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I want to be rich, once I did, I. ll fuck all the rules and laws still help the needy and orphans..
@codebrain you can do that in some asian countries with a discounted price. hire your own army and just chill
Yeah but not that way. Money is army. It makes everything.
not in a direct cause-effect way. if you saw the bill gates documentary, he mentioned that he can't just donate money to poor countries to fight malaria. instead, he got a team to invent a cooler that cools vaccine for 50 days without electricity, AND also count vaccines going in and out
I imagine just dumping money to a country would end up funding various militia groups instead of helping the poor.
Big dive lol ..64 per $ shit.
@Cereal exactly Bill Gate's point.
Edc, yes. If you don't know where s your money going, it ll neverreach where yiu want it to reach..
It's pain typing in such small screen. I ll take a break. See ya guys ...
Back home from work..
Hey does anyone have any experience working with nHibernate locks?
Is there a way to search for file extension under a folder using FSO ?
you know what i want, i want freaking azure to tell me how much size im using in storage. why is that so GD hard?
@ton.yeung i love azure as a dev. hate it like a motherfucker as someone looking at billing
azure is amazing as a developer, especially with things like direct publishing from github
i don't have to maintain infrastructure. i don't have to worry about scaling other than writing shit code that can't scale, and if i do, i can expand it. it teaches you to abstract your storage away from the filesystem, there's a ton of it.
i can use ci servers, i can use github to deploy on commits if i want.
no, the crap pricing is pure crap, but the fact that i don't need to maintain a windows server sure is nice
Well, this sucks.
@ton.yeung github direct publishing is only one option, not everyone will use it or need it
github publishing is handy for dev for small sites, and before launch of something. its basically on the cheap CI
sry whos "CI" ?
@ton.yeung I let a friend use Azure for a php project. He said it was fantastic; I agree it is fantastic- Just expensive.
continuous improvement
CI = Continuous Integration, basically a server that handles publishing
yeah integration, sorry
oh thought it was a host
its continuous integration, i spoke before i thought. lets not make a deal of it
you can run a ci server without running or even having tests. call it continuous deployment if you like
@ton.yeung Perhaps, I just don't know em. Azure is a solid platform though.
heroku is probably better for non Microsoft development
@ton.yeung .... poh kai!
:) just all I know
@ton.yeung It is quite costly, all though for .NET purposes it is nice they offer three free web-sites. Too bad any usage with any other service starts the meter.
are there any major differences between ASP.Net MVC 4 and ASP.Net MVC 5 other than tooling changes and bootstrap templates?
I thought it was still in beta stage.
@ton.yeung Really, nice.
MVC5 using bootstrap?
like in twitter bootstrap?
I'm pretty sure MVC 5 isn't in RC stage; Visual Studio 2013 is still in Preview Stage.
What's new for MVC5?
anyway I still find it strange that ppl will want to use this asp.net crap
@DavidDV yes, Twitter Bootstrap
@DavidDV ...?
opposed to angular.js for example
@ton.yeung It comes with Bootstrap: getbootstrap.com/2.3.2
bootstrap 3.0 is out
I see nothing significant in MVC5
a lot of work?
ugh, I can't even begin to fathom the kind of nightmare that comes from creating a javascript based application
javascript is awesome :p
@AndrewCounts It's really not bad. Look into NodeJS, much better for web, really.
and there is always typescript
@DavidDV Yeah, it is awesome. But it has limitations just like any other language.
Angular applications are terrible for SEO. That alone is sufficient reason to rely on regular web approach and use an enhancement platform instead.
@RoelvanUden @ton.yeung Looks like they merged SignalR into MVC 5
The integrated Katana into it for middleware, interesting.
You can build a SPA-like feeling with NodeJS by compiling the templates, distributing them to the client-side and allowing the server to send JSON instead of HTML and have the client-side render for that smooth and amazing feeling. That's progressive enhancement in full glory imo
Made some nice enhancements, not worth purchasing it myself though.
@ton.yeung Yeah, that is bull shit.
NodeJs + Socket.IO + MongoDb + AngularJs
It is hard to warrant an upgrade to 2013, when my company just bought me 2012.
I don't :(
ASP.NET has grown too much info this huge monster of a beast.
Give me NodeJS for web applications, any day, any time...
how do you want to be rubbed then ^^
@ton.yeung Yeah, could be a good stepping stone. I know at the keynote they said they will be focusing on Software & Services once again.
I've just been trying to decide the best way to approach this new project, since the scale of usage is going to be so much more than what I'm accustomed to
@ton.yeung Indeed, it doesn't come with everything so you can pick the components you like. It's really easy to get that going though, because almost everyone picks up Express which makes it ridiculously easy to get everything rolling. Throw in a database layer, such as sequelizejs or mongoose and you're set for most tasks.
@AndrewCounts keep it simple and don't use EF :p
no I'm not worried about the design, more about how to handle massive amounts of mobile usage and possibly disconnected scenarios
I don't mind ASP.NET at all honestly, I really like it. Plus, it isn't like by ditching it you gain anything, your still mixing alot of technology into any project. Plus, the project itself should be the only deviation to choose another technology. If the project would warrant and benefit such a change.
@DavidDV I'm not sure what the project is, but why would you not want to use Entity Framework?
@ton.yeung Personally, I use Express for routing, Gaikan as template engine, Mongoose as database abstraction and Passport for authentication via OAuth. Throw in a little CoffeeScript (this rubs purist JavaScripts the wrong way) for await/defer and I'm happy.
@ton.yeung I don't know CQRS.
@Greg because Entity Framework is not something trivial to use properly
english not make sense ... :p
@ton.yeung I have, back when I was learning some php and ajax. Unfortunately my office is an all Microsoft stack now; so I don't dabble too much in anything else.
@ton.yeung Yes.
@ton.yeung You wouldn't.
you can always do simple pub sub with redis
@ton.yeung Yeah, it is an object relational mapper but a web-project can really benefit from the model based approach; makes it not a nightmare. @DavidDV is right though, it is a beast too use correctly.
@ton.yeung Nope :(
The idea of NodeJS is, in my opinion, to have small condensed responsibilities. Everyone you learn about architecture and design patterns is something you want to apply when you first switch to NodeJS, but there really is no need to do that at all. Keep it simple and small and there is very little need to think about such architecture at all.
All the complex architecture I know and need in .NET simply went out of the window for my NodeJS apps.
Sure, I'm up for questions any time.
The hardest thing is letting go of the .NET mind set and go back to the toddler state :D
Node.js is very TL;DR;
I'm so glad this room is a constant perpetual knowledge stream. I feel my brain cells soak in this delightful knowledge.
@RoelvanUden KISS no matter what.
@RoelvanUden But sometimes the toddler state is the best state.
@Greg It just makes me feel relatively stupid and completely overwhelmed.
Yup. :-)
Well, then you can jot things you don't understand to learn. I won't pretend to be on @RoelvanUden or @ton.yeung level, but I take what I learn and attempt to study said things to develop a better understanding.
do you have a preferred IDE for node development?
I once tried to use ASP.NET MVC but the tutorial told me to edit this XML configuration file and I gave up.
Why are configuration files not in C#.
@Cereal Not at all. If you ever feel overwhelmed, break it down into small pieces. Gaining more experience as you go along, understanding new technologies and concepts becomes natural. In the end, everything we are talking about is nothing more than an accumulation of simple techniques. :)
@AndrewCounts I use WebStorm sometimes
@AndrewCounts Vim.
@AndrewCounts I prefer Komodo.
@Greg if you are interested in other ORM's then EF check out github.com/linq2db/linq2db
@not-rightfold because c# can't usually be changed at runtime
You don't change configuration files at runtime.
@RoelvanUden I understand that, if I'm good at anything, it's learning. Everyone here just talks about things I've never even heard of ;;
I'm back with my question, muahahaha
webapp configuration files are made to be changed at runtime
@ton.yeung I wasn't complaining -.-
Is there way to verify all files in a folder ( and sub folders recursively ) and check its extensions using FSO ?
@NETscape if you program in C, you'll find use for a psychiatrist
@DavidDV That is nifty, what I'd like is one that has greater performance yields.
@ton.yeung Do you need a hug.
@AndréSilva FSO?
@Greg FileSystemObject
FSO = FileSystemObject
@AndréSilva What exactly are you asking?
I believe there is a way.
when you say verify, what do you mean?
@RoelvanUden I want to search for music in a folder, for instance.. C:\.
So I need to search for all folders inside it and list it.
@AndréSilva You can do a recursive call on using GetFiles and GetExtension to get the music files, and use GetDirectories to initate the next recursive calls?
@ton.yeung Not near you.
Not sure .NET BCL has a globbing function.
(If it doesn't, it sucks for lacking basic functionality.)
@RoelvanUden There is no such thing in FSO
What the hell is FSO...?
that KB Article is probably your best bet, full code example
            Scripting.FileSystemObject fso = new Scripting.FileSystemObject();
            Scripting.Folder folder = fso.GetFolder(Caminho);

            List<ListaUnidade> lUnidade = new List<ListaUnidade>();

            foreach (Scripting.Folder f in folder.SubFolders)
                lUnidade.Add(new ListaUnidade() { Nome = f.Name, Caminho = f.Path, Tamanho = f.Size });
@AndréSilva ... Why can't you use the Directory class?
FSO is really faster than Directory
Should I believe that? It seems doubtful.
It is a COM object..
"It's a COM object, so it's faster."
I could check folder size of a 1TB disc in 15 minutes with FSO
Even more doubtful now.
And with Directory it takes about an hour
I use
      [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
      public static extern IntPtr FindFirstFileW(string lpFileName, out WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);

      [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
      internal static extern SafeFindHandle FindFirstFile(string lpFileName, out WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);

      [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
      public static extern bool FindNextFile(IntPtr hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);
I would invoke Z shell, have it do the globbing and then split its output on newlines. :P
@ton.yeung I'm sorry my man love isn't enough for you!
@DavidDV Hm, seem difficult to understand it simple, do you have any article on how to use that ?
going to past all the code
      static List<Info> RecursiveScan(string directory)
         WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
         SafeFindHandle findHandle = new SafeFindHandle();

         var info = new List<Info>();
            findHandle = FindFirstFile(directory + @"\*", out findData);
            if (!findHandle.IsInvalid)
                  if (findData.cFileName == "." || findData.cFileName == "..") continue;

                  string fullpath = directory + (directory.EndsWith(@"\") ? "" : @"\") + findData.cFileName;
don't remember the article
Oh my..
@DavidDV Why are you using this instead of just using File/Directory classes?
Because it is a lot faster
or in this case, FileInfo / DirectoryInfo
it shouldn't be if you use the newer EnumerateFiles methods: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd413232.aspx
(they do this internally)
ah ok, I had to do this in 3.5
God damn 4.5
Why don't I have that. :(
@AndréSilva but you have me :)
Lovely :D
@AndréSilva It's in 4.0 too ;)
That returns for the folder I'm in right ? Not all under...
@ton.yeung I agree, but I had to give a little shit.
@ton.yeung If it makes you feel better I spent four hours making a wedding playlist just to have it delete itself.
for file in **/*.d; do echo "$file"; done
@AndréSilva msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143327.aspx Use SearchOption.AllDirectories
will make it recurse and return values in a stream (so you can process as its searching)
if you do it in a bg thread, you can even update the UI in real time as it recurses ;)
@ton.yeung I had a backup, but for some odd reason it deleted that to.
@ReedCopsey I'm trying to find a benchmark between FSO and SystemIO
I'm going to ask it in SO :X
About benchmarking of course.
@AndréSilva @AndréSilva DirectoryInfo.Enumerate*** uses the Win32 API directly
which is really the lowest level, least overhead way to do it
Unfortunately, there's no way to see what FileSystemObject uses, but at the end of the day, it's just an abstraction around the same underlying Win32 calls
So DirectoryInfo is faster...
so it won't be any faster - can pretty much guarantee it
(it's likely the same, but slightly slower as FSO is going to have COM marshaling overhead)
So FSO is slower..
Benchmark before making damn assumptions about performance.
when recursing with DirectoryInfo, it's using a stack to avoid stack overflow issues
Try both and see which one is faster.
the main problem, and the reason people assume it's slow, is that the pre .NET 4 versions didn't stream results
You're not going to assume the taste of food just by its ingredients either.
so you had to wait until ALL of the results came back, then they were returned in one lump
@not-rightfold I tryed my FSO code against a coworkers code that uses Delphi but tryed c# for the first time and FSO was 45 minutes faster in a 1TB disc
@not-rightfold I'm perfectly comfortable making assumptions about performance when I can analyze the code in question ;)
@ton.yeung It's called iTunes and Zune HD both are horrible.
I'm going to benchmark it then.
the biggest thing is that doing it yourself, and not messing up, is actually a bit tricky
as the win32 api has some handles that need tracking and freeing
Messing up is my last name.
but if you stream the results, you'll find it's pretty damn fast
André Silva Messing-Up has a nice ring to it ;)
André Silva Messing-Up a new youtube hit
@ton.yeung I usually use Winamp, but I haven't had a chance to configure it on my machine.
@ReedCopsey Stream the results ?
@AndréSilva The nice thing about DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles (not GetFiles) is that it returns an IEnumerable<FileInfo>
you can actually process the files as they're discovered as they're streamed back through an IEnumerable<T>
which means you can do things like put it in a background thread, and update your UI as the operation is still running, if you need to do that
Oh man.. This is going to be fun !
@ton.yeung I've never tried it, I'm so used to really whooping the llamas ass.
@ReedCopsey To get the size of the folder using DirectoryInfo I'd have to recursively get all the file size and add right ?
guys can i ask you a question pls? it's really embarassing, but i really don't remember :(
@user2645707 Your nickname is completely anonymous so throw your embarrassing secrets at us!
@user2645707 Ask it
thanks lol
@AndréSilva Yes - the Win32 API doesn't actually have a concept of "directory size" - even explorer just sums the file sizes, which is why it's not instantaneous when you do properties on a directory
Yeah, makes sense
just testing something
Q: Log in to .aspx web form and view http response

user2018084There is a website with a .aspx page that contains a log in form. I would like to log in to this website with my credentials and retrieve the http response and print it out in a console. I have done the same with a standard html form containing a POST, but there is no POST in this pages source....

@user2645707 You can even change to using a real name and ask us - it's not like we haven't asked embarassing stuff before ;)
well I'm changing everything around on my site. i'm going from pixels to % and so for example i have a 60pixel in height DIV. i still want it to be the same size - so i want to do some math to convert from pixel to percentage. so 60pixels becomes ~% - how do i do the math again?
Depends how big the screen is, doesn't it?
100 / size_x|y * px
well to answer that
we can use width: 100%; in css without knowing the width of the screen. so i don't think we need to know screen size :)
mediamonkey is awesome.
@ton.yeung hahaha
@RoelvanUden thanks. What does size_x|y represent?
The size of the viewport.
In either x or y direction
Note that if you use percentual values, the element will scale according to the screen it is on.
So it's nothing like fixed sizes you're used to now
yeah that's what im'trying to do. need to get away from fixed sizes. i just bought a new screen (42inch) the other week and stackoverflow is horrible on it lol
it's very small in width
@ton.yeung Who the .... are sakura and hinata?
@RoelvanUden Naruto characters, if I recall correctly.
Thanks :-) Unrelated comment; may the Naruto series burn and die.
I had this for my CSS but it is always 10px larger in height:

img { height: 60 * .10; } // img is 60pixels in height.

but weird behavior. this results in a 70pixel high img :/
@ReedCopsey I'm doing a benchmark on directoryinfo and fso in a folder with ~250gb
@AndréSilva scary
Just make sure the benchmark is fair in what it's doing ;)
I'm going to check it and post code
You'll have to excuse me if I'm off base here, I don't know a whole lot about CSS, but don't you need to specify a unit of measurement @user2645707 ?
I should probably pick a smaller folder..
you can't get the screen size in css. so i can't :( but shouldn't be necessary. we just need to deal with maximum size available (screen size = 100% = maximum size available).
@AndréSilva Its the # of files that should matter, not the total size
Makes sense..
It is still running lol
Moreover, I was under the impression you couldn't do multiplication in css
u can lol, but everyone tells u not to do it which is just bloody obsurd
@RoelvanUden Care to repeat that? 0_0
sorry i meant, u need to calculate first, then enter the result in css :)
@ReedCopsey Thank you ^^
it's something a lot of people frown upon, though ;)
@ReedCopsey It's not that it's frown upon, it's that browser support isn't magnificent.
nooooo :( i'm not.
@ReedCopsey I think my benchmark trolled me..
@ton.yeung I'm no mere mortal, go crawl back under... wherever it is you came from.
i was not aware of calc, @ReedCopsey - are there any significant performance issues with using calc? on every element?
@MadaraUchiha Its not bad in anything current
@user2645707 It's going to have to be calculated on the client - it's probably overkill, and unnecessary most of the time
@MadaraUchiha Though it is IE9+ only ;)
Directory Info -> 7 Minutes and 5 seconds - 279707649273 ( 260gb )
FileSystemObject -> 35 seconds - 279707649273 ( 260GB )
            string path = "a path.. won't tell ya";
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            Int64 size1 = 0;
            Double size2 = 0.0;

            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            foreach (var a in di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                size1 += a.Length;


            Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed.ToString() + "-" + size1);



            Scripting.FileSystemObject fso = new Scripting.FileSystemObject();
@ton.yeung F* the XP users out there!
anybody still using XP deserves it, at this point
@AndréSilva As I mentioned before - you need to use EnumerateFiles, not GetFiles, if you want it to work decently
but that's not exactly a fair comparison - you're not actually checking files in FSO, just grabbing the folder.Size, which I believe can be cached
Ok, be right back I think I got some bad news here.
I thought you were actually going to be going through and getting individual file infos
Really bad news.

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