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I'm estimating that it would take an average programmer with 10 years of experience about 2 days to understand this.
@rightfold So, like File.ReadAllText().Replace("\r\n", "").Length?
f x     # applies f to x
x |> f  # f x
xs *< f # computes f x for every x in xs in parallel and yields the result as a sequence
i'm joining a project already in progress which uses WPF and the MVVM pattern, which I am learning as I go along... I'm curious if you can use the same MVVM pattern for ASP.NET websites? I can't seem to find a solid answer or example online, everything ends up using Silverlight which I'm not sure how cross-platform that is
Oh, yummy parallelism.
All piping operators (|>, |<, *>, <*) have the same precedence.
@dirt I recommend using MVC, since ASP.NET MVC is a very popular framework for ASP.NET.
@rightfold And left associativity?
I don't know I always confuse left and right.
I don't know either
a |> b |> c is (a |> b) |> c
I wasn't sure if it would make sense to use MVVM with websites
I assume (a op b) op c is left
I'll ask in Lounge<C++>.
@dirt I don't doubt that you could.
@KendallFrey Yes left.
No stayed.
Chaos ensued.
Oh, there's also >> operator which discards the result of the previous operation.
I hate doing Enumerable.Repeat(x, 1). I shouldn't have to.
@KendallFrey I always do new[] { x }.
But you like functional programming!
What's not functional about new[] { x }?
It's a pure operation (ignoring identity equality, about which I don't give a shit) and you're not mutating any state.
Enumerable.Repeat is more functional because you call more function
I define new T[] to be a function.
This method is more purely functional than creating a new array. — Roy Tinker Oct 4 '11 at 1:00
@KendallFrey (Pro tip: nobody cares.)
[ x ] in Gear. Whitespace obviously optional.
What about out of gear?
Could you rephrase that confusing query?
Probably not.
Hmm, that's most vexing.
Could you perchance cease demonstrating your voluminous vocabulary?
How do I create a single-element array in REBEL? :D
@KendallFrey Nein.
@rightfold x
Ah. :P
And a two-element array?
or x,y
Ah neat.
or [xy]
I need syntax for lambdas in Gear.
You can do it x@==>@y if you want
@rightfold ->
I was thinking of copying it from lambda calculus but making it slightly more typable \x y . x + y.
Or maybe -> instead of ..
Just wondering: Do you have even the faintest clue what REBEL is?
new Function<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
    public Integer apply(Integer x, Integer y) {
        return x + y;
@KendallFrey A shitty regex-based language, IIRC.
2/3 right
regex-based language
A horribly shitty regex-based language, IIRC.
Oh, I see.
It's Turing complete!
So is your regular abacus.
Hmm, now I come to think of it. I need if-expressions in Gear.
abacuses dont have branching...?
Actually, I think .NET regexes are turing complete.
They're definitely not regular.
Perl regexen are Turing-complete.
Some time when I'm bored, I'm gonna make an HTML-parsing regex.
Write a regex engine in HTML.
Not sure if I want ; or . for ending functions and imports in Gear.
How about KTHX
Oh, wait, you're not a LOLCODE fan
How about STOP RUN..
Or the end of the PROCEDURE DIVISION.
I wrote a video game in COBOL last day.
Me too.
It was fun.
No shit
I perceive a lack of shit.
Sherlock must be very constipated by now.
No, I'm not going to google tubgirl.
is there a c# based drupal like opensource project?
ah yes
^ For anyone near Birmingham, UK that's a bargain of a fridge right there
   var StrippedString ="`" + (((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(data.getElementsByTagName("div")[1])).replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"")) + "` - " (((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(data.getElementsByTagName("p")[1])).replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));
why does this give the error "Uncaught TypeError: string is not a function "?
Would you mind debugging it?
Split it into multiple statements.
Oops. dur
My Gear parser is almost complete.
Only need to do function application and arithmetic operators now.
My generic parser is almost complete. But it's gonna need some optimization.
Mixing IEnumerable, List, and Array with no discretion
My code includes this line:
newAlternations.AddRange(trees.Select(tree => new SyntaxTree(this.Alternations[i][j].Name, oldAlternations[k].SyntaxTrees.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(tree, 1)).ToArray(), index)));
Optimization time, but not today.
@KendallFrey Here's my parser. :)
Thanks for giving me nightmares.
My pleasure.
Anyone ever written things that have a huge recipe DB? I'm looking for a recipe source
Also I'm looking for an established solution for randomly choosing something then removing the picked item
What DBMS?
I'm just looking for a huge recipe library with API access
Wow: "fillingness" is a word!
2 hours later…
Hi guys can someone give a quick ramp in NATLR
2 hours later…
in Lounge<C++>, 9 hours ago, by sehe
Java guys have a tendency to prematurely ejaculate code
3 hours later…
hej Tom
you have been chatting less lately?
It's seemed quieter in here lately
I'd like to say I've been busy with other stuff ,but that would be a lie
there are no other things
I cloned your repo yesterday
the next one?
didn't really get around to inspecting it in detail, was on my way to go out
please don't hold back, flame with furious anger
It is a start at zero try to learn by doing thing
I got somewhat turned off by reading that they charge money for the api and for the data feeds
I'm not very interested in feeding guys in finance (no pun)
I guess I have to log in to do anything?
yes, create an account on the forum and use the credentials for the dev api
@TomW *our
You know, I don't remember where I said I wanted to be involved :P
a bit too late to regret it now imo
room topic changed to C#: there are no other things [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Have you used wpf much?
very little
I have a massive pile of data I need to show, thinking treeview/listview/app view for navigating master. Dunno how to wire up detail views in a nice way though
feels a little lik IoC but not sure I want that
oh here we go again
I predict another debate about what IoC is
I don't need to know it more than I do, think it is a solution to my problem but not sure I want IoC at all
Really hot today 28°C, think I'll go to work where there is AC and try to write some code
same here apparently, this side of the house is in the shade atm so am alright
Be glad it's not raining :-P
yes true
it rains in Holland?
Not right now.
But this is pretty much the first time I've seen sun this summer, so yeah..
here in Sweden I think it has been sunny since March
feels like it
Hah we should all move away from the netherlands
are you doing something fun?
Specifically, embedding images in images and encrypting the content with a passkey
for what purpose?
some kind of watermarking?
Basically to learn about the technology. Hiding images in images could be fun too.
This one uses 2 least significant bits per pixel to embed a different image.
what did you hide in it?
is the hidden image much smaller?
Using 2 LSB/pixel means I can store 8/2=25% size of original image.
4 LSB would be 50% size of original.
But you can see some minor loss in detail when using 4 LSB :)
can a jpg be more than 8 bit?
tiff can be 16 or 24 maybe more
Each channel is a byte, thus 8 bits, BMP is 24 bit for example (R/G/B) and PNG 32 bit (A/R/G/B). I don't know about TIFF, but I kind of doubt it needs to store more that 8 bits per channel
This here uses 4 LSB so you can see the loss of detail imgdump.nl/hosted/5457bc72cf644cc0aecc40623dff9877.png, but contains a larger image.
the water to the right gets a little more jpegy
Indeed, the loss of detail of 4 LSB is the 0-15 range, so ~6% of the detail.
Whereas 2 LSB is just 1.2% loss of detail.
Anyway, it is an interesting experiment. Next I intent to add password encryption.
Food first, tho.
you doing all by hand bitwise?
according to spec the laptop should have 8.2h battery time, never seen the indicator show more than 4h, dunno how long time 4 indicated hours is in practice
Pretty good channel about wpf, he explains things really well.
I making comparison like that but although the text is the same is still go in if statement, why is that?

    foreach (string item in lbCategories.Items)
        if (item != categories[i])
strange, try rebuild
foreach (string item in lbCategories.Items.Where(x => x != categories[i]))
that is the same thing btw^
@xoemab it could be that .pdb files are out of sync
rebuilding not helped... will try the above now
the above should be the same
Gives: 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.ObjectCollection' does not contain a definition for 'Where' and no extension method 'Where' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.ObjectCollection' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
ok needs using System.Linq
omg @JohanLarsson sry mate stupid me
forgot to put counter increament :S
was using custom increment for foreach loop
I think you can use foreach (string item in lbCategories.Items.Except( categories))
what exactly that do?
*I'm writing without vs so probably a couple of typos
@xoemab it should return the elements in Items that are not in categories
perhaps try it i a unit test?
there is no Except and I use System.Linq
hmm, Except
but loop is fine
I should do this: List<string> categories2 = lbCategories.Items.Cast<String>().ToList(); to do later what you said categories2.Except(categories)
but your loop is also fine
Thank you! Yes loop is fine but its better to learn this tricks for future work.
Hello, C#!
Hello, @MonadNewb
How are you?
How I can iterate throug 2d List? List<List<string>> myList with array we use GetLength(0) for 1st dimension and GetLength(1) for second dimension. What about the list?
hey code!
Hello - anyone online with EF experience?
@SB2055 I have a little experience.
@RoelvanUden - I just posted this: stackoverflow.com/questions/17513376/…
I'd be willing to pay anyone for a couple hours of work to help me sort through this remotely - I'm a bit desperate at this point
Hi, I have a quick question about some default code in mvc5. Please take a look gist.github.com/9034725985/f229c29889ab826d1e4e
@kush there is no difference where constructor defined
I need some help with IEnumerable and IQueryable..
I am using the two in MVC3 project
@RoelvanUden do you use contentcontrol much?
@kush if you know what I meannnnnnnnnnnn
@GretarAgnarsson This is a C# room, not Obj-C.
not like he is interrupting anything :D
true dat
just saying he's not likely to get help here.
time for me to disconnect...I have to work today ;-(
so, some sport happened
@JohanLarsson I do not use it much :P
I did finish my image hider tho, yay me.
Is it better to use regex or do something like this myString.Replace("\t", "").Replace("?", "").Replace('\\', ',').Replace('/', ',').Replace(':', '-') or is there any better way?
@RoelvanUden nice!
@JohanLarsson Want to see it in action? :P
@xoemab what is the string you want to process and what is the result you want?
@RoelvanUden yes, is it web already?
@JohanLarsson Just the binaries, need to git it in a bit.
a lil scary to just run binaries but hey you are Roel
I uploaded an image using the default LSB and no encryption, so you can extract this image quite simply, conceal http://imgdump.nl/hosted/30cad5c3c9b7fb206723665c627c74cd.png > showme.png
@JohanLarsson I have list of full paths of some files and I make a renamer program to rename them and because some characters are restricted I try to replace them with other
What's up G.
@JohanLarsson Tried it? :-3
@xoemab perhaps you want System.IO.Path for that?
@RoelvanUden dotPeeking it real quick :D
@xoemab Path.GetInvalidCharacters() or something similar? :P
Quite easy to validate with that.
@JohanLarsson Oh ok. I did encrypt it tho, hope its not an issue (to embed a command line parser lib)
Will check now
I think I am going to target .NET for Gear instead of my initial idea LLVM.
Or maybe not, due to the differences between the type systems.
@RoelvanUden hmm not getting it to work
@JohanLarsson Oh maybe because there is a proxy blocking your direct HTTP traffic. Try downloading the file I linked to local file system and target that
@RoelvanUden yes that will do the check but I don't really care about which characters are invalid because I know them, I just want to replace them with my, thats why I asked is it faster to use 4-5 .Replace or use regex or if there is any better way.
e.g. conceal extractme.png > showme.png
@RoelvanUden oh it worked, it outputted a file in the dir
@JohanLarsson Yeah pretty neat huh! It's a different image :D
very nice, you think it needs wpf?
@xoemab A bunch of replaces or regex are the choices. I dont think you should bother with its performance, it's probably micro optimizations anyway.
@JohanLarsson Now try conceal http://imgdump.nl/hosted/39e8e2c1c8e328596db1204ce39097f3.png > showme.png :P
@JohanLarsson Needs WPF?
More gui for the 2.0 version?
I won't bother with that actually, because this was just an experiment :)
@RoelvanUden ok thank you because I head that regex really slow down the performance so wanted to be sure
@RoelvanUden just noise?
@JohanLarsson Yep! Now try specifying the key, conceal -k johan http://imgdump.nl/hosted/39e8e2c1c8e328596db1204ce39097f3.png > showme.png
That's image encryption right there :D
@xoemab You can compile regex with a flag so its not slow at all.
@RoelvanUden [x] worked
@JohanLarsson Haha cool :-3 pretty funny system
@RoelvanUden I downloaded that program too if u not might :) Really cool
@xoemab :D thanks ^^' it was a fun toy project
how to decrypt? :D
are you pushing the source for it?
@JohanLarsson Yeah.
@xoemab are you doing many?
@xoemab conceal source.png > extract.png
@JohanLarsson what many?
how many replaces are you doing?
oh there might be 1000+ files
but not all have invalid characters
mby 5-10%
use stopwatch to time that type of stuff
@rightfold what time do you start tomorrow?
@RoelvanUden conceal source.png > extract.png not worked
@JohanLarsson 9:00.
Well, probably 9:10 or 9:20. :D
are you going to write code all night tonight?
@xoemab Do you have a source.png in the directory?
i have showme.png and I wrote showme.png
Try the direct internet access approach
conceal -k johan http://imgdump.nl/hosted/39e8e2c1c8e328596db1204ce39097f3.png > showme.png
Should make a showme.png with an image extracted from that url
(its a different image, use your browser to check :P)
yes that worked :D
I have a friend who once got a job, that needed to be celebrated he thought so we had a bunch of beers that night. The next morning, the first day at the new job, he overslept four hours and had to call in an say that he could not drive a car for a couple of hours still :D true story, I witnessed the whole thing
@RoelvanUden what I did first time is conceal http://imgdump.nl/hosted/39e8e2c1c8e328596db1204ce39097f3.png > showme.png and then tried showme.png > extract.png but extract.png was encrypted
how conscientious of him
refusing to drive, I mean
and probably also calling in
@JohanLarsson Noo.
@xoemab Ah yeah, you can't decode an image like that. If you mess up the key, you get garbage (if there is a key)
@TomW yeah he is a good guy like that, perhaps a bit thirsty at times.
@JohanLarsson This is technically not my first day.
I have worked at this company before.
Why don't you know Xaml?
Because I've never needed it. :V
you want to learn some?
ha, suck it Larsson
why didn't I just say that :P
    <DataTemplate DataType="system:DateTime" >
        <Grid Background="Aqua">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Day}"></TextBlock>
    <ContentControl Content="{x:Static system:DateTime.Now}"/>
Why does that not resolve the template?
Coding up a templateselector feels like an overkill
-1 needs more Haml.
some Haskell thing?
@TomW what do you mean?
It's a better syntax for HTML and XML.
Haml is terrible and it, and its related syntax's, should die.
    %DataTemplate{ DataType: "system:DateTime" }
        %Grid{ Background: "Aqua" }
            %TextBlock{ Text: "{Binding Day}" }
    %ContentControl{ Content: "{x:Static system:DateTime.Now}" }
@RoelvanUden nice :) Bookmarked
Haml is wonderful.
@RoelvanUden a small documentation with examples for all usages would be great :)
@JohanLarsson drch apparently just managed to avoid being press-ganged into the Next project by just saying no
@xoemab hmm 'k will add that.
wish I'd thought of that, that's all
and all in jest, I assure you
@RoelvanUden great
Q: How to get ContentControl to resolve DatTemplate

Johan LarssonWhy does this not resolve the datatemplate? <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate DataType="system:DateTime" > <Grid Background="Aqua"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Day}"></TextBlock> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </Window.Resources> <Grid> <ContentControl Content="{x:S...

TIL: This company en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DONG_Energy is not chinese...
@xoemab Updated, take a look and let me know if you need more examples :)
@RoelvanUden If I'm adding gui, is it clone or fork I want?
@JohanLarsson I think you want to fork it in case you want to commit the GUI back
@RoelvanUden I have 2 pictures on my desktop, 1.png and 2.png and I wrote conceal 1.png 2.png > 3.png 3.png created but it's not opening
@xoemab Ensure that the 'hidden' image is 1/2th the size of 1.png
The default is 4 LSB so if you have 1.png as 1024x768, 2.png is expected to be 512x384
oh is that rule necessary? why to have such restriction?
The application will attempt to embed the additional information as proper image data, meaning that the additional image cannot be detected at all. So all you have to work with is the existing amount of bits contained by the cover image, thus width*height*channels*8. To hide an image inside that I agree on a rule, on every pixel on every channel I use N amount of bits to embed an image (e.g. 4 LSB).
There is no other way to properly embed an image without doing something that is not described in the scope of the image format, meaning that if you upload the image somewhere or convert it between formats, the embedded image would be corrupted entirely
So, we have to use what we have (hence the 'rules')
I see, I get the point
Embedding textual messages would allow a significant amount of data tho, perhaps I'll add that at some point.
@RoelvanUden everything works great.. a gui at some point will be great but that not a big problem
Hey People, Good morning
Its 00.25 here
Roel ever sleeps ?
@Kinected I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Kinected
He lives!!!!
@codebrain It's 21.23 CET so no worries here o_o
@xoemab thank you
stil wondering why the default classes look different.
@kush what you mean look different? Each class has its own variables, methods, constructors.. they should not look alike.
@RoelvanUden I always forget how much pain gui is, every time!
@xoemab no, I meant as in the order in which they appear
@JohanLarsson It's just too damn much code :D
@RoelvanUden swing?
@kush @JohanLarsson is doing WPF, if that's what you are asking
@kush It's not really matter do as you like, I prefer to first define variables, then constructors and then methods but its not wrong to write first constructors and then variables
@RoelvanUden it is not so bad then
@xoemab ok, I was curious being asp.net mvc and this whole convention over configuration thing meant they were any different.
Damn I hate WPF this XAML is killing all the fun of programming
@kush if you kow what I meannnnnnnnnnn
@CCInc :D loves it
@JohanLarsson Just called my employer. I'll start tomorrow at nine. :D
@rightfold ok, looking forward to reports of total domination
@RoelvanUden thought this was going to be 30 minutes, now it looks like it will never finish
@JohanLarsson I very interested to see what you have done :)
it is a mess and it is not working :D
hahaha :D
@JohanLarsson Hah. Fun times in programming
I'm tempted to push it as is
Strive for perfection!
Truthfully tho, you can have shit days. Why not start fresh again :)
Also, it's damn hot here so I'm going downstairs and get some fresh breeze in this room. So, good night lads :-)
nite sir
Night johan :)
Good Night @JohanLarsson
What's wrong with this Python expression? [dic[k] for dic in dlist if k in dic else "NOT PRESENT"]
@HangBot @CCInc Did you decide on using the voucher or would you prefer to give it back?

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