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Computer Graphics notes - docs.google.com/document/d/…
Games rock. I spent 20 hours over the weekend killing rabid bunnies, only to level up and move onto killing giant bunnies. BUt I died killing the giant rabid bunny king. f'n thumper.
@TomW build your tests before you start developing, which will let you match your business requirements to yoru testing strategy to make sure you caught everything. then when you develop you're doing it against requirements (tests). Then you have testable code, and code that matches requirements because it's vetted by accurate tests.
Sounds great
Unless you're using biztalk, then you're just hosed.
Totally agree but the problem with that is that doing that is just dull
Clients don't care about dull though, neither do your bosses ;)
sucks to be us haha
I'd say a test first strategy isn't always a good idea.
Particularly when you're dealing with non-technical clients that you can't rely on to describe the business needs correctly from the get-go.
Which in my experience is most of them.
Spencer, Get a few good business analysts.
If you do'nt know the requirements or needs, you can't really start to build.
@RyanTernier - Sure you can.
my entire career has been enterprise software, small to large sized. Every project I saw that started without customer signed off requirements ended up over budget and over time.
Well that may not be a bad thing.
catching a defect during requirement gathering : 1 unit of time to fix
during Design: 3 units of time to fix
During development: 5 units of time to fix
During testing: 20 units of time to fix
In production: 100 units of time to fix
That's completely made up.
those #'s are somewhat arbitrary, but they're pretty close to the real thing
ok i'll get my slides of proof from my PPT, one second ;P
The only projects I've seen that handle that way is ones that have crappy architecture.
before you do that.
I wanna address the over budget over time thing.
That doesn't always imply something went wrong.
How is over budget not going wrong? It's not what you gave the client, thus you were wrong in what you sent the client.
Sometimes customers don't realize they want certain features until they play with a semi-functional product.
if requirements change, then sure, get a change request out to update the budget.
when a customer realizes that a change request should be made to update budget, effort etc.
Well how is that any different?
It's still "over" the old budget.
Just because you move the goal post doesn't mean you didn't miss it.
Moving the goal post isn't going over budget. Going over budget is when the PM just tells the client "Hey, we're going over. We just didn't give you accurate numbers."
or when I estimate 40 hours for my junior to code something, and he takes 50 hours.
that's my mistake as his supervisor.
(it could be his, he could've just been an ass and not worked those 40 hours, but that would in-turn be mine for not managing that).
during an IEEE conference, Barry Boehm did a keynote address on relative cost of a bugfix
I used it when presenting Test Driven design/development at a conference
That is soooo arbitrary!
And it depends on the kind of development being done.
Embedded systems? Sure that's probably pretty close.
that is true, the type of dev being done is important. In my world this is true.
It's not my experience in WebDev.
I see more wasted hours with consultants arguing with customers saying "This isn't in the requirements we're not going to do it." When I could make the change in less time.
if I do a code change, it has to be tested in HD3 locally, then:
HD1 - INternal SIT testing
HI2 - External (client) UAT
HI1, HI4, HI3 - Stakeholder UAT
HI2 - 1 week performance testing to ensure our services still work according to our SLA (so we don't get sued)
Schedule a production date, bring 3 people in to monitor servers so we deploy incase something wrong happens
what's HD/HI?
HD - Dev
HI - INtegration
they're just environments
so we test in :Dev, integration, Test, Staging, then move to productions
an 8 hour change (development) equates to roughly 32 hours of effort (documentation, analysis, unit testing, deployment, administration, project managmenet etc.)
sure, it takes me 8 hours to fix, but we bill 32 hours because over the period of 2 months, other people will be working to ensure everything that went on in those 8 hours gets documented, released, etc.
Then again, i work for a large health contract
and cow-boys are shot on site. (i hide my hat)
Oh. Well I was just talking about during development
Once a product is in production then yeah things get a bit more complicated.
Requirements changing in development isn't a huge thing, but i'd still like to have them nailed down before that
I preach TDD< but it's not a silver bullet. it won't work for every team out there
some agile teams that need to just get stuff done as a proof of concept won't require testing like that.
but for an enterprise application that requires 99.999% uptime and minimal defects, I need to ensure my team produces quality work that matches exactly what the client wants, or bad stuff happens
haha I was gonna say "no errors? Impressive. ;)"
Haha, yea i had to edit that.
I was talking to the client once:
"How do you want us to communicate defects in the system that are known when we go to release"
client: "What do you mean defects, your system should have 0 defects when you release"
"Well, sometimes there are defects like HTML borders being visible on old browsers, you know, little things."
client "so fix those before you release"
took me an hour to convince her that sometimes software has defects. that's what a bug list is for haha.
I've just been in a lot of consulting shops that do all the reqs gathering and then the customer inevitably says "Where's such and such feature?" and then there's a bunch of emails, phone calls and meetings where everyone is trying to point fingers and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time.
I hear ya
I always get told to hack something together that kind of does what the customer wants but in a really ugly way.
The CYA mentality
I always try to get clients on an hourly basis.
Hack something together, i miss those days :P
My pitch is I don't want to rope them into a contract if they're not happy with my work. I deliver updates as they pay me and each time they're free to take the source code elsewhere and let someone else pick up where I left off.
That way I can do the reqs gathering piecemeal.
are you freelance?
Used to be. Now I'm working with three other people we're trying to start up a company.
Nice. I was tempted to become incorporated
but with alimony and child support, I didn't want to take the risk.
Yeah that would definitely complicate matters.
was offered $120k/yr in Vancouver as a freelance for a 2 year contract
Nice. Doing what?
mobile game design in .net
nice. I'd love to get into that. Enterprise development is starting to get boring.
creating the RESTful backend in .net, allowing others to do the native development
And I want more UX uh, experience.
enterprise goes a bit boring, but man i've learned a lot in the past year since I've been here
my current job the spec consisted of 'we need all the data in the database...eventually'
Oh yeah I'm always learning new stuff too. There's definitely a lot of unique problems to overcome.
I just want to work on a project that's more fun oriented haha.
@RyanTernier - This is what's been keeping me busy these days
That video just demonstrates the drawing portion.
But then this
This is how the client can use job specific data to programmatically manipulate the drawings on the fly.
THat's kind of cool. what need is it solving?
The company I'm working with designs elevator controllers.
They have to create engineer drawings for each controller they make.
Depending on the features and the equipment being used there's a bunch of subtle differences.
AC/DC power, cable lift, pneumatic lift. Fire alarm integration. Floor level sensor types.
That sort of thing.
They have a bunch of these drawings already in some drawing program and they make these little changes by hand for each job.
Very time consuming.
This thing allows them to just write in the logic for the whole process.
What type of scripting is that? Python?JS?
They have template specific code and elsewhere in the app (it's primarily a web app) they can load in resource files for common functions and such.
I wish I got to work with pretty graphical stuff. I get to play deep in the file system and with heavy multithreading. Feels awesome to play with the hard stuff. but sucks that there is nothing to point to and say 'I make it do that'.
that's kind of cool
Exactly. This is my first project that has a real visual presence. Mostly I do back end stuff as well.
was my last project before I got laid off
I've wanted to make a simulation program for a while now.
not simulation, reconstruction (big difference :P)
well legal difference
oh my bad.
I'm currently working on a plug in data monitoring system, where we have variable number of threads and variable number of plugins at any time, any part of which can be taken down or go live as we run. needs 5, 9 up time. I'm pulling my hair out over seemingly minor stuff. rofl.
@RyanTernier - What was your role in the project?
we let police put in evidence, then we'd re-create what their evidence suggested.
actually, simulate is a proper word, but legal people said no haha
i was a developer
that was all .NET xna
now, that is awesome.
@ArthurIce - That sounds like a sick project.
I love a good multithreaded project.
bah, how do you do replies here? =-P
@ArthurIce 5 9's is a PITA to maintain
go to the left of the message, left click the little down arrow, and reply
@ArthurIce - Just hit the @ key and start typing a name. It does tab complete.
Easier than picking up the mouse :P
@RyanTernier maintaining 3 9's is pain enough. some of this stuff is trying to monitor millisecond timing of a multi million dollar machine.
yay someone who i can vent with
@ArthurIce - What machine? If I may ask.
@SpencerRuport thanks. Yeah, I love this project. It's my second major project for massive multithreading.
@SpencerRuport CNC machines and inspection machine monitoring.
Oh nice.
Well at least you can point at the machine and be like "My program made it do that just now."
@SpencerRuport more like 'see what that machine is doing....I know it's doing that =-P'
oh haha.
I just published another build of the drawing app with undo/redo.
That was fun to write.
I hadn't made an undo/redo mechanism before.
Wrong window. :P
hy just want to see if this is correct
Compiler compile source code to object files, then linker combine object files to single .exe file(or .dll file), then loader put code from .exe file to RAM, then goes run-time of program, which is time of program execution?
Question.. how do I use tags or keywords?
There is no tutorial as to how that works
@Srle Err.. yes. For C++ apps. Not for C#
@Roel van Uden ,can you explain me process for c# please?
C# Code-> CIL Code. This is not platform or processor specific object code
@RyanTernier Isn't that a .dll file anyway?
CIL is a CPU and platform indepentant instruction set that cn be executed in any environment supporting the Common language infastructure
CIL - Common Intermediate Language
CLI = Common Language Infastructure
The execution process looks like this:
Source code is converted to Common Intermediate Language (CIL), which is the CLI's equivalent to Assembly language for a CPU.
CIL is then assembled into a form of so-called bytecode and a CLI assembly is created.
Upon execution of a CLI assembly, its code is passed through the runtime's JIT compiler to generate native code. Ahead-of-time compilation may also be used, which eliminates this step, but at the cost of executable file portability.
The native code is executed by the computer's processor.
@Srle Compilation of source to object files, object files are linked into executable, executable is partially PE header and partially IL (intermediate language), loader puts code into RAM, .NET code is used to execute IL and uses JIT (just-in-time) compilation of IL to native code, run-time, done.
Common Intermediate Language (CIL, pronounced either "sil" or "kil") (formerly called Microsoft Intermediate Language or MSIL) is the lowest-level human-readable programming language defined by the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification and is used by the .NET Framework and Mono. Languages which target a CLI-compatible runtime environment compile to CIL, which is assembled into an object code that has a bytecode-style format. CIL is an object-oriented assembly language, and is entirely stack-based. Its bytecode is translated into native code or executed by a virtual machine. C...
I actually know how Java compilation works :(
But .NET isn't something I've studied in detail
@LewsTherin Almost the same except for Java not having IL? :P
@RoelvanUden Object files? Really..
@RoelvanUden Byte code? :P
@LewsTherin A compiled Java app is just java source code emitted in a zip, isn't it? Which is then compiled when you start it..
They do encode it
Well you have to put it in a zip explicitly..
thanks all :)
A .jar file
any time srle
@RoelvanUden Interpreted
@LewsTherin And yeah, object files are still available. You just don't see the process, and the linking process is mostly done by the JIT (matching method names and whatnot).
@LewsTherin Hmm.. I recall .jar files are just java files in a zip.
In software, JAR (Java ARchive) is an archive file format typically used to aggregate many Java class files and associated metadata and resources (text, images and so on) into one file to distribute application software or libraries on the Java platform. JAR files are built on the ZIP file format and have the .jar file extension. Computer users can create or extract JAR files using the jar command that comes with a JDK. They can also use zip tools to do so; however, the order of entries in the zip file headers is important when compressing, as the manifest often needs to be first. De...
@RoelvanUden Yeah, that's right. It's just done by default
Yeah so there is no IL and no JIT. It has the actual source code to do compile-to-native.
@RoelvanUden I do seem to recall that. Seems a pain to be doing all that though.
That's why we have msbuild :P
@RoelvanUden Oh no.. the Java compiler does compile the source into byte code.. the byte code is then portable to be used by the JVM
The bytecode is C#'s equivalent of IL
I don't see any Java files, only .class files.
Ah, I see. So there are multiple methods, the default is emitting byte-code.
@KendallFrey That's what the java compiler compiles .java files into..
...and those definitely aren't Java.
@RoelvanUden Yes, a 2 step process.
I see, I see. Well, pretty similar to C#.
Êþº¾ <- That's not Java. Though I see the similarity...
wiki is dieing!
Java broke the Wikimedia
Oh, whew. I thought you meant permanently.
@RyanTernier No, PHP.
> PHP fatal error in /usr/local/apache/common-local/multiversion/MWMultiVersion.php line 363: Unable to open /usr/local/apache/common-localwikiversions.cdb.
nah, it broke when I clicked the java link above
damn java
No, the whole site is down.
aaaand it's up again
Crisis averted?
i'm not sure. With Wikipedia being up, i'll still get hounded to donate to them
Evenin' folks.
I've got a project housing a pile of EF models; they're to be used cross-project. My WCF Data Services project (hosted in ASP.NET with the correct references and connection strings) picks them up just fine. I'm trying to get visibility of them in an MVC3 application. Despite adding references, the "Add Controller" dialogue can't find the models or the context.
Well, my estimate now contains 2 solutions. The one that should be picked "Solution 1" and the bastardized temporary quick and dirty solution #2 which I call "The little web service that could".

on my first review I named them:
Solution 1: Batch Service
Solution 2: Evil bastard child of a web-service, will live only to be thrown away when the world has no more use for it.

my boss is still laughing
Anyone know of something commonly skipped in such a process? I don't want to regenerate all the duplicate models just for this back-office MVC app.
Are you referencing the DLL or the project?
Are you referencing the DLL's in teh BIN directory?
I've added a reference to the EF-model project in the MVC project; DLLs are in the Bin. I've brought over the connection string from the EF-model project, so that MVC can see whats up. I've referenced EF itself too; same version, in MVC.

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