@MatthewH You can press Ctrl + . (period), and it will give you a list of libraries which hold a class by that name (when your cursor is on the red squiggly line)
Hey guys, any recommendation for caching bbcode to html results (caching the html part) in asp.net? I'm thinking about hashing the bbcode, then make files with those hashes as filenames containing the html of it... I suspect there's a "better" way though.
My team has won the programming competition for the last two years. I decided to bow out this year and just help out... It has been 2 hours and 40 minutes and they have not gotten a single one done.
That is horrible.
I have the problems and have solved 4 of them. Why did I bow out... These people are smart.. I don't understand.
I can't find an example of how to get the file's icon using WindowsAPICodePack
using (Icon icon = ShellFile.FromFilePath(path).Thumbnail.SmallIcon)
I want the explorer tree small icon but the code above gives a small thumbnail which makes sense given the .Thumbnail. Can't find a ...
room topic changed to C#: November is C# appreciation month. Or something with mustaches. I can't remember which. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
johan: For system icons, I have a snippet that reads the registry and then uses pInvoke to get an HICON, then it's Icon.FromHandle from there--if you are interested.