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null has to be in '' first
here is an if example
Q: Kendo template conditional formatting

Jesse SmithDisclaimer: This was originally posted to the KendoUI forums, but has received no answers. I'm trying to use conditional formatting of elements in my ListView's template. This partial view uses a shared DataSource to allow navigation via Pager, a two-card ListView, and the aforementioned templat...

Probably client wanted it? @ton.yeung idk but company uses it
which is hilarious because now this project contains jquery and kendo hacks all around
tons of custom grids, buttons, etc..
lol yeah
Company is thinking about upgrading to the latest version but devs and I are afraid it'll brake too many things in our code
kendo does not look like fun - they used knockout here
and its OLD
they have a new one for angular
why typescript?
Kendo isn't any fun
Kendo isn't fun when you find out you have to override most of it anyway and create your own custom layouts
oh wow, I didn't know that
o_0 really?
typescript == "Hey ECMA you're moving too slowly."
I'm guessing that someone in here knows how to debug this. I've got an external tv connected thru hdmi, and everything's fine. I turn off the tv, and everything's fine. I turn on the tv, and windows move around, windows previously running on the tv screen is now on another connected screen. Can I avoid this?
@SimonSvensson - Seems like a question for super user.
would never go into standby - Dual Monitor Tools - should have some feature you are looking for - I think.. have not used it in a while
@ton.yeung, turn off standby? Are you refering to some "automatically turn off after one hour"? Or the off-mode where the tv is still listening for the remote?
I'm browsing Super User now. I'll just replace the tv with a normal computer screen if I cant resolve this.
I always wanted to use my 46 inch as like 6 monitors - but it did not that - so no Group Fun
wtf is going on with my entity framework :(
Anyone here has a winphone?
@JohanLarsson wp development?
@bob - that save not working?
@Andrew no tech q, thinking about buying one.
@juanvan Nah I got that change tracking working perfectly actually. I am trying to set up a seed method now.. its throwing a weird error at compile time.
Need to be able to share phone internet via usb
whats the errro
don't think that's possible, only wifi/bluetooth
Android does it just fine.
@juanvan no error, have not bought it yet
I'm saying it's not possible on wp
ah, ty no wp then
was asking Bob sorry johan
The non-generic type cannot be used with type argument
do you have a DbMigrationsConfiguration
in MVC i can choose to pass data from the controller to the view either through a viewbag, dynamically or strongly typed. Why use dynamic since it does not offer intellesence? is there a good reason for me to ever use dynamic?
I think it's convenient to use it for page titles
@juanvan hmmm nope.
I have a CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<AppServiceDbContext> etc
ok do that first on the project and get the Migrations code and you will get a seed method
already done
so you have something like this
public Configuration()
            AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
            AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = false;

        protected override void Seed(EF.Data.EFDbContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
public class AppServiceDbInitializer : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<AppServiceDbContext>
public AppServiceDbInitializer()


protected override void Seed(AppServiceDbContext context)
CreateDatabaseIfNotExists ? in the seed method you can say - AddOrUpdate this does that
@Bob you cant set it to itself
@ton.yeung, what do you think of gender imbalance?
@ton.yeung that's sad :(
@juanvan @CharlieBrown I dont want to use migrations... I just want it to build+seed the database if it doesnt exist
hmm that's a interesting view. Yes, It could be due to the fact that women also have other obligations as well (family, raising kids, etc..)
but yes, I feel like it would be the same in other fields as well though possibly?
@Bob agreed, i dont use migrations either
@ton.yeung That's precisely why there aren't
@CharlieBrown if you do not use migration, then you can't use the seed?
seed and migration are not tied together
Personally, I think its total crap to say that men and women are totally the same (note that is different than equal, as in equal opportunity). If men are more inclined to enter technical fields, I don't see why that is such a big issue.
Women aren't eye candy, they're people.
Now, I also think the OP of that question is crazy, but thats a different story ;)
They just happen to look better than your average nerd :)
You're not a person, you're a screen spitting out words
wtf are you people talking about
dickless folks
dang, that descalated quickly
It's hard telling people they suck
I wish people were better at it though...
oh the difference a comma can make
It's especially difficult in programming because it's really difficult to strictly define the difference between a bad programmer and a good one.
By most objective standards, I'm probably a terrible programmer
me too
And given that the tech industry is known for being sexist it complicates firing a female programmer because without anything definitive to point out in order to say "This right here is why you're a bad programmer" a claim of sexism can be difficult to disprove.
anyone have issues where when they have lots of threads, the OS just pukes and stops processing them
@ton.yeung By all means
totally objective :D
did you write her?
!!am I a good programmer?
@SpencerRuport Probably
@SpencerRuport It's not tech specifically. I recall hearing that there are more Fortune 500s with a CEO named John than with a female CEO
Cut me deep @CapricaSix. Cut me real deep.
@KendallFrey - Well yeah I didn't mean that other industries aren't just that our industry has that reputation.
and we wonder why there aren't many females hanging out here
shush lol
Maybe we should just stick with poop jokes.
urban has lots of poop content
its like my azure db has gone into read only mode
!!google good poop jokes
and read only slow mode
231 Photos on... wtf O_o
anybody know how to access a pcl from app.xaml.cs in a universal app?
@Andrew shoudl be able to just add a reference and use it
shouldn't be an issue
well, that's the thing, how do I add references to other projects for the .Shared project?
you add it to all of the projects that are using the shared project
@ReedCopsey ah that's it, thanks
speaking of poop jokes - How do I go about intercepting log4net entries before they get shuttled out to wherever?
errr... what does "intercepting" mean?
like is there an event I can hook that lets me read the entries generated by ILog.Debug for instance?
For what purpose?
I also want to write them to a DB table using EF without fucking with XML shitland.
@ton.yeung never did
excuse my friday-inspired language
@Bob - I can't imagine writing the logs to the DB yourself is any less difficult than setting up the config file to do it.
The primary reason I want to do it this way is because I have a front-end ASP.NET MVC site that will also use the same EF models as the back-end service to read the log entires, among other things.
It also keeps my database configuration 100% in EF-land
Ehhh looks like the easiest way is to write a custom appender and do it by their rules...
Would it be better to create db per app or tables per app?
I mean I have like a couple of side projects (health app, music app, movies app) a user sign up of one of the apps can use rest of the apps without signing up
hmm, so my users table will be seperate db and all apps will have their own db
looks like only trade-off will be I will use foreign key relationship between apps and common properties
I will *lose foreign key relationship between apps and common properties
@ReedCopsey - I saw this tail recursion question stackoverflow.com/questions/29570926/… and was wondering what you thought. Perhaps it isn't worthwhile so don't feel obligated to answer if you don't like the question :)
That was easy.pdf
@ton.yeung got it. thanks for your opinion :)
@ton.yeung I used type script about 9 months ago, it was okay
I think i was using 2012
but I can't remember precicesly
that was too long ago to remember exact details
@TravisJ Answer is basically correct - F# is the only language that emits the tailcall instruction
but the JIT does honor it
it's very rare (never?) that the JIT will tail call without it, though - so you tend to always get SO in C# if you go too deep on recursions
@TravisJ (only mainstream language- I believe nemerle does, too, actually)
@ReedCopsey - Thanks :)
@ReedCopsey JavaScript does it, at least in the ES6 specification - although only a few engines implement it right. Also, I'm not sure Scala isn't mainstream. (Arguably, so are F# and Haskell but that's another story)
@BradleyDotNET - Coincidence? It is the same question I linked.. I guess I don't understand
(Or did you mean on the CLR)
@BenjaminGruenbaum meant in terms of .NET
It'd be pretty nice if C# got TCO support
Also, computation expressions :P
neither is in C#6
@ton.yeung - C#6 will do that to you
@TravisJ Missed your link, sorry :)
@BradleyDotNET - Unacceptable :P
Thats what I get for only reading 10 or so messages up the transcript
Ugh. Why did Skype have to become so popular?
I open it up, click on someone to chat with and start typing. Now I've been looking at a loading cursor for about 5 minutes.
Never had these issues with AIM. :P
@JohanLarsson - You reed and the jonschoning guy in slack all have such similar photos. I should post mine and join the club of the bald white man.
are you starting with F#?
Sort of. It tangentially relates to a project I'm working on.
It looks really nice.
It does. I loved how readible it seemed in that video Reed posted.
yeah removes the noise that is so sad to write in C#
And the Microtyping ohhhh that's amazing. No more business logic functions with vague parameters.
the code that is just text that can have errors
@SpencerRuport yeah cuts away classes of bugs and the need to unit test them
Yep. No more "FormatPhone(User.Firstname)"
Not that I've seen that particular error but :P
@SpencerRuport - Do you store any full datetime values in mssql? As in
04/10/2015 13:00:25
@SpencerRuport - Do you manipulate them at all or do they just go in as DateTime with no issue
@TravisJ - I don't have any code in front of me but I believe when I've used them with SQLParameters there's no issue.
I think I'm screwed.
@ohmusama - What happened?
@TravisJ SQL is pretty smart about dates
if you're using DateTime objects, they should work just fine
Made EF db, eventually enabled migrations, added my first migration, which didn't contain all the "create tables", now I can't change my target and build a new db because it won't rebuild the database for scratch with the new models. Thoughts?
@Pheonixblade9 - It does the dates just fine. But I think I want some second specific times stored with the dates
should also work fine if they're ISO compliant strings
datetime is a sql type
it's basically stored as epoch seconds but it has some facets that make it easier to work with
@ohmusama - Heh, that is why I don't do code first :) I usually hand code the db, and hand code the ef mapping. I am not sure how to handle your migration situation with the ef framework
I tried to import the db from azure so I'd have a starting point
but I don't have the right reader for the azure db stuff
maybe that exists still
I really need to switch to not code first
then I will get easy sp relations etc
@ohmusama - I love db first. I can change the schema on the fly and retain my data. I get to make the many to many rules. I can customize the naming conventions
Got a good tutorial to get me started on that?
Also I need the latest CU6 for SqlServer 2014
@ohmusama - Sadly I know of no tutorials :( But I can manually tell you what to do :P
Oh, there is no global asax anymore in the new mvc though is there
@ohmusama - What type of project are you using ef with?
uh, I'm putting the core in a library
that is being used across a service host, wpf and MVC web app
I have another fun SQL query
I need to get all rows that have a latitude or longitude (stored in another table) that are within a certain distance
@ohmusama - Okay, well I am not sure where certain parts should go, but I know what the parts are.
should I have a special project just for the db stuff?
I've done that in the past
Some people do that, it is up to you. It really depends on the size of the project and how used to n-tier you are.
Nothing wrong with doing it like that if you are familiar with it. I am not aware of the pitfalls of using EF like that.
I have about 20 projects in my current solution
so no biggie there
okay I'm either going to blow up my local 2014 host or not
yay for not fully testing packages!
okay, so I need an actual db project
then the models are separate and not code first
do you still link dependencies like in code first in the context OnModelCreating
// Adjectives
    .HasRequired(a => a.AdjectiveGroup)
@ohmusama - You are going to need:
a mssql database
to manually compose the db
table A
pk int AId
table B
pk int BId
note the names of the keys, very important to structure them like that for EF to recognize. next, structure a class for each table
public class A{
public int AId { get; set; }
public class B{
public int BId { get; set; }
next make a dbcontext for these
public class NAMEDbContext : DbContext{
public DbSet<A> As { get; set; }
public DbSet<B> Bs { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Okay, gotta go though. Be back monday
I'll have to try this in a local project and see how that goes.
@ohmusama make sure to use the EF 6.x DbContext generator and not the old ones if you're using the latest version of EF... I got burned by that recently

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