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@Hypersapien you have to sign into TFS First
go to the project folder delete the GIT stuff and check in again
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan There's also a Expression.Lambda() you could look into.
@Hypersapien eh, what?
anyone had any experience with making password reset option without email?
security answer can also be forgotten, sms also impossible.
any ideas?
@Mr.Noob So basically you want to allow them to reset a password with no security?
I don't think it's possible to do securely
make the person come directly to your office/headquaters
:D yep
What milleniumbug said
to my bedroom?
Also yes.
You need some way to authenticate the user requesting the reset, or every account can be accessed by anyone
its my "HQ"
yes, that why idk how to do it...
Well, come up with some way to identify the user.
only way is security question but user can also forget it
So preferably come up with two ways to identify the user
maybe i can do something like google auth with app
where it shows random number for x seconds
Or maybe require two ways out of three or more options
but idk how it works
That's called 2FA
Your bedroom is HQ?
@Mr.Noob That has nothing to do with the user's identity. That sounds like a CAPTCHA
@KendallFrey it assumes you have access to a mobile device that you've authenticated with
N00b question warning: Why doesn't .ToArrayAsync() require await?
Not necessarily a mobile device, just two forms of identification
google's mobile auth seems like some kind of black magic
anyone know how it works?
@Alex nothing requires await
Well, I know. It'll run sync
But should I be using await with it?
@KendallFrey fishing lines
Require a weight
Why would it return a task if its sync?
Should it say var query = await ....ToArrayAsync()
Well if you want it to sync you need to tie await to it
I guess my understanding of await/async is rusty (read non-existent)
@Alex if your intention is to await it, yes
What is best practice if you want to do async calls and not slow the UI?
async the method and await the call?
OK. Just noticed I can't for this... partial view being returned. Won't allow async
This is ASP.NET?
Yep, MVC 5
Serverside code won't affect clientside responsiveness then
Using Ajax.BeginForm. It's hitting the action and getting results. However, the partial view is being displayed on its own page rather than updating the current page
@Alex JavaScript is Asyncrhonous in nature. If you call a server through an AJAX call, Post, or whatever, it will be asyncrhonous. This is why people use loading animations to relieve the stress of waiting .9 seconds
That's what I plan to add shortly... following this example which has a loading GIF: stackoverflow.com/a/17096835/177416
Not sure why results going to new page, though
How are you loading your view?
you can do $('#IDofThing').html(result) when you get the result of your Post
If you have an action "CreateList" and it returns a partial view, you can do something simple like:
function() {
                            url: "@(Url.Action("CreateList", "ControllerName"))",
                            type: 'POST',
                            data: {},
                            success: function(result) {
The Ajax.BeginForm resides in a Bootstrap modal
You don't "need" the AjaxBeginForm
You only need a form if your sending data to the server, but you can actually get away from using <form>
Well, you need a form if you're submitting data to the server
In which case you could just use a regular form and wire that data through an ajax call - or angular call
Wanted to go with the ASP.NET Ajax.BeginForm, though most folks use jQuery AJAX
Thought that would be easier
There's many ways to do it
people are just partial to what they know/like ;)
Hmm. The unobtrusive jquery AJAX lib isn't loaded
Misspelled it in the BundleConfig.cs. D'oh!
Now it's working
Loads the partial view
Why can't computers read my mind?
maybe in VS 2023 they will...
maybe next release
:D hard to believe it will happen so soon...
@Alex you need to pass the compiler the compile-my-intentions-not-my-code flag
Install the Cortana Siri Alexa Hybrid plugin
somewhere between all 3 it'll trigger a singularity and figure stuff out for you
@mikeTheLiar That would cause further issues for the compiler. It'll end up anxious, worried, filled with self-doubt and low self-esteem. It'll also suffer from the "impostor syndrome." Not be able to compile anything anymore.
Do they make Zoloft for compilers?
I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed
The impostor syndrome, though. I suffer from that daily
Any vaccine for that?
git gud
Newbie here building my first non-tutorial ASP.NET MVC (not Core) application. The built-in authentication system seems really heavyweight and kind of overwhelming, especially the out-of-the-box "Individual User Accounts" template, and I really feel like just rolling my own authentication, as I did in Node.js. Does everyone use the built in authentication system or would it be reasonable to just pretend it doesn't exist?
anyone here works at game dev industry?
Or just fake it like everyone else.
Been faking. Shall continue then :D
yes you should use the built in system because that the way ASP.net devs do it...
the new copy paste
OK thanks Mr. Noob. Everything about ASP.NET that I've looking at so far gives the impression of it being designed in a very opinionated way for churning out enterprise apps and I'm kind of used to doing things more bare-boned.
I'm learning it because it seems like most stuff in NYC is either that or Java
And I really need a job. But it doesn't seem optimized for small hobby projects
yes ASP.net is everywhere.
I hate it soo much :\
2nd after Wordpress its what ruined creativity.
you should learn it if you need a job
how do i handle a .where query when the result is null?
but my opinion is just my opinion and I am noob so...
my viewmodel has two props, chemicals and header. chemicals is null but header is always defined
but its giving me a value cannot be null on Model.Header
maybe this can help?
hi there, is there a way to know if a request came directly from the function being executed in the browser or form the inspect element console?
is there any sort of parameter or any distinction at all?
a token, something I could add to the request, that the user could not have access to?
@pemq you want to know if website or a user sent the request with Fiddler?
the user-agent usually changes, but they can spoof it
objective: prevent execution of post functions - that will return display information that may contain sensitive data, but is nonetheless required for the site to function properly - from a "funny" user who might be trying to access said info (or even worse, a bot)
we use user-agents to block requests, or track them
lot of times a bot will have No User-Agent
@juanvan that is my problem, I originally thought about the browser information data, but soon forgot about it
then they started spoofing the user-agent
then they were using agents that were not standard
chemicals = chemicals
                    .Where(g =>
                        g.Name.Contains(query) ||
                        g.Location.Contains(query) ||
                        g.VendorName.Contains(query) ||
                        g.VendorCatalogNumber.Contains(query) ||
                        g.LotNumber.Contains(query) ||
                        g.ProjectId.Contains(query) ||
my problem it seems is that .contains can cause a nullpointerexception
@juanvan so, say, imagine the request should have come from a specific user-agent, and when I'm evaluating the request at server-side, I verify a different one, I can simply block it?
im not sure how i can prevent that from happening. im basically creating a search
Ya we have
`HTTrack MSIECrawler spidersoft WebCapture WebCopier WebReaper Wysigot`
These auto blocked
@user6754512 I created a separate SSO API then modified (ripping out most of it) what was there
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +google.com/bot.html) so we know it's a bot
@juanvan but what part of the user-agent, exactly, should be validated?
it is a string composed a various details
which specifically?
is a string
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
is a valid User-Agent
but a bot might not send the request with it, is that it?
ya so if it's blank you know its a bot
there has to be a user agent
or null
and if I were to validate it against a valid regex, e.g., I could start there
is not a user
ya or string compare if you really wanted to be exact
I have a list from 12/16 to today if you want them
so you can play around with the agents we have captured
ok, but there are several versions of OS and platform-specific data, that either I'd have a dictionary with as many as known, or a regex
great :) thanks
I'd appreciate that
would you prefer to email it?
let me see if I can pastie it
or github
or that, yeah
a gist with it, e.g.
There is what it would let me copy at once 65000 records
thank you so much for you help, really saved me a lot of work there :)
no problem, hope it works out for you
we also do checks, so say someone opens 5 pages in 10 seconds, we block there IP address
or if they view 20 pages in under 30 seconds
wtf how can i get sequence contains no elements on "Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";"
The model you are passing has NULL
and was never created, it's not the _layout it's the page calling the layout
i changed my query to
chemicals = chemicals
.Where(g =>
(g.Name ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.Location ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.VendorName ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.VendorCatalogNumber ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.LotNumber ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.ProjectId ?? "").Contains(query) ||
(g.StorageTemp ?? "").Contains(query)
unless the _Layout has a @model at the top
shouldnt that prevent chemicals from being null?
_layout doesnt have model
@juanvan very good tips as well
do FirstOrDefault
thank you, one again
until next time
i dont want only 1 result though
try FirstOfDefault see if you get the same error
what is the value of chemicals when you run the query
so many users in chat today :D
I've got a question about Visual Studio and DLLs.
I'm trying to add Oracle.DataAccess.dll as a reference to my project. I right click on "references" in the solution explorer, and choose "add reference" and choose "browse" and choose Oracle.DataAccess.dll. So far so good.

In my .csproj file I see a new entry has been added:
<Reference Include="Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342, processorArchitecture=AMD64">
But when I look at the version info using powershell, the same dll says its processor architecture isn't AMD64, it's x86.
PS C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop> [reflection.assemblyname]::GetAssemblyName("C:\Projects\Misc\DependantAssemblies\Oracle.DataA
ccess.dll") | fl

Name                  : Oracle.DataAccess
Version               :
CultureInfo           :
CultureName           :
CodeBase              : file:///C:/Projects/Misc/DependantAssemblies/Oracle.DataAccess.dll
EscapedCodeBase       : file:///C:/Projects/Misc/DependantAssemblies/Oracle.DataAccess.dll
ProcessorArchitecture : X86
ContentType           : Default
What's the cause of this discrepancy? I assume* Powershell is reporting the right architecture here, so where's Visual Studio getting the incorrect architecture from? Have I misconfigured my project somehow so now it just assumes without chekcing that every reference I add to it is AMD64?
(*assumption based on virtually no evidence)
Actually, this is the only dll in .csproj that is AMD64. Every other one that reports an architecture, says processorArchitecture=MSIL.
"Who cares what architecture it says, as long as it works, right?" you hypothetically ask? I 100% agree. And it does work perfectly on my machine. But when management deploys to QA, they get a BadImageFormatException, and this is my best guess as to the cause.
@juanvan {SELECT
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[VendorName] AS [VendorName],
[Extent1].[VendorCatalogNumber] AS [VendorCatalogNumber],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent1].[ReceivedDate] AS [ReceivedDate],
[Extent1].[ExpiryDate] AS [ExpiryDate],
[Extent1].[Quantity] AS [Quantity],
[Extent1].[Location] AS [Location],
[Extent1].[IsDisposed] AS [IsDisposed],
[Extent1].[StorageTemp] AS [StorageTemp],
[Extent1].[LotNumber] AS [LotNumber],
[Extent1].[ProjectId] AS [ProjectId]
FROM [dbo].[Chemicals] AS [Extent1]
is the value when i hit my breakpoint on chemicals = chemics...
What would happen if I deleted "AMD64" and put in "MSIL"? Would that be a disaster? Would my processor catch on fire trying to execute MSILy instructions instead of AMDy instructions?
Ah heck, I'll try it. If my laptop bursts into flames, I can claim workman's comp.
Well, it works on my machine... Too bad that doesn't tell me zip about whether it will fix the problem in QA.
found my problem!!!
what was it?
i had an <a> used url.action
and in that url action i called a model.chemical.first().name
since chemical was null
it fucked it all up
i, idiot
the book of my life
author: self
now the question im having is if i should create a new view only for search results
i was using the <a> to sort by the expiration date
and it passes the name of the chemical to an actionresult
so might need to handle my sorting differently from my search results
1 hour later…
Am I right in saying that if I passed an integer parameter to the following function that it would try to convert the integer to a string and cause issues?

public static DataTable ExecuteProcedure(string PROC_NAME, params object[] parameters)
if (parameters.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong number of parameters sent to procedure. Expected an even number.");
DataTable a = new DataTable();
List<SqlParameter> filters = new List<SqlParameter>();

string query = "EXEC " + PROC_NAME;
Please ignore...DB issue nothing to do with c#
@Kevin - Oracle db products just don't jive well with .net in my experience. I had to dump them in one of my main projects.
The pain was massive.
If your dumps are painful you might want to see a doctor.
He told me to cut out Java.
I made my chrome extensions that I use public and copyleft if anyone was interested in styling the top bar differently, citing answers, reordering the links and whatnot in the topbar, or removing horizontal scrolling. They are free and so is the code for them (there are links to github in each extension) chrome.google.com/webstore/search/travisj?_category=extensions
anyone has experience with mailgun (free version)?
is it safe to use? or it will share recipients emails with 3rd party for spam?
nvm I dont have domain name to use it...
random "am I stupid" test: are these equivalent?
if(!list == null || !list.Any())
if(!list?.Any() ?? true)
I don't think you can use ! on a list like that. Operator '!' cannot be applied to operand of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<int>' when tested.
what if pass this test?
unless list is a bool?, but why would you do that?
I dont think its the same
You also cannot use !null which would be the result of !list? if it were null. Operator '!' cannot be applied to operand of type '<null>'
if(list != null && !list.Any()) maybe?
also its .Any() could be replaced in this case with something
if(list != null || !list.Any()) <- list isn't null or list does not have any items
if(!(list?.Any() ?? true)) <- list is not null or list does not have any items
use .Count() > 0 instead
@Mr.Noob Why.......
Using Any is preferred over Count.
why not?
why is that?
Any will stop at the first element, count will hit all of them.
@Mr.Noob Because Any is faster than Count
Any can even handle infinite enumerables
big performance difference?
maybe I will have to fix it everywhere in my app :D
is it faster to do if(!(list?.Any() ?? true)) or if(!(bool)list?.Any())?
@Mr.Noob O(1) vs O(n)
oh boi
@Meloviz I don't know that you can compare things that behave differently
and if I want to check if there is X items how can I do it instead of Count()?
can anything returned from .Any() even be null?
@Mr.Noob Why don't you want to use Count?
@Meloviz No
I didn't think so, but wasn't sure. So if(!(list?.Any() ?? true)) isn't even possible.
@KendallFrey :D you just told me why
@Meloviz list?.Any() can return null, if that's what you're referring to
@Mr.Noob No, you extrapolated
That's why I just asked "can anything returned from .Any() even be null?".
And I said no
if(list == null || !list.Any())
if(!list?.Any() ?? true)
^ that's what I meant
Then how can list?.Any() return null if nothing returned from .Any() can be null?
@Meloviz If list?.Any() does not evaluate to a value returned by Any()
@Meloviz do you know how safe navigation operator works in C#?
list?.Any() returns a bool?
@Codeman - I don't have a compiler for c# 6, but if it shorts out to null and this still hits the ! that will cause an exception to be thrown
null coalesce has higher operator precedence than ! i think
why dont you want to write your if statement like Codeman did, it easier to read
@TravisJ Checked one fiddle, nope
@Codeman nor that
nah, I'm wrong
!null ?? true is what I am alluding to. Using !null ?? true will cause an compiler error.
null coalesce isn't an operator, it's just syntactic sugar
safe navigation operator?
@KendallFrey - okay
@Codeman whut
@Meloviz something?.Method is safe navigation
@KendallFrey nm, is it an operator that is syntactic sugar
@Codeman I've never heard it called that before today
but it's not in the official "operator precedence" table
oh that's odd
Fun fact: ?. is monadic
Oh, is that one of the newer additions? I'm stuck working in a project targeted at 4.0, so I don't get the fancy new stuff. Otherwise, I've never heard of it.
@KendallFrey - I mean, it kind of has to be, right?
What do you mean?
its new in 6.0 i think
How else would you manage to bypass the execution if you weren't piping it like that
I have no idea what you're talking about
Wow, that's a pretty nice operator. I could really use that :( alas.
Oh well
C# seems to really throw around with weird operators
with some exceptions
?. ?? ?: and so many others (&&, || etc).
Seems to go against the whole idea of naming your functions with descriptive name instead of a weird shortcode
C# v8.0: if (?.??.????.?:? ?? true)
@paul23 Oh my god you'd love Haskell
You can define your own operators
is it a good thing?
You get things like :>: and // and >>= (obviously my favourite)
So long as they're well described and not a magical series of characters I think allowing people to write infix-functions is amazing for readability
and that's what operators really are - infix functions. - And anyone who tried to do mathematics with polish notation will probably have learned that infix functions can be much clearer to humans that polish-like functions (what we have now)
:^) would be my fav
@paul23 Oh, Haskell lets you use regular functions infix as well
And operators can be used prefix
I think my favourite thing there is being able to do (*2) where in C# it'd be i => i * 2
*,+, 5, 3, 2 = 16 - Really this is just annoying. (* 5 + 3 2 = 25)
Even though it is apparently "clearer as you don't need any braces and thus each function can be described in a flat manner".
@paul23 It's pretty different than that in Haskell
prefix functions don't have precedence
Well in c++ terms it would be like:
operator*(operator+(5, 3), 2) and operator*(5, operator+(3, 2)) - just to show how polish notation is similar to how "functions" work in most languages.
ok but readability is extremely low
Yup, that's why I think describing your own function to "be infix functions" can improve readability in any language. I don't agree with using punctuary symbols like C# is doing though.
Try googling those -.-
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