Phil protip: going to the C# room to criticize C# may not be the best move.
@Phil - If you think C# is annoying you probably shouldn't be a developer. C# is one of the more polished languages (if not the most polished) in existence today. If you don't like C# programming you're not going to like any programming.
>_< Well he got me.
well, he's gone
I don't trust people with pictures of themselves with a girl on SO. They're obviously not real nerds.
Good philosophy.
@RudiVisser is the one exception
I used to think he was an asshole
What about people that don't post a picture? c_c
I still think he's an asshole, but at least he's a smart asshole :D
that @Phil guy's tagline: "Enthusiastic lover of Jesus who enjoys web developing."
Yeah I only trust casual lovers of Jesus.
Now, if that was jesus's head on that guy, it'd be perfect
I know :(
how about this?
To be fair, I know a lot of people who hate C# because their only experience with it has been ASP .NET WebForms.
And they take a look at the JS those things create and break down in tears.
thats' a framework, not the language, though
You're right, but it makes no difference to someone whose only experience has been using that framework
They walk away thinking it's C# that's terrible
haha, you guys are weird
Only on Fridays.
@Pheonixblade9 way to stereotype yourself!
@Phil myself? how do you mean?
wait, does it show what comment I was referring to?
this is more my style, anyways:
Hahaha we bond over our collective poor social skills.
Don't take that away from us, it's all we have left.
For the love of... I can't remember the name of that song.
Party Rock Anthem, of course
Seriously @Phil, what is it that you don't like about C#?
I don't like that i have to compile it and I don't like how verbose I have to be with writing simple functions
Hey, may I have a quick question about C# extension methods?
Is the compile time really long for your project?
It's definitely more verbose than Python or Javascript.
Let's assume I want my extension method to change the this object, is this possible?
C# will grow on you after you see how features like LINQ/Lambdas/Async help you out.
Well, I suppose that's a side-effect partly of its history and partly of the fact that it's designed for large solutions, where telling the compiler what you really want is pretty damn important
it'll take 4-5 minutes per compile. So, I have had to make an adjustment of re-reading my code and making sure I didn't make simple syntax mistakes. With Javascript, I could just write, switch windows and fix any mistakes
@Michał Actually change which object it points to?
that's not possible - but you can change properties on the object
Reusing types across modules makes it pretty important to accurately describe what those types actually are. Whereas what little I understand of JS suggests that you just have an object, and what it actually implements is whatever you assigned to it inside that scope?
though it's, generally, not a great idea to do that
How big is your project that is a really long compile time
So I should go with an extension method like GetChangedObject()?
Our project takes about 3 minutes to build, and we aren't even done with the framework yet.
From a clean build? Or every time you need to run it and debug your work, you have to wait 3 minutes?
@Michał Depends on what you're doing - but that's often more clear
@Phil JS is a simple language for doing simple work. All the inconvenience you're experiencing is a side-effect of strong-typing, which is essential for what C# is designed to do.
That's all projects. It's quicker if it only builds one or two
@ReedCopsey I want to extend the System.Array to delete rows or columns
arrays dont have rows or columns
@TomW You're right. I loved that structure. I really haven't built very large JS applications so I don't understand the benefit of strong typed C# yet
@KendallFrey Array[,] I mean
@KendallFrey what do YOU call ranks 0...N of a multidimensional array?
@Michał I'd make a custom Matrix class, and not try to extend array itself, then
obviously you can conceptualize a multidimensional array as a table w/ columns & rows.... kendalls just being a smart ass again ;)
array[row, column]
@ReedCopsey Ok, thanks for help :)
f4u12: C is row-major, Fortran is column-major
No wonder I got on better with Fortran.
arrays don't have rows and columns
Those are only arbitrary labels you put on them
I don't really care about what the compiler is doing. The compiler is there to prevent me from having to care about how stuff is laid out in memory. If I use an array to represent a matrix, then they're rows and columns
//_listener.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => this.OnPropertyChanged("Deviations");
PropertyChangedEventManager.AddHandler(_listener, (sender, args) => this.OnPropertyChanged("Deviations"), "");
the commented works, the other gives me my SO
thought they were the same
Can't believe this guy haha
such a good photoshop
yeah apparently they were easter eggs but I couldn't even tell
@JohanLarsson did you ever figure out whats different?
@JoshVarty I'm confused. what are you talking about
Oh, I wondered what that was.
I shouldn't have said "they", I meant "it" was easter eggs. But it was photoshopped.
My first thought was of Scott Manley talking about astronauts squishing bags of poo.
@Steve yes think I just did, gonna test it now. Not sure I will be able to explain it in a good way. (Lot of context, code)
oh, gotcha
The error just moved from SO to NOP :D
how to suppress the CA warning on the private field of class? I tried [SuppressMessage(.. syntax, but it doesn't work. In same project, its working on methods though!
@Pheonixblade9, I am trying to suppress CA2000 using [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope")]. There were three warnings, two of them were in a function, I put decorator on before function declaration and they are gone now. And I am left with the last one on a static private field.
@Annie have you tried suppressing them in a dictionary file?
@Pheonixblade9, AFAIK, dictionary is for grammar related warnings, while CA2000 is not?

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