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Das right. Go fap in(to) the trash can.
Seems like it
whats up buddy
well trying to figure out why does my C# app give me this exception
I mean it was working fine..
Stream s = obj.OpenRead(url); Underlying connection was closed exception
// Open the stream and read it back.
        using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path))
            byte[] b = new byte[1024];
            UTF8Encoding temp = new UTF8Encoding(true);

            while (fs.Read(b,0,b.Length) > 0)
Are you using WebClient.OpenRead?
if so, bad network connections can cause that
Any idea why this Stored Procedure is failing?
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerProfile
	[UserName] = @UserName,
	[LoweredUserName] = @LoweredUserName
	([UserName] = "Director");

	[UserName] = @UserName,
	[LoweredUserName] = @LoweredUserName
	([UserName] = "Director");
@ReedCopsey Hmm, yes I am using WebClient.OpenRead
naming something obj is pretty much as vague as it gets.
that's an issue with the underlying connection - you'll get that if the connection is terminated while you're still using the stream
@TravisJ yeah - it requires psychic debugging ;)
@Reed - :D
var @this = this;
@Greg where is it failing
only reason I knew was the exception message made no sense for files ;)
@ReedCopsey The file is about 50MB has something to do with it?
Is it timing out?
probably - if it fails while downloading the file, it'll die
@Pheonixblade9 It just throws an exception when I call it from my application to input those parameters into the table.
what does the exception say
@TravisJ I don't know if its timing out.. I didn't make my own timeout..
@Pheonixblade9 one sec let me see
"Failed to call" I think it is having an issue passing parameters.
what is the C# code
Ohh here's my situation
 using (Stream s = obj.OpenRead(url))
                        file_bytes_total += int.Parse(obj.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"].ToString());
this code works once. Second time its called It throws that exception. It's in a loop
is it taking more than 2 minutes?
@l0oky not yours, talking to Greg
The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
Here's a better view of the code:
        foreach (string url in DownloadUrls)
            using (WebClient obj = new WebClient())
            using (Stream s = obj.OpenRead(url))
                file_bytes_total += int.Parse(obj.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"].ToString());
Is it the same url?
No It's not. I mean it shouldn't be let me check
@Pheonixblade9 This
using (SqlConnection connectionForSQL = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost; Integrated Security=SSPI; Database=" + webAddress + "\""))
                using(SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("InsertCustomerProfile", connectionForSQL))
                    command.Parameters.Add("@UserName", emailAddress);
                    command.Parameters.Add("@LoweredUserName", emailAddress);
The InsertCustomerProfile is the name of the stored procedure.
you don't need @ in the parameter name
really? all the examples i see use @
@CCInc Nope, not the same url.
@Pheonixblade9 But that still doesn't explain why it won't accept Parameter.
@Greg it might.
have you checked that your connection string is pointing to the correct server and DB?
@ton.yeung it's a way to normalize case insensitivity.
@ton.yeung Like @Pheonixblade9 explained.
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, that appears to be correct.
@ton.yeung Because that is vague.
@ton.yeung I realize you meant Lower rather then Lowered.
@Greg do you have any DB locks/transactions in progress?
@ton.yeung I didn't write the database, they did it.
@Pheonixblade9 Not that I can see, the syntax is right, right?
@ton.yeung By they you know my boss and etc.
you don't have an initial catalog...
So any idea guys why webclient.OpenRead(url) cant be called twice on different url?
@Pheonixblade9 Nope.
try putting Database="" before the security.
also give me the exact error message
A: "The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly"

Brad BruceThe first request does not utilize a header that indicates the length of the result. It closes the connection when it finishes. The second request utilizes the length header, reads the designated number of bytes, then closes the connection gracefully. (under the client side control instead of...

That didn't work, @Pheonixblade9 The syntax is correct though right? I've been having one of those days. Ugh Kill me
@Greg it looks right, but give me the EXACT error message
Hi, we have many windows services that run nightly/hourly to bring crunched data from mongo to memcache. Sometimes the services stop/crash silently without any notice.
i was hoping to build some heartbeat on those services
my guess is your webaddress variable is not working as the Database
to see if they update the values in memcache
hey guys
in my csproj, I have a txt file
I set in the file properties that I want it to be an embedded resources
we have 4 questions going O_O
but must I set the copy always to true ?
if you guys have a question that can be asked as an SO question, please write one and link it here.
makes it easier to discuss and answer it properly
@Pheonixblade9 I think you are correct.
I dont want to post my question on SO, people will downvote my question and I will lose SO points
@Pheonixblade9 I hard coded and it worked; why the hell doesn't it like the concatenation?
@Greg if you are using a database that isn't on the same network, you're going to have problems I think
@Pheonixblade9 It is a local machine though.
@Gui no - just set it to embedded resource
@Greg put a watch on the output of your connection string, and link it
instead of content
@Pheonixblade9 Okay, I'll have to do that a bit later I have a meeting.
@ReedCopsey I set it to embeded resource, but then in my application, when I do File.Read(mytxtfile), I got an exception which says file not found
@Gui if your question is not good enough to be on SO... maybe you need to try harder/reword the question?
@Gui you can't do that. do this:
Q: How to read embedded resource text file

Me.CloseHow do I read using Streamreader an embedded resource (txt file)? (and return it as a string?) My current script uses a windows form and texbox that allows the user to find and replace text in a text file that is not embedded. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringC...

omg thanks a lot @Pheonixblade9 my hero
@Gui next time, use the google :) it was the top link when I searched "c sharp read embedded text file"
!!google c sharp read embedded text file
there ya go
!!google c sharp chat
I usually use google 99% of time, but this time, I don't know why I didn't do it
"usually 99% of the time" But sometimes it's less than 99%?
Let say I have a device with memory locations 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, etc.. Each memory location has a value. The software in the device stores additional data for each memory location. How should I split that up for MVVM?
!!google c sharp chat wiki
@NETscape So, you have RAM and meta-RAM?
pretty much
That isn't what google listed. Does caprica use bing?!
@NETscape Don't worry about MVVM
you're designing the model
build the data structures to represent those values effectively
worry about MVVM later
@TravisJ Google has personalized search.
So that's why HangBot's image results are diff from mine?
So caprica has a weighted search then?
@TravisJ No, google does.
@ReedCopsey okay, so what does that give me, two models? RawParameter and Parameter?
Yes, and therefore Caprica does.
No, you do.
I have that disabled for google. Google doesn't know anything about me as a user.
@NETscape what does the "parameter" represent?
I don't give out anything to them.
where Raw is mem loc and value. parameter is additional details for that raw param?
Ha. Good luck with that
In that case, Caprica's are.
@Greg figure it out?
I didn't think that the google API factored in personalized results...
having "Parameter" for a piece of data is like having an integer variable and naming it "Int" - it doesn't mean anything, so it adds no value
build a data structure with names that actually represent what the device is storing in those memory locations
@Reed - unless you actually use the + operator. Then you could add a value to Int :P
if it's a rotational speed, for example, name it that ;)
I gotcha
requires login
The place I'm caught up is the viewmodel for parameter.
polite finger
did my sarcasm show up @Kendall?
@NETscape Until you sort out the model, working on the VM is pointless
or do i create a collection of parameters? Because not only do I have to display all parameters in a list, but each parameter needs to have its own style
@TravisJ How'd you make it show up
@TravisJ Of course.
@CCInc - Add in the userstyle with javascript.
Or, even better, without JS.
Or with whatever other way you would add it in
My model is Parameter. I was making sure I was doing that right and didn't need to break it down even further
How did you add a user style?
So why can I see it?
Stylish Extension.
it is
@CCInc You can see it, but not necessarily the same way I can.
hey guys, do you know if microsoft have implemented the async version of File.ReadAllLine (I don't want to do Task.Run, nor use ReadToEndAsync)
That is how it should look
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
@TravisJ @Everyone Here is a userstyle for the sarcasm font.
Install it.
Your loss.
@ton.yeung TWSS Short for [that's what she said]. Only to be used in situations where saying [that's what she said] would be deemed inappropriate. Usually said under breath and pronounced twiss.
A lot of people like Breaking Bad Episode 11.. and national dog day
Your mom told me.
I bet it doesn't work in reverse HAMMERTIME!
dang it Zirak
Nearly died.
yeah numbers really turn me on
Escpecially ones in hex
@JLott I think someone at your office went on my LinkedIn.
@ton.yeung Why do you say that?
@ton.yeung Later, when I get back from my honey moon I have some inquires.
bye TY
@ton.yeung Later dude.
@Pheonixblade9 Figured it out.
what was it?
It apparently had to do with that concatenation, which is weird.
@LewsTherin Hey.
I thought the heys would be pouring in.. :(
@Greg Hey bud
Sell your computer yet?
I've had zero luck, I might drop the price.
I told you, it is quite hard to sell. Especially as a whole ;(
I'm stuck on monitor, graphics card
Tbh I don't think the monitor will sell. But the graphics card is a disappointment.
What's the graphics card
Radeon 6870
I'll give you.. 5 bucks?
GDDR5 1gb I think
@CCInc Fuck off! Lool
It's a good card
Yeah. I bought it new for 200. And it ain't worth jack now
200 usd ?
Around the same price I got mine for
Brand new, yes.
@CCInc It should be worth at least 120 eur
I've seen them on ebay for a lot less
@LewsTherin Yeah, but I still have a GTX 580 which honestly... A 700 series is a small bump, unless you spend like $900 dollars then you get like a 5-10% boost.
But with the way my 580 is overclocked; it is quite awesome.
I might sell my entire desktop for $1,100-$1,200 bucks now. It should sell...
@CCInc It seems many don't factor usage into account. I've barely used mine so I think it should be worth that much. And seriously? I can't find the damn thing anywhere, my own brand anyway
That includes the expensive 27" monitor.
@Greg What was your ask before?
@LewsTherin Mine is at least all custom built, I think I'll drop my laptop to $700
@LewsTherin $1,500 without monitor.
Did anyone bid at all?
@LewsTherin ebay.com/itm/…
Okay, it might be a bit more than I'm asking lol
Jesus, that's very low :O
I usually see them go from USD $70-100, depending on how good they are
I had some bites, but then they'd try and talk me down.
Is there a shortcut to toggle Auto Hide in VS2012?
!!google auto hide shortcut visual studio
Anyone want to purchase a laptop; seven hundred dollars.
It's so expensive to by tech but hard to sell it
My laptop still sells for over $1,300 dollars.
@Greg I bought two laptops recently, one for 80 one for 5 lol
@CCInc Are they broken? Working? What in them?
anyone have experience uploading a picture in his bitbucket account for the wiki page
@Greg They both suck lol
@LewsTherin You can get one new for $82.. That doesn't seem low to me amazon.com/XFX-Radeon-Displayport-PCI-Express-HD667XZWF4/dp/…
@CCInc Why did you buy them?
@CCInc the Alt + W + A combo only hides it, there's no option to toggle it to the previous state as far as I see
@ReedCopsey That's a 6670 though. Which is what pisses me off. And I barely used mine
oh, yeah
used electronics have no market, though
My new laptop has 8970
Can't wait for it to arrive
Look, my graphics card still sells for over $400 bucks
@ReedCopsey Unfortunately. Yet, so damn expensive to buy new.
yeah - its' just so risky to buy used
@Greg How's that possible? Ffs, the 580 is just a little powerful than 6870
@ReedCopsey Mine is still under warranty.
that's usually not transferrable, though
I see. It's a different 580
@LewsTherin It is actually quite a bit more powerful then the 6870, plus it has alot more computational power for graphic processing.
Must be the Nvidia brand
@LewsTherin Also, it powers over 5,000 resolution with an extra monitor at 1020P. Also, it comes factory overclocked to 860 mhz and I overclocked it to 950 mhz. So it performs really well.
Really nice
@LewsTherin A 680 only provided a minimal upgrade compared to the 580; it actually has less processing power then the 580. The seven series is an okay upgrade; still not worth the price. Two of these cards will still out perform top of the line at the moment.
@ReedCopsey Yeah, I think people get worried about used items.
I don't usually go for the Nvidia brands because they are overpriced.
There is usually a Radeon that will do the same job (more or less) for less
@LewsTherin They are better with driver support I find, so I usually go with them over ATI.
@LewsTherin I agree, unless you need good OpenGL support ;)
My Radeon HD 5870 back in the day was a nightmare, horrible.
AMD's OpenGL support in their drivers is problematic at best
@ReedCopsey That is being kind, it is horrible!
I just got AMD 8970m instead of 770M. Hopefully I won't have to upgrade anytime soon
Why can't they fix the drivers?
They can, but it takes forever and usually introduces even more glitches.
@LewsTherin Want to buy my desktop?
The Power Supply and Graphics Card cost as much as the asking price by themselves almost.
Lulz, already bought a laptop for 1,700 usd
My Desktop will destroy it.
Well it is a desktop, but hardly portable :(
What's your specs?
Intel i7-920 Overclocked to 4.3 ghz, 12gb ddr3 1866 memory overclocked to 2100 mhz, OCZ Agility SSD 240 GB 550MB Sustain Read / Write, 750 GB HD 7,200 Drive, Galaxy MDT GTX 580 overclocked to 950 mhz, Thermoltake 1600 Watt Tough Edition Power Supply, Asus Tough Sabertooth Motherboard, Acer S Series 27" LED 100,000,000:1 ratio, Razer Naga Gaming Mouse, Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard
Motherboard will support up to 24GB Memory, and an additional graphics card.
Well it is a motherboard so it is not a fair comparison. I say it is slightly better than my laptop
.... ? You mean a desktop?
No my desktop is shit. I dismantled it and still trying to get rid of the remaining parts.
1x Sager NP8275 (Clevo P170SM)

- Fingerprint Reader: Integrated Fingerprint Reader
- Battery: Smart Li-ion Battery (8-Cell)
- Sound Card: Sound Blaster Compatible 3D Audio - Included
- Camera: Integrated Digital Video Camera
- Memory Card Reader: Internal 9-in-1 Card Reader (MMC/RSMMC/SD/Mini SD/SDHC/SDXC/MS/MS Pro/MS Duo)
- Wireless Network: Sager - Intel® Dual Band AC 7260 802.11 A/AC/B/G/N 2.4/5.0GHz + Bluetooth™ 4.0 (SKU - S8X111)
- Wireless Network Accessories: No Network Accessory
- Bluetooth: Bluetooth Included *With select wireless cards only* (See “Wireless Network” Section Below)
How can you say it is slightly better then a laptop?
Ugh, effort of removing the crap. But it is basically a desktop replacement

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