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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

@Wietlol Yes that is basically MIT
@Wietlol see choosealicense
@Wietlol Yeah. But also, "You cannot hold me liable for anything whatsoever."
If my code eats your machine, tough.
> When you make a creative work (which includes code), the work is under exclusive copyright by default. Unless you include a license that specifies otherwise, nobody else can copy, distribute, or modify your work without being at risk of take-downs, shake-downs, or litigation. Once the work has other contributors (each a copyright holder), “nobody” starts including you.
isnt that exactly what I want?
I want open source, but I own everything
Define "own everything"
@Wietlol Apache is what you want probably.
i am no longer deded
for roughly 10 minutes i am alive again
@Wietlol No, your approach is correct. You just want full copyright.
@CaptainObvious well... you are not allowed to copy anything from it
or redistribute it
which would include selling, I think
Well that's not open source then
open source would mean that you can, but not that you are allowed to
basically, what I want is proprietary, but you are allowed to see how certain things work
So then no license
It's not open source, but the source is public
i thought that was what open source meant
nop. Open source means everyone might use it for own purpose
except .net
except .net?
I mean that's basically open source, tho I don't think you would be allowed to comercially use an own built core app
wouldnt it be?
for example, AWS made their own JVM, and I also suppose they would make their own .net runtime if they want to
I didn't know cap squirrel was dead
.NET Core (including the WPF repo) is licensed under the MIT license.
you are right
where is neil
he hasnt been here in days
very concerning
he retreated to Javaland
especially given hes in italy and the situation there
is he in italy?
i thought so
Mar 12 at 11:04, by Neil
also I'm hoping it means working from home is now an acceptable thing in Italy, since we're all obliged to do it
He's probably kill
RIP neil
moment of silence
Damnit hans you just broke the slicen
ouch. Neil slicen into pieces. Than Hans also broke him.
broke and sliced
now hes dead for sure
@CaptainObvious this is how you break the silence
I'm not sure if Italy has it worse than the US now or not
@Wietlol No that's how you break the slicen
Highly unlikely
Freedumland completely fucked it worse than we did
I mean Korea was a danger zone, but that was quickly taken care of
we're now at the point where our old leader is finally giving the new one some thrashing
not sure why he had to be so polite until now
which leaders would that be?
it's like no matter what Obama did, polite or not, he was scrutinized for it
Wait rey you're a rootin' tootin' gun shootin' aren't you
talking about how Obama's kicking Trump while he's down
whatya mean
I need some video footage of that
I'm sure there's plenty of footage showing trump "down"
not by Obama
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
srsly tho the haircut thing
I'm starting to look the same way now that I did when I left college
in a few months I'll need to wear a ponytail
I needed a haircut before the lockdown
but I used to wear one for years, so that's nothing new to me
@CaptainObvious you can do size 0 easily for yourself
> X explains how they avoid Twitch bans.
- 2 days ago
> X banned on Twitch for the third time.
- 11 hours ago
oh, people
on one side, I am wondering why that first post was made... but I think diving further into it would make it less funny
you see the trial and error in practise
the error appears to be reproducible
although, that last ban appears to be permanent
I go AFK only 8 hours and you send 400 messages
what is going on
and in Twitch's defense, that ban is perfectly reasonable
you are not allowed to go afk for 8hours !
strike 1 penalty
It's one extreme or the other at the moment
Either nothing happens, or it gets mad busy
8 hours later
Sara Chipps on May 11, 2020
#DevAroundTheSun is a group of technologists, from all backgrounds, with one singular goal: To raise awareness and funds for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 related illness through interactive collaboration and learning within the technology community. The conference will be for 24 hours starting at 12:00pm UTC on May 12th.
Aaaaaaaaa I found a proble, with .net 5
@Hans1984 Lately I live in meetings
Except it's not .net5's feault, it's System.Text.Json from .net core 3
only 1?
@HéctorÁlvarez oh :(
@Hans1984 I was told this morning "why is there no progress in this task", to which I replied "because last 3 days I was meeting you 8 hours/day to solve these 5 urgent issues that you stated to be critical-they'll-cut-my-balls-help-pls level of important". There was silence for 2 seconds, and then "Well, we need to advance".
Now I'm helping them use Postman
because, again, also super-mega-urgent-woaaaah important
sounds bad
Tomorrow they'll complain again
Meh, they like to complain
certainly not the best project, but it served a purpose
now I'm starting on 2 new projects with a much more ambitious range of stuff to do
Look at me I did a documentation
Java: laughs
ah gahd my friend is telling mr5 to "read da rules"
Anyone got experience implementing stylecop or similar in VS 2019? It's proving to be a gigantic PITA to disable the rules it ships with.
@Freerey I bit the bullet and just shaved it a couple weeks ago. It's grown out to about 1/4-1/2 inch, and I'm about to shave it down again. I was starting to go bald anyhow (really high forehead, thanks genetics) so figured this was a good time to figure out if I had a wacky shaped head
posted on May 11, 2020 by ericlippert

Last time on FAIC we took a look at Scholes’ extremely concise Life algorithm, which treats a grid as an array that you can treat as a mathematical value with some unusual but entirely straightforward manipulations. We didn’t get the … Continue reading →

2 hours later…
This hurts to read
no we do not agree about the coronavirus stfu feed
also pff please we don't care about elections....if we did, more than 30% of the population would vote
2 hours later…
is it only me, or xamarin forms is ugly at?
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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