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Can you explain that? You're grouping the B and the period?
In .NET implementation, looks like it removed the period, but not the B.
...I forgot the syntax.
awesome, thanks for the solution and link.
Man, it's like I use Regex often enough to forget it by the time I need it again
6 hours later…
Hi all
hi @MRS1367
Hi @CCInc
hw r U?
I back again after a long time (about 2/3 months)
i'm fine, thanks
@CCInc >> what r U doing now?
Just chatting
no, i mean whether u have any project/task to do or not?
Not at 12:30 at night no
but in general yes I have a project I work on
if possible, can I know what is ur project?
if possible, can I know what is ur project?
It syncs history and bookmarks accross all browsers.
it's very good.
it's very useful.
why thank you
are you working on a project?
I said it can very useful for its end-users.
I'm working on several projects
That's good.
hi @felix
is it possble to ask queries regardng codng n chat room?
Hi @felix
is t possble?
I don't know because I can't read the questino.
@felix -> U must ask a clear question for receive answer.
how are u?
hi @mrs136
I have asked a question n the post....
Q: Binding asp.net datalist with jQuery is not working

felixI saw several posts regarding this topc. I noticed one code. I also worked on the same code n the below code url . Binding asp.net datalist with jQuery function OnSuccess(response) { $("[id*=dlOnFrontPageProducts]").attr("border", "1"); var xmlDoc = $.parseXML(response.d...

@felix -> ok
can you help me....
if I can
I help U
I read it
ok thanks...
i worked on t 4 the lst 4 days...
what's wrong with th acceptec answer?
i dont know what he mean...? cn you show me any sample codes?
can i share my code nw?
how can i bind <asp:Label ID="Label1" CssClass ="descrption" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("description") %>'></asp:Label> from javascrpt by the descrbed code? is it possble?
hi @CCInc
6 hours later…
Anyone here for a quick MembershipProvider question?
Anyone know if there is a way to set wpf to arrange properties by name?
If I click on the item itself, I can do it, but when I'd add items the pop-up window doesn't have an option to arrange by name.
Is this a setting you can choose somewhere?
2 hours later…
how sad I can see my last message
yeah chat seems dead in the weekend
Trying to find some stuff, not big enough question for posting a question, but no1 in chat xD
What's up?
Trying to bind dictionary to listview --> gridviewcolumn
I can bind the dictionary, but that will show both the key & value in both columns
I'm trying to get the keys in 1 column, and value's in another
Oh I haven't done WPF in a long time
I started (oO)
How are you binding it? Paste code?
For listview
lstvSystemInformation.ItemsSource = dctPropertyList;
and for gridview I'm still trying to figure out how to seperate them
ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="220" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="272">
<GridView x:Name="grdvSystemInformationProperties">
<GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyName" Header="Property Name" Width="100" />
<GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyValue" Header="Property Value" Width="172" />
don't mind the names, still thinking of how I'm going to name them decently xD
I've tried binding to a dictionary but it isn't an easy to remember :( I only did it once
Q: Binding a Dictionary's key and value in a listbox with wpf

cemregoksuI am trying to bind a dictionary's key to a row of the grid in a listbox, and bind the dictionary's value to another row of the grid. key's type is Book, a class thati wrote and the value's type is int. i want to write the elements of the class and the integer value in grid. Can you help me on t...

Could help
Was just reading that1 after the last question
lol :P
Now just how to do something like this
grdvcPropertyName.DisplayMemberBinding = Binding Path=Key.Name;
grdvcPropertyName.DisplayMemberBinding = "{Binding Path=Key.Name}";
won't accept it yet
That should be in XAML
but i'm trying to do it in code..
should be possible just how..
Oh, maybe use BindingSource or something..
almost there
grdvcPropertyValue.DisplayMemberBinding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Values");
got it
lstvSystemInformation.ItemsSource = dctPropertyList;
grdvcPropertyName.DisplayMemberBinding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Key");
grdvcPropertyValue.DisplayMemberBinding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Value");
Ty for the help lews
@Lews Any idea how I prevent the listview from creating a third empty column?
I added 2 gridviews, yet it shows 3
Remove <GridViewColumn/>
I think that actually adds another column ;)
@Lews That worked ty :P
Sweet xD
Is Channel9 extremely slow?
I dunno, what's that?
All are not good but there are gems
Oh wow..
Bookmarked, thanks ;)
I forgot why I loved LP
Any idea wy a wpf window always wants to get wider/higher than its content?
I'm trying to have auto resize, but when I try to put window to auto size it always goes too wide/high
If I put window height/width smaller than the content, it seems to override the others
This is why I hate front end stuff :(
Its like everything works fine
ok, now lets try auto width/height for resizing
everything screwed up ()_()
It's almost like CSS huh
Min size, min height, margins do the rest, and work with em/ %
that would still work reasonably well
but wpf, I don't even understand wy the wpf window overlaps the other content
you have a window, below, you place content on it
wy does the window lay on top, wy? (-_-')
Wrong person to ask :(
just ranting :P
the question is now how to unfuck the fkery xD
Is the xaml huge?
I'll enjoy the moment that I can say, now I can understand, how foolish I was
400x500 +-
I placed all the controls with widths/heights, then I tried to put auto width so they resize when resizing the window, but now the window lays on top of the rest
I was thinkiong your code, I can have a look if the Xaml is not too huge (number of lines)
if I would change the height, more content would show with like half the window not filled
<Window x:Name="frmLocalInformationBrief1" x:Class="AdminTools.frmLocalInformationBrief"
Title="frmLocalInformationBrief" Background="Gray" Height="303" Width="420">
<Grid Background="Gray" Margin="0,0,2,223" Height="280">
<ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="220" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<GridView x:Name="grdvSystemInformationProperties">
try ctrl + k when you paste code, the chat formats it nicely
Hi, I have a rather large Object that gets serialized as XML in order to save it to disk. However this generates huge files (way larger than the actual object itself). Is there some way to keep it serializing to XML while I am in debug but when I want to release, let it serialize to a binary format without much effort?
you can also edit for two minites
Thats what happens when I put the height higher
its like there's an extra margin
I know there was this thing called XDS that did basically the same thing... but I only know of 1 library for c++ that works with it
    Title="frmLocalInformationBrief" Background="Gray" Height="303" Width="420">
<Grid Background="Gray" >
        <RowDefinition Height="127*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="33*"/>
    <ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" Margin="10" >
            <GridView x:Name="grdvSystemInformationProperties">
                <GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyName" Header="Property Name" Width="150*" />
                <GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyValue" Header="Property Value" Width="215*" />
Try that, dunno if it is what you want
Error in Width="150*" sry, looking into it
Looks like it does not work with listview, why not datagrid?
You can do it using a converter though
I'm used to working with listview, haven't used datagrid often ^^
And that almost fully works, except the startupheight seems to be to low, gonna check
<Grid Background="Gray" >
        <RowDefinition Height="127*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="33*"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyName" Header="Property Name" Width="150*"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyValue" Header="Property Name" Width="215*"/>
    <Button x:Name="btnRetrieveInformation" Content="Retrieve System Information" Margin="10" Grid.Row="1"/>
Xaml for datagrid if you want to try it^
The code I posted for the listview had errors in the width you read that right?
Woah XML files compress like hell o.O
put a large xml file into a .zip, 91% compression
nvm about binary serialization, im just gonna use .zip
@CBenni could you use the #if directive?
#if (DEBUG)
#elif (RELEASE)
umm that is C++
C# does not have those iirc
or does it? o.O
oh ok...
yeah sorry my example was VB.Net
@GaryConnell TIL C# has a preprocessor.
I thought they eliminated that because macros are EVIL
@CBenni What did you think #region was?
I'm not sure to be honest, but I use if for logging while I'm debugging, that I don't want on release
I dont use #region, but yeah
yeah I guess using it for debug output is a good idea
@CSharpStudent If you are still having issues with 'auto sizing' it may be related to HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment on your listview, you currently have them set to Top and Left, but there is a Stretch option. (There is also HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment). I'm not sure how these will act with an absolute Height set, but worth a try
1 change
1 change and it works now ()_()
haha always the way :)
Using johan xaml & stretch it works ()_()
And a new problem arises, cheers ()_()
the 3rd column is back xD
can I have a look at the new XAML, I've just answered a question about GridViewColumns, I think this might be the issue
<Window x:Name="frmLocalInformationBrief1" x:Class="AdminTools.frmLocalInformationBrief"
Title="Retrieve Brief System Information" Background="Gray" Margin="0" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" Height="337">
<Grid Background="Gray">
<ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" Margin="10,10,10,45" MinHeight="250">
<GridView x:Name="grdvSystemInformationProperties">
<GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyName" Header="Property Name" Width="Auto" />
2 columns in the collection..
I dont think it is a third column just that the two you have does not fill the space
yeah Johan is right, here's a link to my answer that will help
in fact it may not, as this works if you want one column to 'fill' the space, but if you want them to be equal it will need a bit of tweaking
I just want when I resize the window, the listview resizes too, it does tha tnow
now I just need to get it to resize width according to the listview
atm it has Width:Auto, but it only uses that width when filling, not resizing
private void ListView_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
    ListView _ListView = sender as ListView;
    GridView _GridView = _ListView.View as GridView;
    var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth - SystemParameters.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
    var _NewWidth = _ActualWidth / 2;
    _GridView.Columns[0].Width = _NewWidth;
    _GridView.Columns[1].Width = _NewWidth;
something like that, with my answer in that link will give you equal column widths
that will resize with the window
still 3 columns
once I resize after original width, there's a 3rd column
did you remember to add SizeChanged="ListView_SizeChanged" to your ListView XAML
if you look behind the 2nd column there's a little || for 3e column
it works but still small 3e column :P
its like
| | | |
ah that's a gap for the vertical scrollbar, you can either turn them on all the time or change the lines above to
var _NewWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth/ 2;
var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth - SystemParameters.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
but removing the lower 1, then newwidth won't work either, since it works with actualwdith
yeah the variable _ActualWidth is the actual width of the listview minus the space the scrollbar will take up, If you use _ListView.ActualWidth that's the width without accommodating the scrollbar
This is odd:

var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth;
var _NewWidth = _ActualWidth / 2;
it starts out 2x as wide, but no 3e bar

        var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth - SystemParameters.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
        var _NewWidth = _ActualWidth / 2;
has right size, with 3e column
so using the first one, the columns are twice the size they should be?
Using the first 1, I have 2 columns, 2x the size
Using the second, I have 3 columns, right size
do you have a screenshot? it does seem weird
Start without filling
And resizing to how I want it, with the first column too wide
So much trouble for just auto resizing..
ah that's what it is, it because of Auto, remember it takes up as much room as the content needs and because the text is "longer" than the width you've resized to, it will give you a horizontal scrollbar
And there doesn't exist a 3rd column since I can't
_Gridview.Columns[2].Width = 0
oh wait never mind
yeah but wy would it give a 3e empty column, instead of resizing the 2Nd
so with the new solution :

var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth;
var _NewWidth = _ActualWidth / 2;

it works with no 3rd column?
but the widths are too big?
I think I know what's wrong, but I want to make sure there is no 3rd column
ok the problem is they are being treated equally, so how ever wide column 2 is, column 1 has to be.. so give me a few minutes and I'll rewrite the code
but if I would change
columns[x].Width = _newSize / 2; then I go back to 3 columns ()_()
ok this will work, change the method to :

private void ListView_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
ListView _ListView = sender as ListView;
GridView _GridView = _ListView.View as GridView;
var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth;
_ActualWidth = _ActualWidth - _GridView.Columns[0].Width;
_GridView.Columns[1].Width = _ActualWidth;

and then in XAML change the first gridviewcolumn to Width="Auto" and remove the width from the second one, that should be it
Resizing extends the 3e column, doesn't resize 1,2 column -_-"
WPF trolling us (-_-')
feels like it lol
I think I'm just going to have a default size, and maximized size
they don't need to resize the window, I won't let them!
well I'll just run through it and see if there is anything I'm overlooking anything,

Column 1 is basically set text, and it is set to Auto.
The method then subtracts it's width from the total width of the listview and assigns that to the Width of column two
This should mean that column 1 is always the same size, only taking up as much space as it needs to and column 2 will resize when the window is resized.

And can't see where it's going wrong :/
me neither
It says it doesn't have a 3rd column
but it resizes a 3d column ()_()
ok, last time I promise lol, I know it's a pain in the ass but can you send the current XAML?
It's not a pain in the ass, xaml just won't work with us :P
<Window x:Class="AdminTools.frmRemoteInformationBrief"
Title="frmRemoteInformationBrief" Height="300" Width="300">
<Grid Background="Gray">
<ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="220" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="272">
<GridView x:Name="grdvSystemInformationProperties">
<GridViewColumn Header="Property Name" Width="Auto" />
It should work with auto width & auto height & margins
is that the updated code? there isn't stretch etc
I selected it in properties oO
stretch removes the code
if I select top, it adds code, stretch is default then
ah right, well then, you've forgot to put SizeChanged="ListView_SizeChanged" in the listview XAML, that's why I was asking if it was the updated code lol
but content adds code, wth
I added/removed it just a sec ago
<Window x:Name="frmLocalInformationBrief1" x:Class="AdminTools.frmLocalInformationBrief"
Title="Retrieve Brief System Information" Background="Gray" Margin="0" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" Height="337">
<Grid Background="Gray">
<ListView x:Name="lstvSystemInformation" Margin="10,10,10,45" MinHeight="250" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" SizeChanged="lstvSystemInformation_SizeChanged">
I tried adding/removing and seeing the difference, but there is none
I only changed the name btw to lstV..
private void lstvSystemInformation_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
System.Windows.Controls.ListView _ListView = sender as System.Windows.Controls.ListView;
GridView _GridView = _ListView.View as GridView;
var _ActualWidth = _ListView.ActualWidth;
_ActualWidth = _ActualWidth - _GridView.Columns[0].Width;
_GridView.Columns[1].Width = _ActualWidth;
and adding/removing width= auto doesn't change anything either oO
certainly is weird :S That all looks fine, I'll try the code on my end, to be honest, I've only been working out code in notepad on my end
haha it's usually good enough, until XAML starts to be annoying
Seems like WPF takes more time in graphics, instead of coding ()_()
only major flaw I've seen to be honest, what was so wrong with drag and drop lol
I still use it
But seems have to edit more in xaml
Ah btw I just noticed *headdesk, if you enter a color name into #hex, it still takes the color ok ... ()_(), yet still no dropdown..
I'm more of a programmer tbh I hate front end, I just wire it up and pass it over to my buddy to make it look nice
think I may have it, just testing
I start to understand wy we weren't even told of wpf
code if you need it:
#region System-Defined Using
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
#region User-Defined Using
using System.Drawing;
using System.Management;
using System.Windows.Forms;
haha, to be fair it does have a lot of advantages, nothing better than the data binding :)
althought I always just had something like
foreach ... add ..
and an array
found the problem... and well... you see... it seems to be my fault haha
_ActualWidth = _ActualWidth - _GridView.Columns[0].Width;
should be
_ActualWidth = _ActualWidth - _GridView.Columns[0].ActualWidth;
as Width is Auto and not a number... sorry
Although I just noticed you're supposed to use lists & dictionary's and hashtables
Works, except starts out too large
how is it with content?
well its back to
It starts out very large with 2 columns, resize it to half the width (manually), then its fine
wait a sec
the second column is fluid so you could add a right margin to the first column header
the whole window resizes in width
maibe its some other width thats also affection it
since it jumps to 500 width or so
how do you mean, can you show me in a screenshot?
_ListView.Width = 300;
that stops it from jumping to 600 width or so
something like this
except the listview won't resize after that..
do you mean on startup the window is too big?
but on resizing it works fine
you could set the Width of the window to 300, you don't need sizetocontent anymore as it stretches
size to content wasn't applied
but on startup the window is so wide, so wy does it do it on startup, when sizechanged hasn't even triggered,
when setting the width on the open it still doesn't apply
on the <Window> tag in XAML, you have height, you can set the Width to something like 330 or something it should stop the window being so big on startup
I added sizetocentent
removed it again, added width, now its fine
like wtf ()_()
haha so is that you all fixed then?
except 1 thing
yeah what's up?
the column name moves to the right
got horizontalcontent to left, yet its on the rgiht
change your GridViewColumn from :

<GridViewColumn Header="Header" />


<Label Content="Header" HorizontalAlignment="Left" />

I think should fix it
you can replace Label with any control, but you mind need to style it to match the other... yet more messing about with XAML
still on the right wth
resizing either column shows text in middle
with content left -_-"
@Gary lets just leave it here for now, the text isn't such a big deal. I'll search for it later

just a case of applying a style
Styling doesn't apply for some reason
                    <Label Content="Property Value"  HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" HorizontalAlignment="Left" />
added both still no change
sorry it's a few answers down

<Style x:Key="hcs" TargetType="{x:Type GridViewColumnHeader}">

<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left"></Setter>


and use it in the Gridview like this


<GridViewColumn HeaderContainerStyle="{StaticResource hcs}" Width="200" HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource dtht}" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding col1}"></GridViewColumn>

dumb question
where am I supposed to place the style itself? xD
Since nomather where I place it it adds erros
I hate them tbh, but I hate all front end, under the <Window> tag, you can create <Window.Resources> tag

I have 2 forms: Remote & local
added the style to remote
trying to add the headercontainerstyle to local
Hi all!
@Gary all works now, going to take a shower and facedesk for a while
haha happens all the time
Going to do a happy dance once I can do the styling in 1 go as I want it
at 1:00
haha cool
@JABFreeware "omg its jab"
@CCInc yep
is there any one here?
Whats the problem
what is solution to this problem
can not find one or more components. please reinstall the application sql server
when i installed vs 2012 after sql server2012 this error occured for running ssms
seems like more ppl have that error, looking at google posts now..
i'm finding in google but i couldn't find good solution, i confused from microsoft somtime!
try to refer here
seems like they solved something similar at the end
@Gary btw its odd, applying the HorizontalContentAlignment left, can only be applied by using the <style><style/>, trying to manually add it says it doesn't exit oO
@Gary needs to be applied with headercontainerstyle, seems to work only like that
yeah it is a strange one
it everything working as expected now?
yeah oddly enough
after applying the style I didn't need the label
                <GridViewColumn x:Name="grdvcPropertyName" Header="Property Name" HeaderContainerStyle="{StaticResource hcs}" Width="Auto" />
        <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left"></Setter>
While the property doesn't exist, when trying to apply it on the column..
how old are you csharp student?
it is a bit strange Microsoft are usually quite good at keeping consistent and for them to only provide one way is a bit annoying
searched property's to manual set it, but didn't show up / didn't find
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