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@Greg I don't think so
you never emailed me
@RyanTernier I know, I'm jealous of your free training, but your processes sound like a huge PITA
plus you'd have to get me a green card ;)
2 hours later…
sir @MRS1367 you there?
2 hours later…
threading ;( is a pain
hey all
Where could I found comparitive study for OOPs, c#, asp.net, sql
@Neha tell me
C# 4.0 by jon skeet is a interesting book
it covers oops concepts and c#
for code wise learning check out Apress publications books. and i never read much of asp.net books ..I know nothing much about sql either
@codebrain arey I need a study which says which is better to use & why & what if other is being placed in that place kind of conditions
Everything has their own importance..
I know
talk there
@codebrain when are u joining the new company ?
@MAD4RA still continuing
i have send you working code what happens to that?
@MAD4RA one month notice after that i would join :)
@Neha telliant systems
@Neha i didn't save the link :/
Hi all frnds
can i possibly set async in a timer method?

private async void timer_countline_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

} ???
Mornig Guys!
How can i delete folder sub-folder and files older than 1 week?
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(pathPm_Images);

            foreach (FileInfo fi in d.GetFiles())
                if (fi.LastAccessTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-120))



            foreach (DirectoryInfo di in d.GetDirectories())
                if (di.LastAccessTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-120))
I need to place a button and a textbox inside a devexpress grid column side by side and want to access that button and a textbox from code
I was unable to find to do
@linguini @Elegiac
Please look at my query once frnds
your button, textboxand datagrid all devexpress tools? @Ganesh
@Ganesh Where is your code?
let me show my code
this is now showing only button, but I want text box and a button like in this image
Dafuq, programmers day?
yep ... @RoelvanUden
what do i expect on a programmer's day ? Lazy loading and enumerating myself. Its heavy rains here. noting spl
Programmers' Day is an international professional day recognized in many technology companies and programming firms, that is celebrated on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 28th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). It is also officially recognized in Russia and observed in several other countries, including Mongolia, Argentina, Israel, Bangladesh, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Austria, Germany, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Guatemala, India, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, the United Ki...
haha lets drink to that mates time to rest for today .xD
@Elegiac, did u got any sol?
wat sol
for my query boss
sorry i thought its more of properties of designer @Ganesh not familiar with those query bro ... though i use devexpress also but in winforms
Okay no pblms @Elegiac
@codebrain ping me when u are free
Object[] makeArr(params Object[] items)
	return items;
I wrote that function, I don't remember why lol
makeArr("foo", "bar") -> ["foo", "bar"] < ah for that
hi @cc
hi to remove pdftable border
iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable bTable = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(1);

bTable.SetWidths(new int[1] { 10 });
any idea about it
room topic changed to C#: Happy Programmer's Day — One does not simply write C#. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@codebrain i think your weather there now is better than here ... :/
@ton.yeung I found the problem with my query.
It was indeed the where clause. :)
@cc T[] makeArr<T>(params T[] items) :V
Also new[] { "foo", "bar" }.
dont use params object[]
it can do bad things
public int CountStrings(params string[] foo) { return foo.Length; }
public int CountObjects(params object[] foo) { return foo.Length; }

CountStrings(new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); //returns 3
CountObjects(new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); //returns 1
also thats kind of a useless function when you can just do new[] { foo, bar} instead of makeArr(foo,bar);
int makeInt(int i) {return i; }
@RobertHarvey fixed links
i have a byte array that i read from database to it.
byte[] data = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(sqlFileStream.Length)];
sqlFileStream.Read(data, 0, Convert.ToInt32(sqlFileStream.Length));
when i use this code to convert it to
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Image image = Image.FromStream(ms);
pictureBox1.Image = image;
but it doesn't work!
when i use FileStream it can save the image on the disk
string filename = @"D:\Temp\Reza" + ".jpeg";
FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write);
fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
you might have to seek the stream to the beginning
ms.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Image image = Image.FromStream(ms);
why dont you just do Image.FromStream(sqlFileStream)
@drch let me try it
guys i have a div named div1 in an aspx page and i want to display it only when i click a button, how'd i do it ?
@drch thanks :)
hi gud nun
hey @Elegiac
@MAD4RA set css on div initial to display: none & when click on button set display : block
leme try that as well lol
worked !
but still i'm stuck with that z-index thinggy
Hey @Neha tell me
@Mad4RA No one will help you cz they cant. your question is not precise and the problem can be anywhere in the style or html. :\
@Billdr Hey Sup ?
@Neha I got the offer letter
i've pasted the css codes too @codebrain
Hi there
@MAD4RA I knew, it seems good though.
@Billdr Hello, Happy programmer's day.
@codebrain hmm
That's what she said.
Is that a thing? Well happy programmer's day to you too.
yep, wiki link is starred.
mudiyala @codebrain been sitting in this for weeks now
@not-rightfold yea , you're right for
new[] { foo, bar}
oh, it's 2^8th day. Got ya.
but I did it for Java also :)) new Object[] { foo, bar} is too long to write
@MAD4RA yeah, That's some minor issue. I would just redo it if it messes up such ways.
@Billdr yeah !
the problem is i cant access lightbox
i have to modify the fancybox somehow to make it work
attach screens shot
@codebrain did I say I'd add you on Facebook like a year ago?
I literally just found a message saying "@codebrain: I'm here mate"
will do @codebrain
@RudiVisser yes you did. When This was having you, Sean, Jamie townsend and others.
@RudiVisser Sounds funny though.
@codebrain I added you now! I never saw the message cos it went into "Other", turns out I had like 8 messages in there
@RudiVisser LoL
I wish facebook removes that 'other' folder and keeps everything in the usual one. Annoying Mark. Nerd.
Yeah it's ridiculous cos there's no notifications or anything for it, literally these messages have been there since last year
hi one doubt
Yay Jasper NikkiMinaj is still around
yeah, Half of the facebook population doesnt know if it exists. I should check that too. Glad you noticed it now.
Yup @RudiVisser
U remember me..
I'm happy
I remember everyone!
@RudiVisser BTW Happy Programmer's day
Hey people
i have 3 seperate class project in my project.. I added it to my main project.. but if i write those class project name as a namespace means it won't come there..
How to get rid of this..
@codebrain You too!
Am i a huge **** if i ask a few of you to take a look at my question?
because im really stuck and i need this done.
Pinned to my wall, because that'll make people care.
@codebrain i've updated my question with the screenshot
ll check !
So this chat i just for fun?
because it's the first time i try it out
@Billdr That's the wall paper of mine. i want my people know we exist !
@MAD4RA give the link again
Q: lightbox and fancybox - how to use the z-index properly

MAD4RAFollowed from this question Bring the child popup(light box) above the parent popup(fancy box) I got into this and i found the css of both the lightbox and fancy box, and this code below is the css of the fancybox which always stays on the top .fancybox-wrap { position: absolute; top: 0; le...

SO almost weekend
@MAD4RA show your html also. there's no html..
thats an aspx page btw
@RoXaS Waht's your question ? If you ask one, some one would care to answer it !
Q: Html Form-Get not responding

RoXaSI'm working on a website for my company in MVC Razor3 .NET. This is my first time working with MVC, but I've gained a lot of knowledge by now. There is just one thing I can't seem to figure out. I'm making a grading system for the manager of a service center who would like to grade the way his o...

For some reason an html get form does not redirect to its action
@MAD4RA with only css cant help dude, should see how you written the html.
And i cant figure out why
@codebrain i have access to only that fancybox files, not the lightbox ones
i cant understand how the popup elements goes into light box
@RoXaS The HTML looks fine. When you place a breakpoint in the action, what happens?
Nothing sadly, that's mainly the point
@MAD4RA I dont know too.
If it were to do anything i could fix it.
What URL does the browser go to when submitting the form?
@codebrain i updated it with the fancybox html cide
@RoelvanUden It is part of a partial view on the index page so in debug "http://localhost:51697/" and when pressed it reloads that page
@RoXaS I'm not that familiar with ASP.NET so what happens in the HTML when you make a partial view?
@RoXaS Partial views shouldnt have Beginform. So you must be having multiple forms and that making the issue. ?
@RoelvanUden IS there a way to send the entire html when its not public
@codebrain that is the case yeah, an undifined number of incidents are shown on that page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/modernizr-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.10/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Jup nested forms
Found a way
So how can i go around this?
@RoXaS Redesign where you put the partial view. Make it not nested into the other form to make it work as intended. Any other way is a hack and is not supported by the HTML standard specifications. :(
You can do something crazy like an iframe but that's terrible and you should be shot for that
Let me get this straight, a form in a table cell is not allowed?
you can have multiple <form> in one page but not nested <form> tags.
<form>......<form>..</form>....</form> wont work i think.
You have <form action="/" method="post"><form action="/IncidentCheck/Objected" method="get"></form></form> when stripping out the junk in between
Form in a form, a nested form, is not allowed by HTML standards
roel made it clear :)
Oh really?
I wasnt even aware of that
Oh wow
Reference from w3.org/MarkUp/html3/forms.html. Quote, There can be several forms in a single document, but the FORM element can't be nested.
you guys are right
I am an idiot
this is the result of mindlessly copy pasting
Nah, I don't think you're an idiot! Instead, a valuable lesson learned :)
yep :P
that works
It happens for almost all asp.net mvc beginners. on the right path
Gimme your adresses im gonna go to wherever you are and hug you guys
When you're near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, come and hug me then. Shave before you do.
no need. use western union and send a million my way.
Hehehe Eindhoven is niet zo ver hoor xD
You gotta come to India :P
@RoXaS Hah! :3
Well my stepdad works at transavia.com
so I have a return ticket for a max of 300 euro
Bangkok was 200 euro
So India won't be that expensive
you're welcome :)
@RoelvanUden I couldnt even grow a beard if i wanted to
@RoXaS How does that work?!
Hi everyone, I'm struggling about a design question. I'm writing a wrapper around a complex numerical library. I've defined an interface that would make it simple to use this library.

Thing is fine, but the function I use is making heavy use of arrays of double, and I've used that also in the definition of my Interface. Thing is, I don't really like that, it feels like it makes it show implementation details. But I'm not really sure by what I should replace it.
@RoelvanUden Idk i shave myself once every week and i only get patchy stubs
OKay i'm gonna get that smoke now
@Gimly Depends on how computation heavy your code is. If it is anything remotely heavy, do not abstract away cause performance WILL suffer.
@Gimly If anything I would tell you to get rid of the numerical library. Performance, performance, performance.
A complex struct suffers greatly compared to a real/imag double array.
well, the goal of the numerical library is to make the computation heavy calculations. It's a C library that is very powerful (NAG). I'm writing a wrapper around it so that it's easier to use and also to be able to change it if the need be in the future.
So, of course I'll have to use arrays to pass the information to the C library, but it feels quite wrong to have my code that uses the wrapper use also arrays of double.
@Gimly if you want to be c# friendly, you can make the interface IEnumerable<> and then in the implementation call .ToArray()
yeah, I thought about that, but it still feels weird. For example, I have a 2 dimensional array that represents a set of series of data points. Cleary, using a IEnumerable will not make it more user friendly for users of the library.
well, if the data is required, then its required...
you could use a Point { double X, double Y } and pass an array of that
or whatever makes sense as a good representation of the data instead of arrays of values that just happen to have some correlation
I thought about the Point, but it lives in System.Windows...
Maybe I'll do my own "DataPoint" implementation.
The list should also be ordered since it's a x y coordinate, it would make sense that it's ordered by X
@Gimly Arrays of doubles is simply faster than an array of Complex structs.
So it's up to you, but if the main point is performance, don't use complex structs.
It makes more sense to make extensions for double arrays than anything else.
Morning everyone.
@drch So I think I discovered my simplicity... For my html structure.
Can I get your opinion on this style...
@Greg It's terrible! Before you even said what it was!
I obviously could of done the more complex approach; create a style, structure, then a content-container for the structure. I thought though; that is quite a bit of extra html for the notion the designer will create highly complex site appearance. So I went with:
<div id="Infinity">

	<div class="page-style">
		<div id="Infinity-Header">


	<div class="page-style">
		<div id="Infinity-Content">


	<div class="page-style">
		<div id="Infinity-Footer">


	<div class="page-style">
		<div id="Infinity-Subfooter">

@RoelvanUden IMO code readability & reusability > performances. But then again, I'll use the complex structure just for the "façade" and configuration of the calculation, not for the calculation itself.
@RoelvanUden Thank you, I'm glad I still suck!
@Gimly I'm not talking about a minor difference, computing with double jagged arrays is up to 150% faster than complex struct arrays. Especially if you dare touch FFTs
@Greg not sure if I get it correctly, but any reason why you're not using HTML5's <head> <footer> tags?
@Gimly All I'm saying is, think about the overhead you're causing. It might not be worth it
@RoelvanUden for sure I'll think about it during the calculation :) thanks
@Gimly This is a mockup, I'll worry about html5 later- This is the initial mockup; because the content will actually be generated by Razor Partial Views in MVC.
@Greg but that's the point, why do a mockup with those nested divs when you could have done using a simpler structure with <head> <footer> tags
So I could of saved myself what eight lines?
makes it a lot more readable and SEO friendly. But I don't have the complete picture of what you're doing, so I might be wrong
@Gimly Question for you, mostly because I haven't had a chance to really work in HTML5 yet; you don't define a <header class="page-style"> do you? Or do you define the header as: <header>?
@Greg a header can have a class, yes. You can also have multiple header by pages (header and footer are linked to article)
@Gimly Well, my company wants me to design a Content Management System. So I essentially have to build a core structure; that can allow a designer simple modification to the stylesheet's to adapt the site within the given structure. However; eventually I'll have to make data widgets that move in and out of the structure to fill it with content.
@Gimly So I can define more then one header or footer within the page? I thought you weren't supposed to abuse the articles like that? At least that is what I read somewhere.
yeah, you can define multiple header and footer per page.
for example, a <section> can have a header and footer, so does <article>
yeah, <article> should represent "data", like a blog post if you're writing a blog
@greg in a CMS it would probably make sense that your "content" is nested within a section, or even an <article> if it makes sense semantically
@Gimly Well, I was going to embed a Javascript Framework to automatically handle the dimensions of the page; but I was going to nest it within the content and treat it like a section with a series of spans.
@Greg Don't rely on JavaScript for page functionality. It's asking for trouble.
Unless you do a JS application instead, but I assume that is not the case.
Are those frameworks that use javascript to auto gather screen resolution and adjust for responsive not good?

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