Stupid store. All I want to do is browse dining room tables, and it wants me to put in my postal code and address. If I don't, I can't look online. what a bunch of piss.
:11964316 Well the class structure is something like
class Base
class ReportViewerControl : Base
public ReportViewer GenerateMyReport
now GenerateMyReport needs to override an `OnCancel` in `Base` without affecting the behavior of anything else
@kush - They are random. The best ones are the larger, thinner, ones - like a normal spinner. It is more of a showcase of the different options as far as the differences go.
Santa Barbara, so I can make it to sf or la or their "greater areas"
Recently I decided I should go to a conference in the next year so I am kind of shopping around. They are kind of pricey so I think one will be enough.