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I know it's VS2008 but prob valid still
Designer mode is just the visual for my Form
I know, I've always found design mode pretty flakey and avoid it like the plague
Sigh, when your dialogs spawn dialogs it's time to re-design
yeah true, but it's handy for browsing through events in the properties view of a control
The fact you need a tool to browse events should tell you something :)
Not about you that is
I can do it in de View Code but that's annoying
@HollyStyles I fixed the problem, there was a null reference exception somewhere in my code
Hey, off the topic. i want an english word.
What do you say in english for talking lovely to babies and giving them kisses, nick names and talking.
@codebrain babytalk
This is how you declare an integer in C#
I think we all know that @MohammadMMohammad
@codebrain fondle could be the word you're lookin for
@RaZor thanks !
@VenkatRenukaPrasad ahh thanks i ll look into it :P
bool isPaid = true;
declaration with default value in C#
@codebrain your welcome: it was the first random word in that came across my mind (And I'm not even English)
@MohammadMMohammad what are you talking about??
@codebrain you're welcome
@MohammadMMohammad you got it
@MohammadMMohammad and why are you talking about it? If you need help, just ask your question :)
@Razor can you think of a reason why, my windows forms application (when installed on some client machines) throws an access denied error for its settings (xml) file?
Don;t forget the semi colon ;
I think @RaZor he's askin if he got the syntax right
@VenkatRenukaPrasad place the code for accessing the file here I'll look into it
no I'm teaching the beginners about C# basics
ok good to know and I'll try and remember it next time @MohammadMMohammad
glad i can help the newbies
@RaZor, I'll..
Most people using the app don't get that error
does the user have the permissions to the folder where the settings xml file is located?
   XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VBDeveloperSettings));
            TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(@Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "vbSettings.xml"));
            serializer.Serialize(textWriter, vbSettings);
The folder is that of the application path
@VenkatRenukaPrasad code seems to be correct...
I just can't think of a reason why the user doesn't have permission..
@HollyStyles do you know how to force exit a method on Exception in C#?
Is the application installed on a network location?
The idiot client is on a holiday for celebration the genocide of a continent, by murdering turkeys. Hesn't reachable to ask any question.
Anyway, I'll try and find out .. thank to you :)
anytime :)
@VenkatRenukaPrasad where is the application installed?
the keys 'S', 'O' and 'F' are kind of messed up. That's why you see typos and grammatical errors
The application shold ideally have been installed in a special folder inside the program files x86 folder of the client.
writing to files in c:\program files\ often requires admin elevation
use %AppData%
for anything that needs to be written to anyways
hmm, @drch, the fact that he's able to install the app in program files could mean that he has admin privileges.. doesn't it?
admin priveleges would probably be prompted during install, but not run
So, where would the AppData folder usually be located for a program?
C:\Users\Venkat\AppData\.. I guess
What a C# Programmer should know ?
nice.. thank you @drch :)
its the same thing as %LocalAppData% env variable
but varies depending on OS
okie.. and also the version of windows
btw - thats per-user
per-user? I din
*didn't get that
like on win7 its c:\users\username\appdata\local\yourapp
but if you want it shared across all users, then you use CommonApplicationData
which i think is c:\programdata\yourapp
So, I'll add an appdata folder in my deployment project.. and place my xml files there.. Will look it up @drch. Thank you
any1 can help me with a recursive method to loop through NodeCollection and select a node programmatically?
I need to find a node in a TreeView and programmatically select the node
NO ONE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
psuedo code:
Node Search(Node needle) {
   if (this.Equals(needle)) { return this; }
   return this.Children.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Search(needle) != null);
assumes thats a method in your Node class of course
I need to select the node by Tag
@RaZor Force exit on exception? Finally block of try/catch? is that what you mean?
@HollyStyles already fixed it ;)
Time passed somehow, and I didn't notice
@RaZor Doesn't treeview have a recursive find method built in already?
yes but a node is searched by Key
I need to search a node by Tag
Where is this treeview? Winforms, webforms or wpf?
Thanks hun!
Will look into it!
@RaZor Looks horrible to me
Q: Winform Treeview find node by tag

user1548103I have a treeview where the display member could possibly have duplicates, and the tag would not. Example: TreeNode node = new TreeNode(itemName); node.Tag = itemID; //unique ID for the item treeView1.Nodes.Add(node); So, when searching, I know I can search by the itemName by using treeView1....

Looks much better ^
It tried that 1 but I don't know where to use the code below //Usage
Halo! Peeple! Haw r u?
good you?
@RaZor incrementally good :p
@GeloVolro it's a developer chat, not a gaming chat.....
@RaZor Use it as is, itemId arg is your Tag string you are searching for
I'll try that in a minute
@RaZor TreeNode itemNode = null;
foreach(TreeNode node in treeView1.Nodes){
itemNode = FromID("TAG THAT I WANT", node);
if(itemNode != null) break;
@RaZor Do you want a single node (first found) or all with matching tags?
nope, single since the tag is unique
there can't be another node with the same tag
it's a folder structure which I build from Sql DataTable..
so the tag has to be unique
will you be searching a lot?
So why not use that in the key?
you could create a Dictionary<tag, TreeNode>() and then not worry about searching
if youre going to be doing it a lot
Sql is not a file system jeez
use the file system
That's what file systems are for
No holly
no no no
You know files
I'm building a Document Management System Which needs an SQL DAtabase so I can't use the filesystem
But you can ;)
I know I can, but my boss doesn't want me too
holly puts head in hands and weeps
sorry holly :'(
@RaZor I have done this too in the past
Never again
I wish I never started this project....
You wait till the auth and permissions starts
Started the whole fucking project from scratch... Been 2.5 years about now and still not done...
I'm fucking 22 years, got no colleageus that can help me....
and my boss is nagging, about time pressure...
@drch no, i have a search form in which I search documents with and if I found my document I press this button 'Go to file', then the search for the right node has to start. If node is found, select node and get the files in that folder.. if selection is done, select the file..
This is my first job so I have 0 experience, just learned the f*cking basics at school, so developing a complete Document Management System as a Junior developer with no one to help me is just insane.....
I hate it when you accidentally open your work solution on your day off.
I never do Kendall
Yeah like that was an accident
Also, woo Thanksgiving
@RaZor it does get better, I promise
We'll see about that...
It's kinda how it is, to really appreciate the folly of document management in a sql db you have to live it first
I'm having a really hard time atm.... Trying to get a first release and everytime I test the software with my Boss, everything goes wrong... But when I test it on my own pc everything works like a charm....
@HollyStyles well explain that to my boss lmao xD
@RaZor That happens to me even now, bosses are just total jinxes
True... But I'm trying not to think I might loose my job...
@RaZor There will be other jobs don't sweat
I know ;) but not paying as good as this one for me
Anyway time to go home
@HollyStyles see you tommorow? :)
You will get to your goal, your release will be a pile of saucepans and knicker-elastic but it will function just well enough to justify it's existence and you will maintain it forever and ever and ever ...
@KendallFrey do you get 2 thanksgivings?
So anyway, who want's a job?
@drch sometimes. Not always
I always get US Thanksgiving, and if I'm at home I'll take our Thanksgiving off too
is that one of the things youre thankful for?
@drch Don't go to Munich, stay with us
@drch heh, yeah
@HollyStyles would if i could. i like the freelance rates here ;)
Yeah I need permanent :(
in germany theres so much deductions
like 48%
im used to 15% =]
I'm actually freelancing right now in my annual leave from my perm job
To pay for christmas
I have too many kids :(
how many?
have one more
you still need a goalie for your hockey team
It all seamed like a good idea at the time
@drch Actually, hockey teams have 20 players.
Not for six-a-side hockey, which I just invented
screw your fake hockey
it would be probably hard to populate an entire team
We actually play our games with about 12 players
3 hours later…
@drch, you still there?
1 hour later…
Hm. Anyone else able to visit this link? channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Charles/…
looks fine to me
I get an endless spinny
any other website fine
any other location on channel9 fine
downforeveryoneorjustme.com reports channel9 is fine
oh fuck you channel9! I actually have some time for self-study and you're being a dick about it
just serve the damn page
Don't tell me it worked
Apparently so.
DNS farked?
What does nslookup channel9.msdn.com return for you?
@TomW Maybe not DNS per se, but something related
@KendallFrey does tinker.io load for you?
hasn't worked for me for months.
same IP as you
@rlemon no data received
C:\Users\rlemon>nslookup tinker.io
Server:  mymodem

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    tinker.io
isup.me says it is up
says it is down now
what the hell, i got a full response
whaddya mean, no data received
ohhh hang on. Spinny eventually yielded something
it's just mega slow
like, ten minutes
oh, wait, nvm
Opera's fucking with me
2 hours later…
hi, i missed you
Missed you too <3<3<3
how it's going?
Meh. Okay. You?
Want more money. Want to go to mountains and ride snowboard as long as possible.
Want camera Pentax as i've just presented to girlfriend
I want moar monies also...
btw, what's the special meaning of verbs like "haz"?
like "I haz"
Versus "I have"?
It's what people that are high or stupid do. Like me.
see because
I have no money "" is too formal
what's "I R NAO"? :)
ah, r = are
mine are tired
just changes some words
in my language i can say "my is tired" instead of "i am tired", it's slang too
hmm.. interesting. Russian?
u 2? :)
/me nao noes Russian
"/me" came from IRC times. I'm from there too.
did anyone make a winforms app that create/update/delete data using entity framework?
1 hour later…
It's really incredible how it is still hard to develop reliable data-aware apps using existing grids and EF...
very popular DevExpress grid is still not able to handle errors occured in database while saving changes - it simply doent have needed events to catch it
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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