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A: Redirect Trace output to Console

harpoYou can add the following to your exe's .config file. <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.diagnostics> <trace autoflush="true"> <listeners> <add name="logListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="cat.log" /> <add name="cons...

see you all monday
just published. check it out
Shameless plug: Area 51 - Aviation (161/200 committers)
@DannyBeckett I was gonna post a discussion, but someone beat me.
Oddly enough, it was someone I'm familiar with
@KendallFrey lol
Hi folks, just wondering - Does the official msft .NET C# implementation work cross-platform? Or is Mono literally the only way to do it?
1 hour later…
Can anyone help me in this?
How quickly is your object updated?
oh you're gone.
@SenJacob come back
Hi @JoshVarty, within 10sec.. Its having around 14k entries..
That's pretty frequently and of a decent size.
I said <10 sec to update the object. Frequency of updation can be within 1-2 hours
So it might be the same object for 1-2 hours?
In that case you could probably get away with simply having a thread or automated process
that requested the object from the DB on each server
yeah, It could be same for a week, sometimes..
once every minute or hour or whatever you see fit.
Nope, I need the data updated in realtime.. :(
So if it updates on one server, it automatically updates on the other within a few seconds or so?
If you need it to update on both ASAP I'd probably go with some kind of in-memory cache system like Redis.
All your requests go to Redis from both machines and all updates go to Redis from both machines
and those Redis changes are periodically written to your database.
Hmm, I don't use cache in client side.. I use ajax call for filtering/searching from this static variable. Currently those operations work pretty fast.
Quick poll request: I'm creating a course on software architecture in .NET for Pluralsight. Which course title do you prefer? twtpoll.com/hr53qpuf6lh4r31 Thanks in advance!
This would be a cache on the client side between your Server and the Database
The problem you have is not going to be solved both well and easily. You have to make a tradeoff between simplicity, speed of retrieval and potentially having temporarily outdated information on one of your servers.
So you can have a solution that works quickly and has few issues, but it will be difficult to develop.
Or you can have a solution that is easy to develop, but occasionally one server's information is temporarily outdated.
I made a workaround and updated. But I could use a better solution..
I've to go for a meeting now.. Will met you later.. I'm in a bit hurry.. :(
byye bye and thanks :)
any one can help me for session.
I have a problem in session.
What is it Vipul ?
i have a login page when i login then user name will store in session and redirect to default.aspx page, in that link of login will change to logout and when user click on logout then session will removed and stay on same page like default.aspx and logout link change to login
@SenJacob when i click on logout then it give error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
@VIPULPARMAR Aren't you using Session.Abandon() on clicking logout ?
what its use?
Q: Cause of event id 1309 asp.net 4.0 unhandled exception in asp.net

ramanI am working on website, yesterday i faced a problem i.e server got down. i have checked the event log files then i came to know that it was due to "event id 1309 asp.net 4.0 unhandled exception" error. i just restore the back up of the website and restart the website it got worked. Now my conc...

does any one know why 1309 error occurs..
and what is the way to overcome this
@SenJacob it give error on page load event when i check that
if (Session["user"].ToString() != null)
@raman It might be because of authentication problem of your SQL server.
yes @SenJacob
@SenJacob but it was working fine 5 mins before the downtime
i have checked by myself because i was working on that
@VIPULPARMAR Don't check like that. your Session["user"] itself can be null. So null.ToString() will defenitely give you a NullReferenceException.
Try to validate like if (Session["user"] != null)
@SenJacob it work complete thanks,
@raman Try to change you SQL Server and SQL Server Browser service's 'LogOn' account to LocalService in your SQl Server configuration manager, may be it will help.
@VIPULPARMAR Never do object.ToString() to a Nullable object if you didn't validate it for null. You can check for string like
if(object!=null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(object.ToString()))
@SenJacob is this option is mandatory to resolve this.. is this due to sql server authentication
@SenJacob Thanks sen i learn new
@raman I'm not sure about it. It seems to be authentication problem
@SenJacob hmm actually the problem has been resolved by replacing the code and restrating the IIS
but i just want to know this happens
@SenJacob this information is provided by server handling team
@SenJacob if we look at support.microsoft.com/kb/941386
it says it due to security updated
@raman Thats interesting. Thanks for sharing :)
you are welcome.......
hows it going?
I have one question in asp.net, can I ask u??
ping me when you ask it, switching to another screen
reading it
@THOR because of
newcheck.AutoPostBack = true;
one sec, im kind of tired
maybe the post back is happening before your event is getting fired, did you try debugging newcheck_CheckedChanged to see if it was actually getting called?
put a break point in there
newcheck_checkedChanged is working.....
my problem is to extract the lbs, textboxes in the SlotDuration into button click...
yeah, they'll null
you said, right?
I have extracted the Labels, TextBoxes from the EventDuration(), but I can't extract the lbls, textboxes from the SlotDuration()
@THOR pretty sure Sergio Ramirez is right
could u explain elaboratly
when the page first loads, the page calls the page_load event, which calls the EventDuration method. That method creates a checkbox.... it attaches it to the page, and sends the page your way..... it then frees up memory and clears all of those objects, thats why the web is state-less
so lets fast forward, and go to SlotDuration
same thing happens, after the initial load, those objects get destroyed, when you post back via the button, page_load is called again, which calls EventDuration method, and it creates NEW objects (new labels, and stuff in the SlotDuration method too), but they don't contain anything more than what you've hard coded in
so as Sergio Ramirez said, you'd need some way to persist those objects between post backs, either via the session or the viewstate
this is what i think is happening
ok any code???
i have a problem with session, any one can help me for that?
!!google c# session
session in C#
@VIPULPARMAR sorry, that was intended for @THOR , we just happened to be talking about sessions when you walked in :)
@VIPULPARMAR ask your question though
@THOR is this for work or learning?
when you add the controls to the page, just add them to the session too, same place
i have search field in that i searched by city name and stored value in session, but in another page it gives an error that : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
lbl.Text = morning;
Session["Label"] = lbl.Text;
if (Session["Label"] != null)
in page_Load()
like this???
Session["Label"] = lbl;

is what I would try, then when you get it back out, remember to cast it back...
Label fooBar = (Label)Session["Label"];
first 2 lines in StoreDynamicControl & next lines in Page_Load()
@VIPULPARMAR so, could you show some of the code, both where you set it, and where you try to get it out?
i want to search record in city wise when i select city from dropdown and click search button then it pass to next page in that page same as search field like first page,but after some time when session is expire then it give error on second page
just make sure it exists first
it gives error here ,rptHotel.DataSource = dalMST_Hotel.SelectCompleteByCity(Session["searchCity"].ToString(),myConnectionS‌​tring);
if (Session["something"] != null)
string city = (string)Session["something"]
when the session expires, Session["searchCity"] is null, so calling null.ToString() gives you a nullreferenceexception
but to be honest, you can't store it in the query string?
that way people can book mark searches
i should reword that... you should store it in the query string*
i dont want to do like that
i want to use it in session for sequrity
morning @All
@VIPULPARMAR oh thats fine, you know your requirements better than me
then how to solve this
5 mins ago, by Steve
if (Session["something"] != null)
string city = (string)Session["something"]
@RaZor gmorning
i haven't gone to bed yet lol
you mean i write like
if (Session["searchCity"] != null)
string city = (string)Session["searchCity"]
rptHotel.DataSource = dalMST_Hotel.SelectCompleteByCity(Session["searchCity"].ToString(),myConnectionString);
lol @Steve
what time is it over there?
@VIPULPARMAR yes, you said when the session expires, you get a null reference exception, an easy way to fix that is to check if the session is null before you use it
it doesn't matter how you check, you can do
if (Session["searchCity"] != null)
rptHotel.DataSource = dalMST_Hotel.SelectCompleteByCity(Session["searchCity"].ToString(),myConnectionString);
@RaZor 3:30 AM
pfff not sleepy yet??
oh its my birthday!
@RaZor dude, my buddys wife just left him and took the kid, i just spent like 18 hours hanging out with him so he wasn't alone.... i need some relax time
Ow, I'm sorry to hear that @Steve, Sounds like a rough time.. I know what you mean, my brother is in the middle of a divorce...... and to make it worse him and his wife just had a baby, which my brother is unable to see for a while...
sucks man :(
I've seen my little cousin only once since she was born (9/11/13
maybe im a weirdo, but do you really want to? babies all look the same to me
I guess you are a weirdo :p I love my family even if I don't see them very often but still I love to hold a baby :)
lol, well good!
good morning guys
storm 1 flag pole at work 0 :o)
Morning hun @DaImTo
well, it kind of died pretty quickly in here
jep not much to talk about, unless you wanna hear me talk about the pain i have atm....
@Steve got a question for you
do you know where I can learn Linq the quick and easy way??
i just read a book on linq, to get a foundation going, and then use it whenever you can -- i'm not a guru or anything, i'm still learning myself
kk, but what book is that if I may ask?
ColumnToken.Type == Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject <-- how do i test if the type comming back is a jobject or a jToken
uhhh, apress linq, but it was terribly boring, and the 2nd half of the book is all about linq to xml
ow well, that is not what I need then :p
lol yea
Anyone know where to find some information about a Plugin Framework for a C# WinForms Application?
Hi guys, i am looking for advice regarding 2 tier and 3 tier applications. What i have developed is a simple Windows application with XML as well as Database. This application gets installed on system and user can file data with it. There is no server involved.
so can i call it a 2 tier application? Lot of definitions state that 2 tier is client-server application. but i am a bit confused about my project's architecture.
does it matter if it's 2 tier or 3 tier?
actually i was asked that if it's a 2 or 3 tier architecture and i couldn't answer.
this might answer your question
Q: Explain the different tiers of 2 tier & 3 tier architecture?

Shailesh JaiswalI am not able to understand which elements are called as first tier, second tier & third tier & where they reside. Can they reside on same machine or different machine. Which tier reside on which machine? How we can identify a particular application as a 2 tier application or 3 tier application....

Been there.. :|
hmm.. well it does give a good explanation
if that doesn't answer your question, well then I don't know what type of architecture you ahve at all
@Steve you there?
SubWCRev exited with code 9009 do any one have idea about this ?
I had a technical discussion with a Project manager and he told me that when i say a 3 tier application it must have a server involved in the archi.
@ketanitaliya I think this is a right place to ask you query bro...
Well, I think tier is based on layers you have inside your application
eg: business layer, data layer, presentation layer
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 23 mins ago, by ketan italiya
those 3 layers makes an application a 3 tier architexture application @Sangram
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 21 mins ago, by ketan italiya
but it works in good..see
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 22 mins ago, by ketan italiya
getting errors
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 21 mins ago, by ketan italiya
[15:21:01.901] TypeError: $.datepicker is undefined @ http://localhost:41638/SuperAdmin/DetailsOfSubscription.aspx:222
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 21 mins ago, by ketan italiya
[15:21:02.878] Empty string passed to getElementById(). @ http://localhost:41638/Scripts/jq.js:4
@RaZor: I agree. But a standalone windows tool can have BL, Presentation layer and data access layer. So it's not wrong if say my project follows 3 -tier architecture. right?
@Sangram it's definatly not wrong. If your application has 3 layers like I explained before, it's a 3 tier application.
Hi @all, this is c# code pastie.org/8532900
"SubWCRev exited with code 9009" do any one have idea about this ?
Okay. Great. Thanks @RaZor for the help.
Your very welcome @Sangram :)
i have a config file with couple of bindings and endpoints to a wcf service. but i dont have service reference added. shall i still access the service methods ?
@RaZor, Found a great link. stackoverflow.com/a/10454714/443244 It clears out most of doubts.
Nice link! @Sangram
wt hpn
any solution you found..?
half the people that visit my site come back. i feel so proud. 75% of new visitors bounce though not so good.
How is it already lunch time...
it's not lunchtime for me :p
If it doesnt get warmer in here soon im going home im frozen
@DaImTo: Could you please share url? I would like to see your website.
@Sangram its nothing big really :) daimto.com
Okay. So you have developed a tool which allows you to save analytics data. Great.
Someone can help me out on this??
Q: Add Categorie to MailItem saying that the Attachment is saved

RaZorI'm currently developing an Outlook Add-in which can save MailItems and Attachments into a SQL Database. When a MailItem with Attachment is saved 2 categories are added to the MailItem saying that the message is saved and that the attachment is saved. When adding a MailItem with only 1 Attachm...

@Sangram no one realy checks that most of my hits are blog related.
Already fixed the problem woohoo! :)
Euler Project tearing my hair out :)
be back later! Lunch Time! :D
im so confused this database is killing me
Glad your being happy that I'm back :)
What's up hun? :)
Its friday. Its chrismass party day. and i dont feel like diging in the database.
and i hate this server that wont let me copy paste
You know i do understand windows securty really i do. I understand that they need to protect this or that. But when i spend an hour trying to copy a file off one server and onto another. finaly give up and just upload the file to googledrive and download it from googledrive. Whats the point of securty.
nothing xD, well there are companies which do not alow certain websites.. So using google drive works for you but might not work for other people in other companies :p
!!!! HELP !!!!
@RaZor That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@RaZor Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
dit not work lmao :D
Q: Saving only the REAL attachments of an Outlook MailItem

RaZorI'm currently developing an Outlook Addin which saves MailItems and Attachments in my MSSQL Database. I got a method where I save the MailItem with all it's attachments. But if I save all attachments the embedded images in the MailItem are also saved. Does anyone know how to save all real attac...

@RaZor im just saying if i have access to loginto the server then i should have access to copy a file off the server or onto the server....
no, that's not correct, if you have access to logon to a server doesn't mean you are able to do certain stuff
@RaZor but i can still buy pass it by uploading to google drive. Hows that secure?
didnt know we had a chat bot.
Don't ask me :) I'm a developer not a System Manager xD
@DaImTo 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, choose, user, listcommands, parse, tell, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow, rimshot, fools (page 0/5)
!!/google that
@DaImTo "undefined"
@CapricaSix what do you mean with: That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@DaImTo is CapricaSix the chatbot? xD
@RaZor apperntly
@RaZor That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
damn she isn't smart either :/
. !!/google somethinghere
how dit you do thaT?
@RaZor "undefined"
!!/define undefined
coffee doesnt apear to work.
@RaZor undefined Lacking a definition or value
@RaZor 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, choose, user, listcommands, parse, tell, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow, rimshot, fools (page 0/5)
@DaImTo I think therefore 5318008.
@RaZor That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!/123456789 987654321
@DaImTo knock knock
HA! no response to my command xD
  |   |

!!/hang a
  |   |
!!/hang e
  |   |
a, e
!!/hang i
  |   |
a, e, i
!!/hang n
!!/hang k
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, k, n
!!/hang d
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, d, e, i, k, n
damn it
this is hard xD
!!/hang b
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, b, d, e, i, k, n
this is entertaining
not even a 'b'
lets beat the bot :p
yeah it is :)
!!/hang s
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, b, d, e, i, k, n, s
we're gonna loose :(I
!!/hang c
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, b, c, d, e, i, k, n, s
!!/hang h
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, b, c, d, e, h, i, k, n, s
ah oh
1 more wrong answer and we are doomed
!!/hang m
@RaZor You people suck. The word is verification
thats not nice
@DaImTo Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!/Hang yourself
  |   |
  |   O
@RaZor RaZor has 251 reputation, earned 7 rep today, asked 2 questions, gave 20 answers. avg. rep/post: 11.4. Badges: 0g 0s 10b
!!/stat DaImTo
@RaZor DaImTo has 325 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 38 answers. avg. rep/post: 7.06. Badges: 0g 1s 11b
@Lucius Lucius has 2200 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 71 answers. avg. rep/post: 29.33. Badges: 2g 5s 20b
@RaZor Registered; need 0 more to execute
@RaZor That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!/nudge DaImTo
@RaZor That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: nudge
@RaZor Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
brings back memorys of the time i made a bot in PHP...
lmao how much programming knowledge do you have? :O
i graduated collage 20 years ago.
ow that makes sense..
When i went to collage we didnt have mice, everthing was dos based
I graduated college almost 3 years ago :p
How does one make a collage out of dos?
But techicnly i started programing when i was 13 with basic on gameing console.
that'd be even harder than making one out of mice... Even dead ones.
lmao, for sure :p
Q: Saving only the REAL attachments of an Outlook MailItem

RaZorI'm currently developing an Outlook Addin which saves MailItems and Attachments in my MSSQL Database. I got a method where I save the MailItem with all it's attachments. But if I save all attachments the embedded images in the MailItem are also saved. Does anyone know how to save all real attac...

you still stuck on that?
nah it's a new one
which I can't figure out
If I save the mail item with all of its attachments in my Sql Database then I saves also the Embedded images inside the Message itself... But I just want the visible attachments (like documents for instance)
your going to have to download it and read it into a variable then insert into the db. Do I want to know why you are storing email files in the database?
dang that's a long road :/
I want to save them directly from the MailItem.Attachments object...
and the reason why I save the messages in a sql db is because my boss wants to.. Backup related shit
does mailitem.attachments give you any thing related to the file itself.
Your boss is going to get a scare when he sees the size of the DB backup becouse hes storing the files in the database.
@RaZor see my comment
@KendallFrey adding the code now ;)

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