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That's very Chinese.
... I like it though.
... Yeah, I like it. Good melody. Nice MV. No idea what she sang.
I really love this Chinese song cover (Violin + Erhu) youtube.com/watch?v=oxUN1jaoDZY
@Hans1984 you really need to think before you press send my dude
yeah it was a lame joke
Like while I saw only the funny side of that, others might not
anyway I dont speak a lick chinese
if this would be japanese i would at least understand something
@Hans1984 k..k.. kono baka inu?
which dog ?
@Hans1984 Maybe you meant: shiba
this dog is clearly our suspect !
@Hans1984 Your lack of anime knowledge is disturbing.
huh ?
well i never watch any anime
Such disappoint.
@ntohl thank you fore this masterpiece
!~translate kono baka inu?
Is this stupid?
·from Japanese
inu not iru
Is this stupid dog?
·from Japanese
!~translate omae wa mou shindeiru
You are already sick
·from Japanese
@nyconing 'Tis the catch phrase of Louise in Zero no Tsukaima. The ED even starts like that. youtube.com/watch?v=Ur7mTLo2w_E
3 hours ago, by Héctor Álvarez
user image
hmmm... why spinning fishes?
as good as anything I suppose
kono baka neko
not many people have seen UHF these days
okay, American comedy film
I have watched Funny Animal before
and related, but not animal scooped
Funny Animal is the name of a film?
!~imdb funny animals tv show
[The Planet's Funniest Animals (TV Series 1999– ) - IMDb]
With Keegan-Michael Key, Matt Gallant, Joe Leahy, Lee Mattheu. Keegan
Michael-Key shows hilarious clips about animals doing funny and entertaining
yes. this one
ah, I think I may have seen this before
@nyconing So, one of those shows that's basically recycled YouTube clips?
I mean, sure, originally YouTube was copying shows like this one and America's Funniest Home Videos, but these days these things go on YouTube first.
no, they get granted from original photographer, and some of them may goes to studio meet with that host, not sure did they get paid
Hans, how much time do you spend browsing memes every day lol
too much
I'm starting to think that is hans' job
its a secret
im working in the world central of meme operations
but dont tell nobody
The Ministry of Meme Moderation and Archiving
!~translate watashi wa baka
I'm an idiot
·from Japanese
can you teach this to jack ?
as "offer" command
Meme Archiving and Moderation Association
anyone familiar with windows server ?
why does it not restart at the auto restart time
although I've set it with admin access
@Hans1984 check the logs
It used to work just fine but now it just ignores it
it should give some sort of error
I need a critical windows update to be installed
windows server: please explain why Im shuted down unexpectedly
Malaysia temperature is crazily drops
my aircon is completely unusable these day
cold af
how did we get 23celcius at Earth's Equator
The monsoon brings us continuous heavy rain
More serious than in the past
@nyconing 23 celcius = cold?
I will restart it manually
in malaysia yes
everything seems borked
log is not loading
@Hans1984 you can use the learn command yaknow :P
@nyconing What's normal?
23celcius is abnormal temp in here
23 is lower than expected, and average
abnormal cold I guess ?
oof I hate doing that
hope everything goes well
this is concerning
And we will continue to withstand the heavy rains brought by the monsoon until Christmas, and it is expected that the temperature will be even lower.
What do i do for lunch guize
You know, people here only wear underwear, shirts, and shorts, and are not used to wearing extra clothes.
did the f google translate skips so many contexts
@CaptainSquirrel kebap
restarted server
now lets hope
fingers crossed
fingers crossed = love
not over here
over here its hoping things go well
@nyconing did you specifically add that translation to your bot so it was simpler for you to talk in here?
@CaptainSquirrel obliviously
wait, obliviously are same meaning?
I'm back!
@DKDhilip tell them how cold is here
for a second i thought you were my server
but hes not back yet
@nyconing My air-cond is adjusted to 18C currently...
@nyconing obviously is a word
as far as i'm aware, obliviously is not
oblivious is a word however
it actually is a word
i just looked it up
I stand corrected.
it is a word
but they have very different meanings
it means forgetful
TIL Oblivious can also mean forgetful
Not like I've been speaking English for the best part of 26 years or anything
AKA my entire life
Language barrier doesn't stop her from trying lol, I think that's a good quality of her
I'm very envious of people that can speak two languages
most i can manage is a few sentences of broken french
I speak 2 and a half
My bedroom is so hot without air-cond turned on
It is caused by that damn server
@CaptainSquirrel Or not aware of. You can be oblivious to something happening in the world. Said the bilingual dutch-guy.
Yeah, I knew that meaning
!~youtube 蘇慧倫 Lemon Tree
what is this
a lemon tree
yeah that's not for me lmao
when life gives you lemons, put them in a tree
When life gives you lemons
you take the lemons to your engineers
you get them to make combustible lemons
then you go back to lifes house
and burn its house down with the combustible lemons
Lemon is already flammable
That's...not very nice
@DKDhilip You have a server in your bedroom?
@Squirrelkiller Not me. The only technology that's in my bedroom is my alarm clock and a light.
artifacts of technology are technology too
it restarted and all updates failed
sounds about right to me
now it wants me to install a HUGE win10 function update
this is terrible
screw you microsoft
@Squirrelkiller Yes, a dual socket little monster...
2 x 22 cores
!~youtube 一個像夏天一個像秋天
@RoelvanUden is an automatic watch a "technology"?
@ntohl Yes.
I really mean electric-powered devices :-P
the problem is
the server update is the reason the backups are not working
so this is a HUGE problem
the NOT installed server update
Idk wtf microsoft is doing
@RoelvanUden automatic watches only "charges" a spring. Tho I would call that tech, since it needs a precise very delicate structure, which was the result of years of development
its not kdrama
maybe its cdrama
kinetic watches charges battery with movement
your bed is basically technology
electronic did make sense
lol the function update was actually my pc
not the remote desktop server
anyway the server updates are installed now
hope everything goes well now
Hans are you complaining about Windows update?
That's why every system update is frightening in windows
@nyconing What songs do you usually listening to?
Im complaining about microsoft
everytime there is a server update the backup routine of the server gets screwed
so backups are not made
until the new server update is installed
this is terrible and shouldnt be
it shouldnt conflict with each other
@DKDhilip 林宥嘉 otomen these day
the server backups are critical
and what if they get messed up again while im on vacation
I didn't listen to music for quite a while...
So I almost everyday listening to server's fans noise
@ntohl That's fascinating actually!
but then i couldnt care less if everything goes to hell while im on vacation
the only thing that matters then is the vacation
If you have money to buy expensive servers, you can buy expensive active noise cancelling headphones
@nyconing I'm poor...
ha we used to have a loud ass server at my last company
you could hear it throughout all offices
it got even worse in the summer
sony wf1000xm3 is good to go
@nyconing You using any of them?
i have one anc earphone by xiaomi
it was cheap and it only cancels <2000hz noise
wf1000xm3 can do better
Does anybody have much expeirence with Visual studio unit testing?
you mean unit testing visual studio?
@nyconing I will look into that...
I suppose only Microsoft has experience with that
I only have experience unit testing my own projects
I mean testing with visual studio
oh... stilll nope for me
I dont use VS :D
In what do you write c# in?
you mean coded ui tests in VS
yes yes
@nyconing So many new songs, I'm out of sync for so long already...
that's not remotely normal unit tests. It's like javascript vs java
what is
Unit testing with a cheap QA is good enough lol
in normal unit tests you don't have set up UI
tests with mocked I/O dependecies tend to be unit tests
now that I've fixed the server I deserve a shiba
if you don't know what happens with your business object when you click on UI, you have a non-testable codebase

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