Back at my previous job, I stole the empty conference room all the time... My team and I would talk about our code refactoring and new design for a while, then we'd lose interest and start playing games.
That's what you get when you hire a 4th year software engineering student (me), a 3rd year software engineering student, and a newly-graduated computer engineer to work on a failing Flash project.
If you say int i = new int(i), regardless of language specifics, in a C-like language, you'll get an error for using i in the same statement where it is declared.
@zneak Don't stack variables get initialized in most languages to whatever already exists at that address? I'm not sure about C#, but I know C, C++, and Java don't perform stack memory clearing.
@zneak Right. Other languages, like C and C++, just let whatever's in the stack memory be used, whereas C# will throw an exception upon compilation to avoid that issue.
so I have this memory corruption problem, to help find it I set memory protection flags to mark the corrupted region as read-only once it's been initialized
public void StreamReaderTest()
var c = new char[1];
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("123456789"))))
streamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
streamReader.Read(c, 0, 1);
long seek = streamReader.BaseStream.Seek(3, 0);
streamReader.Read(c, 0, 1);
Hi guys, how would you handle an application with security, that security demand that every user can see only things from his team, there are users who can see all teams(like developers). There are users who can only see content and there user who can also edit content, but it's not global, the permission should be per page permission. ??? Thanks.
@Billdr well, most people do it in 2 days. I'm doing it in 1 day because I'm a fucking masochist. And our CEO offered to sponsor me, and I paid for it, so no backing out now.
@Eve yeah probably, still find it a little surprising if there no way to set position. But I agree tampering with the BaseStream is hackish and ugly. gtg now, ty
@Billdr I am training hard for it. Been doing 30+ mile rides every saturday in training for the Chilly Hilly. When the light comes back (one of the few annoying things about Seattle), I'll be doing some rides after work
you can control it at the data access level, by passing in the group information, you can control it at the view level by using actionfilters. and lots of places in between.
hell, if you wanted to you could do it with eventual consistency, events, and viewmodels.
so that when the action runs, it looks in the db for the controller/action combo and runs checks against it? that would be one of the worst ways I can think of.
@gdoron how many users are you expecting concurrently?
yeah, then its not so much a problem. depending on how you are building the controllers, an actionfilter (such as authorizationfilter) might just be what you want.
The perineum is the area between the sit bones, through which traverse the nerves and arteries responsible for regulating everything from waste to sexual function. Agitation or bruising of this area can lead to numbness, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, impotence, bloody urine, and in very rare cases, inflammation of the prostate.
however, the way you chose to discuss the problem specifically "not global" indicate that some users can edit some data from a collection, and not other data in the same collection. is that right?
i have a wpf app, and i want to know when a user clicks anywhere on my application. if i wire a click event on to my main window, it doesnt fire for any user controls inside it. how can i get a global click handler without wiring up every individual control i have?
@Billdr dude, do it. It's worth it. I can help you find some reasonably priced gear if you need. It's worth it to spend a couple hundred bucks on bike gear if you use it
@Pheonixblade9 Do those pants breath well? A guy could probably get away with wearing something like that over the bike shorts without looking totally tool-ish.
@Billdr dude, all you need is free weights and a treadmill/bike. All those fancy weight machines are way worse for you than free weights. Free weights work more muscles, and help develop balance and control, not just strength
@Pheonixblade9 Yea... I use the gym for the indoor track mostly. I just don't use it enough. I'm thinking about getting the membership so I can grab a shower between biking and getting in the office, so I'm not sitting in here sweating all day.
@TomW probably because people are irresponsible dumbasses with them. Anything in the gym is dangerous if you don't do it correctly. Free weights are much more difficult to hurt yourself on if you're using correct technique
man, screw anyone at the gym who judges you. When I see people in really terrible shape at the gym, I cheer them on. They need the confidence boost more than anybody, and at least they're making an effort to get in shape