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Hm, anyone here?
@EduardoDennis do you know what to import for CookieAwareWebClient?
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
Nah, it's something different. Hm
Anyone here's who knows his IL?
Hi folks, I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Trial Version, but I don't find the EDM. What is wrong? The following is the screenshot.
My project is Windows Form with c#
@Alxandr Got a question? Make it quick, it's late here. Oh, wait, there are no quick IL questions. :)
I'm having a MethodNotFound exception
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<string> [Runt]Runt.IRestHandler::Execute<string>(class [Runt]Runt.IRestRequest)
I'm thinking I'm doing the generics wrong...
I think the first <string> should be something like <!!0>
Is this IL you wrote by hand?
No. I'm using Cecil
Ah, I found it :)
It needed to be !!0
So the return-reference needed to be set to Task<GenericParameterRef> instead of Task<ActualParameterRef>
Perfect :)
This is going to be awesome xD
Hmm, does IL-weaving stop the .pdb from working?
2 hours later…
hi all
5 hours later…
@MatthewH You can press Ctrl + . (period), and it will give you a list of libraries which hold a class by that name (when your cursor is on the red squiggly line)
Hey guys, any recommendation for caching bbcode to html results (caching the html part) in asp.net? I'm thinking about hashing the bbcode, then make files with those hashes as filenames containing the html of it... I suspect there's a "better" way though.
2 hours later…
Hi Guys!
I'm suing a treeview data as xml file. In some node & childnnodes it has website name. How can i enable Hyperlink only for those node& childnode?
3 hours later…
No one is here... WTF.
am here
hey hey
whats up
I am watching my school let me down
I'm watching "The 4400"
My team has won the programming competition for the last two years. I decided to bow out this year and just help out... It has been 2 hours and 40 minutes and they have not gotten a single one done.
That is horrible.
I have the problems and have solved 4 of them. Why did I bow out... These people are smart.. I don't understand.
that sucks
It really does lol.
It makes us look bad.
does your school have multiple teams that battle eachother, or is it inter-college/uni
Have you used WindowsAPICodePack?
I have trouble getting icons for files
using (Icon icon = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path).Thumbnail.SmallIcon)
    return icon;
^not correct
sorry i have not
Q: Get icon for file using WindowsAPICodePack

Johan LarssonI can't find an example of how to get the file's icon using WindowsAPICodePack using (Icon icon = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path).Thumbnail.SmallIcon) { //... } I want the explorer tree small icon but the code above gives a small thumbnail which makes sense given the .Thumbnail. Can't find a ...

maybe I should have used the XXX folder in the pic to be more credible?
that might be it
Can one use Linq on dynamic?
(It sounds crazy; I know)
have not tried it but should be easy to try
think it will fail since Linq wants IEnumerable<T>
It seems that way yes, unfortunate :D
cast it?
Getting folder icon did not work using the extract thing
You could work on IEnumerable<dynamic>, no?
Well, there's only one way to be sure. Test it!
Clicking on Windows API Code Pack Self Extractor.exe does something but where should I look for the .chm file?
ha it created a .zip file :D
room topic changed to C#: November is C# appreciation month. Or something with mustaches. I can't remember which. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
I grow an ugly looking beard every month
do you know a good way to get system icons?
I know two ways to get ugly icons
johan: For system icons, I have a snippet that reads the registry and then uses pInvoke to get an HICON, then it's Icon.FromHandle from there--if you are interested.
Sounds interesting :)
looking a little more closely, it's a little more spread out than that but i could give you the highlights...
btw, i'm new to the chat rooms here. is it considered bad practice to use all lowercase?
that's what i'm used to when IM'ing (except for abbreviations ;)
I don't mind at all, I don't know much English and am too lazy for the shift-key most of the time
what system icons are you after?
this room is usually very quiet in weekends
I'm writing a file browser thing
would like the same icons as in windows explorer
I'm gonna sleep soon though
you'll probably go to bed before i compile what you need. (compile = put together snippets, not turn into binary)
do you know if private messages can be left for other stackoverflow users? if so, leave me a msg, if you i can still help later.
if you ping me @CraigSilver I will find it tomorrow but don't spend too much time on it.
No private messages in chat that I know of
is ping a chat-only feature?
oh, i guess you can do that on a note within a question too, huh.
I think it is the same in comments on main
got it. ok, i'll drop it and let you ping me. how's that?
sounds sweet ty sir
Anyone know how I can execute part of a view from a string
e.g string v = "Hellow @DateTime.Now";
new to fill in date time at runtime
Thats more of an example
alik: sounds like you need an expression evaluator...
have you seen this? csharpeval.codeplex.com
@CraigSilver I don't think that would help
my actaul req't is that I get a string from a db mixed with html and some razor to display on the view
so there will be an actual view but the model may have a html property that would contain a string of html mixed with razor
more like a cms
Just thinking what the best way might be, otherwise I will have to hardcode the values into the HTML template
i wonder if reflection would do the trick but, of course, you'd have to write the entire parser yourself.
I have seen something called RazorEngine

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