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anyone good with webrequest?
hey i am
what do you need?
@LearningC what do you need?
whats up, @LearningC?
Im trying to make a facebook app
im trying to get it to logon to facebook
What kind of app is it what will it do?@LearningC
Log on and just check status update
try using the mobile website its much easier to login to :) @LearningC
How do I post muti line code?
WebRequest http = HttpWebRequest.Create("https://www.facebook.com/");
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)http.GetResponse();

StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII );

String result = stream.ReadToEnd();

that what I got so far =)
public static string gethtmlPost(string url, string post)
string result = string.Empty;
HttpWebRequest httpWReq =

ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
string postData = post;
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(postData);

httpWReq.Method = "POST";
httpWReq.Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
httpWReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
httpWReq.Referer = "http://www.xxx.com/latest-jobs";
httpWReq.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
send in the post parameter...
chane content type, etc according to what required @LearningC
@confusedMind so post will be something like lsd=AVotQMhW&email=fakeemail%40gmail.com&pass=password123&default_persistent=0&‌​timezone=240&lgnrnd=171952_2UmQ&lgnjs=1377735583&locale=en_US
yes @LearningC
how do I handel cookies so I know it logged on right?
Add in a cookie container .... after you get response
ok thanks
later everyone
like foreach (Cookie ck in response.Cookies)
and use them with whatever link you go to @LearningC
what this line do ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
sometime the post needs to be formatted like conver / to %2f things like taht
you can change it to Utf8
or whatever works for you
sorry gtg bed time 6 am :|
Are empty Lists null?
@GiovanniDiToro no
null implies that the variable is not instantiated, meaning that it's not even a list yet.
If I set a property in a class like this :
public List<string> bar;
Then in the constructor, can I do something like this:
if ( extra_phones.Count > 0)
if ( bar.Count > 0)
@GiovanniDiToro you can, but only after your list is instantiated, meaning you have a line that's like:
bar = new List<string>();
in the class definition or in the constructor?
constructor, you cannot equate your variable to a value in definition
well, unless it's static..
it becomes much clearer if you ask yourself these questions:
1) What is Count?
2) What is null?
3) Does null have Count?
If I create my own Format (document format), how can I make the printer "know" how to print the content in my app according to my format? Would I have to manually go over control by control and tell the printer where to print it, what color, size, etc?
@jAsOn you would want to rely on the OS's printing API
For example, on Windows, you would want to read on the GPI Print API: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…
Oh ok, thankfully.
Thank you @edc!
@jAsOn I haven't done it myself, but that doc looks promising
That page you linked to says "Use this interface if the application uses GDI to render text and graphics." - but I don't use GDI to draw. I just have a bunch of controls on a form and save them as my own xml-type file. Could I still use this API if I don't use GDI?
Is it Web form or WinForm?
looks like the main thing is calling DrawToBitmap
and then, it looks like you need to wrap all your elements in a control (maybe a Panel?)
Ah cool they're already in a Panel so that's good
If say for example the panel is larger than the form (meaning a full page or many pages down), does that print it all or does it print just what you can see at a glance without scrolling down?
i think you will need to experiment. someone there suggested to use the PrintDocument class instead
maybe it has to do with different dpi (your screen is at 72dpi usually; your printer is at 600)
600dpi? that's insane lol
ok thank you, I will get started
some printers go to 1200+, so... :P
just print something out to pdf and give it a try
or xps
1 hour later…
I think I'll go XPS I really like the format. I despise PDF. When I was dirt poor, our investor kept wanting us to send documents in PDF format only and we couldn't find pdf converters (for cheap or free) that worked properly and we couldn't find any word processors that supported save to pdf without screwing up the document. Ever since then I've flat out refused to have anything to do with PDF (unless there's no other way), I can't stand it.
@jason I feel the same way about pdf... not as extreme though
@Kinected yeah, these days I either like or hate something. there doesn't appear to be any inbetween anymore. I've had a horrible past ten years.
Haha yeah Im not very open minded about resources:)
Thanks @CCInc
@jAsOn Know anything about JSON?
is that a yes? :D
LOL sorry just got back
Yeah, I know JSON. He's pretty kewl
You got me wondering now
What is the JSON support like in the .NET Framework? I remember reading about it for Metro apps (JsonArray, etc) - but for desktop apps?
need to look it up again
@CCInc hey CC
"The brain of a politician has two sides:
the left has nothing right in it, and
the right has nothing left in it."
- hahaha
@hey ele2
yo bra
@Elegiac bored
yep im sick ... i gold cold
and headache
hey @c0dem0nkey
ttyl everyone
sarcastic comment
cya @c0dem0nkey :D
@Elegiac yeah
why bra?
what was that
anyone knows how parallel code works?
@c0dem0nkey your familiar with new code release?
what code release
@c0dem0nkey, async, await, parallel c# 2012 v4.5
@Elegiac nope.
ok :(
with async
you mean ajax?
posted on August 29, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

First, I encourage you to listen to episode 327 of the Hanselminutes podcast. We called it "Everything .NET programmers know about Asynchronous Programming is wrong" and I learned a lot. I promise you will too. Often we'll find ourselves doing three or four things on one page, loading stuff from a number of places. Perhaps you're loading something from disk, calling a web service, and calling

@MRS1367 sir?
morning guise :P
morning all :)
@Elegiac -> hey
yo sir
Morning :) Peps
@Neha Good luck :)
morning @co0de
gracius @Neha :P
Morning Elegiac, c0de, MRS , MAD
@codebrain Thank uuu
morning @codebrain
Good morning folks............
@JasperManickaraj gm
i have a string like C:\somefolder\Large\filename.jpg and now i want to edit it and replace Large to Small. I tried string.replace and it doesnt work. any other way ?
Gud mg @Neha...
Goodmorning all
@codebrain May I know which development it is
hi all
good morning all
@kumar C#
@Elegiac -> do u need help?
kinda ... i still dont resolve my probs sir :/
gOod Morning all a new day at office :(
btw sir your familiar with new code for c#? added vs 4.5?
like: async, await, parallel/
a little bit
<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
{"Method":"LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE Start :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM B2B :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM P21 :8/29/2013 1:23:50 AM End :8/29/2013 1:23:50 AM","ResponseCode":0,"ResponseText":"","HomeBannerURL":"http://kinaracorp.com/responsivebanner/","resAccount":[{"shopper_uid":1877,"customer_code":"10950","customer_name":"BEL-AQUA INTERNAL ACCOUNT","contact_id":6449,"first_name":"frank","last_name":"squeo","email_address":"[email protected]","password_hint":"name","default_shipping_method_uid":110,"password":"83F2BAF5E632F2E1CB52229CE3665AE7","default_ship_to_address_id":"10
how to get the customer_name in the above Json array
@MRS1367 ok sir ...
@codebrain,@Neha, @MRS1367,@Adils Adils any help..
@MRS1367 do you remember what i ask yesterday?
bout the = this;
@Elegiac -> can I check some part of ur project codes that they are related to this problem?
I can't answer ur question in this way. I must check ur codes
cuz all things is ok in my codes...
i make new form for tester sir
then it worked ...
problem when i copy it to my mainform
it doesnt now ...
I can't figure it out in this way @Elegiac.
same proj but i guess there must be something blocking frmMain
i can send you my whole code for frmMain sir if its ok
codes works in my project and don't work in one of ur projects and I'm confused why it doesn't work.
ok, send it @Elegiac
@jasper try resAccount[0].customer_name for javascript
ill send code for frmMain in yahoo sir
hey there,
i send an ajax request to my asp.net mvc action
type: "POST",
url: "@Url.Action("GetVersions", "Manager")",
data: { value: $(this).val() },
success: function (response) {
how to get the data option in my action?
any help, thank you in advance
but if it returns in controller means, its possible to get? @AdilsAdils
Q: how to get the values in json array in mvc3 controller?

Jasper ManickarajI have a result that contains Json result. The Json Result are as follows. <string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> {"Method":"LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE Start :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM ASW :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM P21 :8/29/2013 1:23:50 AM End :8/29/2013 1:23:50AM", "ResponseCode"...

var jsonArray = '{"Method":"LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE Start :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM B2B :8/29/2013 1:23:46 AM P21 :8/29/2013 1:23:50 AM End :8/29/2013 1:23:50 AM","ResponseCode":0,"ResponseText":"","HomeBannerURL":"http://kinaracorp.com/responsivebanner/","resAccount":[{"shopper_uid":1877,"customer_code":"10950","customer_name":"BEL-AQUA ACCOUNT","contact_id":6449,"first_name":"frank","last_name":"squeo","email_address":"[email protected]","password_hint":"name","default_shipping_method_uid":110,"password":"83F2BAF5E632F2E1CB52229CE3665AE7","default_ship_to_address_id":"10950"}]}';
@paulcheung get the context value
i already send it sir thanks! @MRS1367
@Neha i get the RequestContext object
@paulcheung yeah there you can get you data
@Elegiac -> I'll check it when I'm not busy. I received ur Email :)
oksir bigthanks!
@Meds JSON doesn't exist in the current context
Yes I do!
How mean!
@Elegiac -> I worked on KeywordTips for strings yesterday and when I can complete it, I'll send it to u
@paulcheung you can also get it like in (string value) as action param
i am doing that via ajax data option
@paulcheung so you are done
this is my ajax data option, i have get it in my action, that is a string "value=paulcheung"
thank you sir @MRS1367 btw sir 1more thing if its ok
if not its still ok sir
is that json data which from my ajax data?
@Elegiac -> 1 more thing? what is it?
@paulcheung ys it is a json array
you have to stringify this to retrive the string
or you can directly send you string
in data:
@Neha u have any idea
@JasperManickaraj about what?
how to convert json data in my action?
@MRS1367 can you help me work with this things:
1. why everyword word in richtextbox keeps on highlighting when get hovered . (for hover tooltips)
and possible solution .
2. for the hovertooltip not work with nested tooltip
the keyup and mousemove ... i know multi-threading was solution for no.2 just asking sir .
@paulcheung you dont have to I guess
you are simply passing a string
data: { name: "paul" }
& you get in action
myaction (string name)
this is using url query string?
myaction(string name)
@paulcheung no
it is getting through ajax data
now, stop here, haha :))
@paulcheung what actual issue u r having .. I guess you haven't implemented till
@paulcheung ?
what's this now
i have implemented it
i serialize a form and send it to my action via ajax
just for a string?
i get the string "platform=iOS&version=guessiOS0001"
oh god saves
wher this platform comes from when you asked the question at first
you r modifying your req...
the form has 2 fields to be serialized
but the example you gave while asking is something different
i just want to achieve my req step by step, so sorry
type: "POST",
url: "@Url.Action("GetVersions", "Manager")",
data: { value: $(this).val() },
success: function (response) {
damn.. & now sumthing else..
at least inform what u r upto when sumone is responding
get the update to person first
waste of time
@gs11111 : It's working fine at my end after making the modification told in the comment section of your query. — PKKG 15 hours ago
@Neha ok, so sorry
Please anybody can solve my prob?
@gs11111 : It's working fine at my end after making the modification told in the comment section of your query. — PKKG 15 hours ago
Q: Pass values from view to controller model on httppost from ajaxcall not working

gs11111I have the requirement to insert text entered in the textareafor when the text is changed in the textbox.I used jquery change function to get this done.I get the controller hit on the actionmethod from ajax but, text from view is not getting passed to model. (Code used: MVC4 /entity dbfirst/ razo...

@JasperManickaraj have you tried it with parsing
no @Neha
@Neha u there?
wait.. with TL... get back soon
@JasperManickaraj mikesdotnetting.com/Article/96/… till look
ok back am
@JasperManickaraj no I mean to say parse function
of javascript
actually i got the result in controller only..
With in controller it is possible to get
@JasperManickaraj isn't it a web response
at view end I guess
LoginServiceReference.ServiceSoapClient _host = new LoginServiceReference.ServiceSoapClient("ServiceSoap");

var result_out = _host.login_authenticate_v2(uname, pwd, "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4");
in result_out i got the all.
From result_out only i need to get,,..
@Elegiac -> when u hover on some words, its selection highlighting will flicker when u move mouse on it and it won't flicker if mouse pointer position be fixed.
i see... ok sir
the solution for it: Creating a custom control from RTB for disabling highlighting when a word is selected.
@Elegiac -> for the second: it only possible with disable one event handler when the other event handler is active.
for 1st case, u don't need to MultiThreading
but in the 2nd case, if u use MultiThreading, u can get better performance.
@MRS1367 noted sir ... we cant create custom control now so i think the 1st1 cant be resolve :( for 2nd im reading codes about multi-threading or parallel and ill start testing it by saturday sir
very good
@JasperManickaraj jsonserialize might help you
@Neha i will search regarding jsonserialize..
brb sir will just take a nap for atleast 15mins ... my eyes hurts
@JasperManickaraj it is DataContractJsonSerializer
2 k
@MRS1367 you think this can help?
can i get request form id at server side?
Q: Cudafy Anonymous Methods

Roel van UdenI am using CUDA with CUDAfy.NET to perform a sample calculation on the GPU. // Initialize host. int[] ha = new int[256]; int[] hb = new int[256]; int[] hc = new int[256]; // Initialize device. int[] da = _GPGPU.Allocate(ha); int[] db = _GPGPU.Allocate(hb); int[] dc = _GPGPU.Allocate(hc); // Pr...

why must you use an anon method for that?
@Elegiac -> It's a good article but hasn't all related subjects about Multi-Threading
maybe im getting old but anon methods seem like a waste of time. why write code that you cant reuse?
@MattD Because it is readable and not re-used.
you crazy kids and your language features, back in my day the only generics we had were substitue drugs
im not a fan of them :) i dont like what they do to code flow ;) but hey.
but given you need to use attributes....
ok sir
I'm actually wondering now how you could stick attributes on anon functions.
and when that stuff actually gets compiled
You can't give anonymous methods attributes AFAIK
yeah. i wonder why. whether anon methods are still treat as functions by the clr
this is the nuts and bolts i dont know very well about c# but know about c/c++
Hi all. I have a simple div class="advRight"> <img src="images/adv1.png" </div> in ascx file. I dont know why when i run project the img tag has auto generate class property. So my image doesn't display
probably something to do with your div class modifying the img tag
check your included js for code which changes the dom
(or take out the class on the parent div and see if that works)
@Yul Close the image tag?
@RoelvanUden nice spot :)
@MattD Indeed, it's even acceptable to add the attributes post-compilation. They are just methods. But apparently there is very little support for this scenario thus far :)
it had. What i type here is typo
@Yul take the class="" out of the parent div, see if that fixes it. and/or check any js/jquery for dom changes
check ur mail @Elegiac
I remove the class of parent div but nothing change
<img class="jecrlzqzctxqotbonmfz" src="images/adv1.png">
each time i clean and rebuild project
the class change
is this your own code? or some OSS thing? or what?
it displays well on static html. Just an image. But when i put that part in web control
it goes wrong
thanks sir ^^ @MRS1367
ill read it
i try to use asp:image but no success
those PDFs cover most of subjects in the Multi-Threading
ooh multithreading :)
if you can, try and run with homogeneous thread layouts.
much less probability of a live/deadlock
also, have a read of CSP (communicating serial processes)
wow there's something wrong with that image... I change to another image and it displays well (no weird class ). Using firebug i still see that old image valid.
How do I drag an object (picturebox for example) from one form onto another (and still be able to see the object while you're dragging it outside of one form all the way into the other form?
how do you render pictureboxes when you drag them normally?
I don't render them, something else does lol. I just take care of how the dragging happens
work out what renders them, and see if you can ask it nicely to keep rendering it for you
ok thanks.. I wont ask.. ill bribe. maybe it will be easier
:) hi
good morning
kind if
vsvim, sweet
vim in vs

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