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Compilation in asp.net is a bit of a mystery to me I must admit
I can see App_Data,
So my assumption would be the running process still has the compiled assembly in memory
both of which are empty.
It's like it's cached?
Well I wouldn't say cached as that implies the effect is optional, what I'm saying is that that is just how asp.net works
So you would I do this "properly"?
I downloaded VS for Mac.
The stuff I've seen online makes it looks like you're supposed to create the website this program before going live.
How are you deploying? Ctrl+C Ctrl+V?
I don't follow what you mean.
I'm just uploading via FTP when I've saved the file(s)
OK. Never done it like that
Haha, I'm sure you're much more accomplished than me.
Hey I'm actually working so I don't really have time to do any detail with this
Ha no not really, I only tinker with asp.net personally
Ah, I see, sorry!
something something recycle the app pool
squiggle, in my final year project. There is an android app that will show the tasks to android user and these tasks will be added from web application. Can any one point any better way or method to send data from a website to android app rather than the app polling the website server frequently
if the data doesn't need to be real-time, polling is fine
other than that there's websockets or push
and don't just ping me :(
Reflection is a nice concept
But ugh I can't stand the casting
Reflection is a necessary evil
I mostly hate it
I've just used to it get class declarations so I can invoke their constructors. These classes all have a common base abstract class
I have these class declarations in an IEnumerable<Type>
but why are you using reflection?
Reflection saved me time but if I ever have to look at the code again, I need MSDN
@Squiggle So I can call the constructor of the derived type
That sounds like a job for the factory pattern
These class declarations are unique
uhh you can do that without reflection
+1 for Factory pattern.
But that's writing 8 more methods which will all look the same
Perhaps I should just use the factory
living in a 40c environment really makes me want to build some kind of soft to stop global warming ;_;
or a suicide machine
did anyone work with jenkins and selenium,
@misha130 yeah, let's write an app to stop global warming. #hacktivism
c-can't we..
hack nature
Global warming is a myth, according to some adults I see on television
shut up, Moon.
but the fact is the temperature did rise to the point where I am going insane
but I am insane, so what do I know
@misha130 go hide in a cave until autumn?
its rather humid inside caves
I get where they are coming from when they say it's only climate change and it was going to happen either way but there's overwhelming evidence that there's significant human factor in the rising temperatures
I sometimes think they say that because they might be paid to oppose any pro-environment reforms
It's weird how the same people are pro-life when it comes to abortion but ignore that global warming is a long term threat to human civilisation altogether, which makes them anti-life because they are opposing regulations that protect actual living human beings
I guess thats kind of true, activism needs "regulations"
for the sake of capitalism
welcome to the dichotomy of selfish conservatism
okay, thanks man!
hypocrites, the lot of 'em.
I blame human nature
we can't help ourselves from being dicks
Donald Trump claims it's Chinese propaganda
@misha130 We can
is that subjective?
or objective?
cause proving me wrong is subjectively making you a dick
1 message moved to Trash can
@MoonOwl22 Those are the people that value the individual over the group, aka the conservative right wing.
Thanks for the invitation, kendall, but no thanks. :p
I neither love nor hate Muslims. I see people as individuals. However, I disagree with some Abrahamic doctrine and specifically Islamic doctrine. However, that does not mean it's wise to paintbrush everyone who identifies as Muslim because the reality is individuals are deviations from their identity. Therefore, judging people based on their identity is foolishness at its best. @ARr0w
thx Ken doll
@KendallFrey The common good does not exist but there are considerations that have to be made regarding what would affect other individuals
Keep it civil
MoonOwl, i respect your opinion.
@MoonOwl22 I'm a liberal, and I believe the common good does exist.
wow that was offensive
I got kicked for disliking an idealogy
No you didn't
I didnt?
To be fair, we are offtopic
@Squiggle What's that?
Can you eat it?
@scheien you can try. I licked it once and it tasted like butt tho.
cay you use it schedule musical performances?
@Squiggle yikes. I'll pass.
Did someone ping me
@KendallFrey Every instance of the common good I've seen and experienced has been oppressive but there are problems with extremist individualism
@Sippy @Sippy @Sippy
Who and why
I'd say I'm moderate
Can you fuck off
@Squiggle null references
Im busy
@MoonOwl22 You're all over the place, moderate left on some things, moderate right on others, and extreme right on yet others.
@KendallFrey It's because I don't see either of the sides on the spectrum in their purity desirable
@Sippy What's with the rage?
he's busy and people are pinging him for no reason
Moon spamming me like a pleb
ah, didn't see anyone ping you. :(
also he's stressed 'cos he spends all day maintaining legacy VB code
@MoonOwl22 Most people agree that extremism in any form is undesirable.
@Squiggle and versioning it in mercurial
My next startup is gonna be run on VBA and CVS
eh, mercurial isn't the worst. Could be Visual SourceSafe.
or Borland StarTeam!
@Squiggle true.
Never used star team. I guess it sucks?
isnt sourcetree automatically the worst?
Isn't that a mercurial/git client?
@misha130 No, I like it
yes it is
it feels like putting yourself in a chair with thorns, the blood just makes the experience warmer after a while
@MoonOwl22 I gathered. :-) I just had to log off because my day all of sudden got really busy.
this question got me thinking
Q: "one-to-one correspondence with files in a file system"

kkkk00999I have read in the c# language specification : Source files typically have a one-to-one correspondence with files in a file system, but this correspondence is not required What does this exactly mean ?

its strange to think you can make a c# program with zero source files on disk.
can the compiler run on code that only exists in memory?
theoretically it should. The code will be loaded into the memory, if You want to run it
@misha130 sourcetree is probably top 3 best git gui's
I am honestly just using the terminal
@amy :O you came earlier then usuall...
yeah i woke early
maybe the mac versions sucks more, I am not sure
good morning then
@misha130 your first mistake was that you used mac osx
it was kind of enforced
If I had the choice I'd throw it out the window
install windows.
I cant compile the iphone apps that way
@Proxy huehuehue
i meant it in a nice way
Hi there!
anyone know if is possible to change the name of a specific assembly from a C# program?
If you're using Git, just write scripts
say I have two solutions with the same name but "different" branches (=> different functionalities) and I want to load them, but having the rule: "should not load an assembly twice, thus I have to rename them)
why are they called the same thing?
You want to change the output name?
is the same project. exactly the same project but each one is on another branch
do you do your builds with MSBuild? you can name the output assembly there.
I see.
okay. I'll try it out
@Amy had to go yesterday, thanks for the advice I was reading back a null string and trying to init to DateTime
fixed now :)
Just got pinched in the butt by a crab. Sexual harassment is EVERYWHERE
@Sippy stop it
good morning all humans, bots, magical ponies, and all hybrids therein
what about squirrels, crabs and Ken dolls?
and pokemon, can't forget them at the moment!
this girl is pretty awesome @Squiggle youtube.com/watch?v=qkZQYQcarLk&feature=youtu.be
My squirrel spider is next to me. He likes to run up random men's legs and chomp them in the nuts. Does he get the good morning too? :D
what is she
good morning all humans, bots, magical ponies, squirrels, crabs Ken dolls, pokemon, spiders and all hybrids therein
Afternoon :)
Good morning, JAB :)
@misha130 yeah, Simone Giertz is one of the best people.
howdy howdy
How goes it?
I'm on a roll
Hey morning and noon to whom ever just arrived.
making awesome robot is a recipe for greatness
not sure if its forward or backward
but a roll nonetheless
JABfreeware, how're you buddy?
@ARr0w what about evening and night?
don't forgot Mars time too in future years
Robert went noon, you went morning. I responded to both :D
oh ok
and I'm peachy btw
not forgetting both :p
hahahaha, my bad. Take your time, Jab.
1+1 == 2 == two == both
Cool :)
@Squiggle please no
@JABFreeware That is pleasing
hey people
feels left out
@Robert indeed. Its quite colorful and pleasing
@Squiggle wth did I just look at?
I want to substitute my usercontrols onloaded event with a click event on a button outside the usercontrol but on the same page
now that's a stock photo for the ages
but am not sure how to
as you type the squishy moves
I guess he ambushed the bus to steal a sowing machine and is taking a picture of getting away with it?
@GotaloveCode you want OnLoad to call a button click?
you press the button to load the uc?
@juanvan opposite
When your mom thinks she's cool https://t.co/IT7hmQZoJU
button click make user control visible
that I have
ok so OnLoad will call the user control visible method?
now on visibility trigger the user control on load event
controlname.visible = true; :D
watches the circles start moving
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
cameraCaptureControlUC.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
now I want onload
of usercontrol cameraCaptureControlUC to be trigerred
Why does it have to be OnLoad? Could it not be a serperate method?
can you put that in a method, then can call the method in both the button click and the OnLoad?
yea it could be
Think that would be easier than raising the event
the usercontrol is a captureelement which on load starts qr reader
think it cuts down on code, and if something else ever needs to be visible add it to 1 method
so I want to refactor my code so it doesnt start up until I click certain button
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
called in user control load
@Squiggle she hawt
would date hot swedish inventor fosho.
don't know if am making any sense @juanvan

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