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It doesn't matter if your string formatting is faster if you're about to make a SQL call.
string str = "abc";
Console.WriteLine(str + "dfg");

const string str = "abc{0}";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(str, "dfg"));
Peeps.. I'm giving examples.
the former will be faster
But nothing beats StringBuilders right ?
This does
I'm pretty sure
You're only concating 2 strings
You're using string literals so the compiler will rewrite your code as:
@AndréSilva StringBuilder is faster on HUGE texts, otherwise not.
Q: Does C# optimize the concatenation of string literals?

LarsenalFor instance, would the compiler know to translate string s = "test " + "this " + "function"; to string s = "test this function"; and thus avoid the performance hit with the string concatenation?

@JoshVarty I'm assuming "dfg" comes elsewhere
Yeah if that's the case, this doesn't apply.
But I think worrying about String concatenation is likely a case of premature optimization in this case. Especially if you're dealing with SQL calls.
I doubt that'll be his bottleneck.
@RoelvanUden Interesting.
Performance rules
@JoshVarty +1
I have a method that writes byte to a file. Is it a bad idea to trust people to not send me null?
If you have to ask, probably. :)
don't ever trust
hey there fellas
hey @Pheonixblade9!
public string ImportToFile(byte[] _Byte, string _Extension)
    if ((_Byte != null)) {
        //do something
Does that look right?
why are you calling _Byte as a method?
thank you
so grateful for rename
Is November really C# appreciation month?
I have been trying to read akkadia.org/drepper/cpumemory.pdf but I have not made much headway. Will someone help me understand this paper?
@JLott - Movember is.
!!wiki Movember
Movember (a portmanteau word from moustache and "November") is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancer and associated charities. The November Foundation runs the Movember charity event, housed at Movember.com. The goal of Movember is to "change the face of men's health." By encouraging men (which the charity refers to as "Mo Bros") to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventa...
I see
Sheesh, that's quite the paper.
!!urban Movember
@JLott [Movember](http://movember.urbanup.com/3512281) Movember(formally known as November) is a month long fund raising event during which participants(almost always adult males) attempt to grow a luxurious and stylish [\[moustache\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=moustache) throughout the month. they also ask people to sponsor them for this event, and all monies raised go toward mens health issues and further research...
The rules are that at the start of the month the shaved smile must be photographed and posted, updates must be provided for donating parties, and at the end
My BF does this crap..
@VaughanHilts I got to page six and now I am lost. I'd appreciate some motivation.
He can grow some gnarly facial hair though and then he insists on shaving it is crazy ways
like this?
Yes, just like that
I don't always grow a mustache, but when I do, I'm batman!
He wore a handle bar mustache for like 2 months
Makes for an amusing meme, but personally I cannot grow a good beard/mustache.
@JLott <<Insert Kesha lyrics here>>
My girlfriend is going to take part in Decembeaver if I grow a mustache :(
Wtf is Decembeaver..
!!urban Decembeaver
@JLott No definition found for Decembeaver
Found a pic of the BF
I think Ryan made that up
(good one, bro)
I still don't get it though...
I did
@KendallFrey EVALAT 1 3 2 gives the final value as 3/2, so it dosen't quite finish at "3". I wonder why.
await all the things!
because imgur is blocked, all I see is image not found
@TravisJ sounds like my life
@JLott That's a picture of you... oh wait. Didn't notice that guy at first.
What the heck is that image
Yeah I had been laughing like crazy so my face is like stupid red
@AndréSilva What do you mean?
Who are those people
My BF and I....
I was showing his handlebar mustache after his No shave fiasco
Stop lying.. The only woman in this chat is Kendall
Why do people use async and await on the same line? Is there really any point in doing that at all?
Is that even possible?
Department department = await db.Departments.FindAsync(id);
MS demo code^
There's no async
Is it an exception if a file doesn't exist and I try to open it?
that isn't really what 'async await' means
I get to leave soon! Woo@
@kush FileNotFoundException
Of course. I am just the worst.
@TomW - What do you mean?
That isn't the same 'async' as in the name of the feature
@TravisJ What do you mean?
@TomW - In what regard is it different?
public async void Foo() { await bar(); } <- that is async await, and also note that it's on the same line
@Kendall - Mean why have something async if you await immediately. It will be the same exact time as not using async there!
@TravisJ you've picked up the wrong instance of the word 'async'. Its presence in a method name is irrelevant
It returns immediately, freeing the thread for other tasks, such as GUI messages
@TomW - Not when it is implemented by entity framework
@TravisJ anyway, why wouldn't you do what you showed in your example?
@Kendall - It returns immediately, at which point the await will block until the information is populated.
@TomW - Because it executes in the same time as not using it.
@TravisJ still, no. That isn't what the term 'async await' refers to. That method could be called anything
@TravisJ But it doesn't block the thread. That's the key
the fact that EF obeys a convention is still irrelevant
@Kendall - The await causes the thread to block
No, it doesn't
@KendallFrey we covered this in chat once. It depends on the scheduler
It queues the rest of the current method as a continuation, and then returns
then what is the point of using it there?
it does in some situations
@TravisJ To prevent the thread from blocking
I can't remember who explained that to me, but I didn't know it did that either. But in some circumstances it does block the calling thread
@Kendall - The await blocks the thread or else it would return before the async method is finished.
@TravisJ that's the point.
Department department = await db.Departments.FindAsync(id);
might as well be
Department department = db.Departments.Find(id);
that was my point
@TravisJ It returns before the async method resumes, but after it returns
No. In the simple cases Kendall is correct, and await does not block the calling thread. That's the reason for its existence
this exact case
You need to understand that await splits the current method into a synchronous part, and a task continuation part.
literally, the example shown right there.
Splits the current method?
That isn't a compilable example, and the context it's called in matters
Await blocks the method, not the thread.
@TravisJ Yes, that's why it needs to be marked async
is this inside an async void whatever(){//stuff} or inside a task, or what?
@TomW - That is an example that will run without error or exception.
@TravisJ or blocking :)
This is inside of a method defined as
async Task<ActionResult>
@TravisJ no it isn't. Let's see what happens when I feed that to a C# compiler
@TomW - Feed it to a mvc4 web application and it will run no problem
lol JLott learn to count! :P
@TravisJ I now have no idea what your point was.
It is a count down!
Herp derp
herpes derpes ? wat
Okay, back to the async thing. @TomW - My point was that using await and async on the same line of code negates the benefit of using an async method call.
@TravisJ I've already explained why you're wrong about that
@TravisJ No, because using async frees up the thread while the task is executing
I am off to class
posted on November 04, 2013 by ScottGu

Two weeks ago we released a giant set of improvements to Windows Azure, as well as a significant update of the Windows Azure SDK. This morning we released another massive set of enhancements to Windows Azure.  Today’s new capabilities include: Storage: Import/Export Hard Disk Drives to your Storage Accounts HDInsight: General Availability of our Hadoop Service in the cloud V

The 'async' you're looking at is irrelevant to the code, because it's just a method name. The 'async ' in 'async await' refers to the instance of the word found in the method declaration
code smell question. Should I populate all of the properties in my object before sending it or should I leave the ones I don't need as null?
@TomW - It is in reference to an actual implementation difference of a method used by entity framework 6.
It isn't just a difference in the name.
@TravisJ Are we talking about EF, or vanilla C#?
async is not just a naming convention
@Kendall - EF's async querying
Does EF treat async differently than C#?
It has to have a certain type that returns.
It returns a Task that is awaitable
It's a Task<Foo>. That's how the feature works. You have to await a task (or strictly speaking an awaitable)
how else would you write your code?
Yeah, await applies to a Task.
That can be the return value of a method, or something else.
int name
string Address

get people = getPeopleByCity( new person {address = "madrid"} );//ignore name

//other method
public List<person> getPeopleByCity(person p) {...}
How do I check the size of an List?
and the fact that EF's FooAsync() returns a Task is a nice convention they've obeyed to be helpful. It has no significance to the CLR
static List<Zug> misparim = new List<Zug>();
.Size() or .Length() doesn't work >.>
@TomW - It is significant to the way the containing method executes.
Unlike in java (the first 1)
@TravisJ because it returns a Task, not because it's called RobbleAsync().
@TravisJ You mean the calling method? No, it's not.
Please stop arguing this, you're wrong.
^ He's right.
You are the one hung up on naming convention.
@TravisJ This has nothing to do with naming.
How's that? I'm telling you it has no relevance
get over the name
and look at what I was talking about.
that's the opposite of being hung up on it. You're hung up on it because you think the name is significant to the CLR, which it isn't
no, I am not
Is your question specific to EF? If so, how?
you are just misunderstanding what I said
Explain better.
arg - hate walking in on misunderstandings of await ;)
I was just thinking about you.
:D my favorite subject
It might have been Reed who was educating me on circumstances where await blocks, in fact.
Please educate me as well.
await can block - it doesn't always, but it can
And tell Travis he's a noob
@TravisJ You're a noob (*JK) ;)
Why the JK?
because he's not, really - but I do think he's got a bad misunderstanding in this case
He's a noob to async/await.
Unless he's trolling hard.
But I doubt that.
so - await and blocking - for starters, in general, a properly written async method shouldn't block
so most of the methods in the framework won't block, really
but it can be blocking
Oh, right, when the called method never awaits?
even if it does :)
Ha. You implied that framework methods are well-written.
I knew that
assume that it takes 1 second for this find to execute
Lets say that we need to find 5 ids. This takes 5 seconds:
Department department1 = db.Departments.Find(id1);
Department department2 = db.Departments.Find(id2);
Department department3 = db.Departments.Find(id3);
Department department4 = db.Departments.Find(id4);
Department department5 = db.Departments.Find(id5);
now, how does this NOT take 5 seconds?
Department department1 = await db.Departments.FindAsync(id1);
Department department2 = await db.Departments.FindAsync(id2);
@ReedCopsey Oh, keep going.
@TravisJ That takes 5 seconds - but, the calling thread is free to do other work for (probably) 4.99 of the 5 seconds ;)
@TravisJ That's a different example, and it's a bad one.
that is the same example
You probably should use WaitAll
@TravisJ No, it's not. Not at all
no shit. but you cant
you can't with EF
No? Why not?
the point isn't to make it run faster
my point was that it is useless to do the second example
@KendallFrey You can, but you need to make 5 DB contexts/connections
@TravisJ It's not.
@TravisJ It's not useless, though
@Reed - If there is no performance gain, then why do it?
write both in a UI thread
There is a performance gain
A server side thread pool performance gain?
in the first case, the UI will be blocked for 5 seconds - in the second, it will be completely free to do other stuff (process messages)
You get 4.99 seconds to do UI stuff
@TravisJ On a server, you get 99% of the time free
so you can process other requests while those requests run
Remember, await doesn't block the thread.
instead of blocking an entire thread the entire time
The scheduler should dump each of those methods onto one or more different threads, allocating them to threads in a way that its heuristics judges is efficient
@TomW No - it shouldn't :) On the server, pushing to threads is bad
@Reed - The UI is blocked regardless until the view is built.
@TravisJ Not necessarily - depends on how you design things
When I dont have generic (collections.Generic) in the namespace and only the main collections import, i get this error: Error 1 The type or namespace name 'List' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I can use .Get() and .size, but then it shows the error on my declare: static List<Zug> misparim = new List<Zug>();

But when I add generic I can';t use .Get() .size and get another error :

Error 1 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ConsoleApplication1.Zug>' does not contain a definition for 'size' and no extension method 'size' accepting a first argu
View can be built after the requests come back - or, especially on client side/XAML tech, you can just bind the results after the fact
@ReedCopsey corrected; clumsy language. Unless even farming off to even one extra thread is bad?
@JonyKale List<T>.Count is the proper property
there is no Size
@Reed - If there is an ajax call then the UI isn't blocked anyway
@ReedCopsey How about .Get() by index?
@TravisJ Think desktop/phone/etc
@JonyKale Use the indexer - theList[3]
@Reed - I understand how that would be different.
Anyone know of a good container for a mobile device that works like a Data Grid?
So theList[i].methodName() is correct?
@JonyKale Potentially, yes
@Reed - However, I am more concerned about the .net implication
Ok thanks
Oh ffs, I leave to go to the restroom and suddenly 97 new comments
so - back to await blocking
NinjaEcho is at 1100 comments

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