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posted on September 16, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Computers are of course called "computers" because they're good at math; there are lots of ways to do math in C#. We've got signed and unsigned integers and binary and decimal floating point types built into the language. And it is easy to … Continue reading →

ebay coffee mug, aww yeah swag
hi.. is there any way to use python requests lib with c#
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, now you've got my number.
@GregRos mwahaha
also, just broke 4k rep, woot!
thanks :)
I haven't been answering any questions lately, been so chaotic.
Yeah idk how you people have time to answer so many questions haha
@JLott waiting 30 seconds for my local build to deploy
@Pheonixblade9 So you think a telecommute internship / apprenticeship would be possible?
@Greg no idea.
personally... I think you're better off finishing school and doing it properly
but that's what I would do :P
you have a house and stuff
What should I eat for lunch...
Yeah, which complicates life... Quite a bit.
@JLott A Pastrami Reuben-
pastrami reubens... mmm
I don't think I can get any of that around here lol
@JLott what? why? aren't you in Whole Foods country/
@Pheonixblade9 I am in the country
so I went on a date last week
@Pheonixblade9 :D how did it go?
how did it go?
the girl got there... had an "I <3 Jesus" t-shirt on. My first thought was... "...rebel"
@Pheonixblade9 Interesting...
(yes, she showed up to a first date with an I <3 Jesus t-shirt)
Did you know her previous to the date?
she is a coworker's cousin.
i have nothing against religious people, i'm actually kind of jealous because they always seem so happy
@Steve Idk what happy religious people you have seen.
@Pheonixblade9 Maybe she is just proud of faith? Or she wanted to send a clear message about her personality so she is easier to read.
I have nothing against religious people at all (at least the ones that don't use it to justify their own ignorance), but I don't want to date one
like all of them? idk
@Greg haha, there was nothing wrong with it, I just found it amusing. She was a nice girl, but not for me
@Steve The ones that seem overly happy here just scream fake to me.
thats true
Well, as long as her faith wasn't the factor then that is all that matters.
there are some serious differences between my world view and the world view of religious people
Yeah I would still give it a try, but religion becomes hard when it comes to kids
Unfortunately like life, love is something we have minimal control over. Often opposites are best, because they force you to become what you aren't while being better then you are.
No, it was the factor - but that's fine. Faith is important, it's okay to make decisions based on it. It's no different than not wanting to date someone who is fit so that you can participate in active things together
I don't see the logic behind that. What if the person looked fit and turned out to be lazy?
I do a lot of active things, therefore I want someone who is in reasonably good shape so we can do those things together.
@Greg well I would find out pretty quick when I invite them to go on a 15 mile hike and they say "that sounds hard..."
Would you give them the opportunity to partake in active activities? Or instantly cut them off?
I live in a tough place to not be religious. My BF is Christian, but he respects others views so it is fine. I believe in letting people make their own decisions, so I will tell my child about church and if they want to go I will gladly take them, but I will not tell them it is truth.
I live in Seattle... it's known as probably the least religious city in the country
@JLott Yeah, my wife is very religious. She grew up with a strict religious background. I on the other hand, am not.
Haha I am in the bible belt.
@JLott won't that be kind of confusing to the child with one parent telling them that God is real and the other one telling them that he is fake?
@Steve I won't tell him anything.
@Pheonixblade9 Actually, Portland is the most Godless city in the country apparently.
@Steve children are smarter than you think... they can make their own choices
I won't say he is fake or real.
@Greg really? It used to be Seattle. They base it on number of churches per capita, I think
@Pheonixblade9 children also believe in santa clause, so they aren't THAT smart
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, according to some statistic Portland has become horrible.
I have a file name format that goes XXYYDDMMhhmmss.log. How should I split/parse the string so I can create datetimes for each file? XX is a "device type"
I grew up in a very religious home and was forced to go to church. I never understood it. I was always asking why and it would piss the other church members off.
i was never raised religious, the only time when i went to church was during boot camp, and i liked it, even though i knew none of it was real
I've found that like in life, there are anti-religious and radical religious. You need to find the middle, without balance a skewed view will always be apparent.
@Steve Children like to believe in magical things, they get to a certain age though where they start questioning the existence of things like santa. I want my child to believe in Santa. It is a happy thought.
I never thought that God was necessarily a happy thought... Not the way I was taught about it at least.
@JLott thats my point, children like to believe in magical things so they are biased towards believing in god if one parent was telling the child yes he's real, and the other parent telling the child he's fake.... now this isn't directed at you, since you wouldn't say anything
@JLott I think God is a rather terrifying thought in some ways when it comes down to it.
@Steve I'm amazed you can confidently say that nothing of the religion you picked up is real. I sure can't say.
i dunno, i believe in science, and yes there are some who believe both in science and religion, but i'm really not one of them
I made the choice to be agnostic. I think there is something there, but I have no idea what it is. I think there are forces that we cannot understand. But I do not believe in a God that is as unforgiving and hateful as the Christian churches teach. I believe in whatever I want to believe in lol
Well, if you think about a large portion of our movies and novels they use iconic characters to personify the belief, morality, and undertone of the character. Superman, Star Wars, The Matrix, and countless others. Not only is religion relevant, it was apart of our society and founding of our country. Earlier societies were more apt with religion.
@JLott Wow, that is an intense Church. I sense radicalism.
the reason i think religion can be important and beneficial is because it teaches good values, regardless if its real or fake, the outcome of going to church and being religious is generally real... and yeah there are extremists here or there, but its like that with every subset of the population
@JLott yeahhh, I'm pretty sure you've encountered some unsound doctrine teaching church lol.
@Greg I was raised Southern Baptist
@Steve Yeah, it really does teach strong morality.
@JLott That is intense...
I also don't agree with huge portions of the bible
I do believe in spirits though, could possibly have something to do with my Native American heritage... who knows... People can tell me I am right or wrong, I don't really care lol. Life is simpler that way.
@JLott That is a fair assessment, considering it has been a book that has been translated over and over again. Also, it is recorded by man- Which we in our self are fallible.
@JLott By God being unforgiving and hateful, are you really referencing the exclusionary nature of salvation only through Jesus Christ?
^ All of that is my biggest problem with it @Greg
@JeffBridgman As is destroying a whole city because they are gay, and the whole if you don't believe in me you will be punished thing.
I don't think it should be a belief system, I think it would make more sense to make it based on the character of a person. The fact that someone could live their whole life giving to others and then still be sent to hell is disturbing to me.
@JLott Before I leave you to ponder. What about the moral fiber and the morality taught? In a non-radical person it does teach us to be more tolerant, forgiving, compassionate, and loving. Unfortunately society has abandoned said moral and become more selfish. Thus creating a conflicting mentality that creates people whom don't practice what they preach or genuinely cruel people.
@JLott That is a mans interpretation of the writing, not necessarily accurate.
@JLott The original prophets chosen by Jesus were all sinners; they were saved and went to heaven.
I don't assume to think that if there was a Truth, it would care how I "feel" about it.
I only play advocate, because we are all wrong. The middle lies the truth, but for some odd reason we can never find the middle.
In the area I live in there is a limited amount of non-radical people. I think that parents can teach those things without religion. It scares me to think that people would do morally wrong things just because if they did they would go to hell for it. It is assumed here that if you are a Christian you are a good person and if you are not then you are scum of the Earth.
generally speaking.
@Greg That is why I am agnostic. I believe in a God, but it is my God, not the God that is taught in churches for the most part.
oh man, good timing, walked right into a political/religous discussion
Ya, no kidding.
its not an anger/rage religious convo, surprisingly
<protest>WERE NOT GONNA PROTEST</protest><repeat/>
As a child I would get ridiculed at church for hanging out with certain people because that person was not the image of God. Even was told by my youth leader that I should not be a girls friend because she was a lesbian. I didn't understand it. I thought we were not supposed to judge people and here I am being taught something completely different.
@JLott But you can't generalize all religion the same way. Your experience has been radically different then mine; but the middle lies the truth.
@JLott yeah thats messed up
I believed in evolution and was told that I was not a real christian because I believed in those "lies"
drastically diff than my education
@JLott Yeah, your experience has been a horrible one. To generalize all churches and religious people isn't the right approach either.
@Greg I'm not lol. I have no problem with Christians.. my parents are very devote. I just decided that I will believe how I want to believe.
I have my own mind, I don't need to believe what everyone else does.
Science and religion are not incompatible... unless you believe the "world was created 9k years ago and dino bones were placed to test our faith" garbage
@CharlieBrown I live in the bible belt lol. It can be a good time.
Growing up I don't think around here anyone cared what you did or who with, it just wasn't as important as going to work, school, whatev
@JLott I agree with you, just you made a remark about You shouldn't be a girls friend because she is a lesbian. That isn't valid, that would be someone incorrectly interpreting the scripture. Which in turn created the very thing faith is meant to combat.
I definitely do not generalize all religious people. Some of the greatest people I know are religious. But due to some experiences, I will raise my children differently than my parents raised me in some ways.
@RoelvanUden I am using yyyyMMddHHmmss on "20130913140546" and it returns null. see anything wrong with my format string?
guys any good c# websocket server?
@cc node.js w/ socket.io
socket.IO c# bindings? hmm ok
@NETscape it wont work unless its on a datetime
@cc SignalR is close. If you feel like improving existing code, you can try my WebSocket server.
@NETscape Are you doing it as: DateTime.Now.ToString(yyyyMMddHHmmss);
@cc sorry, that was in jest. SignalR is the best
No I'm trying to take "20130913140546"
and get a DateTime
or are you parsing?
Oi folks.
How do I prevent a wireless network from automatically connecting? Alternatively, how can prevent it from connecting if I'm connected via ethernet?
@NETscape So your trying to parse a DateTime?
well parse a string into DateTime
@KendallFrey 1) right click on the wireless network, go to properties, uncheck "connect automatically" under the connection tab. 2) IDK
Have you tried the DateTime Parse method?
@Steve 1) Still reconnects. 2) Thanks, that fixed it.
I'm using ParseExact right now, and that's returning null.
string[] dateStrings = {"2008-05-01T07:34:42-5:00",
                              "2008-05-01 7:34:42Z",
                              "Thu, 01 May 2008 07:34:42 GMT"};
      foreach (string dateString in dateStrings)
         DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(dateString);
         Console.WriteLine("Converted {0} to {1} time {2}",
@KendallFrey then you must've broken windows
@KendallFrey I know you can order wireless network connection order, maybe you can do the same for wireless?
Quick VS question; if I've got a file with 2+ classes in it, is there a native way to break it out into file-per-class without having to make a bathtub of copypasta?
Also, no R#.
@NETscape DateTime.ParseExact("20130913140546", "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) works for me
@dan ctrl-m-o to collapse the classes, then just a quick copy paste
@CharlieBrown Yea, that's my current strategy.
otherwise, no native refactoring support for it
Darn. Alrighty, thanks @CharlieBrown :-)
@DanLugg yeah, use Eclipse and Java. OH GOD WHY
@Pheonixblade9 lol
it makes me sad that there are so many awesome features in Eclipse... yet it still sucks so bad
Okay something is wrong with VS
Actually, NetBeans has some pretty solid generation/refactoring tools.
Let this be your punishment for not initially modularizing the source code
@NETscape What else is new?
I don't like NetBeans very much :/
Well, they're both fairly similar.
i hate every other IDE after i've used VS
I can't see the objects in an IList. I can see the count, but I can't see anything else about the object
in a Gridview using foreach() loop i have added all the row with filling starting two column but this loop completes i want to fill the last column using another loop how to do?. please help
@Steve Best IDE: make + notepad++
I think what NetBeans & Eclipse both need is an integrated scripting environment.
IDE preference: VS, Xamarin, Komodo, Webstorm, Notepad++
@Steve I find I hate getting to know new IDEs; once I know them most are pretty similar
same with DateTime result = DateTime.ParseExact("20130913140546", "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), I can't see the value of result.
@KendallFrey i've used notepad++ for .. idk 6 or 7 years now
@VikramSingh What have you tried?
@KendallFrey Notepad++ rocks my world.
'Cept QtCreator, I hate that one
@CharlieBrown among those? VS by a mile
Notepad++ has better plugin support than both NetBeans and Eclipse
I've already used an assembly language IDE.
@walkingTarget that could be it
@Pheonixblade9 agreed, by far
I actually really like Eclipse. I just wish it was 1/2 as stable/fast as VS.
plus MSBuild is so much better than ANT
VS? Stable?
@KendallFrey compared to Eclipse, yes
@Pheonixblade9 intelliJ maybe is faster
@cc I haven't used IntelliJ, I would like to try it
Hmm, let me find a certain gif...
private void BTNSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines("userentry.txt");
float sumofalluser = 0;
float dividedamount =0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
var totalofoneuser = 0;
string blank = string.Empty;
DateTime start = dateTimePicker3.Value;
DateTime end = dateTimePicker4.Value;

foreach (var line in lines)
var usernames = File.ReadAllLines(line);

foreach (var row in usernames)
var elements = row.Split('$');
var amount = Convert.ToInt32(elements[0]);
So, Eclipse is like this?
@KendallFrey Pretty much. NetBeans would be the ball.
@VikramSingh please press the UP arrow, and then Ctrol-K to format your code
I like NetBeans, but it's hard to find all the settings you are familiar with in VS
@walkingTarget NetBeans is awesome, except when it sucks, which is unfortunately alot.
trying to do linux at home for the next 90 days, its, exhausting at best so far
@Kendall Frey out of both for loop i want to fill the 3 column of gridview
Is there a simple way to find out if your C# process is ran from another?
e.g. Process.GetCurrentProcess().HasParent()?
@RoelvanUden Process explorer.
@RoelvanUden I don't think you can do it in managed code, but in the Win32 API its not too bad
can convert to using PInvoke, and do something like stackoverflow.com/a/558251/65358
Nice - Happy Birthday to StackOverflow ;)
Jay Hanlon on September 16, 2013


Stack Overflow officially launched on September 15, 2008. In five short years, you’ve answered over 5 million questions on more than 100 sites, and helped hundreds of millions of people find the answers they needed. Today, we want to celebrate how, together, we changed one small corner of the Internet for the better.

We want to hear your stories about how someone on Stack Exchange helped you.

Before it went into beta, stackoverflow.com had a comic on the landing page that came to symbolize what we were setting out to do: …

Off to class everyone! Have a good Monday :)
is there any HTTP API for c#?
just like requests in python
depending on what you are doing, many things are built in
yea.but multipart form data requires much code in c#
if i use python it can be done in like 2 lines
@CharlieBrown WHAT IF... you're using that meme wrong?
i know about that. just looking around for any third party lib @walkingTarget
@KendallFrey WHAT IF... it doesnt matter
@user2511798 yes, multipart is a bit of a bitch
the only field where java may beat c#:
diamond types
Dictionary<string, List<int>> dict = new Dictionary<>(); // not valid
What about throws? Isn't that cool?
@cc Yeah, but in C#, you can write that easily as
Not var...
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
^^ hehe :)
will that work with file uploads?
@KendallFrey why not? That's no different than java's implicit typing for the generics on the RHS - though I personally prefer LHS implicit typing as it's easier to follow
i guess we cant use cookies with webclient
@ReedCopsey I also prefer Dictionary<string, List<int>> dict = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(); because you see at first glance the type
if you see var.. you have to look on the right :)
I'm for using explicit typing whenever possible.
var dict = []; wins
@KendallFrey I'm the opposite - I used to be, now I'm for implicit strong typing whenever possible
no! is it valid?
but I think it's the F# corruption at work there ;)
@cc if you see var... just HOVER
@CharlieBrown I really prefer {} over []
at the end of the day, the specific type is one of the least important things to worry about in an IDE with proper intellisense support
Have you ever had an English teacher tell you to "read between the lines"? Yeah...
@user2511798 if you have control of the server, you can just read the file directly via the request stream and use webclient.UploadFile()
I read \n between the lines
and you can use webclient.Headers.Add for cookie
@cc i read \r\n
ok thanks guys, gtgwork
i will try thanks @drch ..
I was exposed to Java while watching a tutorial yesterday. I asked in c++ how long I should scrub with lemons after that. Until there is no skin was the consensus.
Imagine a photo of you. Scrubbing yourself with a sponge. That was shaped like @rlemon. "scrubbing with Lemon"
not sure i would be effective
speaking of sponge
what's that thing next to him?
looks like a smoked headcrab
coconut I think, or a monster, or a piece of wood, no idea..
I wish I was a sponge
my name is already bob
I'm half way there!
Spongebob, meet Lemonbob.
Spongeparty... WHAT HAVE I DONE
A car just went through a co-workers office; while I was having a meeting with her. Today just got super interesting.
Yeah, it was pretty crazy.
@Greg Was the meeting in her office? If so, it sounds like a very exciting day ;)
Yeah, it was in her office.
anybody get hurt?
No, luckily.
not sure which is more odd. the carnage or the stuffed animals
ack - at least they stopped
that could've been very bad
Yeah, luckily the metal beam in the outside wall also helped slow em down.
Luckily for them or you?
On the bright side: Fresh air right into the office AND when she's done with work she can walk right out to the parking lot.
For us, she was in a car. She already had 3,500 lbs of protection.
@Greg I knew you were selfish :P
I was standing right on the other side of the desk.
My Co-Worker was standing infront of her monitors.
When a thread is launched through BeginGetResponse on a HttpWebRequest, what culture is it going to be?
The default or the culture of the original thread?
@RoelvanUden Do you mean the thread used for the callback?
I don't suppose that's one of the things you can just check, is it? :P
@ReedCopsey Yeah.
It'll be a threadpool thread, so if you changed the culture, it won't reflect that change
recliner in her office? lucky...
@Greg so are they going to allow you to go home to change your pants? :P
that being said, any reason you're not using a more modern API for this? ie: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh138332.aspx
@ReedCopsey Running on code compatible for PCL.
@Pheonixblade9 Not that I'm aware of.
@ReedCopsey That's not supported in PCL
(see second link?)
Yeah but I cannot use that. :/
@ReedCopsey How did your presentation go?
@Greg Very good :) I've gotten some really good feedback from it
and I think I managed to get the timing right - worked out to a good length, so I should be good for doing it in Seattle
I'm trying to build up my resume, as I was doing it I realized- "Wow, I only have three years software experience and no college degree everything else is in IT. This will make my life difficult. Hm..."
Greg, do you have any college?
Diploma, certificate, degree, etc?
@RyanTernier Yeah, I have an associate degree and IT Certificates.
I have about 160 additional credits that don't count for a degree. I basically made the error of only taking courses that interested me.
Hey @RyanTernier, guess what!
You burned Biztalk!? With Hell-Fire!? and a spork?
I discovered another "Fuck you BizTalk" gotcha
Which apparently isn't allowed if you want a bachelor.
this one we kinda brought on ourselves
we have some orchs executing dynamic pipelines
@Greg Myself and many other co-workers don't have full degrees, yet we are Project Managers, managers, team leads, senior staff etc.
@RyanTernier Well, you sir are lucky. For some odd reason alot of companies would like a degree here.
XMLReceive validates if it can work out what schema it needs, otherwise doesn't bother. I applied a map inbound to a receive port and the outbound message started causing the orch to barf
@RyanTernier It's definitely possible to work in the field successfully without a degree - but it's a much more difficult road
in larger companies, you often can't get through the HR filters
@Greg They want degrees because it's a way of filtering people. If you have a good resume, references, and know how to tell them why they want you, then you can get an interview :)
This explanation is convoluted, but bear with me...
@ReedCopsey Indeed, it has been more difficult for me. That is my biggest hurdle, the stupid filter.
maps, as it turns out, promote some properties, including stuff like DocumentSpecName.
@ReedCopsey I joined this company as a Sr. with only a 2 year diploma.
Our orch was bodging the request-response correlation by copying all the context properties from the inbound message
@RyanTernier Are you in a competitive market area? In the US?
it's always possible (especially with enough experience), but it's difficult from what I've seen/heard
@ReedCopsey I work for CGI, in Victoria BC. Very competitive. My name is on every .NET bid they send out (government / industry bids). We get most of them.
including, now, DocumentSpecName. As soon as you feed that to an XMLReceive it tries to validate that message against a schema that doesn't match up, and barfs
@RyanTernier I meant more the job market - victoria's a bit smaller of a town than portland -not sure how the market is there
Then the exception handling shape was throwing its own nullref when it tried to log that fact, causing the whole orch to roll over and die without telling us why
market is 99% Java. 1% .net.
@TomW Biztalk likes to die without letting people know. In fact, that's how it probably will die :P
It's a tight market, and you need to have solid references to get out. Most people work for large companies that bid them out as free-lancers don't get much work
But my company paid for a few people to get degrees last year, i'm pushing for them to put me on the list
It's a bit different in my shoes. ~13 years of .NET experience, 15 years of development from junior->senior, FBI security clearance etc.
they look at that before the schooling I did.

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