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btw - when i did |DataDirectory| it seems to work fine
hmm.. i wonder why its throwing all the exceptions on the VM then?
acttually it seems to be working fine without as well
without.... what?
lemme try again
Movember calls
I'm batman
actually i think w/o |DataDirectory| it just put it somewhere dumb
but it still worked
goddamn, I love having conversations with our architect. He explains things so well
format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0
thats the exception
@Pheonixblade9 did he find you a date?
@drch nah :P
@tonyb does it work if you publish to a directory and install it on your own machine (not the VM)
although @RyanTernier if you know an older woman that likes open bars and younger men, let me know ;)
is there any major difference you can think of? eg, 64-bit/32-bit? .NET 4.5 installed, etc?
not that i can think of
its been on another computer AND a VM
the main difference is OS, other systems were vista, mine is 7
mine is 64-bit, systems are 32. but surely it shouldnt create the programs for my spec, but for others i.e. vista, 32 bit etc..?
just in case anybody is interested, as i was
@Steve you can go pretty far with more of a service oriented design
especially for small apps
@drch that's what I'm using for this bird watching app
the business layer in picture that is more of a case where you have an app server and smart models
which is fine if you want to do more of a DDD
not using a robust messaging framework though, I think that is overkill
mostly just web services
from my understanding SOA is great when you can use it, but applying to it blindly to applications is a no-go, am i mistaken?
@Pheonixblade9 yeah im digging event-based architectures more and more expecially with Rx
@Steve i think when you go file->new project and try to implement that picture, its a mistake ;)
SOA is good for web apps too cause it kinda fits the whole "http request -> something happens" model
@drch care to elaborate? i could use some advice from people who've implemented such things
yeah, all the C10K web servers are event-driven
ok so say i was making phoenix's birdwatching app
id start with 2 projects: 1 ClassLibrary called "BirdWatcher" and one MVC app called "BirdWatcher.Web"
id create my first couple of DB Models (code first ofc) like Bird and my BirdRepository for data
and then id just call the repositories right from the controllers
oh you're talking about or/m or EF?
when it starts to feel like the controllers are doing to much, i add a BirdService
i have no idea how to implement that with EF lol
changing the datadirectory to what you said fixed it!
IRepository<T> {
   T GetById(int id);
   IQueryable<T> Find(Func<T, bool> predicate);
   IQueryable<T> All();
@tonyb sweet. $50 plx
hahaha when i get a remote job, ill paypal you it :)
@Steve EF + migrations just makes things easy, especially when you are iterating
but it doesn't necessarily have to be EF
@drch thats what i thought! and my MVC book said the same thing, but then it started to sound like a BL to me, and i got a little confused
by the difference between a SL and a BL
man i need to take some English courses
thanks guys! im off to bed, will probably speak to you all tomorrow night. And thanks @drch :)
cya tony
@Steve fyi, here's a repository for mongo from a recent prototype gist.github.com/drch-/db520516654b8e2f21ab
so i just have a GetById, Save, Delete, Find
and then add others specific to the model as necessary
acutally i am also using a mongo repository
hm, i dont think im having trouble understanding the repository pattern or DAL, i guess i'm having trouble knowing what the hell goes in the service layer and what the hell goes in the business layer, if the need should arise that i need to implement those layers
you probably wouldn't have a business layer
Hello guys...
you would just have a service layer
I have a little problem! I want to add post data to this:
String html = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(uri);
in that you could have all specific methods to do with that model
How would I achieve that?
yeah - or arguably they are the same thing in a lot of cases
@Colandus what kind of application?
@drch Hmm Windows Form C#? Not sure what you mean, started today!
thats what i thought, but... i was in here a few hours ago discussing it and they said there is a clear difference between the two
I would say the following just as an example as I would explain to a client
basically your business layer would deal with business rules
example if a banking app, then calculations would be done here
oh good i love examples
your service layer would deal with the takes i.e get_account_balance, and other specific things
that sounds good to me, everybody concur? ;)
so the seperation is plainly logic in BL and actual tasks in serice layer
keep in mind thats how i would explain it in basic terms everyone else might do it differently
also - the point is that the business layer only knows about smaller pieces
@Steve, are you actually using mongo, i missed what db you were using
@drch If you meant what type of application I am trying to make; I want to retrieve the content of a website and parse the HTML using HtmlAgilityPack
WithDrawlService.Withdraw(decimal amount, string accountId) {
   BankManager.WithDrawl(amount, accountId);
   TaxReporter.ReportTaxEvasion(amount, accountId);
   AlimonyManager.DeductChildSupport(amount, accountId);
@AliK oh i'm not using any database, this is just so i dont look dumb when somebody talks about a SL or BL lol
@Colandus Downloading data doesn't mix with posting
if you need to post, you need to use something like msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh485749.aspx
Thats my only motivation for learning more: I don't want to sound like an idiot when I open my mouth
@Steve despite the cheezy title, this book is quite good
its always good to learn regardless, if your interested in something i am of the view that learn it well
@drch going to get it right now, thanks bud
youd probably get a lot out of it
talks about different levels of database abstractions too
but its actually not hand-wavy - its quite specific and youll be able to relate to it and have a few ah-hah moments
@Steve do you have something in mind that you are going to build?
@drch no, not at all
me neither =]
still toying with the centralized logging / analytics idea. its not that sexy though

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