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That is it. I am using firefox until they fix this autohide issue.
Ugh, firefox sucks. I couldn't do it.
@ton - I test my dev on ff, chrome, safari, and ie8. But aside from launching tests I don't like browsers which are not sandboxed.
@TravisJ sort of like this?
Firebug sucks
@kush - Hm, got past my filter.
It's ugly and hard to use.
@Kush - Yes, exactly like that.
Have to be able to use the dev tools in all of the browsers though.
@TravisJ I can't see it actually because imgur is blocked :S
I would say ie8 is the hardest one to use.
@ton.yeung i need a browser with a bad math.random ha
AH because my filter was off since I reloaded
I was wondering..
I loved Opera Dragonfly. Haven't used it much since 15
but that extra entropy that dude added in the follow up is not that great
it means that you are calling the function at the time
.setTimeout(foo(), 10) != .setTimeout('foo()', 10);
Haha, this is funny C#/.NET: A better Java :P matt.aimonetti.net/posts/2013/08/27/…
Great idea for shiny websites
risky for enterprise back-end stuff
Web designers are basically advertising consultants, their product is throw-away. It's ok to build with the latest fad technology if it's a product website whose primary purpose is advertising and will be thrown away and replaced in a couple of years
If there's any data behind that though, you want longevity
well I don't think I'd ever choose to work myself into that corner
Using quotes in a setTimeout is bad practice.
You might as well use eval in there
yeah good call. use eval
setTimeout(function(){foo()}, 10);
or just foo
or just foo if u have no arguments
is a separator mandatory when making a BCP IN from a file to a table?
C# is an open standard.
visual studio is free most of the time.
so it's just MSDN that's expensive, or both? :P
I mean, I don't really need MSDN to write my code. Well, so far at least.
Neither do you need VS.
Notepad + .NET Framework is all you need.
that's a bit on the extreme. Practically, you can make do with Visual Studio Express for C#.
tracing shows a hell lot of info
but all useless i guess
yea buddy
but there is no error
the interesting parts are 'message log trace', usually
that contains the messages that were sent or received, as SOAP envelopes
as a matter of fact, as i told you i am getting the response. only one of the fields are not set
message log trace
or something like that, there should be an entry that's labelled something along those lines
Anyway, guys, a question about ORM/linq-to-sql. So I am writing a small program to run a pre-defined set of stored procedures based on a time interval, compare a subset of the result against the previous run, and figure out if there was a change. The current idea is to store the stored proc results into a temp table. Is there a cleaner, more structured way of doing it than executing SQL?
@CıPhEr OK, do you mean you can see in the SOAP message received by the client that the ID value isn't what you expected?
anyone here ever use Godaddy for ASP.NET hosting?
I'm trying to work out whether it's the serialization or deserialization that's missing that value, or something else
yes TOM
@BriOnH I have a domain name account with GoDaddy. It was cheap. I've never used it for anything
@ton.yeung ??
I'm cybersquatting my own name.
Class with ID and quantity. Response from client is List<Class>
in this list all quantiy value are proper but ID 0- default int value i guess
through code, i am getting the ID value properly.. only difference is WCF setup
from what I've heard so far, you get what you pay for for hosting.
yeah - discountasp.net is quite reasonable, and decent to deal with
@CıPhEr I can only give you suggestions on how to find more information
@ton.yeung I would like a private server but they seem expensive
I can't solve it for you by listening to your description
yes TOM. i appreciate that buddy
the cheaper ones would be fine if you don't run into problems. I've heard horror stories from one where they lost everything on the server and the hosting said they don't have backups
i am trying Message log as we speak
looking at discount asp.net right now
azure's good - it's going to be more expensive than discountasp.net or similar
I'd really like my own virtual server :-/
but you can scale it easily
but its hard to find reasonable pricing
@ton.yeung I am basically building a windows service, but I am trying to see if there's a need to build a mapping between the temp tables and LINQ so that it's easier to compute results
yeah - you can do free sites with azure now (if they're small) - but it's got some limitations
if you need DB, etc, it's going to cost (not a lot, but it will cost something)
@ton.yeung Nope - 100MB is $5/month
I have a MSSQL backend too
@ton.yeung they are #temp_tables. I suppose I need the efficiency from sql temp tables because I will need to run a hundred of them per minute
azure's pretty nice
anyone know of a good place with reasonable prices for a dedicated server?
but it's a lot to figure out
virtual or physical
@BriOnH Azure's a good bet for that, actually
@BriOnH - I use shudder godaddy
It is cheap and good for alpha testing
@TravisJ I am using godaddy right now
'does my application work on a shitty host?'
- Use GoDaddy
@ton - Did your app stop working recently? It was probably because they changed the access rights.
@ton.yeung that's fine. I just want to make sure there's no better way of representing those temp tables so that I can dig into writing inline sql statements
@TravisJ any guess as to why an ajaxFileUpload Control wont work on go daddy? I have checked my code over and over, works fine on my machine, but not on their servers
@ton.yeung thanks man
and not sure how to display a detail message of the error
@ton - They made a change where certain access requires a web.config directive
@ton - Your application has to use full trust
    <trust level="Full"/>
As long as it got solved
I hate hyperthreading - it's so hard to explain to people that their shiny 80 core system isn't really 80 cores :p ( stackoverflow.com/questions/18473412/… )
@BriOnH What kind? VPS, or just a web host?
@BriOnH - Just the one control wont work? Sounds like there is an issue with your code. What is the error you get?
@TravisJ I just get a red "error" message
I dont know how to expand on that
Is it a 505?
is it a 404?
file uploads but then at 100% it then displays a red "error"
I used the regular upload file control to make sure it want a path issue
or permission issue
worked fine
ramnode.com offers VPSs for $2 a month.
no 420 for me :)
is it a 404? is it a 405? is it a 406? is it a 407? is it a 408? is it a 409? is it a 410? is it a 411? is it a 412? is it a 413? is it a 414? is it a 415? is it a 416? is it a 417? is it a 418? is it a 419? is it a 420? is it a 421?
it's gonna be a 316
187 on a mother fuckin cop
...or on go daddy's servers
Tom, if you are still here thanks for all the help.. i have posted this as a question. lets see if anybody else had run into such problem. Thanks for your suggestions buddy.. much appreciated!
no prob
"Error! 316: A communication error has occurred." Hm.
@BriOnH that one ^?
@BriOnH - In your web.config, are you using full trust?
I do not know why godaddy made that a requirement, but all of my apps had to include that directive, even our little wiki page.
no 316 error
was making a bad joke :-/
but I will check to see in my web config now
This question got delted, but I found it hilarious :D
hmm no trust found in the webconfig
does it matter where in the webconfig I insert <trust level="Full"/>?
got it
trying now
The aforementioned question got deleted. But I'd like to copy the words, since they the author really put some creativity into it
"If I use C, is that a low level enough language that I can really scour the "details" to verify that the Devil is not in them, and then work backwards from there to disprove the existence of God?

If not, then what would be the better approach?" -that deleted question
It was tagged with
@TravisJ just insert <trust level="Full"/> anywhere in <system.web> ?
@BriOnH - Yup
it throws an error when I put that in
on godaddy
take it out its fine
Hello, World!
What error?
let me turn debugging on
@Monad - Did you send that from a c# console app? :P
@BriOnH - Are you sure it isn't a warning?
@TravisJ thx travis, i'll read it :D hilarious question. unfortunately there is no place for such things here on SO
@TravisJ that's great
@ton.yeung say hi to Lews for me. I haven't seen him for a while.
@ton.yeung yeah
@TravisJ this error message regarding trust level = full : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this section using <location allowOverride="false"> from an inherited configuration file.
@ton.yeung Just don't want to forget them. found it hilarious. BTW I had another tab open with the question (did not notice), and made a screenshot fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/…
hell proof is next on the table!
@TravisJ there is only one webconfig
There are multiple web.configs
in my site
are you using mvc?
Each views folder will have its own web.config. You don't want to edit those.
old skool
yeah :-/
i need to move to mvc
@BriOnH - Do you get that error from your dev machine or on godaddy? Does it prevent you from building a deployable package?
@ton.yeung I don't like the way he changed since book 8 or so.
@BriOnH - I am less familiar with asp.net vanilla applications sorry.
@TravisJ no worries I appreciate what you have said
@Ryan might know more about them if he is around
for $12/mo this VPS is looking like the way to go
I hate not having full access to a machine
so hard to work errors out
@ton.yeung as much as he complains about that, he doesn't seem to mind that much.
thinking about softsys
have you used them @ton.yeung?
well ill keep it at godaddy til it expires there
@ton.yeung the question was posted like 15mins ago. I don't think he did^^ But there should be a place for things like that. Even on SE network. We should do sth about it
just point the DNS to softsys server
did you tell them you were setting up your fortune 500's company email on it?
@ton.yeung WOT is one of the best series I've read. Lately I'm more into Song of Ice and Fire.
I wonder if they had to amend their TOS just because of you lol
Windows Server 2008 R2 will run MSSQL right? its just the web server OS that doesn't allow MSSQL?
hosted exchange servers before they are a nightmare at times
@Reed - I consulted one of my previous professors about the algorithm thing yesterday. He said that I had overcomplicated the issue and that it could probably be done by using objects to simulate the production. Any thoughts?
@ton.yeung I like the politics of GoT. It's interesting that magic is a part of that world, but it is fairly minimal in the books.
@ton.yeung luckily I don't have to worry about email servers for the time being, i just assume let a 3rd party or a network admin handle it
too much headache
@ton - I think it is worth looking into. I am going to try an implementation of it today, if not just for the exercise of trying something tangental. Maybe I will pick something up that I can use in the code I already developed.
@ton - I also only had 10 minutes with the guy
I heard everything you said :P
@ton.yeung some parts of that I liked in WoT. GoT does a better job of the politics, mostly because it is the main story from the very beginning, unlike WoT which gradually introduces it as parts of the minor plots.
I see. I wonder if I should make a user script which shows the history in a div popup instead of a new tab.
@johan - Feature analysis? ^^
@ton - Yeah? Cool, maybe I will look into it
@TravisJ tough to know - not sure what he means by using objects to simulate production, but you still have to figure out how to handle the paths, etc, right?
@Reed - Yeah, the paths are the heart of the whole ordeal. I think he meant to have an object which mutates. As in using polymorphism so that each object would have a method build and value which would increase as time increased. Then as time goes forward change the objects. It didn't seem very concrete to me which is why I asked.
@TravisJ that seems more like an implementation detail
at some level, the "path" is an object - and the trickiest part is computing a neighbor
it doesn't really matter how it's modeled
you're still going to have to come up with an algorithm to mutate a path into its neighbor
That all seems accurate to me.
Nothing makes me feel ninja-ish like grabbing flies out the the air and crushing them.
Too bad my PC isn't ticklish.
Google image keywords: iPhone case boobs
I couldnt' imagine holding that up to my ear
@ton.yeung I'm not sure that a movie or even a TV series can do justice to the books.
@ton.yeung IMO, CG isn't the primary problem. Artistic license is.
@ton.yeung yes, I think the series did a generally good job of staying faithful to the books.
@ton.yeung yes, I did, too. I'm skeptical about anyone being able to do the same with WoT.
@ton - Okay I made the history popup user script
use the script then preview it :D
@ton.yeung Did you know that George RR Martin started in TV? He wrote screenplays for Twilight Zone before becoming an author.
@ton.yeung I wonder how much influence he's been able to have over the GOT TV series.
   var d = {
    backgroundColor: '#d3d3d3',
    borderRadius: '6px',
   var div = $('<div>');
@ton.yeung right. I was referring to your comment about making wot into a tv series. I'm a little bit skeptical about anyone being able to pull it off to my satisfaction.
Go to http://www.gizoogle.net/ put your twitter name into the search field with @. (ex @jaredpar). Thank me later.
@ton - It pops up a div that shows the history. If you click on the div it will dissapear
27 mins ago, by ton.yeung
@MonadNewb lews and I had an interesting conversation about making a WoT series. It would be hard to get the CGs right and also how would you portray the agelessness?
5 mins ago, by Monad Newb
@ton.yeung I'm not sure that a movie or even a TV series can do justice to the books.
@ton - Take the javascript I posted. Copy it. In your browser url manually type javascript: and then paste the javascript code after it
in case that thread wasn't clear ;-)
okay, maybe I'm the one confused by jumping back and forth lol
@ton.yeung anyway, it's good talking to ya. I gotta log. Have a great day.
@ton - Nope, you can use it as a bookmarklet
Gotta click :)
Did it work?
When you want to search your codebase in English, comments to the rescue!
@KendallFrey epic link to gizoogle
here is my twitter description, gizoogle style:
"Wannabe guinea pig fo' Mars colonization. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bidin mah time by freestylin software n' brewin brew n' shit. Not necessarily up in dat order."
Have you seen the geocitiesizer?
@kendall - lol: "@ericlippert Got dat shiznit son! My fuckin knowledge of floating-point numbers has served mah crazy ass well."
boo... corporate cockblocked and shiznet

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