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Nobodies home
@V.7 _ = a.MasterConnectAsync()
why not just await through it instead of busy wait
1 hour later…
@mr5 What do you mean?
await to it and replace your loop with if statement
Q: Open Brackets Preview in Safari

charmyNote: Please do not downvote my question. I realize my tag is not the correct tag to use for this question but when I typed Brackets, I was not able to find a tag for the Brackets source code editor. That is why I'm using many different programming language tags. I'm hoping that someone who write...

Does anyone use Brackets?
I use { }
1 hour later…
!~>{static string Main()=>"Ironman"; }
2 hours later…
So, for example, we have two threads and i.e. `ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<int, Data[]>> DictData;`. First thread creates 10 objects inside Data[] which contains these 10 byte[] of data, creates a `new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Data[]>` and adds to first one to this dictionary with Key(int) = 1. Hence, order matters(that's why not ConcurrentBag). Then this thread fills another 10 objects and adds to this dictionary one more with Key = 2 and etc. Also, it's worth to mention that first thread maximally adds 10 elements to `DictData`, so it waits them removed by second thread.
Edited: So, for example, we have two threads and i.e. `ConcurrentDictionary<int, Data[]> DictData;`. First thread creates 10 objects inside Data[] which contains these 10 byte[] of data and adds to this dictionary with Key(int) = 1. Hence, order matters(that's why not ConcurrentBag). Then this thread fills another 10 objects and adds to this dictionary one more with Key = 2 and etc. Also, it's worth to mention that first thread maximally adds 10 elements to `DictData`, so it waits them removed by second thread.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
use lock{} over list next time, dont use buggy concurrentshit
morning, good sirs
It's hard to progress in your task working remotely when you're dependent to another person's response.
@nyconing What might cause bug?
may I ask yet another noob question?
Morning, did anyone wake up to some surprise Coronavirus?
Mostly, two aspects tickle: decrementing keys and memory access within threads.
@V.7 Too much text, show me the code
@Chelicerae no
@Hozuki Too much Hozuki schow Roel!
@Chelicerae Only Clever<Noob>
@Hozuki my mon "saved" that puppy from a shop in egypt
@Squirrelintraining Ohhh wow what a cutieeee!!! You gonna keep it? :-D
@Squirrelintraining After an air bombing or such?
@Hozuki My mother is :D
She says she's a real cute who is a fast learner but prefers to poop inside rather than out :D
@V.7 no, just misstreatment in the animal shop(?)
How did the programmer get a raise? double salary;
Egyptians arn't very far with animal rights and such
If this is her first dog, and she intents to keep it, make sure to have her take a crash course of raising a puppy. Especially GSD are notorious for being raised incorrectly and turning into little monsters.
Nah we had a dog for years before.
He died like 3 years ago of old age.
And I think she's not a GSD, but a hybrid like our old dog.
Looked like a GSD but got picked up in the desert so most likely is a random breed of 10 differen things :D
it's a cool doggo
ahoy o/
@CaptainSquirrel fuck off
Sorry what was that? @Harry
foxtrot oscar
I'm officially to work from home for the next 2 weeks
we did a 'test' of working from home over the weekend
i think (hope) its coming
@CaptainSquirrel Welcome to the club
well our office voluntarily closed on Thursday so I've already done 2 days from home
but the email was sent yesterday to say 2 weeks starting from today
I started on November due to temporary issues with the internet connection
Covid19 is just a side effect.
good morning
I've been sent home office too. Tho it's not sure yet.
I'm still in my woinderfuly spaced out office
whoa, I can't return values from try-catch? :/
you can
but it has to be done inside the try
Ok seeing u later kiddies
however you can't access values from inside the try, in the catch
nah, I'm using return in every block of try and catch
morning all
@CaptainSquirrel Sure, wou'll be "working" :P
if I use try-catch inside method and have return in every block - it has to return value into method, right?
@DAustin hello, good sir
I've been here 5 minutes and I'm already bored
work that is
I'm at home
and im bored as fuck
I'm in work
How can you be bored at home?
And bored because I'm waiting for responses to messages and don't have much to do until I get them
@CaptainObvious Similar, I've been given the wrong creds for our production gateway so cant do anything til accounts get back to me
I have some pcs to provision, but can't do naything with them until another delivery arrives today (supposedly)
DON'T YOU HAVE A CHILDREN? Boredom. What's that...
Yeh no kids atm thankfully
I guess I can't work for the week
shes deseprate for em though so my time is limited
Just send them to school and lock the door. Children problem solved
time to switch gf
she's got me locked down with baked goods
If school is closed then they can roam the streets for 6 hours or so
Yeah. No. No school here...
i can't leave, where will i get my bread?
^^ He's got a point
Learn to bake. Problem solved
Not like there's any in the shops
@DAustin because i have to work :(
All the toilet paper is gone lol
Yeh you been shopping this last week?
you need a club
my missus is going out shopping later for food and she's been asked to get toilet paper
@CaptainSquirrel Good luck with that
Just buy all the copies of the daily mail just in case
aldi/lidl are limiting things to 4 items per customer
took em all long enough
Tesco limits in 13. Generous
guess you can't stop the supermarkets wanting to sell as much as possible but cmon
When I went to the ASDA on friday there wasnt any bog roll to limit purchases of
nah its a serious problem
As well as basically everything else useful
24 hours ago, by Captain Obvious
Also featuring empty (or almost) shelves in that store on friday are: Laundry detergents, Floor cleaners, washing up liquid, bleach, Vodka (other spirits are fine though), a lot of tinned foods, painkillers/cold pills, kitchen roll, soap, shower gel, pasta, rice, beans, tea (but not coffee), lucozade, squash, some soft drinks, eggs, some cereal, batteries
I keep seeing pictures of people with cars full of the stuff
drives me nuts
Like i saw a thing on facebook today about some nob in america
I wanted to get a specific chocolate bar and they didn't have any :(
who had bought 15000 bottles of hand sanitizer to try and make a profit
and was complaining because amazon had banned his accounts and others from doing that
At work we have shitloads of bog roll
Except that's because of an ordering cockup over a year ago
just take a few rolls home when you need them
Where we bought an estimated 3 years worth of the stuff
It's fine, I went to costco a few weeks back (before the panic buying) and bought a pack of them then which I'm only about half way through#
My parents did that about a week before the panic buying
I like costco <3
it's not nice trying to make profit from epidemic
Same, had a costco run before this all kicked off so good on th ebog roll front til its all over
and beans
just nothing else lol
I need to go again though, I've got no apples left :(
costco food is the bomb
I feel like this was eiher the worst or the best time to invest in VR lol
just not sure which
VR is a good investment
You can play Beat Saber until Alyx comes out, and then you can alternate between the two
You can also play pavlov which is 10/10
and onward, which is a solid 8/10
Never fear, Chinese Uber has got this
Protip: Using the dark reader extension on the FT website makes everything shit brown
@CaptainSquirrel Cheers for the tips, not familiar with all the decent games, got it for Alien Isolation/Elite Dangerous/Alyx
Alyx looks like a terrible game for the 1500 euros price tag
lol its a bit pricey
but I've been a HL fanboy since 1998, ive had 20 years to save up :P
Morning Hans
"Hey D, can you get the VPN set up on this laptop?"
Sees Windows Live Messenger pinned to Taskbar
"No I can't"
Last updated April 2018
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan in an async method tasks are started when they are created so you can start multiple tasks in parallel by not awaiting them.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan What I don't get is how no additional tasks are created (source of below quote ) considering that to excute other tasks (called async methods) while the calling async method is being executed surely additional threads are needed to execute each created task?
> Between starting a task and awaiting it, you can start other tasks. The additional tasks implicitly run in parallel, but no additional threads are created.
a web request isnt a cpu operation, one thread could basically start a hundred web requests (which will all be "in parallel")
(the API will prevent you from doing so tho)
with async, no additional threads are created, they are pulled from the application thread pool
@Wietlol If the tasks were not a web request, would multiple tasks still run in parallel?
@Wietlol which API are you referring to?
if they are non-cpu operations, sure
or when they are created with Task.Run (iirc)
@MyWrathAcademia http client
Hello, everyone.
Hi @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
Haven't been answering your question-pings, @MyWrathAcademia, because I've been working from home, while my kids' schools are shut down, so this is sort of my 7th or 8th priority most of the time.
I connect here when I have the time, which is when I'm working, which isn't much these days :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan its okay. Glad you're back. So the Hysteria got to your part of the world too?
No hysteria, just precautions.
The USA seems headed for a massive catastrophe through negligence, while the UK is headed there through deliberate action, so *shrug*.
I remember watching World War Z and Isreal was the last safe place in the world where the Zombie outbreak wasn't out of control.
It didn't last long.
One of our warehouse guys who was in yesterday has today decided he's self isolating
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan haha I'm in the UK
We are not equipped for it to be honest.
Going to the super market is such a pain nowadays.
Yeah, I've been back to WWZ a lot these last few days. The (excellent) book, not the (mediocre) movie.
He got a lot of things right. Israel wasn't one of them. :)
Uh I haven't watched that movie
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I only saw the movie. May be I should read the book.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but how does a book convey the same fear and danger caused by a zombie outbreak?
everything gets shut down from wednesday on where i live
It's fantastic. The movie is an so-so zombie action movie. The book is structured like a report handed in to the UN in the aftermath of the Great Zombie War, so it's basically a series of interviews conducted with people around the original outbreak, spread and eventual handling of the zombies.
except groccery,pharmacy and banks
everything else closed
we are living here as if nothing happened
thats terrible
It's thorough, well researched, and really gives you a fantastic build-up from initial outbreak, disbelief, break-down and eventual reconstruction.
only gatherings of >100 people are just not allowed any more until the 3rd of april
@Hans1984 are you German?
The black country?
it feels like we are in a war
this all feels surreal
@Hans1984 is Germany overreacting?
@Wietlol Last Monday, the rule was <5000 people. By Tuesday evening it was <2000. By Thursday <100, and now it's <10, everyone sent to work from home, restaurants, bars and public places closed except for takeaway.
@MyWrathAcademia Unfortunatly I dont think so
And no, I don't think it's hysteria or overreaction.
I think it's a necessary reaction.
@Hans1984 in the UK we still have sporting events going on I think.
it shouldnt be a reaction tho
thats not good
it should be done beforehand
<100 indoor and <500 outdoor allowed atm here
isolation before infection
the thing is unless all countries got this under control , no country got it under control
In the UK we "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON ...."
@Wietlol True, but irrelevant. Right now, the proper reaction is extended social isolation.
Are any of you stocking up on supplies: toilet paper, handwash, eggs, bread etc. ?
@MyWrathAcademia black country ?
Nope. I did a big supermarket order last week but I'm not worried. Supermarkets aren't empty, people aren't looting.
Did you all buy the average 15000 toilet paper rolls as well?
Who will admit to this
i went to the groccery store and not a single roll of toilet paper was left :(
I never planned to stock up on anything but I've not been able to do my shopping for a week now because I tend to shop at night and the essentials are empty.
Now I'm off to make lunch for me and the kids.
Might reconsider my thinking.
unfortunatly i think the US will get hit real hard by this virus
their health care system is already in shambles
and now this
but we will see
lets pray for the best
Its funny that I was thinking people were being selfish by hoarding grocery items and stupid for giving in to the hysteria but may be I am the one being stupid.
I just ate a pincho de tortilla, basically the ration of Spanish omelette you get at almost any bar for free with a coffee.
If you can't beat them join em
you know
@Hans1984 I thought a part of Germany was called the black country
8 weeks ago i thought:okay this is in china thank god its far away
4 weeks ago we had 16 cases in germany and i was like: okay 16 cases they just need to contain them.we ll be allright
now 4 weeks later around 4000 confirmed cases..
sh.t hit home real fast :(
@MyWrathAcademia what ? I never heard that before
It's a pandemic, just do what the authorities say
we dont have THAT many blacks over here
just kidding ;)
no need to pillage, no need to go to the hospital if you coughed, no need to go outside if it's not necessary
@Hans1984 I thought this as well. The speed at which this "thing" spread from china to Western Europ is frightening.
It is :(
@Hans1984 When this first happened all of Europe should have banned all flights from China.
@HéctorÁlvarez our grocery shops are stocked
thats what i was saying 6 weeks ago
no more flights from and to china
That's how it would have been contained.
I dont need to stock up on toilet paper
i even stated it in this chat
but nothing was done...
because I can just go to the supermarket to get them
@Hans1984 So why didn't we, the EU
@Hans1984 I was looking forward to 2020 mainly because of the Olympics but when the year started off with Kobe Bryant dieing I knew the rest of the year was gonna be terrible
It was like a sign or something
so far this has been a terrible year for me
I'm a huge basketball fan since '97
first kobe dies
now nba cancled
and BBL(german basketball league) also cancled
Basketball is one of my main sports. I even have a Kobe Bryant number 24 Shirt
Yeah, its bad.
Is basketball the only sport you watch/follow. Luckily for me I have one other sport I follow who are not controlled by a national body so its up to organisers of individual events whether they cancel or not.
I recently bought his book
in english
now i have another memory :)
@Wietlol ours have been barren for a few days, IDK now, but for some reason people keep ransacking grocery stores.
@MyWrathAcademia Yes it is
it really messes up mywhole day
to have no basketball
its a problem that causes itself
rigth after getting up from bed i usually check the scores
because people are hoarding, shelves are empty
Yeah smart guy. Last I saw him was in an interview on bloomberg or something. After basketball he started trading in the stock market.
then people are afraid of empty shelves and start hoarding too
it will solve itself as soon as everyone has hoarded
but it is not a fun situation
we simply avoid hoarding
@MyWrathAcademia Its just very sad. He invested his whole lifeinto basketball and nothing else. Now that he finally has the time for his family and differnt things this happens..
@Wietlol Exactly. You still get what you want if you don't hoard. Supermarkets are not gonna close down.
I won't hoard, of that I'm sure
but I would like to see what these people buying 500 euros worth of food are going to do with it.
Can't put everything in the freezer because it doesn't fit
@Hans1984 Christ, I wasn't thinking of it that way but now you mention it that hit me hard
@HéctorÁlvarez canned food
Wont stop people from trying @HéctorÁlvarez
people just buying fried pizzas and stuff will have a problem, yes
but people who understand hoarding will not do that
@HéctorÁlvarez in the UK our houses are very small. It boggles my mind where all the hoarded items are going to be put.
May be the living room?
We used to have a chest refrigerator that would have fit all that, but not anymore.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Sounds very original. I'll have to check it out. From the book could you get the sense that the Zombies were extraordinarily fast? I think that's something the movie was able to do very well and distinquished it from other Zombie movies.
@Wietlol sorry, I got side tracked. Back to our conversation about async.
I just buried some sprouting potatoes I had lying in the cupboard, gonna science the shit out of this pandemic.
oh its acually 5.8k confirmed cases by now
not 4
@Wietlol I get this from @AvnerShahar-Kashtan s explanation that when a task returned by an async method is awaited the async method relinquishes its thread so the same released thread or a thread from the thread pool executes the awaited task which means that an additional thread does not need to be created.
well doesnt really matter the actual number is at least 10 times higher anyway
so around 60k infected by now
yeah no
try closer to 100k+
globally ?
a lot higher
@MyWrathAcademia ok
but those are just the ppl that got tested
and russia has next to no cases
so you can imagine..
I don't believe that for a second lol
US numbers are at least 10 times higher
I can tell you that
can we get over corona already
@Wietlol But when the task is not awaited then the thread is not released which means the thread continues executing the calling async method. The thread is busy so how can additional tasks implicitly run in parallel but no additional threads are created? Does "no additional threads are created" mean that additional threads are pulled from existing threads in the thread pool to execute the additional tasks in parallel instead of creating brand new threads.
When your day is just installin gwindows updates on machines
need something to listen to to stop my mind wandering
@MyWrathAcademia yes
jeez why is it so slow
does the internet have corona too
@Wietlol Does Task.Run create a new thread?
A dead squirrel between a rock and a light place... tasteful.
dumb fucks in my country are opposing the government for self quarantine. do you guys have the same problem there?
Tasks do not create new threads
@MyWrathAcademia it gets one from the threadpool
@Wietlol Great. Thanks. That clears up a lot. When multiple tasks are started and not awaited an existing thread is pulled from the thread pool to execute each of those tasks and that's why when you start tasks without awaiting them the additional tasks implicitly run in parallel, but no additional threads are created.
uhm... no
when you run an async method, no thread pool pulling is done
when you invoke a non-cpu operation, the system will come back to you with a continuation event
at that time, .net will pull a thread from the pool
@Wietlol I don't know what a continuation event is. Please clarify?
@Wietlol this reply of yours agreed with my understanding. What changed?
@Wietlol I will post an example to help explain my question.
Pleas consider this example:
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
//using System.Windows.Markup;

public class MainPage
    static CancellationTokenSource cts;

    public static async Task MainPageMethod() // async because I want to be able to call StartButton_Click again while another StartButton_Click
        // is already executing.
        Task result = StartButton_Click(); // In an async method tasks are started when they're created
@MyWrathAcademia when you do a web request for example, you eventually get a response
when that response is received, that is your continuation event
(^ for example)
> // async because I want to be able to call StartButton_Click again while another StartButton_Click is already executing.
async is meaningless here
it has nothing to do with if you can run stuff concurrently
> // In an async method tasks are started when they're created
async is meaningless here too
in a non-async method, tasks are also started when they're "created"
@Wietlol in the example above since in an async method tasks are started when they are created the tasks result, result2 and result3 should run in parallel. In order for result1, result2 and result3 to run in parellel with MainPageMethod are three threads pulled from the thread pull to execute each async method call assigned to result, result2 and result3?
@Wietlol I'm thinking this is what happens because a thread is the executor of code so in order for multiple code to execute in parellel (i.e. simulataneously) multiple threads are needed.
@Wietlol is my undertanding correct/ does my understanding make sense?
parallel processes only require multiple threads if that operation is a cpu operation
I have a viewing to go for. I'll read and respond on my return.
until then ...
I can highly recommend you to not give a shit about async/await at this point
use it when the compiler tells you it is required or recommended, but other than that, find out what your goals are and how to achieve that
I get a strong feeling there is little use atm to understand async/await for you
i ate a lot of garlicthe last few days
then i washed everythign in the sink
now imdrinking water out of cleaned glas and the water from the glas tastes like garlic
pulls on leash
@CaptainSquirrel do work
@Squirrelintraining there's none to be done
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 21:00

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