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12:44 AM
be back monday
@TravisJ cya
1:11 AM
I should probably just admit this.
I have very unrealistic desires when it comes to software.
Knockout is pretty cool though despite my struggles with learning it... in half a day. :P
While moaning about it the whole time. XD
1 hour later…
2:41 AM
@ton.yeung You there?
3 hours later…
6:01 AM
anyone here worked with telerik
Uh.. for like 5 seconds.. why?
I need a help with telerik context menu
Explain your issuse, and MAYBE I can help
6:18 AM
I have a telerik context menu & sub menu with one of its item
Now when i go for that item onclient showing am having subitem list
but issue is I wish for my one of grid using this the subitem menu have default selection that is subitem 3rd
6:33 AM
Hi @Neha
How r u?
How to fix this Error ??? "URI formats are not supported."
@JasperManickaraj hey
am f9 thanks
get the code where this is happening
List<Uri> AbsoluteImageUrl = new List<Uri>();

AbsoluteImageUrl.Add(new Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "AQS R142890 DEGP6CSTP.dwg"));
string s = AbsoluteImageUrl[0].AbsoluteUri.ToString();
FileInfo Fi = new FileInfo(s);
Here the string s="http://localhost:52440/ClientBin/AQS%20R142890%20DEGP6CSTP.dwg";
6:51 AM
@Neha u there?
hi any one can tell how code behind method call from jscript?
7:29 AM
Hi @vipul
U there
U need to call Codebehind Method using javascript right?
i have a method in code behind
public void login()
// some code for login
i want to call this method using javascript
function callCBehind()
                  type: "POST",
                  url: "/"+ "ControllerName/Method",
                  data: { parameter0: val1,parameter1: val2},
                  success: function (data) {

7:38 AM
in url what i write?
In MVC only u do this right??
i am not use MVC
simple web form
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "yourpage.aspx/yourmethod",
data: "{}",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
//Write functionality to display data
error: function(result) {
      $(function() {
        var name = $( "#name" ),
          email = $( "#email" ),
          password = $( "#password" ),
          allFields = $( [] ).add( name ).add( email ).add( password ),
          tips = $( ".validateTips" );

        function updateTips( t ) {
            .text( t )
            .addClass( "ui-state-highlight" );
          setTimeout(function() {
            tips.removeClass( "ui-state-highlight", 1500 );
          }, 500 );

        function checkLength( o, n, min, max ) {
in this i want to change
if ( bValid ) {
                // call method that i write in aspx.cs file that is login
                $( this ).dialog( "close" );
8:03 AM
@JasperManickaraj can i write like this
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
          autoOpen: false,
          height: 300,
          width: 350,
          modal: true,
          buttons: {
            "Create an account": function() {
              var bValid = true;
              allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );

              bValid = bValid && checkLength( name, "username", 3, 16 );
              bValid = bValid && checkLength( email, "email", 6, 80 );
              bValid = bValid && checkLength( password, "password", 5, 16 );
I'm not much familiar with web forms.. In mvc u can ask me any questions.. but i suggestion is post ur question in "ASk a Question"?
Good morning @RaZor
8:26 AM
hi @RaZor can you help me for my problem as above
Is it Java?
asp .net
hmm, don't have much knowledge...
about jscript
asp.net neither
hey @neha you know this as given above
8:29 AM
morning guys
i have a problem with java script i give code above
morning @DaImTo
@VIPULPARMAR k, & whats ur issue
What is a Simple & Easy way to show a user friendly error message instead of the build-in error messages????
i want to call method that write in aspx.cs file i want to call this method
how to call this
8:33 AM
messagebox.show("would you please be so kind as to not do that again you got an error if you do")
yes @DaImTo something like that
@RaZor helpful arnt i :)
@DaImTo always hun :)
But now its giving me both messages.... first the friendly message and then the unfriendly message
how about Microsoft AX sucks and the guys that deveiopled this DB should be shot
much better :D
but that doens't help me lol
8:36 AM
@VIPULPARMAR make ur server side method as webmethod & call it easily
how to call this?
but i want to check in this method that user valid for login or not?
i know it is easy call in webmethod, but i want to check for user login
thats why i want to call this method
9:05 AM
@DaImTo you got any knowledge on C# WinForms right?
Anyone here use TDD?
managed to avoid everything else
Omg, I just forgot what I wanted to ask you.....
Yeah i got an error..
mornin all
missed me?
9:19 AM
Morning ppl
Fri, 13th
Awww, be alert everyone. its Fri 13th
good morning
9:34 AM
yo you cant give localhost//
ClientBin is a folder ? Is it in your application ?
@RaZor how are things mate
new FileInfo(MapPath("http://www.domain.com/file.txt"));
whould work ?
9:38 AM
@tranceporter with the reading good, but practice bad :/
Still figuring out what user to use for SqlDependency
lol, whats the bad practice ;)
job is a bad practice.
i would say, it's a minor detail mate. The important bit is to check if it works :)
so just create a test user for now, and you can always change it latr
@codebrain agreed
all u need to do later is change the connection string :)
9:39 AM
yeah I know, but the point is. I need the Windows Authentication...
ok, then how about you give yourself access to sql server
to that table, and then use integrated security in the connection string?
@RaZor very well you should :P
@tranceporter but then I have 2 connection strings to the same db right?
you dont use the username password connection string
stick with windows auth (integrated security)
okay, but
How can SqlDependency work without username and password?
9:41 AM
just give yourself access to DB, and it will work for you only (for test purposes)
yeah that is possible but in the end, I still have to make a user when the Software goes Live
sure it can. It's just a question of whether you want to give every user in the active directory access to SQL Server
or add a single username/password which all users will use internally to connecto to sql server
the first approach means you need to add loads of users to SQL server
but you do not store username/password anywhere
the second approach means that you only need 1 user on SQL server side
which is easy, but u need to store uname and pass in connection strings in app.config
which is plain text, and then I can hack your website.. muahahaha
it ain't a website buddy Lo
9:44 AM
brb , let me ask our DB whiz about what they do
its easier than i thoought
lol nice
the easier the better
what you need to do is create a group in active directory (your network admin would know)
and you simply give access to that group in SQL server
that's all?
9:48 AM
no need to add individual users
thats all
so that active directory group should have all users which access your windows app
So that way I can use Windows Authentication with SqlDependency
yup u can
I'll look into it!
9:49 AM
so what u need to find out from network admin, is the Active directory group you belong to
and give that group access in sql server for now :)
awesome! let me know how it goes
Will do!
sometimes i hate beging a woman. I dont know if i want to scream at my boss right now or start crying.... so frustrated.
@DaImTo screem at ur boss
slap him tight
probably not the best idea i kinda like my job most days.
but ur boss is not letting u live
10:02 AM
so your boss is a woman @DaImTo
@DaImTo it seems ur boss read everything that u told here (since you suddenly vanished from here for long period)
10:17 AM
nope he finaly came in so i closed the window :) appernly my bitch back at him on skype worked enough that he came in here.
@DaImTo lol
BI isnt that easy even after a year i still get lost sometimes. 5 mintues from him can save hours of my time.
BTW Howz Jessy Ryder now a days?
same thing was happening with me in my current job
2 day is my last day
i got new one
new job nice
10:20 AM
Im on my thrid department in this company
2day is last day of my notice period
Im loving its almost time for vacation 2 weeks .....
just need to decide what to do..... besides nothing
Pfff no vacation for me this month....
10:22 AM
@DaImTo christmass??
due to christmas?
just 2 days off because of christmas and 1 day for new year
that's all for me
yup :)
@RaZor poor you :(
@DaImTo dats gr8
@RaZor so sad
10:23 AM
its costing me 5 days vacation but i can live with that.
I wish I could, the pressure at work is so high that I don't even try to get a few days off
@DaImTo u know Jessi Ryder?
@DaImTo cricket player of new zeland?
10:25 AM
I doubt @DaImTo watches cricket
@F.R.I.E.N.D.S. i dont do sports.
@DaImTo only does chicks
Its really just another excuse for me to play with balls.
digs rather eh?
10:26 AM
me != men
so you a chick @DaImTo
@tranceporter last time i checked.
and you play with balls?
My respect.
@tranceporter lol
10:27 AM
Some of us seems capable of digging deep and transcending their gender
serously i dont know how you guys put up with women. I would go nutz if i had to deal with a woman on a daily basis.
@DaImTo lol
slap her
(ur boss)
after holidays
boss is a guy.
10:32 AM
20 years of working as a program i have only worked with a woman a hand ful if times. both times ended in ruin.
@DaImTo u r having 20 yrs experience in .net?
no only about 3 years with .net
total exp?
I can work with women @DaImTo
or birds, to be more polite
10:34 AM
i graduated collage in 1994 started working with Oracle 7 buidling forms and reports with a bit of cobal twisted in for insantly sake
All I need to do is be nice! :)
best thing about the job was digiatal unix box they had learned VI on that was awsom.
and sympathetic obviously. Lend a shoulder and an ear, depending on which side she is perched
@DaImTo gr8 ... u r too much experienced
@tranceporter i dont do drama.
10:35 AM
that's coz you are a tomboy!
do you secretly wish you were born a man?
@F.R.I.E.N.D.S. im very good at acking like i know what im talking about.
@tranceporter what you dont really think that my dad is still storying all the genration 1 transformers in his attic for me do you?
@DaImTo is he? ;)
@tranceporter in there orignal boxes could be :)
10:37 AM
@DaImTo to Megatron: Activate!
I can still see some brown spots made by pesto n olive at the italian restaurant we went to last week
Accidents happen i guess.. who would have thought that my pair of jeans digged italian stuff
@tranceporter over sharing
@tranceporter really?
ask my pair of jeans next time i visit india @F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
10:41 AM
if i don;t manage to wash it before
u have still 7 days
i guess so
@tranceporter i have 1 telephonic interview at 5.30
(bit tenced)
WOOT it works now. who whould have though that one null in one column in one row on one table would break everthing.....
10:44 AM
nulls are hard to deal with
Entity framework makes it easier by making those fields nullable types or strings
but if you are dealing with ADO.NET.. then sigh..
@F.R.I.E.N.D.S. go kick some arse
in the interview :D
@RamdasBhosale dude
3 marathi manss
10:47 AM
actually 4
@SomnathKharat also
what about Dattime.parse q
had u got that ans
i asked my senior
he told me that it may be parsing date in
plz look into this question
Chris's answer is correct
Datetime.Parse uses the current culture on the machine
if you want to parse the date to a specific culture, use Datetime.ParseExact
@DaImTo what is time there now in ur country? (just out of curiosity)
10:58 AM
lunch time. 11:58
4.30 hours
i should go before i forget lunch again today
@DaImTo today again!!!
dont u feel hunger?

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