Web designers are basically advertising consultants, their product is throw-away. It's ok to build with the latest fad technology if it's a product website whose primary purpose is advertising and will be thrown away and replaced in a couple of years
If there's any data behind that though, you want longevity
well I don't think I'd ever choose to work myself into that corner
Anyway, guys, a question about ORM/linq-to-sql. So I am writing a small program to run a pre-defined set of stored procedures based on a time interval, compare a subset of the result against the previous run, and figure out if there was a change. The current idea is to store the stored proc results into a temp table. Is there a cleaner, more structured way of doing it than executing SQL?
the cheaper ones would be fine if you don't run into problems. I've heard horror stories from one where they lost everything on the server and the hosting said they don't have backups
@ton.yeung I am basically building a windows service, but I am trying to see if there's a need to build a mapping between the temp tables and LINQ so that it's easier to compute results
@ton.yeung that's fine. I just want to make sure there's no better way of representing those temp tables so that I can dig into writing inline sql statements
@TravisJ any guess as to why an ajaxFileUpload Control wont work on go daddy? I have checked my code over and over, works fine on my machine, but not on their servers
I hate hyperthreading - it's so hard to explain to people that their shiny 80 core system isn't really 80 cores :p ( stackoverflow.com/questions/18473412/… )
is it a 404? is it a 405? is it a 406? is it a 407? is it a 408? is it a 409? is it a 410? is it a 411? is it a 412? is it a 413? is it a 414? is it a 415? is it a 416? is it a 417? is it a 418? is it a 419? is it a 420? is it a 421?
Tom, if you are still here thanks for all the help.. i have posted this as a question. lets see if anybody else had run into such problem. Thanks for your suggestions buddy.. much appreciated!
"If I use C, is that a low level enough language that I can really scour the "details" to verify that the Devil is not in them, and then work backwards from there to disprove the existence of God?
If not, then what would be the better approach?" -that deleted question
@TravisJ this error message regarding trust level = full : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this section using <location allowOverride="false"> from an inherited configuration file.
@ton.yeung Just don't want to forget them. found it hilarious. BTW I had another tab open with the question (did not notice), and made a screenshot fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/…
@ton.yeung the question was posted like 15mins ago. I don't think he did^^ But there should be a place for things like that. Even on SE network. We should do sth about it
@Reed - I consulted one of my previous professors about the algorithm thing yesterday. He said that I had overcomplicated the issue and that it could probably be done by using objects to simulate the production. Any thoughts?
@ton - I think it is worth looking into. I am going to try an implementation of it today, if not just for the exercise of trying something tangental. Maybe I will pick something up that I can use in the code I already developed.
@ton.yeung some parts of that I liked in WoT. GoT does a better job of the politics, mostly because it is the main story from the very beginning, unlike WoT which gradually introduces it as parts of the minor plots.
@TravisJ tough to know - not sure what he means by using objects to simulate production, but you still have to figure out how to handle the paths, etc, right?
@Reed - Yeah, the paths are the heart of the whole ordeal. I think he meant to have an object which mutates. As in using polymorphism so that each object would have a method build and value which would increase as time increased. Then as time goes forward change the objects. It didn't seem very concrete to me which is why I asked.
@ton.yeung right. I was referring to your comment about making wot into a tv series. I'm a little bit skeptical about anyone being able to pull it off to my satisfaction.
@MonadNewb lews and I had an interesting conversation about making a WoT series. It would be hard to get the CGs right and also how would you portray the agelessness?
here is my twitter description, gizoogle style: "Wannabe guinea pig fo' Mars colonization. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bidin mah time by freestylin software n' brewin brew n' shit. Not necessarily up in dat order."