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might have to do something like, Dictionary[0] = dictionary[0].AddRange(AppendList);
Not sure about that gotta test and not sure of a decent test space to work with :)
not working
Okay if you write dictionary[0].AddRange(AppendList) instead of above.. i guess it is working
Instead of assigning
ya just need to verify that it actually did get the new strings added to it
Good luck :)
Thanks :)
now I gotta get back to screwing up a static Class With events :D yay
as long as no one else ever sees my mess of code, its all good :P
@Sippy sorted.
I shouldnt actually have to screw up my static class, but My non static class shouldnt be a non static class, and I'm not rewriting it right now.
@JasonBrown good
I'm looking forward to my Christmas party. Free wine from noon onwards. I'm going to smuggle in a bottle of port, too.
Oh nooo, I did good at something? Damn't That means im doing bad somewhere else :P
lucky you guys and your partys, christmas is hell for me..
@JasonBrown protip: if you're going to make a mess, make sure it doesn't spill out of the component you're screwing up.
@JasonBrown why is it hell? How can we help you make it better? :)
Lol, Christmas brings on bad memories. Help me by donating a dollar for a beer :D
and il keep that protip in mind next time Im learning a language lol
Always starts with a project Much larger then Prepared for, Screws it up horribly in beginning and rewrites the majority of it, after it functions
I just really dont feel like rewriting stuff until the program itself does what it needs to. Once thats accomplished I, am All for going back and rewriting Poorly written code.
Anyway off, to add events to a static class because I noob-ed :P.
actually now that there seems to be different people here, I might as well ask the question I had from earlier.

Im using Lucene.net It returns Results fine, However the Index it search's is Constantly being updated (25 new entries every 10 seconds roughly), I need to Keep the Results Up to date Without Querying The Entire Index, Just the New 25 Entries
Ive decided to Store a temporary In memory Copy of those 25 Entries, passing them with an event that fires when it stores new entries to disk. Back to my form1.cs that Passes them through the Search function, and checks if there's any results. if there is, it appends the results onto a List<Results> If anyone knows of a better way let me know. My codes messy as all hell so I have to use an event.
@JúlioMurta Gruetzi!
how can i remove a "selected" attribute in dropdownlist for selected option.
Remove the attribute? Do you mean Set it to false?
@Rafee select something else?
nvm I dunno what Im talking about*
@JasonBrown never apologise :)
@Squiggle eh, sorry aboot that
@Squiggle I didn't muhaha lol.
@KendallFrey hush, canuck.
wait a minute @JasonBrown are you @Loktar?
uhmm... no
whos @Loktar?
do I want to be a Loktar? :D
guess not
but @Loktar's name is Jason Brown
ah, ya thats not me
well I mean i am A jason brown, Just not that one :P
Jason Brown
can you get more english
Jason's not a very common name in England.
@MaartenWachters nope, the United States of Freedom bought the rest of it
Well I mean I am Partially British
@Sippy Oh that's right you have Charless and Williams
Quiet heretics
Jason is quite an Aussie name, no?
Fear Aus Everything wants you dead there :'(
@JasonBrown Yeah, that should work. Technically, a static class has no instances, just static members - meaning they're stored with the type, not with an instance of that type.
K im going back to breaking a nicely written Static class with, Ugly only useful in one situation events :D
@Squiggle jaawyson braaywn
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thanks :)
@JasonBrown And just to make sure (since these are often conflated) - this has nothing to do with the thread on which an event is raised.
In most cases I would argue against static classes at all.
Well... I have a Non static Class and its messy as all sht
Except for extension methods or such utilities that are basic and universal (like "Convert between Bases" and such).
@JasonBrown This sentence is so broken ...
Static classes are the best
@Sippy leik ur haert
static classes don't hold state
If there's any business logic at all, you probably want it in a non-static class. And if you only want a single instance of that class, you can use several approaches for getting a single, shared instance.
@KendallFrey </3
soz bro :P
business logic is best in a static class with static functions
not static properties
static functions FTW
the more static functions the better :)
Im using a non static class to scrape the net.... It really should have been static though.
I propose we initiate a C# State where people can be flogged for saying things like that.
my code is perfect
everything is static
not a single line of code has new() in it
and as such it has 0 functionality :P
It has 10 functionality actually.
@JasonBrown It probably shouldn't. Even if it has no state, it's still a single implementation of a scraper, and you might want to replace it with another (say, to write unit tests for code that uses the scraper).
@JasonBrown there are functional languages that don't even use objects
protip: avoid tuples if you can use ref or out parameters
I have small websites almost completely static c# backend, no interfaces no inheritance, no DI, only thing I have are happy users
@StevenLiekens Tuples are gross in C#
I see the room has shifted into full-on OOP-trolling mode, huh? :)
@DavidDV They're happy because you can't serve WinForms over the web.
@KendallFrey That they are, I agree. They should be made an explicit part of the language.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan eh, don't encourage them
we don't need em
liking more functional way of programming and minimizing state in your application is trolling?
Oh god I can't tell the trolling from the non trolling :'( I R 2 Nub!
coding like it's 1999
pure functions != eliminating state
I think David is actually serious
David is serious. but it's okay
that's the sad thing
not really sad
just a lot of experience
WinForms is like kittens dying
<3 the dying kittens
@KendallFrey Not like. It's actually made from dying kittens.
but the winforms are just so easy... till you need them to do something they don't do...
Oh, you said WinForms. I thought you meant WebForms. WinForms is merely mildly injured kittens.
only time I would use webforms is If there was no other options...
@JasonBrown An old phrase I heard way back goes "In WinForms, the easy things are easy and the hard things are a nightmare. In WPF, the easy things are hard and the hard things are about the same".
WebForms is where you take the WinForm cripplecats and pipe them through a mangle into IIS.
Every time you create an HWND, an orphan gets AIDS
hey now
i'm speaking up, to satisfy bluefeet
PC-bros in tha house
lol no
@SteveG ✓ moderation satisfied.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I shall remember that phrase. Haven't heard it before but I like it
omg so offended now :p
@JasonBrown I'm pretty sure it was a bit more succinct when I heard it, but I can't remember the original phrasing.
Its good enough for me... Although thats not saying much lol
@Squiggle i dont have any empty options, i just want to remove an attribute from selected dropdown..
woman to rule them all
one woman to bind them
i wish i would have paid more attention to lord of the rings
Stop triggering me
@SteveG That sounds like some party :D
@SteveG tell me how to stop this pain now
*sigh*. And once more in the interest of "free speech" people decide to be purposefully offensive, as if that's some sign of liberal freedom.
@Rafee how does that translate to actual functionality? Are you trying to prevent it being selected by default? Or are you trying to remove an existing selection and have the dropdown show 'blank'?
That's a bit too much childishness for me.
@KendallFrey drinking might help
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Are you purposefully offended though?
triggering all the alcoholics
tsk tsk
show me how to break this world down
> how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how how me how
@Squiggle I just need to remove the selected option remove and what every option available at first is okay or doesnt matter.
won't you tell me what about the love
@KendallFrey 4head
Chat's so May May today
sorry, I am jumping on asp.net after 4 years...
@Rafee so you're trying to remove an option from the list? or just select something else?
I really don't know what Rafee is talking about or I would try to help :(
dank maymays
not remove the item.
jump on angular
@Rafee so... I refer you to my original solution. Select something else.
Where's @JakobMillah
i need to remove the attribute "selected" of dropdown l
Get in here viking boy
okay... but i dont have any empty values.
i tried this, but not working..
@KendallFrey handsome guy
I like his haircut
I wrote a python script today that sends a message to my friend on facebook everyday. The message is:

if {nick.Douche== true){
Messagebox.Show("f you nick");

then sends "f you nick"
@Rafee is this an MVC/razor project?
clean asp.net
^ wat
I think hes using webforms?
@Rafee wat
webforms explodes
frag out!
shit wrong order
webforms, asp.net mvc its all the same
@Rafee ClearSelection() try that
@DavidDV I reaaaaaaally wanna kick you
do you have any batteries?
@DavidDV you use angular?
i need more batteries
webforms is triggering me
thats shocking
i figured you'd be writing straight js
but not clearing..
my first angular website is know 2,5 years in production
@SteveG binned because of the edit you made
angular is a really, really, really great framework
!!> 2,5
@KendallFrey 5
@DavidDV how big of an application was it?
What got into Sippy? Seems like he sippied too much coffee or some shit.
how many people worked on it / how long did it take?
@Rafee I know very very little about asp.net sorry... Looking into it but not sure If I will get anywhere
it was for managing flex spaces, room booking , visit travel, loan of equipment, had an intern do the first version, then I work on it
don't know how much time I spent later on, initially is was 2 guys 3 months
biggest problem then was finding the right directives to use
thanks @JasonBrown no worries..
squiggle thats what hes using apparently its not working?
did, but its not working..
@DavidDV No they are not same
@DavidDV so, you're first angular website isn't 2.5 years in production, your interns is
@ThakurRock they are both inferior to the almighty angular :p
omg Steve,you sound so salty
I developed it with him
also told him to use angular
and linq2db :p
@Rafee Im not sure why it wouldnt clear the selection with ClearSelection() Looking into alternative methods of clearing them
@Rafee as far as I can see (according to the documentation), SelectedItem should be null after you call ClearSelection(). Not sure what's going on there.
^ what Jason said.
ah ha..
` select_year.SelectedIndex = 0;`
your vs you're gets on my nerves, when people screw it up, and i just screwed it up, and i can't edit, and it's driving me crazy
how about this.. i got this form another room asp.net/mvc
perhaps re-bind the ListControl's DataSource?
MVC != WebForms
@SteveG Just wait for you're message to scroll off the screen and then your fine.
4 mins ago, by Steve G
@DavidDV so, you're first angular website isn't 2.5 years in production, your interns is
oh wait
i keep staring at it lol
you son of a bitch
that's not gonna work
@Rafee I Have No Clue if this will work But instead of ClearSelection you Might try it manually?
while (DropDownList.SelectedItem != null) DropDownList.Items[a.SelectedIndex].Selected = false;

I don't use asp.net so I really couldn't tell you if that will work or not heh :)
I gave it a nice star :s
ah ha.. let me try.
hopefully it doesnt cause an infinite loop
what is a?
oops. A is your dropdown list
@Rafee what are you trying to do?
@SteveG Image rafee posted above i.sstatic.net/6hkqj.png
his clearSelection() isn't working Correctly... Although Now that I look at it, Wouldn't Clear Selection have to be at the End of that Method?
taking tongchng too mcu
time... slowed by browser.. dont know.. may be le loooing
... errr I think I broke Rafee...
ya I would stop that lol... sorry
no worries.. thanks for your time and support.
rafee What are you trying to do exactly...
Since your clearing the selection before It actually accesses the data?
select_year.ClearSelection();//Clears the selection
string s_year = select_year.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();//By this point There is no selected Item
so, you mean to empty selection box.. if it was empty then i would have got an error page!
try moving "select_year.ClearSelection()" under "Session["c_year"] = c_year;
@SteveG The picture that shows the code for the select_year_changed event/method. Does it clear the selectedItem before its accessed?
I goofed someting up and i can't find what I done goofed
@JasonBrown i have no idea what he's even trying to do, a js alert of whats selected in the text box....?
@MaartenWachters been there done that :D, the question is How badly did it break everything :)
@SteveG I also have very Little clue whats going on, I'm not familiar at all with asp.net
not text box, selection box, drop down, whatever
text box??
I am working on dropdown.
rafee, What is it your trying to accomplish with that code?
@Rafee nobody knows what you're doing, or attempting to do
let me explain in brief
im guessing you're really not tryign to show a js alert on item selected, because thats super dirty
@MaartenWachters what Exactly Broke? lol
Hey all
IEnumerable<WhereFilter> whereWithPredicatesRaw = @where.Where(filter => filter.predicates.Any());

if (whereWithPredicatesRaw != null)
	whereWithPredicates = whereWithPredicatesRaw.ToList();
Why does the ToList throw an exception?
Award for best named question on SE goes to ..
Q: Why were the "Monsters, Inc." monsters told that touching kids would kill them?

LCIIIThroughout the start of the movie the monsters are told again and again that touching a kid would/could kill them. Eventually everyone finds out that isn't true, but the movie never gives a reason as to why the touching-a-kid-will-kill-you propaganda is a plot device in the first place. What giv...

There is a dropdownlist and it has years as values 2015, 2014, 2013
only 3 items so far now..
when page loads, by default the current year item is selected.
and when item is changed then i need to get the changed value and stores in session so as to get the
dropdownlist a default value when page loads.
@RianMostert err whereWithPredicates is IEnumerable Not a list? give me a second gonna run a test on that
I take that back 2 much work to run a test on that lol.
@Rafee when the page refreshes/posts back, the value of the drop down is lost? it shouldn't be, it should be stored in the view state automatically
or are you doing a multi-step process?
@JasonBrown When sum goes over 60 it needs to count the overflow downwards. So 56 + 6 = 58
i am storing it in a session..
IEnumerable<string> test = new List<string>()
should work just fine but that's not really an issue.
I'm trying to figure out how to tell if a ToList will fail before it's called.
it's as if the variable is null, but it isn't...
multi-step process? sorry dont know... whats this?
why are you storing it in session?
You should store everything in session duh
he doesn't speak good english, im trying to figure out if he has some sort of set up, that has multiple steps, so when he goes to step 2, step 1's viewstate is lost, and he needs to store it in a session
i want to use it through out the application.
but if he isn't doing that, and the viewstate is getting lost, he has another issue
@MaartenWachters Ok That seems easy enough just a second
@JasonBrown let him solve this
it's simple math
Thats true lol
if (sum > 60)
                overflow = sum - 60;
                sum = sum-overflow;
                //This needs to be so
                //for example
                // sum = 58, we throw 6. It does 58+2 - 4

doesn't work
@SteveG @Rafee sounds like cookie would be better?
if (sum > 60)
overflow = sum - 60;
sum = 60-overflow;
//This needs to be so
//for example
// sum = 58, we throw 6. It does 58+2 - 4

I see the problem. Don't expect us to solve something like 5+5 for You please
Also doesn't work
@Sippy mmmm cookie
Lol, i'm dumb, filter.predicates was null so the .Any couldn't be run
he so sad
he doin BIDNISS
@Rafee what exception are you getting? 1) stop clearing the selected value as the first thing, 2nd whats your exception?
@ntohl lol
that's really well animated
i thought so
I can't figure thsi shit out
@ntohl Why Cant I see whats Wrong with that Simple math =S
@ntohl shit what have you done
wanna watch it all now
Lol Agreeed
@MaartenWachters I Can't see anything wrong with the 2nd one you posted
overflow = sum-60;
sum = 60 - overflow;
//Ignore the following Math
sum = 64, overflow = sum-60(64-60) = 4, sum = 60 - overflow(4) = 56;

am I missing something here? (used a filler value of 64 for "sum")
bottom part is just confusing math to confirm it should work...
I guess the problem is that on the next iteration you've forgotten what sum would have been
@TomW err how is that? pastebin.com/MD0hhDyM (Link Maarten Posted)
@JasonBrown Yeah. The second code post was correct. But the first, the SO should see the problem.
@MaartenWachters this looks better
ah, I hadn't seen the code
lol ya. and damn you ntohl I was looking a that code For a problem with the math XD
who wants to write me an Event :p lul
Did rafee ever figure out the issue?
@JasonBrown as David DV suggested. Just do not. Use RX subjects
@ntohl RX...?
Reactive Extensions. It's basically magic.
err ok?... an Event is a reactive extension?
i should point out I only started C# about 2 months ago lol
I dunno :D I haven't used them yet myself.
me either
@JasonBrown no. Just skip handling event stuff, and use subjects. Use observers, and stuff
Rx is one of the good libraries that MS created lately
also use it in my angular sites
apparently it was what the team moved on to after LINQ.

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