[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] EF experts: Can I switch on DB type in the OnModelCreating? I mean use .HasDefaultValueSql("nextval(...)") in case of PgSql and ``.HasDefaultValueSql("Next value for ...")` in case of MsSql
hey guys, another EF Core question, let's say I'm using a custom link table class between classes A and B (many to many) called ABLink and I want it to have an Id of its own, then an AId, a BId and AName and BName
when I create the database with that UsingEntity method and the ABLink class with get-only properties to A.Name and B.Name, it completely ignores the get-only
I need a manual link table for traceability reasons, so that I can keep track of what happened upon update/delete
the reason why it's confusing for me I guess is, if you imagine you push your changes to a particular branch, would you expect the "merge request" to happen on the client side?
and it took the other dev from my team to explain that for me
I am deserializing a nested json object document I deserialize as JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(json) but the nested objects will be JObject I want them to be dictionaries as well anyone knows how I can do that?
@Squirrelkiller you request the master (or whatever branch you want to merge into) to pull your changes into it
I mean, like the moment I haven't realized what merge request was, I was thinking to myself: "damn, is there a parameter in git push I haven't discovered yet.", since when you push your changes, it's going to get merged on the remote branch.
I got someone here upset that one kid isn't able to see his gf because his grades in school aren't looking so good and he lied to his dad about doing his homework, but doesn't that sound like a fair punishment?