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^ how to explain tech debt to a cafe worker :P
believe it or not, the IT industry is quite a big pile of economy partly because everybody leave some tech debt to someone else
@pheonixblade9 He never tests his code to ensure it doesn't cause additional issues elsewhere. One day the DB was being slower than usual. When we looked at it, we figured out he wrote a query with a ton of wildcards and oddly designed joins and it was looping creating a 1.57 billion record and it was trying to return these 1.57 records every second but couldn't because his code from the controller to the UI had failed
otherwise how would you dig out those money that walmart squeezed from their shop workers
So we have a problem
we do?
business owners have a problem, we have an opportunity
Our CI build can only run one build at a time, due to the fact that we use resources that can only exist once on a machine e.g. a WCF service with a certain endpoint, and a SQL database with a certain name.
Is there a pattern to solve this problem?
my CI build does 1 after the other
theres a queue
We'd like to have unlimited concurrent builds
@Failsafe yep, that's what we have now
@KendallFrey Why is the build dependent on external resources?
@KendallFrey I don't think you can do concurrent CI builds...
why not?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan integration tests
Teamcity supports it
@KendallFrey what about multiple full stack environments?
@KendallFrey On every CI build? We usually run those on the nightly.
@Pheonixblade9 not sure what that means
like... why is the resource limited to one instance?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan We use a gated checkin, not CI exactly
@Pheonixblade9 not out of the box at least
You could, perhaps, deploy your dependencies on a VM, and have the CI build spin up a new copy of the WCF/SQL server and use that in the integration tests?
@Pheonixblade9 You can't have two databases with the same name
@KendallFrey Full integration tests on a gated checkin? Sheesh. People must hate checking in, huh?
sure you can
on different servers
We only have one build server
virtualize it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan mmhmm
assume he cant modify the environment
and dolls
@Pheonixblade9 the last thing we need is more overhead to a build
well, you can modify your web.config to have different environments and point at a bunch of different DB servers
How about having several external dependencies servers, have the integration test read the address/db name from an environment variable, and have the CI build set a different one for each build?
you can run multiple DB servers on a single box
You can rotate between several environments like this.
@KendallFrey if teamcity works then why not buy teamcity lol
the number of _ the versions?
Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of
mmm, the class names, so good
ah, and don't forget the one method in that helper, Execute
high quality code
seems about right
im out
see ya monday
man, people get upset about static vs nonstatic
why would you make a non-stateful class/method nonstatic?
to know it will not always be in memory
what do you mean? static stuff is just in the binary until it is called, no?
how does it differ from instanced stuff?
@Pheonixblade9 - static is "instantiated" when the runtime is first started. it exists the whole time. everything there is scoped globally.
yeah... but that's such a miniscule optimization as to not matter, I would think
unless you're writing microcontroller code, that just seems crazy to worry about
@Pheonixblade9 static classes can't be passed around masquerading as an interface, no?
@MikeAsdf yeah, but there's no dependencies here anyways
this is literally "I have some code I stuck in a different class because I don't want my controller action to be cluttered"
(which I disagree with)
Certain things in instance based situations -- such as if you were to set up an instance of a class that used reflection to respond to events in order to create instances that returned html in a string -- should be paired with the same instance bound classes in order to maintain a solid separation of content and also to ensure that each instance has its own piece to work with instead of sharing a global object.
Static doesn't have a very good place to live in the statefully stateless MVC framework imo.
Other places though, it makes more sense.
this is literally just a chunk of code that is stateless and will be executed
It is not in an MVC environment?
I imagine the compiler will just say "oh, this guy is dumb, this is only ever used here" and optimize it away
it's WebAPI, yes
Or they made it static just so that can say CoffeeLogic.Brew(); in their controller as opposed to something else?
Even in that situation, I would prefer new CoffeeLogic().Brew();
it's just extra characters
Instance based.
Extra characters do not mean anything in c#
I know :)
idk. I just feel like... if something CAN be static, it should be
@Pheonixblade9 Everything can be static
Welcome to FP
meh, static bad.
I try to make everything as FP as I can
nothing like crashing something at the global level, right @Kendall?
the non-static code should be as limited as possible
whaa? you still have a normal stack trace with static code, lol
I have almost no static code in the entire code base.
posted on October 16, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

ASP.NET 5 beta 8 is out. Yes, that's a lot of betas, but it's important to get things right when you're doing something new like this. You can find instructions in our documentation for installing ASP.NET 5 beta8 on Windows, Mac and Linux. ASP.NET 5 uses the NuGet package manager to get server-side libraries but for client-side things we recommend folks use Bower or npm. The most popular JavaS

I systematically wiped it out at one point because it was not playing well with the application pool.
"well let me decompile this java jar and see if it's obfuscated at all..."
so "no" then
@ton.yeung you there?
maybe @TravisJ can help...

where do I run the bower commands? in the project directory?
this structure map is driving me crazy
on the doc, put these lines to configure:
//1) Make IUserStore injectable. Replace 'ApplicationUser' with whatever your Identity user type is.

//2) Change AppDbContext to your application's Entity Framework context.

//3) This will allow you to inject the IAuthenticationManager. You may not need this, but you will if you
// used the default ASP.NET MVC project template as a starting point!
For<IAuthenticationManager>().Use(ctx => ctx.GetInstance<HttpRequestBase>().GetOwinContext().Authentication);
did you try a GPS?
lol no
i put those in but i keep getting error: No default Instance is registered and cannot be automatically determined for type 'IUserStore<User>'
any idea? :D
i can guarantee that GPS won't work in this case ;)
oh nvm, figured out, wrong namespace :P
i don't know if can help me to reopen this question
Q: How to create Master-detail entries in ASP.NET MVC 5

Mr_LinDowsMacMy question is someway similar to this one: ASP.NET MVC Master Detail Entry Form Before marking this as duplicated, allow me to explain what is different. That question was made 4 years ago, there's a good change that can be outdated. My version of MVC is 5, using Razor engine, and I'm using Ent...

I edited to try to fit moderators criteria...
@Mr_LinDowsMac you can only really hope people vote to reopen
or submit as a new question. but if it's still low quality, you risk being locked out
I can tell you that you'll have a bit better luck if you change it to be in english
SO is an english-only site - it might make it easier to answer the question
but the question as-is is still a bit long to understand
can you reproduce it here? dotnetfiddle.net
@Mr_LinDowsMac: Try another forum outside the stack overflow universe...
It's so funny to see that I detected some major failures in my programming code that shouldn't even work, but when testing it, it did his job Oo
@ErwinOkken there's a term for that, I forget it though
@Pheonixblade9 I just wanted know how to CRUD (well... just Create) to a Master-detail (Two tables/entities) :/
but sometimes if you don't provide code
you get locked out also... so that's why it is so long
27. Mad Girlfriend Bug

Jeduan Cornejo

When you see something strange happening, but the software is telling you everything is fine.
@Mr_LinDowsMac Sounds too broad
SO isn't really for tutorials/full examples
yeah. if you can't ask your question in <10 lines of code, it is probably too broad
basically, you need to cut down all the crap to the bare minimum of what you need to solve a basic version of your problem
Why don't I use a local git repository.. fuck me :( D:
@ErwinOkken you should! It's pretty easy to do :)
git reflog has saved my ass many times
I know but I have to make time to watch a good youtube video about it
University asks too much of my time :x
GitHub for Windows is just a shit program imo :P
(The GUI one obviously)
Try SourceTree, it's very good GUI
for Git
I like TortoiseGit
I use Tortoise for commits, command line for everything else
Tortoise just gives an easy way to do diffs
wow, old school
I couldn't stand doing command line all day

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