This definitely isn't the company I'm most holding out for, but it seems like it would pay well, and it seems like a cool group of guys. Like I said, I really just want out of my current job, and I'm already doing a 50 minute commute, so another 20 minutes is another 20 minutes I can listen to audiobooks
My other two interviews are with companies less than 20 minutes from me, which would be fantastic.
Do any of you have this issue where you spend a bunch of time working on something and you get it really close to done but lose all motivation to finish?
How do you work through it? I'm in a rut right now. My project that I've been working on for months is getting near the end, but I find myself working more slowly than I could.
That's where I'm at now, @edc
and it's one of the reasons why I'm trying to leave
Although not so much motivation. More that the unknowns that block progress at the start, continue to be ignored til the end, and the damn thing never gets finished because the guys upstream avoid having to deal with the shitty bits
Today I suggested the team get a parrot that we teach to say "Requirements"
in my previous job situation, I asked myself and asked around to see why my motivation was drained. it turns out to be a problem with my manager. so ya, new job.
current situation is I am tasked to program a forecast based on bad data, lots of dirty bits like what TomW said. it's just a matter of cleaning my code up, shelf it, and work on other tasks
I haven't really had motivation for months but I've been able to float by and get paid, but I started feeling bad, not that I'm basically stealing from the company, but because I'm only 23 and I've gone 6 months without really learning anything. So that renewed my interest in learning, and I realized I really can't learn anything here, and I'm so burnt out from terrible days that I don't have the will to learn anything outside of work
I've been developing this awful JQM applicationand I got to the point where I realized I didn't really have a backend, so I started exploring .NET implementations since it'd be on IIS. Used Web API, which got me interested in MVC. On my own time, went through all the MVC tutorials, and now I've developed my own MVC application over the past few days
I want to make a companion Android App for it, but I don't really know where to start with that. I'm checking out Xamarin now.
when I started working in marketing 2 years ago I was new to .net. I picked up webforms pretty quickly, its what my predecessors code was based on and for 2 years i have cleaned up created new and expanded my knowledge of what is now dead and dying...also I am the only one of a team who is supposed to be made up of three
i just want to understand MVC...its beating the shit out of my brain...and its not that I don't understand any of it...its just the finer details what i call B that is keeping me from connecting A to C...ive not had my DING or AHAA experiencing more of a missed sneeze
Not that I know a great deal about it, but I could suggest that you take a look at MVC in other languages. Not to gain a functional understanding, just an overview to see how they structure stuff
Yeah, @Pheonixblade9, recruiters won't leave me alone either, but the jobs are all either way too far away, I'm not qualified for, or wouldn't pay nearly enough
wow, just checked how EF generate query for Skip() and Take()... it's actually quite a dirty way to do that. i would suggest to use stored procedure if you really cares about performance
@CharlieBrown well, wrapping a whole table as wrap table is not a good practice, depending on the table size, you can either use common table expression, which provide better tempdb optimization, or you can do fetch primary key, which save more IO
This is pretty broad, but I'll give you as general an answer as I can.
Are unindexable (but can use existing indexes on referenced objects)
Cannot have constraints
Are essentially disposable VIEWs
Persist only until the next query is run
Can be recursive
Do not have dedicated stats (...
@CharlieBrown you catch the point. EF still rocks since it can always provide GOOD solution, sometime maybe not the BEST, but good enough for most cases, and it's damn easy
I don't mind my 8 hours of work but I would much rather be racing a car, casually enjoying a drink on the beach, or something extravagant. Learning to fly a plane? I don't know. Probably not just sitting here.
Trying to make it so that all of my client side validation doesn't break with a user needs to completely re-order their created object's nested foreign relations in a nice UI.
My 9 hours of focusing on someone else's ideas are merely to allow me to focus on my own ideas for the rest of the day, and ensure that I will be able to do so in the future.
I've got some webAPI endpoints that I want to hit from a WPF client. The WebAPI endpoints are behind ADFS auth. The adfs server isn't on 2012r2 so OAuth is out of the equation. Any Ideas?
@TomW the problem is that I am using a TransactionScope object to enable me to be lazy and not clean up after my unit tests. But the code is incredibly spaghetti-like and has hits to multiple DBs, which cause my transaction to be promoted to a distributed transaction. I cannot enable distributed transactions (and don't really want to) on the servers, so I need to make sure that my transaction is only for a single DB
I am using this plugin. How to create playlist with this plugin?
Simple example [without playlist]
<!-- jQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="
@RyanTernier - Your video contained this video but with far less epic music attached. After listening to a good amount of the hour long no lyrics piece I think that I need more of an upbeat tempo myself. Something like this: (has lyrics) or this: (no lyrics)
Mordor sucks, and it's certainly more physically taxing to dig a tunnel than poke at a keyboard unless you're an ant. But, for the sake of the argument, can we agree that stress and insanity are bad things? Awesome. Welcome to programming.
@TravisJ I need something stronger... with Vodka for today. Trying to get our middleware department to get my buildbox for CI setup properly. A team of 100% java/unix people setting up a .NET CI box on Jenkins
@RyanTernier - I was with you up til that last sentence which sounded like you have a dog operating a back-ho in a mud pit spinning a cat around on skis to make animal redneck water skiing.
"Why do you need MS Build? You want to install Visual STudio on a CI server? Are you going to code on this server? Why do you need nuget.exe to autoget stuff from the internet, we want this server cut off from the internet"
You now have one extra little fact to tuck away in the millions of little facts you have to memorize because so many of the programs you depend on are written by dicks and idiots.
Thanks! It seems like a really cool opportunity. They're a small company. Had 5 employees in January, have expanded to 12, want to expand to 18. The CEO interviewed me
right, but we're talking code outside the assembly
e.g. this works:
void Main()
// Define other methods and classes here
class Foo
public static void Bar()
throw new BazException();
private class BazException : Exception
Is that terribly bad practice, or am I missing something?
@KendallFrey - Hm, your code just highlights one main aspect. That dependency injection in the future should be done by throwing exceptions which derive their type from concrete types.
@KendallFrey I think if it shouldn't be handled by the consumer, then it needs to be caught somewhere in your own code. If it does bubble to the consumer though, they should see what type it is and what's going on.