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LOL some fly was upside down on the table and trying to fly.
Wasn't going too good
You have a lot of flies in your room
making sure bears know you're coming is the best way to prevent an attack
!!urban bear
@drch bear A term used by gay men to describe a husky, large man with a lot of body hair.
oooh - thats a good sign. the automatic reply to my job application was in english and german
time to get out of here - cya all
cya reed
Although I know that this is a C# chat room, do any of you have experience with NodeJS?
@WasabiFan Tiny bit, I guess
Well, then maybe you can help ;)
Q: Reading a Continuous Stream of Binary Data in NodeJS

Wasabi FanI am trying to read in large volumes of binary data from a stream (created form a child process) in Node. I am using the stdout.on('data') event for my process to get the data. No matter how much I search, I can't seem to find any docs on the arguments that are passed in to the callback. typeof(d...

Hey all
You know how like. Some people say oh just look into the dll and check out x function? How do u look into apps to learn to they so certain things?
Like how do we learn how .net methods and classes work behind the scenes?
@Giovani I use ILSpy
If I want to know about something .NET though, I read the reference source.
oh thanks @KendallFrey can ILSpy work with non .NET apps, for example native c++ apps?
ow ILSpy is very usefull! thank you so much. I'm gonna have lots of fun with this :-)
@Giovani Nope, you need a C++ decompiler for that.
@KendallFrey Is it legal to decompile for example, explorer.exe or notepad.exe for purpose of learning how they did it?
@Giovani I think so, but you'll need a native decompiler for things like that.
Silverlight application:

System.IO.Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"Themes");

File operation not permitted. Access to path '' is denied.
Maybe that indicates that the path does not exist? Although I'm not sure why that would be the case.
has anyone ever used Brackets.io (www.brackets.io)? I'm trying to download the latest stable version of it but it gives me this massive error: download.brackets.io/file.cfm?platform=WIN&build=31 and so then I tried downloading any one of the 30-odd versions just to see if I could and they all give the same error :( ideally I should be able to get the latest version available
@dirt, If you are still watching the chat, separate all the expressions in to separate statements to figure out where the problem is occurring.
Could it be possible that the Path is combined before Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() has finished? As Wasabi suggested, separate them. Also set some breakpoints on Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() and Combine()
@Giovani, It looks like @dirt left the room... We were too late :(
i am a huge fan of sushi, if i could, i would eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner
@WasabiFan lol. Damn. I missed another one.
@Giovani pretty sure its all synchronous
@Steve, Am I missing something?
Or did you just have an urge to talk about sushi?
@WasabiFan i looked at your name, and it made me crave sushi
or does wasabi have another meaning that i'm not aware of?
@Steve Probably is synchronous, but with just a couple lines of code I'm just guessing
@Steve Ahhhhhh... That makes more sense! You can imagine my confusion: "I think the problem is that it's asynchronous. I like sushi!"
lol yeah
my bad, i run off in crazy directions some times
Me too
Just because...
When I go to the petrol station to fill up, I like to take deep breaths cause I like the smell of petrol lol
Again... am I missing something?
now i'm really lost
Q: DataList not taking values in edit mode

Third Battle Of PanipatI have following datalist: <asp:DataList ID="dlAgents" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns="2" OnEditCommand="dlAgents_EditCommand" Width="98%"> <EditItemTemplate> ...

Q: Automatically created files in visual studio 2010

ketan italiya This is my solution explorer of visual studio 2010 in it, I highlight some randomly generate file in various folders. this files are created automatically. how generate this type of file.? if i delete it,then is there create any problem in my web-application.? why this type of file are ge...

Morning :)
hello all
anyone knows whats the location of selecteditemindex of a combobox?
i use this:
if (selectedItemIndex == 8)
                    toolTip.ToolTipTitle = title;
                    toolTip.Show(text, this, Width + 3, SelectedItemIndex + 120, 3000);
but doesnt work
specially to:
if (selectedItemIndex >= 9) //still needed to fix
                    toolTip.ToolTipTitle = title;
                    toolTip.Show(text, this, Width + 3, Location.X * Location.Y / SelectedItemIndex + 118, 3000);
Q: datalist not taking value on updatecommand

Third Battle Of PanipatI have following code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindList(); } } protected void dlAgents_EditCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListCommandEventArgs e) ...

plz help
in trouble
@ThirdBattleOfPanipat looking now
can anyone giude me for drag and drop images in windows store apps in c#/Xaml
What is the main purpose of using static keyword for list<T> ? like
public static List<SomeType> someType = new List<SomeType>();
hi guys can you tel me hoe to re-size an image to fit into canvas?
Q: How do we update the table in excel of one sheet with the data from the other sheet

user2728697My question is regarding excel. I have a table in my Excel sheet1 as shown below. What I have to do is I should update the 3rd column of table1 with the values in the table present in sheet2. The data in the sheet2 is variable .It comes from the database and changes every day. The other rows with...

Can any body answer my question please
@Sumukha do you know the canvas size ?
width X height ?
@codebrain yup....its 200px by 200px
actually I am creating a slideshow
@Sumukha then you can rewrite the images using system.drawing and system.drawing.2D
create a bitmap and supply your image as stream, get the stream and write it to desired size in the bitmap and it will be automatically saved to jpeg.
@codebrain To make the field someType available and shared across class and object boundaries
@RoelvanUden oh , so if i dont write static i cant access it accross class ! that's a valid point. I feel static objects wont be cleared until the app is closed, is it ?
@Sumukha You can do it easier with a <Grid> and <Image>. It will automatically fill the entire grid and re-size accordingly.
@codebrain Indeed, static variables live until the domain is unloaded (In most cases, the process close causes this).
@RoelvanUden yup i know that but I have to use canvas only coz my app manger gives canvas object so the app can do anything with that canvas....
@RoelvanUden oh, thank you :)
@codebrain You should see static as something that is evil and to be avoided as much as possible; it conflicts with OO principles, but it certainly can be useful. Imagine I have an apartment building and you create objects of class Apartment { public Color FrontDoorColor; }. Now each apartment you create can have its own unique front door color, but they all share a garden so that would make for a decent static. class Apartment { public Color FrontDoorColor; public static int FlowersInGarden;
So if apartment resident A removes a flower in the garden, appartment resident B is also affected. But changing his front door only affects his own apartment. In this case it makes sense (Assuming you never need more than one apartment building :P)
@Sumukha You could also just manually set the width and height of the image to match the canvas :3
@RoelvanUden if we make the canvas an child element of grid will that work out?
@Sumukha Canvas will take the entire grid space but the image in the canvas will not. Just update the image/height of the image element to match the canvas element and it should work fine
@RoelvanUden haha, yeah. :) :) got it very well !
@RoelvanUden Thanks ll do that
@Sumukha Yes, it's a easy solution. If you want to resize all images to same size and need to use graphics i may help with code.
@codebrain is there any method that automatically resizes the image size to canvas size....as the grid does?
huh i dont know, if you explicitly mention the height and width it may work as roel said..
@Sumukha Make a binding on height/width with an ancestor height/width lookup... perhaps.
Not sure if canvas actually launches events to bind on that
yo @Chukwu
Cell c;

if (spreadsheet.TryGetValue(name, out c))
oldCell = new Cell(c.contents);
                c = oldCell;
                //spreadsheet[name] = oldCell;
can anyone explain to me why c doesn't refer to the spreadsheet[name] anymore?
spreadsheet is a dictionary by the way
Morning everyone
Good morning. :)
good morning sir
Morning Peps, All userxyz please have a username/nick !
hmm did that work? Nope...
@user2631402 because c now is equal to result of "new Cell(c.contents)" after executing "c = oldCell;"
and the result of "new Cell(c.contents)" is pointer to newly created object but not to spreadsheet[name]
how would you change the value in the dictionary using c then? Instead of c = oldCell? I'm confused!
may be u need to change c.contents?
if you need to change c fields you can do:
Before setting c = oldCell, c !- spreadsheet[name]...
if (spreadsheet.TryGetValue(name, out c))
c.someField = ...;
no need to create new cell
Well I left out some code that makes it necessary to have this!
otherwise I completely agree
Hi anyone got any experience with Autofac in mvc I have a quick question
@AliK just ask. someone will speak up if they know the answer ;)
Basically I need to pass an Autofac container to a service layer but don't want to reference Autofac in the service layer. What would be a good approach?
The serivce layer needs to call Resolve<T>
@user2631402, Dictionary<string, object> d = new Dictionary<string, object> { };
d["1"] = new object();
object c;
d.TryGetValue("1", out c);
var x = c == d["1"];
and x is equal to True
@AliK well youre probably setting the MVC global dependency resolver somewhere - or autofac is
may be TryGetValue returns false
so you can access it with GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver
so you can either a) resolve the things you need with GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService<T>()
or b) add autofac to itself, and get the autofac container with GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService<IWhateverAutofac‌​sInterfaceIs>()
for example, with ninject i would do:

then later:
IKernel kernel = DependencyResolver.GetService<IKernel>();
var myService = kernel.Resolve<IMyService>()
Actually I have set a dependency resolver in the mvc app. But in the service layer there is code that requires access like this for example: public List<T> Method() {return Resolve<T>()}
I have a detailed question stackoverflow.com/posts/19309602/edit here if someone can get a better idea
so you can have autofac inject itself into the service class's constructor if you like
public MyService(IContainer container) {
   this.container = container;

public List<T> Method() { return container.Resolve<T>(); }
Thanks but that still means I have to reference the IContainer which means a reference to Autofac library
This is what I was trying to avoid
Maybe I can create my own IContainer in my service layer to avoid referencing the Autofac dll files
It's odd, when I'm inside the if statement, c and spreadsheet[name] are the same, but right when I exit they are no longer the same......
@AliK yeah that approach seems reasonable. or just use System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver
although maybe you don't want to include system.web.mvc in your service layer eitehr ;)
Your right I don't
you will have the dependency at runtime of course on autofac either way
But if I do it by creating my own IContainer, I am guessing if I play with it a bit more I can send in the required data as already resolved.
I understand it will be at runtime its that avoiding it in the service or any other layer apart from the root is best practice from what I can tell
yep. makes sense
interface IAutoFacHider {
   T Resolve<T>();
Cheers thats what i had in mind
hi there, im please help~~
Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: You are not authorized to send mail, authentication is required ea9c4fb4-12cc-484d-95cb-1236d0614984
sounds like you are not authorized to send mail and authentication is required.
eg: you have to send user/pass to the smtp server
yap, that is all information VS2012 provide
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(settings["SenderAccount"], settings["SenderPassword"]);
i used this Credential for sending, and the SMTP is ok
@drch thank you so much~
do you have client.UseDefaultCredentials = false ?
add that and see what happens
anyone have implemented the send invitations from fb in asp.net?
anybody there who can help me
@drch nothing ever happens after i add what you said
@paulcheung a weird issue - client.UseDefaultCrentials = false must happen BEFORE client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(settings["SenderAccount"], settings["SenderPassword"]);
i have tried that
@user2631402, is it all code you are using in if statement and after it?
it does not work also...
Anyone care to help for a second? I'm wondering how to automatically scroll a panel up or down when you reach the border of the panel while dragging. I can't for the life of me find anything sensible online.
and dad teach him how to fuck at his early age
hello guys
hello guys who among you has a VS2012?
I just want to know if a bug is also happening to your VS
@rajeem_cariazo i have vs2012. whats the bug
try to type <div in Razor
then type > to autocomplete the div opening and closing tag
then move the cursor to highligh ></ which is in between the two divs
hit multiple backspace
works like normal
oh wait
this time its doing 'didididi'
are you using resharper?
if you use <heh></heh>
then visual studio says: "hehehehehe"
hey @drch a small string.split question ?
now that's funny
sure @codebrain
@drch I have a string array which has strings like S1,S3,S6,W23,C63,S4,W6..only S,W,C are used in first place and some number follows it..what's the best way to split them ? string S and int id 1
@codebrain why do you have to split them when they are already in string array
Hi any one Can you Plz look in to this stackoverflow.com/questions/19315762/…
why shouldn't i ? I want the number alone, S,W,C defines which tables to look in database. The numbers are unique in those respective tables..i will have a switch block after split
can a regex be include on a text.Contains( ) ?
string s = "S2";
char ch = s[0];
int num = s[1] - '0';
 Regex testing = new Regex(@"\(\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*)\)");
                                    var testingg = testing.Matches(rtb_JS.Text).ToString();
                                    // @"\(\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*)\)"
                                    if (thisCurrText.Contains(varFuncSTRparam + "()" + ".") || thisCurrText.Contains(varFuncSTRparam + testingg + "."))
@drch That's easy :) I dont need to split :) thanks ! ITs friday ..lol
@drch could you explain how this works: int num = s[1] - '0';
@rajeem_cariazo it plays with the ascii values.
@drch it string s = "S33" , s[1] wont work !
@codebrain .ToString() it then
oh wait soryr
That's okay :P
is the first character always only 1?
            var str = "S33";

            char ch = str[0];
            int num = int.Parse(str.Substring(1));
@codebrain foreach(string dat in string.split(',')) { char n = dat[0]; int val = int.parse(dat.substring(1)); }
no.. The first character is an alphabet S,C,W. Only one character. just to identify which table it belogs to.
int num = Convert.ToInt32(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1));
@drch yep :)
@RoelvanUden :)
@rajeem_cariazo :)
int num = int.Parse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1));
yeah does the same, but i dont have to specify s.Length -1 since i start from 1st index to last..
use the .Length of string, so if you have for example an array:
Woo it's Friday!
int num = int.Parse(stringArray[index].Substring(1, stringArray[index].Length - 1));
you will get the length(number of characters) in each string in the array, not the length of the array itself
can i ask if regex working inside Text.Contains() ... sorry for violating your pinned-post :/
@Elegiac Hi /[el]+[a-i]+/i
whats that @KendallFrey
It's a regex matching your name.
You can't use Contains, just use Match.Success
this is situation
i already have regex matching:
function aaa()
return "asdasd";
but i want it to be active also for:
function aaa(aaa,bbb, ccc)
return "sdsdas";
with chars inside (asdasasd) //atleast 3 separating with comma
what the..
now im into:
Regex rFuncSTRparam = new Regex(@"function\s*(\w*)\(\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*,)*\s*(\w*\s*)\)\n*{\n*\s*return\s*(""\w*\s*\w*"");\s*\n*}");
                            MatchCollection matchesFuncSTRparam = rFuncSTRparam.Matches(rtb_JS.Text);

                            foreach (Match matchFuncSTRparam in matchesFuncSTRparam)
                                if (matchFuncSTRparam.Success)
                                    var varFuncSTRparam = matchFuncSTRparam.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
the thiscurrtext.contains(varfuncstrparam + "()" + ".") works already
but the thiscurrtext.Contains(varfuncstrparam + testingg + ".") doesnt
Why are you trying to regex match a function ? ._.
@AndréSilva He's making Intellisense for JavaScript
Doesn't vs2012 already do that ?
I don't for "custom" functions..
@Elegiac I think you need to extract the string from testingg. It will be a Match or something.
Oh ok..
what you mean extract @KendallFrey
testingg is a Match, not a string
how can i make a regex string? sorry for this question haha
i know if you make regex.ToString(); it will string symbolpattern
not the matches
so i dunno how can i make a regexpattern turn to a string
Are you sure you want Matches, and not Match? Matches returns a list of matches.
Interesting. I notice you are less keen to close/delete questions when you are raking in the rep from it, Tim... — David Arno 1 min ago
i think a match was enough, i just include Matches for i can find text in entire rtb
Hi any one Can you Plz look in to this stackoverflow.com/questions/…
Q: How to Type Cast dynamically to string while using Contains in Dynamic LINQ?

KartheekI want to Perform Search Operation with Parameter Name and Search text. I am new to LINQ. so i Collected code from this. public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> ContainsExp<T>(string propertyName, string contains) { var parameterExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "type"); ...

but i dunno how can this condition:
thisCurrText.Contains(varFuncSTRparam + testingg + "."))
willwork correctly @KendallFrey
@Elegiac You need to get the match value from the MatchCollection in testingg
so ill do another foreach?
I just found out my favourite Minecraft server is closing. :_(
foreach (Match matchFuncSTRparam in matchesFuncSTRparam)
@Elegiac Yeah, that would be a start
ok ill give a try @KendallFrey
if i do foreach
then this line:
thisCurrText.Contains(varFuncSTRparam + "()" + "."
can be affected
Maybe you just want the first match?
Instead of looping through.
yes can be
Contains seems like a really weird solution though, because I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you're doing with a single regex
regex driven development
There's a language for that, you know. ;)
Your language right ? @KendallFrey
I want to make a new language, but I need ideas.
Only with special characters based on bits !
Based on bits?
! << 0
@ << 1
# << 2.. don't know how to express
Yeah hexadecimal actually
You mean kinda like a cipher?
I guess
I had actually thought of that before.
Delimit blocks with & and $ instead of { and }
& being class delimiter and $ being any kind of delimiter for code inside a class
    void thingy()
          return true
Yeah got that fucked up
No, I mean, like
class Foo
    void Bar+^
& to start, $ to end
Got it... it is going to be really confuse without identation but it is going to be like any language haha
I'll probably never make a language like that.
It seems like a very poor attempt at esotericism.
I'd love to make a practical language as well, but I can't think of a niche for one.
Array based language ?
Q: Not able to send invitation to facebook friends from my website?

ramanI am using the following code to send invitations to my facebook friends but it opens request pop up but no invitations are received to my friends: <div> <div id="fb-root"> </div> <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"> if (top.location != self.location) {...

please help me
@AndréSilva Like APL?
@KendallFrey Googling
Oh, not mathematical things..
I mean, organizing classes within arrays or something like that
Instead of classes, using arrays to store function commands to execute in order
Actually, I thought of that just the other day.
Have arrays be the only primitive type
ffs, you thought of everything :(
Numbers would be represented as arrays of ... idk
strings as arrays of char. dunno what char would be. number i guess
You could represent integers as empty arrays with a given length, I guess
See, you got a great idea
Oh, shit, 11 failed tests and counting
Unit testing is something I need to learn ;/
Me too
You should feel proud of me @KendallFrey . I can develop wpf without asking stupid questions ( at least not much ) :D
Yeah, I'm pretty sure just adding a parameter didn't break 43 unrelated unit tests. Now who did?
Ah, fck, SQL server isn't working
Or someth
anyone has exprience with neural networks with 5+ dimension genotype?
did you try the 5+ Dimension Genotype Neural Network chat room?
theyre usually pretty good
@KendallFrey I think Johan knows a lot about unit testing
@Taumantis I know what a NN is, but never heard of a genotype
@KendallFrey neural networks with using genetic algoritms, sorry i wasnt too specific ^^
Well, I know a bit about genetic algorithms.
What's your question?
i need some projects/research/book references about it. And not only about image converting. Cuse i am working on small robots swarm that are integrated to learn how to move in ur world and do simple tasks :)
dont help him or we'll get terminators
@Taumantis In that case, try Google
i did, only youtube etc has some EASY things. I think i need some Name of projects etc. maybe even in other laguanges. Maybe your heard about some company ?
input[type=checkbox]:checked , what to do when my targets are unchecked checkboxes ?
:unchecked ?
Hi there, does this mean debug=true is still enabled? in4systems.com/dasgf
Or does it just mean they haven't set a custom 403 page yet
@drch yeah, just tried that :P Thanks !!

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