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Good Morning geeks
1 hour later…
Hi @codebrain
Hi folks
can anyone help in asp.net membership problem
3 hours later…
There was once a time I actually thought that high reputation people were semi-intelligent people answering questions on SO. It appears that this is not the case. How unfortunate.
pics or it didn't happen
A: Is there a simple way to delay a call for about 5 seconds without blocking the caller thread?

Roel van UdenIn .NET 4.5 Task.Run(async () => { await Task.Delay(5000); DoYourCall(); }); Otherwise: Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); DoYourCall(); });

Have you tested it, like the other poster suggests?
@TomW He's operating under the assumption that everyone will be using a UI thread that has a specialized thread context that reschedules the completion events to be ran under the UI thread. This is possible under Windows Forms and WPF but in any other situation, there is no such magical context (e.g. console applications). I have given up on reasoning with such narrow minded people.
I've only considered async in the context of UIs, but I've never used it. I've read a bit about it and the way I'd expect that method to execute based on the examples I've seen is that the Delay would get rescheduled somewhere else you aren't meant to care about, and since you never use the result, everything below it gets executed immediately.
if that's not right, the examples I've seen are probably not very good
@TomW In the context of a UI framework, they have a specialized threading context. You see, to manipulate the UI the code must run on the UI owning thread or you will get unhandled exceptions. Thus, once an asynchronous Task is returned from an event handler, the UI framework will schedule the completion event into an internal queue. At some point, the completion is raised and the UI thread will handle the completion for those mentioned restrictions.
@TomW At any other given situation where that specialized threading context does not exist, performing an await will suspend the calling thread to actually perform the await as the word suggests. The state is still in memory, but the thread detaches and schedules the thread pool to give a thread from the pool when the completion happens (thus, the default behavior).
OP hasn't said whether or not he's using a UI threading context or not, you should probably cover both cases or you'll keep getting downvotes
Therefore, performing an await when not in a UI context will suspend the calling thread.
Right. FWIW, I've just tested with a console application and your solution is correct
OK, I need to review async/await. Same behaviour in a winforms application.
Exactly. But SO users don't care about correct or incorrect, or cases that go beyond their own little narrow mind set. Whatever the higher reputation guy says must be right seems to be the implied consensus, and that has always been the reason I have not been answering questions outside of chat. I just got a prime example why I shouldn't care about questions others have. :-)
~Anyway~ rant done; conclusion: I should not answer questions on SO.
2 hours later…
Hey guys... I just tried to post a question regarding a question about C and got heavily downvoted... do that I deleted the question... maybe someone of you can help... What does the expression:
x = x < y
actually do in C
in python it would assign a True or False to x
but in the context of this expression:
double val;
val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
val += x[i] * x[i];
val = val < radius * radius;
it cannot be the case
i) this chat isn't about C ii) isn't there a manual or some documentation you could read?
all I'm about to do is google it, since I have no idea
which room could I use to ask such a question?
Lounge<C++> members would also know about C, but they're even crankier than this room
but I suggest you just use google
ok! Thank you
it's just a 'less than' operator, by the way
I think they'll probably just insult you if you ask that there
wassup 'yall
@CCInc hey mate
@SaulloCastro I think it's the same as in Python tbh. Instead, it's not true/false in C but rather 1 or 0, so the value may become 0 or val*radius.
@RoelvanUden sup
@SaulloCastro It assigns zero to x if x is smaller than y, one otherwise.
It's the same as x = x < y ? 1 : 0.
Because C is terrible and weakly-typed. Don't use C.
@TomW If we could ban people in Lounge<C++> we'd ban every single non-regular who asks a C question.
@not-rightfold your problem and his, not mine.
Not mine either.
ok, his problem. But I was correct in that someone from there is likely to know the answer
and I did warn first
Today is a beautiful day.
@TomW and @not-rightfold... thank you for the help.. you are right... in Python it will become True and False, in C 1 or 0, and if you are using a numpy.ndarray it will also become 0 and 1 for False, True assignments... I had to run the hole C code with some printf()'s to be sure about it...
+1 for testing it and working out the answer instead of just asking again
We've been jaded since elementary questions in chat are most often asked by people with poor problem-solving skills, rather than by someone who is just unfamiliar with that particular technology.
All programmers are bad.
Ask me a question about Haskell. I'll prove your point for you
When you consider the complete scope of all languages and frameworks written, there's no end to what I can't do.
@TomW Why does map exist when we have fmap?
can map return a sequence of functions?
tbh, no idea
or fmap ONLY returns a sequence of functions rather than of an arbitrary type?
guessing, obv.
I don't even know what map and fmap do, although I can take a guess
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
But lists are functors!!1
@TomW fmap is equivalent to Select. map is equivalent to Select on List<T>.
I had something like that in mind
IOW map is a specialisation of fmap, but it's redundant. Why is it there?
Ugh I need sleep.
@not-rightfold googles suggests 'for readability'
map doesn't barf in a way that's as incomprehensible to beginners as fmap does if you get it wrong
map is older than type classes, and thus functors, and thus fmap. But fmap is more generic.
You need fmap, but you can't remove map because that would break old code.
Or at least change the semantics when type-inference is involved.
ok, that wasn't as much of a disaster as I expected
hey guys
is it possible to do some kind of yield return in await Task.Factory.StartNew(t => {
yield return things...;
and using continueWith to process each element yield returned ?
2 hours later…
Q: Running Data From External Classes

ExcelledProductsOver the past few months I have been struggling to find a way to execute external un-compiled classes from my program. EXAMPLE: I have a simple run button on a windows forum. When that run button is pressed I wan't to run the Main sub in run.vb. (Run.vb is not part of the program and is locate...

hi all
@TomW -> hey
can u help me in an issue about CSS in IE6?
I have no idea about CSS
I know what it is.
That's basically it
ok mate :)
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
hey guys
what would you do if you get an access error when writing a file
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\Cache\STM' is denied.
would you try to write the file in another location ?
although ProgramData sounds like a location you're meant to use
check the documentation
are you able to open the file in file explorer?
ha, @NETscape your av is similar enough to his that I thought @Gui was asking me whether I could open his file
2 hours later…
the feeds fight was short lived
what do you mean?
SO feeds, or something in your project?
feeds in this chat room
Scott Hanselman got the boot from our feeds. But due to popularity was re-instated.
ahh yeah no idea what youre talking about
@TravisJ lol I think you overreacted.
Someone else couldda added it back if they wanted it
@CCInc - Perhaps. Kendall and Reed both said they liked it though, and it isn't really that much of an inconvenience to see - at least not for me. It just seems like all he produces recently is rants.
All I produce is rants
but luckily I'm still here :D
Maybe you should start a feed :P
@TravisJ Scott Hanselman got the boot from our feeds. BOOOOOO! But due to popularity was re-instated. HURRAH!
@Tom - Which blog post of his helped you the most?
I'm not sure about helped
but they're usually interesting
I paid money for the vid about presenting he did with [some training company I can't remember]
I have 2 of his books
It is just that his blog is kind of lame.
Eric Lippert's blog on the other hand. That thing is awesome. I mean, if you compare Scott to the other feeds, it is apples and oranges.
hello friend
hello friend
Hello, Mr Johan
@TravisJ they serve different purposes
I don't read Scott's blog to find the answer to a technical problem
@Johan - Do I pronounce your name "john" or "jo han"?
I don't read blogs at all yayz i r amazing
Maybe he can make it into a tabloid.
any one know how to fill pdf form with unicode characters.
1 hour later…
posted on August 25, 2013 by Haacked

There’s something about being outdoors in Alaska that inspires poetic thoughts. In my case it’s all bad poetry so I’ll spare you the nausea and just show a photo instead. This was taken descending from Flattop, a strenuous but easy climb. At the top, we couldn’t see more than ten yards because of the clouds. But as we descended, they suddenly cleared giving us a sliver of a view of the ocean

Can someone please help me with this?
Q: LINQ to Entities query to DataTable

ZigndI need to store the data returned from this LINQ to Entities query (below) into a DataTable so that I can use it as data source to a DataGridView, how can I do that? In this case I'm using LINQ to Entities to query against an Entity Framework conceptual model, so db is a class that inherits from...

@Zignd I just answered it
I modified a VB method in my old library stack to get that.
you can post in here if you've problems with it.

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